“The DREAM Program, Franklin Square, September, 2017”

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Franklin​ ​Square​ ​DREAM​ ​Monthly​ ​Snapshot September​ ​2017

Program​ ​Happenings​ ​and​ ​Highlights ● ●

Franklin​ ​Square​ ​mentors​ ​tabled​ ​at​ ​Saint​ ​Michael’s​ ​College’s​ ​Activities​ ​Fair​ ​to​ ​recruit​ ​new mentors.​ ​Their​ ​efforts​ ​were​ ​successful​ ​and​ ​the​ ​program​ ​welcomes​ ​eight​ ​new​ ​mentors! Mentor​ ​meetings​ ​are​ ​held​ ​on​ ​Wednesday​ ​evenings!​ ​Co-chairs​ ​have​ ​implemented​ ​regular break-out​ ​sessions​ ​for​ ​committee​ ​updates​ ​on​ ​fundraising/development,​ ​Friday​ ​planning, communication,​ ​non-Friday​ ​event-planning,​ ​and​ ​enrichment.

Participants Mentees Total:​ ​25

Mentors Total:​ ​26

Weekly​ ​Programming​ ​with​ ​Children ● ● ●

The​ ​first​ ​DREAM​ ​Friday​ ​of​ ​the​ ​semester​ ​was​ ​spent​ ​in​ ​the​ ​community​ ​where​ ​current​ ​mentors and​ ​mentees​ ​enjoyed​ ​a​ ​barbeque​ ​and​ ​created​ ​a​ ​list​ ​of​ ​expectations​ ​for​ ​the​ ​year. Franklin​ ​Square​ ​DREAM​ ​took​ ​a​ ​trip​ ​to​ ​Chapin​ ​Orchards​ ​for​ ​some​ ​apple​ ​picking! Returning​ ​mentors​ ​and​ ​mentees​ ​spent​ ​an​ ​afternoon​ ​on​ ​St.​ ​Mike’s​ ​campus​ ​playing​ ​games​ ​in Alliot​ ​and​ ​on​ ​The​ ​Green.

Thank​ ​you​ ​for​ ​your​ ​ongoing​ ​support​ ​of​ ​DREAM.​ ​ ​If​ ​you​ ​would​ ​like​ ​additional​ ​or​ ​more detailed​ ​information,​ ​please​ ​contact​ ​me​ ​by​ ​email​ ​or​ ​by​ ​phone. DREAM​ ​big, Deborah​ ​Kosnar Program​ ​Empowerment​ ​Director dkosnar@dreamprogram.org 802.338.8979

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