Why DREAM? Impacts of Mentoring on College Student Mentors Preliminary Findings from 2007 Survey of DREAM Mentors The DREAM Program, Inc. P.O. Box 361 Winooski, VT 0540 802.655.9015 802.338.8979 www.dreamprogram.org
What is DREAM? The DREAM Program, Inc. builds communities of families and college students that empower children from affordable housing neighborhoods to recognize their options, make informed decisions, and achieve their dreams. We achieve our mission by blending best practices from one-on-one and group mentoring, weekly visits to college campuses, adventure trips, and free summer and winter camping experiences at Camp DREAM.
Our Story In the fall of 1999, a group of Dartmouth college students crossed over the river to hang out with kids from Templeton Court, a Vermont affordable housing community. Like many affordable housing communities, Templeton had limited access to resources and a narrow spectrum of role models. An informal survey found that in the community’s twenty-year history, not a single resident had gone to college. Many did not finish high school. The students started bringing the kids back to campus for one-on-one and group activities. DREAM was born. The program grew in capacity, attracting more kids and college student mentors. The Dartmouth mentors found ways to collaborate with Vermont housing agencies and created a summer intern program in the housing community. Two DREAM alumni recognized that this magic was replicable. In 2002, they incorporated The DREAM Program non-profit to open local programs across Vermont. The DREAM Central Office was founded to provide training and support to student mentors, reinforce risk prevention and legitimacy, and ensure institutional memory. Ten years later DREAM is present at nine colleges in Vermont: The University of Vermont, St. Michael’s College, Champlain College, Norwich University, Castleton State College, Green Mountain College, Bennington College, Middlebury College, and Dartmouth College. DREAM works with 13 different affordable housing communities around Vermont, serving over 200 children, and boasting an alumni organization of over 600 mentors and children. The first DREAM children have graduated high school and eight of them have gone on to higher education. In 2004 DREAM purchased 50 acres of land on Metcalf Pond in Fletcher, VT. With the support of The Vermont Land Trust, Camp DREAM was created. Camp DREAM provides free summer and winter camping experiences to all children and mentors in our organization. In the off-season mentors use the facilities for retreats and group programming. Through all of this our organization has maintained its student driven core. Mentors and kids run their own programs. DREAM believes that by strengthening social connections, expanding world views, and providing opportunities for supported constructive risktaking our mentors and children will increase the expectations and aspirations for what is possible in their lives. They will develop leadership skills that will enable them to DREAM big for the rest of their lives.
Who Are DREAM Mentors? DREAM mentors are a diverse and talented group of individuals. Mentors hail from majors across disciplines and bring a variety of interests and backgrounds to their organizations. DREAM is present at a wide variety of different college institutions: state and private, religious and secular, liberal arts, career focused, and military. 68% of mentors begin volunteering with DREAM during their freshman year and programs recruit for commitment through student’s duration at college.
What do mentors DO? •
Hang out with my mentee. • Plan group programming. • Organize end of semester trips. • Be elected co-chair of program. • Plan High Adventure (twoweek trip across the country We believe that DREAM attracts a diversity of interests because with oldest kids.) students are drawn to the organization for a variety of reasons. • Have dinner with my mentee’s Desire to spend time with kids, “because it looked fun,” interest in family. planning adventure trips, the social peer group, interest in • Visit my DREAM community. community service, and enjoyment of the outdoors are some of the reasons mentors cite for joining the • Plan mentor retreats program. 84% of mentors • Create my own DREAM claim that DREAM internship. • Go to Camp DREAM. changed their • Plan community BBQs. opinions about community service • Run fundraisers. • Head up a mentor planning committee. • Plan bonus weekend programming (community service, snowboarding lessons, etc…). • Apply for Alumni support and grants. • Go to DREAMstock (annual mentor training event). • Recruit and train new mentors. • Work for DREAM over the summer. Majors of mentors include:
30% of mentors are male and 70% are female. In our oldest programs (4+ years), male participation is over 40%.
Art, Biology, Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, Engineering , English , Environmental Studies, Game Development, Government, Graphic Design, History, Journalism, Linguistics, Marketing, Mathematics, Nutritional Science, Nursing, Psychology, Social Work, Spanish, Writing
What is the DREAM Mentor Experience? DREAM focuses the majority of its organizational resources on mentor development. As a result of this our impact is not just limited to the growth and development of our children, but also our college student volunteers. A 2007 survey of DREAM mentors highlights the following information‌
86% of mentors feel that through DREAM they have gained a greater understanding of issues faced by children and families living in poverty.
82% of mentors
feel that DREAM has helped them learn about their own personal boundaries and limitations.
84% of mentor feel that DREAM has had an impact on their desire to create change in the world.
80% of mentors say DREAM has had an impact on their overall self confidence and ability to take constructive risks.
of mentors say DREAM has had an impact on their
leadership skills.and 74% of mentors feel that they have been a leader (by their own definition) in DREAM.
82% of
mentors feel DREAM has had an impact on their connectedness to other people.
# o f R e sp o n d e n t s
What about DREAM’s impact on the college experience? 100% of mentors feel DREAM adds to their overall happiness at college 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Unanswered Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
DREAM adds significantly to my college experience.
DREAM increases my What I have learned DREAM has affected my sense of place at college. through DREAM has choice of major or contributed to and academic focus. enhanced my studies.
In their own words... DREAM Mentors share their own thoughts on the program and their experiences: “DREAM has ch anged
my life at UVM in
the best way poss ib
“I love being apart of DREAM. What I have gained from this experience is untouchable. [DREAM’s Summer Intern Program] has helped me understand who I am and who I want to become as a person, a community member, family member, student, and a teacher.” Friday and llege life every co om fr k ea br “I love taking a again!” becoming a kid “During my semester in Spain I was made fun of by my friends because I insisted on wearing my DREAM shirt every Friday, and most Mondays (when we would usually have mentor meetings)! Something big was missing from my week....” “I think on fo cus. I lo e of the best p “DREAM is amazing and should be on every campus! Seriously, arts of ve bein to visit D it's been on of the best experiences I've had at Dartmouth.” your me g part of a pr REAM is the ogram commu ntee bu creates wh ni ta a home away fr ll of their neig ere you not on ty om hom ly go hbors a e when n I'm at s d friends. It chool.” What is the
#1 thing you’ve
learned from D REAM?
“I think the main thing I've learned about are some of my own boundaries and limitations as far as working with children. And that, given plenty of time and planning, those boundaries are much broader than I had imagined!” “I've learned how important it is to help out in your community and what an impact you can make on a child's life, even just by dedicating a few hours a week. Especially being a college student and coming to live in a community for only four years, I think it makes it even more essential to give back.” “Anything is possible. Anything.” “It has been astounding to see the positive impact that a group of young people can have on the world… I have been in awe of the things that we, a group of college students, do in DREAM ever since I joined the program. I learned that a few people with a dream and some motivation can accomplish incredible things and do more good for the world then anyone might have expected. I've learned that I, personally, can take an idea like taking twelve kids to New York City for a week, or creating a retreat for teens all over Vermont, develop it and see it through to the end.
“I've learned that I want to spend the next part of my life working with at risk youth. And I've learned that together, kids and college students can change each other's lives!” “That leading is tough, but when it is done right you can create amazing change!” “DREAM has given me confidence in the power of local, grassroots movements to provide young people with the moral guidance they so desperately need.”