The DREAM Program, Birchwood, October, 2017

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Birchwood​ ​DREAM​ ​Monthly​ ​Snapshot October​ ​2017

Program​ ​Happenings​ ​and​ ​Highlights ● ● ● ● ● ●

Birchwood​ ​DREAM​ ​has​ ​welcomed​ ​two​ ​more​ ​new​ ​mentors! Birchwood​ ​co-chairs,​ ​Ashley​ ​Devereaux​ ​and​ ​Olivia​ ​Richer.​ ​volunteered​ ​at​ ​the​ ​Ben​ ​and Jerry’s​ ​Factory​ ​and​ ​raised​ ​$108​ ​for​ ​their​ ​program! DREAM​ ​hosted​ ​its​ ​annual​ ​mentor​ ​conference,​ ​DREAMstock,​ ​and​ ​co-chair,​ ​Ashley Devereaux,​ ​represented​ ​Birchwood! Events​ ​&​ ​Fundraising​ ​Coordinator,​ ​Tyler​ ​Bedard,​ ​organized​ ​an​ ​all-mentor​ ​outing​ ​at​ ​Panera Bread​ ​to​ ​strengthen​ ​the​ ​bond​ ​amongst​ ​new​ ​and​ ​current​ ​mentors. Birchwood​ ​DREAM​ ​dressed​ ​up​ ​for​ ​Halloween​ ​and​ ​had​ ​a​ ​spooktacular​ ​time​ ​on​ ​Champlain College’s​ ​campus. Mentors​ ​and​ ​mentees​ ​spoke​ ​about​ ​how​ ​much​ ​they​ ​enjoy​ ​being​ ​a​ ​match​ ​in​ ​a​ ​video​ ​for​ ​PED, Katie​ ​Nash!

Participants Mentees Total:​ ​17

Mentors Total:​ ​14

Weekly​ ​Programming​ ​with​ ​Children ● ● ● ●

Birchwood​ ​DREAM​ ​spent​ ​a​ ​Friday​ ​in​ ​the​ ​community​ ​center​ ​baking​ ​and​ ​frosting​ ​mini cakes​ ​and​ ​playing​ ​Apples​ ​to​ ​Apples! Mentors​ ​and​ ​mentees​ ​painted​ ​pumpkins​ ​together​ ​and​ ​participated​ ​in​ ​outdoor​ ​activities. Birchwood​ ​DREAM​ ​supported​ ​mentee​ ​Kat​ ​Adams​ ​at​ ​her​ ​final​ ​soccer​ ​game​ ​of​ ​the season. Mentees​ ​went​ ​trick-or-treating​ ​around​ ​Juniper​ ​Hall​ ​and​ ​led​ ​the​ ​mentors​ ​in​ ​a​ ​fun​ ​round​ ​of hide-and-seek​ ​to​ ​end​ ​the​ ​Halloween​ ​celebration!

Thank​ ​you​ ​for​ ​your​ ​ongoing​ ​support​ ​of​ ​DREAM.​ ​ ​If​ ​you​ ​would​ ​like​ ​additional​ ​or​ ​more detailed​ ​information,​ ​please​ ​contact​ ​me​ ​by​ ​email​ ​or​ ​by​ ​phone. DREAM​ ​big, Deborah​ ​Kosnar Program​ ​Empowerment​ ​Director 802.338.8979

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