Dreamosity's Remarks - December 2024

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If you want to be successful, it's just this simple. Know what you are doingLove what you are doingBelieve in what you are doing.

— Will Rogers




Delightful dialogue in special spaces.


The gift of special outdoor spaces and festivals.


The art of events & collaborating.


Showcasing OLP’s digital assets & why Conversations matter.


How is OLP different from the rest?

A variety of brands and events that trust OLP with lighting. COLLABORATE WITH FESTIVALS


Instagram Directory



We’ve all had those conversations that don’t feel right and we try to “duck out” as soon as possible. We’ve also likely avoided going on our back porch because it wasn’t too welcoming.

Weather aside, outdoor parties is not something the Pacific Northwest is known for. We can learn a lot from the homeowners back East.

It’s common for families to be outside frequently and to linger longer. Outdoor gatherings could become a thing in the PNW but we’ve got to embrace some outdoor lighting design concepts first.

Let me introduce you to Mr. December, Rob Bingham, owner of Puget Sound & North Sound Outdoor Lighting Perspectives.


The gift of special outdoor spaces and festivals

We’re always asked, “What do we want to be when we grow up;” but has anyone ever asked, “What type of parties will you host when you grow up?”

Dreaming can happen at any age and good questions can inspire new behavior.

I had never previously put much thought into lights on a property. I remember, years ago at Christmas time, my Dad would put up handtwirled icicle lights (before they were commercialized).

My Mom would wrap our front red door as a present with a white silky ribbon to greet our guests.

Our lights were always just on or off. While I definitely consider myself a creative most of my lighting knowledge stems around photography and getting the subject out of the dark and into the light.

Hotel lobbies and resorts often understand lights more than us and my feature this month, definitely has solutions to brighten any life.


Events and Collaborating

SeeingRobatmanyboothsthis lastsummer,it’sclearthatpeople arecuriousandhungryforlight solutions!

Wegetaridiculousamountof safetytrainingingradeschool aboutearthquakesandfiredrills butwhataboutforourproperty!?

WhenRobfirstexplainedtome theideaof“movingthewallof darkness,”Iwasfascinated.After hearingmanyconcernsforsafety andneighborsbeingupsetabout changesinwhatlawenforcement cando,safetywasonmyradar.

Thesolutionrarelycomesfrom thepartythatcreatedit.

Innovationintechnologyand purposedrivenlivinghascreated theperfectopportunityforthis FranchiseOwner.

Now safety isn’t the only benefit of proper outdoor lighting. Rob’s perspective is that it allows us to linger longer.

Here in the PNW, we all know a thing or too about the winter blues and sad lights and the Seattle Freeze. What if there were solutions beyond therapy for the exhausted and anxiety rich neighbors.

I know for my own well being I had to get comfortable inside my imagination. I had to learn how my brain works and how conversations are necessary for us to make sense of what’s going on in our mind.

Safety first?!

Great questions don’t end with “fine.” The art of dialogue is a little lost in our scroll. As a social media manager I should know; I develop content to keep ya’ll scrolling!

I also believe in hosting amazing events that initiate important conversations. As someone who doesn’t own her own home yet I’m fascinated by Robs idea of “lingering longer.”

Couldbetterlightsystemshappen moreineveryneighborhood?

Coulddinnerpartieslastfor3 hoursliketheydoinPeru?

Whattypeofpartiesareyou planningonyourbackpatio?

Haveyoubeendreamingof agraduationpartyoralong picnictable?

Doesyourbackyardinspireyou liketheamazingresortswe experienceonvacation?

Couldyoudelightyourguests understarlight?Wouldthey rendezvouswithyourviewor perhapsjuststayinside?

I’velearnedthatgreatlightsdon’t helpifyouhaveaterrible landscape.Ifyourplaceisamess andyouaren’tproudofit, definitelywithalandscaperbefore consideringlightingdesign. MyfeatureinJulyhasabigger visionforherclientsasa professionalorganizertohost dinnerparties.ElisaHawkinson saystheydon’tneedtobe glamoroustobemeaningful.Tacos bycandlelight?Thesoulfulpart comesfromthecompany,the conversation,theabilitytoshare andbeheard,theabilitytodiscuss andflirtwithpossibilities.


To share and to celebrate is a gift in any home. The ambiance supports our discussions and level of quality time.

Covered patios with fireplace or heater lamps can bring a cozy retreat vibe. You can bring a bit of vacation living to your backyard.

What about a SuperBowl Party? What would need to change for you to host 6 people for appetizers and drinks?

Rob says there are so many beautiful homes here with terrible lighting. Some of these spacious properties just aren’t reaching their potential because they’re missing exterior light design.

While it often comes down to priorities in a budget - there’s hope for every home! Are you planning to escape our home or improve your home?

It seems to me that one large family vacation could be skipped in order to bring the vacation vibe to your place, for all to enjoy year round!


Youcanlingerlongeranywhere;ahotellobby,thecornercafe,aparkinglot. Whenideaspercolateandconversationspullatyourheartstringsandtickle yourimagination;wellnessishappening.Trulylisteningisagiftthatmany humansexcelat.Askinggreatquestionstokeeptheconversationenergizedis aleadershipskillanyonecanhone.Providingaspaceforthismagictounwind isthejobofapropertyownerwithavisionbeyondwhat’sonTVtonight. What’syourvisionforyourfamily?Dinnerparties?Hostingepicevenings?

Simple videos

Thisvideocamefrom theircorporateteamanditisso powerfultoseetheproducts transformationinseconds.

A3-secondclipplusa3-secondclip withafewwords!

Introducing Sydney

ImetRob'sfamilyattheMillCreek Festivalthispastsummer,alongwith surprisevisitfromformerSeahawk MarcusTrufant.IronicallyIhadmethim yearspriorandaskedhimhisdefinitionof FinancialJoy!Coolfact,hewasbornon Christmas!Hearwhathehasttosayhere aboutFinancialJoy.

Ialwaysenjoymeetingmyclientsfamily andfriends.I’mnotyourtypicalvideo personwhogetsin,getstheshots,andget out.Ilovetomeetnewpeopleandlearn aboutwhatintereststhem.

to team Dreamosity

IlearnedthatSydneywasarecent MarketinggraduatefromWashington StateUniversity.Becauseofseveral conversationswithherwhileout supportingRob;onethingleddoanother andshejoinedmyteaminOctober.I’mso gratefulforherGenZperspectiveand digitalmarketingskills.

Sydneyhasbeenhelpingme bridgetheknowledgegapofdata artwithmycommunity,andeven helpedmecraftupasurveyon thetopic.Willyoutakeour survey?

WhatIadoreaboutRob’sartist/ engineersideisthatitconnectsto dataartinasense.It’sadance betweenthesoulful,significant, andsocialelementswiththe metricsaroundbiggerfaster farther.Ithinkweneedtotalk aboutandachievebothtobe greatdigitalmarketers.Thedata matters,butsodoesouremotion.

soulfulsignificantsocial biggerfasterfarther

Comingsoonin2025 willbesomenew DREAMOSITYswag. Wewanttohelppeople withbigdreamsand greatideasembracedata artandsocialmediabest practices

MeganReedandIhadmetyearsagoanditwasfuntofindoutshe coordinatedthiswholefestival,MukFestl!Allgreateventshavebigheartsand leadershipskillsbehindthem.ThiswasherteamthatweekendandIenjoyed watchingallthesocialmediaactivityfrom@mukfestonInstagram.Ihad neverbeentothisfestivalbeforebuttheplayfulpicturesandconsistent nudgesdidgetmeoffmycouldforthenextdayaftertheVIPdinner.

Thisepicvideofrom2023 gavemeasneakpreview ofwhattoexpect.Get involvednextyearat MukFest.com

Clickthroughthisimage toviewsomeofthe videoclipsthatImerged intoacoolReelfrom thatspecialday!

RobstrungthesedelightfulbistrolightsfortheVIPParty.Theorcashad passedthisbodyofwateranhourbefore.Weliveinsuchanamazingplace.

Canyouseemeintheback?Greyshirtwithayellownecklace.Thisphoto cracksmeupbecauseIwaspassingoutallthosecolorfulglowsticknecklaces. Iprobablyspokewith50peoplein50minutes.InFinancialJoyIwritetothe significanceofeachconversationandhavingmany!Thecrowdwaseasy becausemostsaidyestoafestivallightstick,butIdidgetafewno’s.Now,I didn’ttrackitclosely,norwillImadedataartfromit,butthepatternsmade moreamorememorableoccasionwithsomanydelightfulencounters.

RobisalsostandingheretalkingtosomeonefromTapped.Lovethose shirts!IevengotaTappedhoodiethatnightbecauseitcooleddown quiteearlyinSeptember.Cheerstogreatbranding,eh!?

Everybusinessmustfindabalancebetweenhigh-endphotosandday-of socialimagery.Beforethesunwentdown,Robwalkedmebacktowherethis yellowstarisonthecooldronephotoabove.

HeknewanopportunitywouldariseformetocapturetheMukilteo Lighthouseunderfireworks.DuringthefireworksshowIsnuckaroundback andcaptureddozensofphotos.Thiswasmyfavorite.Robcalleditthe “moneyshot!”



SomethingthatIhavealways heardmydad,Rob,mention throughouttheyearsisthatheis bothanartistandengineerand doesn'tfitinsideonebox.

Afterwatchinghimworkin "CorporateAmerica"forsomany years,Ialwaysnoticedthathewas notthetypicalengineerlikeother peopleinsimilarroles.

Healwaysworkedjobsthat allowedhimtobecreativeand designinnovativeproducts,such astheMicrosoftSurfaceorthe PhilipsSonicare.

Thisstandstruetodayasthe ownerofOutdoorLighting Perspectives.

Beingintheoutdoorlighting businessallowsRobtousehis creativesidetoproducebeautiful customdesignsforhomesand businesses.

Hethenuseshislogisticaland managerialsidetoexecutethe projectfromstarttofinishand bringittolife.

Thisdichotomyissomethingthat setsOLPapartfromtherest.


Robexplainsthatoneofthe thingsthatmakesOutdoor LightingPerspectives differentfromotherlighting businessesisthathespent over30yearsdoingfrontendinnovation.

Rob'sabilitytotakealookat theirspaceandenvisionwhat itwouldlooklikebefore evenputtingupthelightsisa skillthatnoteveryonehas.

"Youknowthereisan opportunitytodevelop somethingthatthecustomer willlove,theyjustdon’t knowityet.Theyknowthat thereisavoidoraneedora wantoutthere,buttheycan't necessarilyarticulateit."

Robhastrulychangedthegame intheoutdoorlightingindustry. Hehastransformedsomany homesandhasmadea tremendousimpactonhis community.

"IlovethatIgettodosomething thatputsmeoutinthe communitymeetingpeople, bringingbeautyandvaluetotheir homes,gettingtousebothmy technicalexperienceand creative/visionaryside.It'sreally thebestofbothworlds"saysRob.

Nominate a remarkable leader

Does your friend fit the definition of “remarkable” and are they leading a community well?

Suggestaremarkable leadertofeature!

Now accepting applications for 2025. Data art in every issue

Encouragement & inspiring social media success stories

Notice the speed at which people linger with you this holiday. Do you have time for a quick hug and hello or a long embrace and deep conversations? Which are you craving?

Social media can touch ALL 7 of these core competencies of a business

Doaquickanalysis;How isyourleadershipfrom1 to100?Howisyour Marketing?Sales? CustomerService?How aboutFinancial ManagementandProduct Development?Areyour Operationsworkingwell?

Giveyourselfarough %foreachcategory. BeinspiredbyRob’s engagementwiththe localcommunity.

Social media can touch ALL 7 of these core competencies of a business Iwilloftentellmyclients itonlytakes7elements tocreateasuccessful business.Wedon’t needtobeat100%all thetime;wedoneed toconsiderhowthey connectandhowwe canimprove.

Scrollingismorefun withafriendorfamilymember!

Askabuddythesecuriosityquestionsandsee ifyoucanmakeagreatconnectionorreferral.

Check them out and hone your conversational resourcefulness.

All Instagram usernames are clickable or you can use the search feature. Click through to learn about these business resources in our community. Network away! Interview each other. Have some fun with data art discussions.

Behind every username is a wealth of information and sometimes it takes some digging to truly get to where we need or want to go.


Want your kids to be strong with a healthy self-esteem?


Is your voicemail full?


How has your husband's pornography addiction affected your self confidence?


Tired of drawing your eyebrows on and taking too long to get ready?


Do you need custom embroidered swag?


Have you considered moving to the Pacific Northwest?


Ready to organize and optimize your body of work and leave your legacy behind?


If you had to list your home in 30 days, would you be ready?

@Elisa_ Hawkinson

Need to strengthen your pelvic floor and feel better in your body?


Are you ready to be professionally trained in sales?


Get included in our Remarkable Resources Directory

Only $100 for 12 months.

Would you like to be exceptional at connecting?


Ready to ignite your visibility with publicity?

@Fireralker PR

Do you know the steps to get your home ready to SELL?


Craving fitness encouragement and zoom accountability?


Need advice about money matters during a divorce?


Want to develop your mix of humor and be more confident on stage?


Ready to invest in Mill Creek?

@mill creek guy

Ready to grow your business connections in Mill Creek?


Hopeful for a safe place to move forward with others who will understand?


Want to volunteer, become a vendor, or simply join us to enjoy the Mukilteo Lighting Festival?

@MukFest Want to trust yourself more?

@natashaventer ic

Ready for some grief resources?


Are you ready to love your property and help them linger longer with outdoor lights that delight?


Would you like to build a sales team and earn referrals?


What does it look like to overcome trauma?


Want to live a happy life?


If life is a game, who’s writing your rules?


Ready to show up visually in your brand?


Wanttovisitthebestself-care centerinRenton?



What are the popular choices for living situations after 62?

@teresa_ barthol _managing_ broker

Want the best most effective massage of your life?


Reflect carefully

Twice a month we review our marketing efforts together, discuss leverage points, and examine results.

Advance enthusiastically

Leverage your sphere of influence in new ways, collaborate creatively, share intentionally and enjoy expanding.

Your data, your medium

Know the data behind your dreams for the week, month, and each quarter. Be able to connect the dots and gain new insights.

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