


“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true.”
Walt Disney Company
“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true.”
Walt Disney Company
Leverage color to make hard topics more approachable.
Optimistic growth and facing the facts.
When a new community starts to feel like home.
Insights on re-emerging from the destruction and grief.
A creative look at your income patterns, solo or with a family.
Introducing our new Instagram Directory
Just because our dreams shatter, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Finding my way as a young widow has been quite the journey and I hope something in this issue is helpful to you.
This month I’m featuring a specific community designed to help women like me. I love community and I’m always helping clients make data art out of their favorite communities.
It’s actually because of this community that I first experienced art therapy and found value in not just making things pretty.
Enjoy some creativity in the projects in this issue. Getting fun colors involved makes tough topics a little more approachable. Financial Joy is possible and The Revenue Table might help. The Bingo and hourglass are from pervious projects and still need some development, open to any feedback.
Last month I shared that, in a sense, we all have a body of work. This can seen clearly when we land on someone’s Instagram account. Every piece of content we publish or even keep in a private journal is a reflection of our knowledge base or the things we are craving more understanding around.
Let’s reconsider how each piece of content, video or visual, may be a piece to someone’s else’s puzzle.
In the Revenue Ringlet, I encourage members to leverage video more. It’s not that videos replace a full sales process but it compliments it. Your recent conversation may serve as a teachable moment or be valuable to someone just scratching the surface of a big issue or topic.
If it’s not shared digitally, how will others find it?
Marcelle Allen Editor-in-Chief“What do I do now?
AfewyearsagoformyBirthday, Cindywalkedinandgavemea specialgift.Itwasawoodcarving thatsaid“Wisters”andthatisthe wordmashofwidow+sister.We areaspecialgroupofwomenwho belongtoaclubnotbychoice,but bycircumstance.
Itwasspecialandalsosad.We sharedstoriesandIknewIhad worktodostillwithmygrief. Thislastmonthseveralofuswisters attendedaspecialeventatArtful AshesinSeattle.Iobservedmany othersmakepeaceandturntheir lovedonesashesintosomething significantandspecialforthem.
Clicktoseesomevideo oftheexperience.
Watch the Founders description of this logo
RecentlyCindyandIcarpooled downtoIssaquahtosupport anotherWisterasshelaunchedher newbook,TheUnwantedJourney.
It’struethatnobodywantsthis chapter. It’sbecauseofModern WidowsClubandCindy’s leadershipthatwehaveachanceto meetandsharewithotherwomen whotrulyunderstandthejourney.
Cindyhassinceremarriedand leadsthelocalSeattleChapterof ModernWidowsClub.She’sfullof storiesandcompassion. Don’tthinkwejustsitaroundand cry.Welaughhard!TheladiesI meetarefantastic.Occasionally tearsfallbutmostlywe’rejust facingourfears,together.We’ve allalreadylivedthroughourworst day,sothebumpsnoware manageable,together.
SeeingJenn’sbooklaunch remindedmeofmyseveralyears ago.Mybook,FinancialJoywas alsoinspiredfromthepainand chaosfrommyhusbandsdeath. It’simportantweknowthedata behindourdreams.
Cindyhasbeenapartofmypersonallifeandprofessionalregrowth overtheyears.I’msogratefulfortheModernWidowClubsgatherings whereweallfindsupportandhumorintheoddthingsthatweface. ThisisusrightbeforemyChamberPresentationlastOctobertothe MillCreekChamber.Youcanviewtherecordinghere. Iadorethefactsheparticipateswithmanycommunities.Togetthe wordoutaboutanyresourceoftenrequired10-25+communitiesand thisiswhyIlovedataart.Youcanbegintoreallyseehowallthese layersareconnected.
ThisinfographicwascreatedwithourfeedbackbytheteamatModern WidowsClub.CarolynMoore,theFounder,hasbeenontheleadingedge ofresearchandbetterunderstandingwhatthiscommunityneeds.It’sbeen veryhelpfultobringwordstoaconversationthatisforeigntomostinmy network.Thelevelsoflossiscomplexandittakestimetorebuildfrom underthechaosandsadness,theoverwhelmandlonelines.
“Modern Widows Club is here to help you transform your grief after loss into a positive, purposeful future while embracing your own strength and courage. Of course, this does not happen overnight. We believe this happens as widows connect, begin to build new friendships, and collectively mentor one another, whether in a regional community that meets face-to-face or a virtual one.
Widowhood is the club no one wants to belong to because we only join by experiencing great loss. Yet within that loss we can find friendship, support, and a loving community with others who understand our journey.
We encourage you to explore these resources:
Visit the Modern Widows Club website
Join us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter
Subscribe to our biweekly Inside Look newsletter, filled with useful articles for widows
Take our complimentary Widow Empowerment Quiz to gain an understanding of your current phase in widowhood
Watch our inspiring YouTube videos and read our widow support blogs
Register for our complimentary HOPE E-Course
Join one or more of our clubs for widows
Attend one of our empowering events for widows
Find an in person or virtual community: https://modernwidowsclub.org/communities/”
All the harmony in his voice didn’t bring harmony in the home.
Confusion and silence on financial matters didn’t allow for our songs to be written.
thecombinationofsimultaneouslysounded musicalnotestoproducechordsandchord progressionshavingapleasingeffect. 1.
My vision for harmony in every home stems from living through a season or three where harmony had escaped. They say bad things comes in 3 and I believe that my own household drama followed on the death of 2 women right before the death of my husband. Was I prepared? No. Were we done grieving my mother in law? No. Had anything really settled with all the paperwork and decision making that follows a death, not really.
I write from a place of curiosity and desire for better. Sure there are books on the topic, but are families having the tough conversations??
Facing our own mortality isn’t exactly enjoyable yet I feel it’s our responsibility as citizens. Have a drivers license? Get a will. Want to leave the world better than you found it? Have life insurance. Getting organized? Buy a Nox Box.
DeathtopplesaggressivelylikeagameofJengawithgreatsurpriseor trepidatiousexpectation.Ifoundpickingupthepieceswasdifficult andonceIcoulddefinemanyofthemovingelements,Icouldhelp othersdreamagain,includingmyself.
Ourlivesandourbodiesstartsturdyandovertimewebegintoloseor misplaceelements.Eventuallywemightcrumbleorbechallengedby someoneelse’saftermath.Whopicksupthepieces?Howlongdoes onetopplechangeasoul?Griefisalandmineofcomingoutfromthe emotional&financialrubble.Itlooks&feelsdifferentforamyriadof reasons.
Idesigned“Topple”7or8yearsafterlosingmyhusbandandlearning fromotherstotryandexplainandexpressawarningtopeopleabout allthemovingparts.Thisjustwasn’tcoveredinschool.
Why or “Start with why” as Simon Sinek says was one of the early discovery deck items that didn’t make the poster. The MWC WHY is clear and their logo, Events and infogrpahics are remarkable.
Thoseofusleftbehindmustpick upthepiecesandmakenumerous decisionsfromundertherubble.
Asweexamineeachpieceand moveitsomewhere,wehavea newvantagepoint.It’sstillamess, sometimeschoicesaredefined, oftenwecan’thandleitjustyet.
I’mgratefulmycommunitydid someoftheheavyliftingthefirst year,andnowalmost10yearsout, therearesomeelementsthat haven’tfoundtheirplace.
AttendingtheModernWidows Clubeventsallowsmefindnew waysoflookingatthingsIwasn’t readyforthefirstfewyears.It’s encouragingtoseetheseother widowsmakingheathysteps andgettingsupport.
Myencouragementforserviceprovidersistobeawareoftheneedsand potentialcomplicateddecisionssomeonemaybenavigatingalone.
Doyouhavespecialresourcesonyourwebsiteorinyourcommunityforthis typeofindividual?Haveyouaskeduswhatwouldbehelpful?
Whattypeofexperiencescanhelpusmoveforwardthatfeelsafe andsupportive?I’mgratefulMWCisleadingbydoingtheresearchtolearn.
Developaperspectiveontopicsthatbringvalue toyourlifeandthecommunity.Knowthatthey canchangeandreflectionwillaidinclarity. ThisisoneofthescalesIhadcreatedtoexpand theconversationinFinancialJoy.Useittohelp yourselfgetclearordiscusswithafriend emergingfromastorm.
Long lives allow for a Long lives allow for a lot of preferences, lot of preferences, and potential pieces and potential pieces that will one day that will one day ttopple. opple.
Tryplayingthis versionofBINGOor makeyourownand postitasablogforthe communitytoattempt andenjoy.
SimplyputanX throughwhatyouhave completed.
Notice your patterns over the last 3 months. How many ways did money flow into your home?
Select your colors based on what types of income you generated. If you are an individual living alone, you get one egg. If you have 5 at home, you get 5 eggs with 5 potential patterns.
You can sketch this out or use a color picker and a design tool like Canva.
Whether you have had everything taken away or you never had much to begin with, a lot can happen in 30 days.
The goal isn’t The goal isn’t perfect perfect balance, it’s balance, it’s knowing which knowing which to improve to improve after being off after being off balance. balance.
Ifyouhadtostepawayforyour businessfor10days,howwouldit lookwhenyoucameback? Wouldyoubeabletoregroup quicklyandgetbackatit?
Wouldyourteamcoverforyouor wouldyoubewishingyouhad builtabetterteam?
Youdon’tneeda100%towin,some monthsmayindicatemajorgaps.
Ifyoudiedtonight,whowouldpickup thepieces?Facingmortalityisn’teasy; butitisasignofmaturityandhumility. Doaquickanalysisnow.Rate yourleadershipfrom1to100%.Howis yourMarketing?Sales?Customer Service?Howaboutfinancial managementorproductdevelopment? Areyouroperationsworking smoothly?Assignanumberforeach category.
Influencers, bloggers, journalists, and salespeople welcome!
What if your vision for your legacy is ruined because your family doesn’t know the basics of your wishes?
Just like a sports team who watches a play to improve, why not revisit failed life events to train for a brighter future? This is where data art can help us, and our communities.
Your data, your medium. You can pick from any artistic medium to make data art.
Rethink how you evaluate progress and your pace. Getting creative can help you better understand points of leverage and opportunity.
If you were to embrace data art, would you use pencil, watercolor, digital design tools, or crayons!?
Askthesequestionstoafriend andseeifyoucanmatchtothe resourcetotheneed.
Check them out and hone your conversational resourcefulness.
Have some fun reading these with a friend or alone. All Instagram usernames are clickable or you can use the search feature. Click through to learn about these business resources in our community. Network away!
Behind every username is a wealth of information and sometimes it takes some digging to truly get to where we need to go.
Want your kids to be strong with a healthy self-esteem?
Is your voicemail full?
How has your husband's pornography addiction affected your self confidence?
Tired of drawing your eyebrows on and taking too long to get ready?
@carefree beautypmu
Do you need custom embroidered swag?
Have you considered moving to the Pacific Northwest?
Ready to organize and optimize your body of work and leave your legacy behind?
Need to strengthen your pelvic floor and feel better in your body?
@empowered physicaltherapy
Would you like to be exceptional at connecting?
Do you know the steps to get your home ready to SELL?
Get included in our Remarkable Resources Directory Only $50 for 12 months.
Craving fitness encouragement and zoom accountability?
Need advice about money matters during a divorce?
Want to develop your mix of humor and be more confident on stage?
Ready to invest in Mill Creek?
@mill creek guy
Ready to grow your business connections in Mill Creek?
Hopeful for a safe place to move forward with others who will understand?
Want to trust yourself more?
@natashaventer_ ac
Ready for some grief resources?
Would you like to build a sales team and earn referrals?
Want to live a happy life?
If life is a game, who’s writing your rules?
What are the popular choices for living situations after 62?
@teresa_ barthol _managing_ broker
Want the best most effective massage of your life?
All links click through to instagram
Twice a month we review our marketing efforts together, discuss leverage points, and examine results.
Leverage your sphere of influence in new ways, collaborate creatively, share intentionally and enjoy expanding.
Know the data behind your dreams for the week, month, and each quarter. Be able to connect the dots and gain new insights.