Harvard/Putnam Gardens DREAM Monthly Snapshot November 2017
Program Happenings and Highlights ● Harvard mentors started having weekly programming in mid-October and have been meeting weekly with their PED, Stevie Stevens, starting late-October. Their goal is to keep this going through the rest of the semester ● Harvard’s senior co-chair met with Stevie and the Director of Resident Services at the Cambridge Housing Authority November 3rd to receive partner updates and information regarding the Putnam Gardens relocating and rebuilding situation. Putnam Gardens is in a state of rebuilding and families have been relocated during the process. All mentees in the PG DREAM program have been relocated but are more than welcome to continue participating in DREAM programming. ● Harvard co-chairs are organizing a meeting with Director of Public Service Network at Harvard, Stevie, and DREAM’s CEO, Mike Loner, about continuing to support the DREAM Program at Harvard ● Mentors are planning a culminating experience for Saturday, December 9th because finals are a week from December 11th. Participants Mentees
Total: 5
Total: 4
Weekly Programming with Participants
● Programming started on October 20th and the Putnam Gardens program has had three programmings in total. Mentees have an AWESOME dynamic and are well behaved. o The first programming was held without a PED’s presence and went very well. All mentors and three mentees attended. They carved pumpkins and played pool at Harvard o The next programming was held on a Saturday and was a full day event. Two mentors, Stevie, and all five mentees attended. Mentees were taken to Hull, a beach that was about an hour and a half commute, where they participated in the Hulloween party. There were games, a carousel, and scary stories. The rest of the outing was spent playing games on the beach. Everyone was pooped at the end of the day! o During the most recent programming, all four mentors and all five mentees participated in making slime.
Program Empowerment Director Perspective Areas of Growth: ● Harvard mentors have made the best with the small program they have and the delay in receiving a PED. They planned a whole day to the beach before Stevie’s arrival as their PED. ● They have remained positive regardless of the obstacles set in front of them and are optimistic about the remainder of the semester and spring semester! ● The program is making good progress with partners and reconnecting with the community Areas Needing Growth: ● Full participation from all four mentors each meeting and programming ● Putnam Gardens community event participation ● Recruiting new mentors and mentees Thank you for everything you do in supporting our DREAMs! If you would like any more information, please feel free to contact me. DREAM big, Stevie Stevens Program Empowerment Director sstevens@dreamprogram.org 954-850-2125