RED WINE Magazine (March 2016) Free

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Forgiveness is the NEW











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Time Is Running Out The Pleasures of Renewal

Executive office RED WINE Magazine, Incorporated 17503 La Cantera Parkway, Suite 104-193 San Antonio, Texas 78257

Editor-in Chief Dr. Diana Hardy









Editorial Staff Deborah Chiaravolliti

Writers Dr. Diana Hardy Erica Johnson

Graphic Design Karen Hue Gustavo


Website Design Gagan Masoun



Prayer The Only Real Answer :

Well Spring is here y’all and there are so many things going on in the world. Here in the U.S. it seems like chaos with the presidential election going on including all of the sneering and not-so-nice things that have transpired. It seems like we have lost our grip. The presidential debates do not inspire us anymore but appear more like a joke. We need help. I am sure you would agree. And it is going to take you, me and and everyone collectively to set some time apart and really get in God’s presence about what’s going on in the world and most importantly, what’s happening here in our own backyard. The Bible says charity begins at home (1 Timothy 5:8). That charity is love. So we need to talk to God about what is really going on in our nation. We need to ask God to influence the presidential candidates and their associates and us. Tell Him to do what only He can do which is make a way out of no way. And to put the right person in that office. It’s time for us to really pray y’all and find out what He really wants for us to do. Let God use you. You are an awesome, powerful tool in the hand of God. Because, face it, prayer is the only thing God listens to and it has to come from the heart. It can’t be a three minute prayer like so many of us do. We have to really set aside some time and give our thoughts over to God and let Him clean out the gunk of life, the problems and issues that surround us every day. This is not going to get done unless we do it. No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises in judgment against us we can condemn (Isaiah 54:17). You just need to get in the game and start praying. Don’t jump in and out but buckle down and pray and ask God for His direction and guidance. Open your ears to Him and listen. While you are at it, ask Him to save your life. You talk to God because somewhere in you you believe He exists. Well, turn that belief up! Go to Him in honesty, He said those that worship Him do so in truth (John 4:24). Love you all! Have a great spring. Dr. Diana

Dr. Diana

December 2014 - January 2015//Special Issue

How I Beat Cancer C A N C E R - Those cold letters do not reign supreme. So many people are afraid of hearing the words “You have cancer”, that they won’t even go to the doctor. There are others who go to the doctor and are caught completely off guard when they receive a diagnosis of cancer. I originally wrote my book How I Beat Cancer because my secretary asked me to write a small pamphlet that she could give to people when she visited cancer clinics. And so I agreed. What started out as a small pamphlet containing words of encouragement and some “how-to” tips to survive cancer, turned into a 46 page book about my personal life and experience with cancer. I am sharing How I Beat Cancer with the world because I want mothers, fathers, grandmothers and even doctors to know that there is a cure for cancer. It’s just that science doesn’t hold the answer. The one who has the awesome cure is God. Scientists are not completely sure what causes cancer. They conduct vigorous research and have increased understanding about the behavior of cancer cells, but a cure is not yet here. I am not a physician and I don’t pretend to tell physicians or scientists what to do. What I do know is God. I know that God speaks the ultimate truth. And once you know that, you realize that you don’t have to know exactly how things go wrong in the body, because God will show you how to be healed, how to be cured of cancer. God cured me of cancer. And I am still so humbled by it. I have so much gratitude to God because a cousin of mine, who was my age, was diagnosed with colon cancer at the same time I was diagnosed. She died and I didn’t. It takes me places you could never understand when I think about how God chose me. How I Beat Cancer is my personal life story and testimony about my battle with cancer with God by my side. The book tells you how to fight cancer with God. I am not knocking chemotherapy or any other modern day treatments. It was not my choice because I believe chemotherapy kills the good with the bad. God was my choice and I am all the more better for it. So when you are undergoing the medical interventions you choose, take this book along and use the spiritual medication that you find within its pages. You will receive the kind of life-saving results you deserve.


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VISI ON for the

UNSEEN Erica Johnson

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I want to encourage you today to know that the fire in you is real. The prophecy over your life is real. Like the baby, you have lost sight of it but I want to remind you it is still in existence. You just need faith.

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and before you know it you will have faith permanence. No matter what the situation looks like or what you cannot see, you will trust and know that God has it all worked out for you. Just hang in there. If I could tell you one thing to take away, it is to hold on to God. I have seen people get frustrated and disappointed and stop serving God. They show up to church, even do this thing or that thing. But their passion for God is gone because when they couldn’t see what He was doing they gave up. Please don’t give up. God doesn’t give up on anyone so please do not give up on Him. Stop right now and ask Him to increase your faith and give you the endurance to keep going in Him. God bless you! can! Oh yes!

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Now you may not be able to remember the sheer fear of the ball disappearing or Mommy’s face being covered, but we can relate to that feeling of wondering if it is still there when we can’t see it. In church, the Word can be so alive, so real you feel on fire. And sometimes you can receive a prophecy that in that moment you are 100% convinced it is true. But what happens Wednesday after a challenging day? You can barely remember that sermon from Sunday. Or what happens when you don’t see that prophecy happen yet three years later? For many, they honestly start to question was it real? Did I miss it?

the existence of things


Interestingly enough, this phenomenon can be seen in the developing Christian. As you mature in Christ, you rely less on your senses and more on your spirit. For example, some people would walk out of a church that did not have a big band and choir and dancing. They operate more in their senses so they need all of those things to enter into a space with God. But there are churches out there where there is no pomp and circumstance to worship service. We literally pray and pray and cry out to God until He pours His Spirit out. One way is not better than the other; they are just two different levels of worship.

of things we expect and convinces us

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Ever wonder why a baby cries so badly when you hide a toy, leave the room or sometimes they just look distressed when you cover your face during peek-a-boo? It’s because they lack object permanence. The infant brain cannot process that an object continues to exist when it is out of their sight. The ability to eventually make that connection is a milestone for a child’s cognitive development. So you see this ability to understand that objects don’t stop existing just because you cannot see them comes with maturity.



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Recently I and my team and my friend went out to Austin to celebrate my birthday. On March 3rd I turned 53 years old. I wanted to do something different. We had a lot of fun and had a lot of laughs. However, during this three day celebration, we came across this park. I read about it briefly, it said clothing optional. Now in my linear mind, I took that to mean it was a park where people put on their bathing suit because there was a lake. I took the nudity part as optional. I thought I would see most people wearing clothes and only a few not wearing any clothes. To my surprise I gained a lot of inspiration. I noticed its natural state, it made it quite beautiful. The lake was serene. But as I walked further in I saw a lot of people were totally naked. I wasn’t offended but I was perplexed. Some of my group felt a little uncomfortable. Especially when a gentleman in his birthday suit only, stopped to talk to us. I kept eye contact as you would when speaking to anyone. We were talking about New York City because he was from there.

I was there about an hour and there were both men and women nude in the park. I got a revelation. Firstly, because

the Lord is in me,

wherever I go I know

God is with me.

In fact, maybe He even led me to that place. Because if there is one person He is looking to save, He will take you to that person and He will use you however and wherever He wants. This wasn’t about lust because lust is a sin. It is a mean, evil demon if you allow him to use your members (Romans 6:13).

Later after I left, I got some revelation. The people there have burdens. Things that are confronting them, weight on their life like work, bills, health, whatever. I believe there are some people there that when they take their clothes off and walk around that park in its natural state, there is a freedom that alleviates the burdens of their life. 7 I Red Wine

Now the Bible does tell us to lay aside every weight that so easily besets us (Hebrews 12:1). God wasn’t talking about walking around nude but for some of these people there is a sense of freedom and a sense of nature that alleviates burdens for them. When they go back to real life, the pressure comes back. So they use this as an escape. Now of course I know this is not the case for everyone there, some are there due to perversion. Perversion is in everything. You cannot escape perversion; it’s even in the church. You just have to have God in your life to expose any perversion in your life so you can decide by choice to stop it. I saw in that park a man-made lake. Beautiful but made by man, set aside for people to walk around naked. The person walking in the park needs to know that feeling of being free can be with them outside of that park all day for the rest of their lives. They just need to put the right clothing on. And that is Jesus Christ. He will strip things off of you that you don’t even know have a firm grip on you. It could be something from your past, present or even you future.

That’s why you need the Lamp.

He is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalms 119:105).

That’s when we accept Him. Before that we don’t get much else because He gave us life. To get more than that, you must receive and cleave to Him.

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Wear Him. I am not advocating public nudity but I do understand the desire to be free and have burdens lifted that you don’t know how to get away from. I pray Jesus would visit everyone in that park so they can experience true freedom. Now in the same turn I am going to pray against the perversion that may happen in that park. The people in that park like many of us have holes in their hearts. But love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). That is why you need to love someone because you need your sin covered. You need a permanent relationship with God not just where you call on Him when you need help. For those of you who say you are a Christian because your mother goes to a Baptist church. That’s where she goes, where do you go? You are not a Christian unless you receive Him and confess His Word over your life. If you are in danger of losing something precious to you, tell Him about it. It may be you don’t need that thing anymore anyway and only God knows that. God bless you!


By God

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If you are like me, you like to get up and exercise in the morning because if we start doing other things, we won’t get that exercise in. Perhaps you are one of those people who have every piece of equipment because you watch the infomercials, but still can’t seem to exercise, I got something to help you today. I have an excellent tool that is not going to cost you anything but time. If you are struggling to know what exercise you should do, something you will do continually and even grow to love, boy do I have just the thing for you. Exercise by God. I like probably thousands of others, am not that crazy about exercise. I even heard Jillian Michaels say she didn’t like exercise but it is necessary. We need it to lose or maintain a healthy weight; we need it for flexibility and mobility. So this morning and every morning from now on, when you wake up have some vocal exercise and talk to God about what kind of exercise you should be doing. I struggled with exercise but it wasn’t until the last few years that God got me on a regimen by showing me explicitly what to do that I got in sync. Ask God what kind of exercise you should do. Should it be the elliptical machine, the treadmill, walking outside, resistance training? What kind of exercise should you do? He knows exactly what is going on in your body. It may be something biological going on in your body so God knows exactly what you need.

So start your exercise regime with prayer first. Psalm 5: 3 says,

“In the morning Lord, you hear my voice. In the morning I lay my request before you and wait expectantly.” Wait on God. Ask Him what exercise you should do. You may not hear it the first time you ask but be mindful that God speaks to us in many ways. He can drop something in your spirit or give you a very strong resounding desire to do something specific. He will start you out slowly; He knows what your body can do. Talk to Him about it. Invite Him into your situation because your struggles don’t have to be struggles any more. We already know most of us will not exercise if we relied on ourselves. We’d

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find reasons not to do it. So I am giving you the best solution to your situation this morning. Ask God and expect an answer. Be serious about God because He is serious about you. He’s not going to answer if you are just playing with Him. Nobody wants to be toyed with. He is the God of the universe. He made you! He has a blueprint with your name on it. He knows more about you than anyone else. If you want to really know what to do in terms of exercise, direct your request to God. Psalm 55: 17 says, “Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress and He hears my voice.” If you want super success, then talk to a super God. Stop giving attention to these fake gods. The ones that you can see, that were shaped with hands, they are not gods. Wood and stones are not gods. When you call Buddha he does not answer but when you call the Master, the Lord, when you call Jesus He will answer. This morning, pray about your exercise regime and when God gives you the answer get up and do it! It will become easy to stick to it and do it. Last year I lost 49 lbs. because God told me to go on the treadmill and just walk. Of course I tried to change it to running and then I tried walking up hill but He would tell me to just walk. And when I did that on a consistent basis I lost weight because He tempered my appetite. Believe and you shall receive. God bless y’all. Bye bye. Dr. Diana

Erica Johnson

Read any book or blog on how to influence people effectively and they will tell you to be relatable. There are even books on evangelism that speak to this ability to have people relate to you which supposedly increases your influence in their life and hopefully leads them to Christ. But for all of our books, blogs and techniques, the best approach to reaching people for Christ and honestly, getting their ear on any other matter can be found by looking at Jesus Christ Himself. We actually work really hard to get people to feel we can relate to their problems or struggles in the hopes that they will give us their ear. But that is not what Jesus did per se. He was touched by their infirmities yet He was without sin (Hebrews 4:15). Meaning He had genuine compassion for their problems and afflictions, including the burden of sin, but He lived a life without sin. So He got their ear not by harping on how “OK� it is to make mistakes but rather on

Erica Johnson 11 I Red Wine

When someone just wants to be told it is natural and alright to be the victim because everyone understands, then they are not ready for change. The woman with the issue of blood pushed her way through that crowd to touch Jesus because she decided it was no longer acceptable to live the way she was for her. She didn’t want it anymore and went to the One that could change her life (Luke 8). The lame man who was lowered into the house through the roof by his friends to get to Jesus, they all decided that he was done being the victim to a disability (Luke 5). You do not have to showcase your weaknesses to the world to win them for Christ. Share your testimony, yes. Ask for prayer, always. But show the lost souls how Jesus transforms first and foremost. There are Christian leaders out there today justifying engaging in questionable behaviors in the media as being transparent and “keeping it real.” Everything from using profanity in sermons to engaging in open, premarital sex. They are right about one thing, they are keeping it real.

But the power of

SERVING JESUS CHRIST is that we don’t have to keep it real,

we can make it real. We can call forth those things that are not, as though they are (Romans 4:17). We don’t have to keep cancer real but instead evict it from our body and from our blood line. We don’t have to be slaves to real desires because the power of Christ in us can make those desires memories from the past. We might have a

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real need but we can make it a miracle! You want to get someone’s ear and influence them, show them what they can make happen not what their reality already is. The people were already sick and oppressed but Jesus showed them a way out of that life in a brief encounter. You have that same power because the Lord Himself said these things shall you do and greater things (John 14:12). Go to who God has called you to minister to and don’t get caught up on whether you think they will relate to you because you’ve never had an addiction or never been homeless or never been married.

God will give you the wisdom and the compassion

you need to reach the people He has called you to so you can make the Gospel real for them! Be blessed!

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Forgiveness is the NEW

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Let’s face it; we all know how nice wearing gold is. You may not be much of a jewelry person but if you are married you at least have a gold band around your finger be it platinum, white or yellow gold. We all know the preciousness and worth of gold. Everybody knows about and likes gold even if they don’t wear it for themselves. To me, forgiveness is the new gold. Everyone knows what forgiveness is but everyone doesn’t know its value; how pertinent and important it is and how it can revitalize and re-establish your life. Pull you up out of the muck and the mire. There are people right now living in abandoned buildings, strung out on drugs because they cannot forgive something that was said or done to them. Or sometimes it’s something they saw that totally messed them up. Forgiveness is awesome sauce to me. Because it can translate you into another life. Forgiveness should be spoken about and taught on more from people who have experienced it. God explicitly says if we have ought with our brother, we need to be reconciled to them before bringing any gift to God (Matthew 5:23-24). You can’t even bring a gift to God without forgiving first because

God knows how POWERFUL

FORGIVENESS IS, how it releases you from emotional, mental and physical bondage.

It is so extremely important that God knew He had to forgive us in order for us to have any measure of success in this life. He did that because He wanted a family. Those of you who value family will understand that. Well, God Himself wanted a family. He created His Son in His image that came to the earth to give you an express image of Himself so you can see what He is like (Hebrews 1:3). His personality, His humor and His compassion. And most importantly He is a forgiver and an emancipator. You must seek His Son and believe in His Son, that He died for you. Ask Him into your life and admit you are tore up from the floor up. Children running wild, sickness in your body and your mind. But all of that can be switched off like a switch on the wall. My sweet love, God can change you!

I speak totally from experience. I was a chronic asthmatic, in and out of the hospital all week. It wore my mother thin growing up as a child. As an adult, I didn’t do things to strengthen my lungs. Did I change my lifestyle? Not for the most part. But God got into my life and started to break up that fallow ground. He cut off everything that was trying to hold me back from living a life of joy.

GOD wants you to be HAPPY and have JOY.

He wants to expose the genius that is inside of you. You can do so much more than you think you can do and that’s often because you are steeped in unforgiveness. Especially against yourself. If you can’t forgive yourself then of course you will struggle to forgive others. You will always find a reason not to forgive. Some say you are weak to forgive but it actually takes a lot of strength to forgive. It takes a strong person to forgive someone for hurting you, raping you, murdering your child, stealing your spouse, getting you fired, etc. It takes a strong somebody. Are you strong? You deserve the best in life. Jesus Christ died for that reason. His death is not for naught. Millions of people will invite Jesus into their life today alone. You need the person who created you. Even an animal knows its master (Isaiah 1:3). God is God. If we can agree on that if nothing else. Let’s agree He is God and that He did create you. He is creative, look at all the flowers and the sky and the oceans. Forgive God first for anything you blame Him for or think He allowed. Whatever happened in your life, you can change it. It may have started with someone else but you can end it. Go to the Forgiver of everything and He will forgive you. If you are someone who has done a lot of horrible things and you want to change, come to God whether drug dealer, rapist or pedophile, there is room at the cross for you. God will forgive you if you throw your heart on the table and ask Him to help you because without Him you will destroy yourself and others. Final word: forgive yourself and forgive everyone who has hurt you. You take it to God and keep knocking at His door until He answers (Luke 11:9). I love all of you, that’s why I am sharing this from my heart. Be blessed! Dr. Diana

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CHARGED The more ways we have been given to connect, it seems to me the more disconnected we are to each other. Celebrities and regular, everyday people have Facebook pages and Twitter accounts riddled with comment about their ‘haters.” People pin quotes on their Pinterest board about jealous people.

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It seems now that everyone feels attacked by someone or some group. If you express an opinion that is different or controversial, you can receive a monumental tirade on how you are sexist, racist, elitist or whatever “ist” the accusers can create. If you simple say you agree with the Bible you get branded as a hater of people’s right. If you say you disagree with the Bible, you are labelled as a hater of God.

The Bible tells us not to take the offense but it is like that is all people can recognize. Things that weren’t considered offensive 10 years ago now create media firestorms. We so quickly make judgments on people based on one action or even just how they appear to us. And so often it is second hand information we got through the media or a random person. Our society has deteriorated so much that if it can’t be summed up in a “like,” a Snapchat or a quick Tweet, we won’t spend the time to hear the person’s real story. All these things were supposed to keep us more connected but have really just trained us to engage in surface emotions and shallow relationships; which in turn has bred mistrust and a lot of self-inflation. People all over the internet are hated by this person or that person and people are so jealous of them, according to them, of course. While it is easy to laugh this off, it is no laughing matter. People feel isolated and unloved and they need to know about the love of Christ. You may feel isolated and unloved right now. It is nothing to be ashamed of; everyone has had that feeling at one time or another. People may say you don’t have the right to feel that way because you have a spouse or children or even money. But isolation can be felt in a room full of people with money flowing out of your pockets. Humans have an innate desire to feel connected to something bigger than them and there is no way to get rid of that desire other than finding that bigger thing.

family, career or charity work and I will not negate that but I must tell you that no matter how great those things make you feel, there is a place in God that is even greater. And for those of you who are unfulfilled and disconnected, the news is the same: get God and you will know the difference. Once you make a connection to God, you will never turn back. It is like you have been running on batteries your whole life and suddenly you get plugged into a powerful socket. I mean, when you let God into your life, you are literally plugging yourself into the Source that made you.


TO GOD and you will see the offense less often. Your eyes will open so you can see the depth of people and their issues and you can pray them through. You will see that everybody is not hating on you or jealous of you but instead that everybody is struggling somehow, some way. And because we don’t sit face-to-face much anymore and talk and break bread but instead rely on keyboards to communicate, the real feelings are being lost or misinterpreted. If we stay connected to God He will enable us to connect to the people in our lives and even to help them and have the help we need when we need it. Shut down the Wi-Fi, turn off your phone, and unplug the TV for just one day and plug yourself into God. You will feel the stress and anxiety of our modern world dissipate from your mind and body. And it will feel so good that you will seek some time like this every day with God. Go ahead; get plugged into the real Power to get fully charged! God renews the strength of those that wait on Him that seek His presence and plug into it (Isaiah 40:31).

Many of you will say you have great fulfillment through your

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This may come as a surprise to some of you leaders out there but it is a truth I have struggled to come to grips with in the last few years. You cannot teach or train people to serve God. You can tell them how a task should be completed but the desire, the deep rooted motivation to do whatever you must do to please God and fulfill His plans cannot be taught. It is a quiet transformation that happens somewhere inside of you, I cannot tell you where exactly, but it goes on on the inside while you are working in the church, praying, reading the Word. It’s happening somewhere down inside. So when your body is tired, your mind is tired and people are talking about you, it becomes a reserve from where you can still get up and serve God with excellence. My Pastor taught me about tithing but the joy I get from tithing I cannot say I learned. It was a seed that grew inside of me. There are things I do not because I feel strong enough or ready to do but instead I do them because I see a chance to please God. As someone who struggled with depression for years, I cannot tell you how liberating it is to have a reason to get up every day. I face struggles, make mistakes, even feel down sometimes but because I am a servant of the Most High, every day there are a multitude 18 I Red Wine

of things I can reach my heart, mind and hands to do to help build the Kingdom. That desire to serve and the pleasure of serving defines my life and gives it purpose. If you are out there today and you feel worthless or just completely dejected, I want to encourage you to serve God from your heart. Make up in your mind that you have value and purpose no matter what anyone says about you. Listen, most of us don’t know the real value of another person because we didn’t make each other. But God knows your value because He made you. Please go to Him today and let Him show you just a glimpse of how important you are.

And for all the leaders struggling to help people see their value, I finally found the balance I asked God for so many times. None of us can be taught to serve but it develops in us as Christ is formed in us.

Move pass the frustration and anger and just pray that Christ be formed in all of us daily (Galatians 4:19).

That is the formation we all need to be talking about. After all, He is working this thing out in all us. Let’s be more patient with ourselves and with each other. God bless!

when your body is tired, your mind is tired and people are talking about you, it becomes a reserve from where you can still get up and

serve God with excellence.

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r e r c u t s ion e R

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time time

Time Is Running Out The Pleasures of Renewal 20 I Red Wine

I preached a very powerful, eschatological message out of the Book of Jude; one that had prophecy regarding the things that are going on in our world today. No matter who you are, you know that the times are changing and it is very dark out there. I am not talking about the natural darkness but in the realm of the spirit there is a lot of darkness over the land. Just look at our political arena today. Politics is a false religion. People put their entire trust in it even though they know the people standing on those platforms making empty promises often lie. But people still trust in the lie. Yet we complain so much about the condition of the world. It is time for real renewal. No matter who you are, I know you have some kind of situation or struggle that you are going through. The real answer to what is happening in our country and around the world today has been written thousands of years ago. All you need to read is 66 books and you will have the answer to every problem or situation you may be facing. The thing is we are in a season of confusion in the natural. There is a civil war on the uprising because of the presidential candidates, the people who are entering the country and constant fears about terrorists. I for one am not afraid of any of that because I am a Christian. God said in His Word these things were going to happen. In the letter of Jude, he tells you that in the end times there would be intruders that would come in and create lots of problems. But God said the solution is Him. He said to seek Him while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6). And that it was His desire that none would be lost (John 6:39). So if you are living in fear, worried about your finances, your pension or 401K, your health or your children, the answer is salvation. Jesus Christ was resurrected in this season so that you could be safe, happy and not have to worry about terrorists.



He is a strong tower that you can run into (Proverbs 18:10).

No one can beat God. He is everywhere all at the same time. He is sovereign, omniscient and omnipresent. He is everything. So why just put your trust in men like presidential candidates or the police department and the federal branches of the military? We

have a real enemy and you don’t know where he is at but God is our friend. He died on the cross at Calvary and got up on the third day for you and me. Why not take advantage of the opportunity He gave us for renewal? You may feel dead and there may be a lot of death around you, whether you are in the crack house or the White House, you can be resurrected right now where you are, all you have to do is reach out from your heart to God and invite Him into your life. The time is running out my friends. God has been saying to me that the rapture is coming, it is real. And you all know God exists by the things that He has made (Romans 1:20). So you cannot have any excuses on judgment day and it is coming. God is going to judge everything for He is the just judge (Psalm 7:11).

IT IS TIME for you to be

RENEWED and your family.

It is time to be healed and the only way to get that is through God. Your resurrection is through your salvation. Once you ask Him to be your Lord and Master and ask Him to save your life, your slate gets wiped cleaned, every sin you have ever done is forgiven instantly. I know that’s hard to believe but it is the truth. God said He is not a man that He should lie nor the son of man that He should repent (Numbers 23:19). If He said it, He will surely bring it to pass (Isaiah 46:11). It is impossible for Him to lie (1 Samuel 15:29). So if you are on the fence and people are telling you everything will be alright, if you are not saved everything will not be alright. You are on the list for hell. If you close your eyes right now you will go there. The only way to avoid hell is to be saved. Jesus died for you; He invested His life into yours. Don’t let that go to waste. Take the opportunity to be resurrected and renewed right now. Take charge of your life. You may not have made an investment before but now is the right time because time is running out. Happy Resurrection to you. Write me and let me know if you decide to give your life to Him and enter the Kingdom. God bless you! Dr. Diana 21 I Red Wine


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