The DREAM Program, Birchwood, November, 2017

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Birchwood​ ​DREAM​ ​Monthly​ ​Snapshot November​ ​2017

Program​ ​Happenings​ ​and​ ​Highlights ●

Mentors​ ​and​ ​mentees​ ​participated​ ​in​ ​a​ ​Thanksgiving​ ​potluck​ ​on​ ​Champlain’s​ ​campus​ ​by bringing​ ​homemade​ ​food​ ​and​ ​desserts!​ ​The​ ​group​ ​also​ ​watched​ A ​ ​ ​Charlie​ ​Brown Thanksgiving​. There​ ​was​ ​no​ ​programming​ ​during​ ​Thanksgiving​ ​Break!

Participants Mentees Total:​ ​17

Mentors Total:​ ​14

Weekly​ ​Programming​ ​with​ ​Children ● ● ●

Birchwood​ ​DREAM​ ​went​ ​bowling​ ​at​ ​Champlain​ ​Lanes!​ ​This​ ​was​ ​the​ ​first​ ​time​ ​all​ ​mentors and​ ​mentees​ ​went​ ​off-site​ ​together​ ​this​ ​semester. DREAMers​ ​broke​ ​off​ ​into​ ​smaller​ ​groups​ ​and​ ​made​ ​pizza​ ​or​ ​slime​ ​on​ ​Champlain’s campus​ ​and​ ​baked​ ​cookies​ ​in​ ​the​ ​community​ ​center. Birchwood​ ​teens​ ​dined​ ​at​ ​Buffalo​ ​Wild​ ​Wings​ ​and​ ​made​ ​extra-long​ ​straws​ ​to​ ​share​ ​a milkshake​ ​with.

Thank​ ​you​ ​for​ ​your​ ​ongoing​ ​support​ ​of​ ​DREAM.​ ​ ​If​ ​you​ ​would​ ​like​ ​additional​ ​or​ ​more detailed​ ​information,​ ​please​ ​contact​ ​me​ ​by​ ​email​ ​or​ ​by​ ​phone. DREAM​ ​big, Deborah​ ​Kosnar Program​ ​Empowerment​ ​Director 802.338.8979

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