12 Days of FUNdraising All we want for christmas is to fulfil 25 dreams. Can you help? www.dreamscometrue.uk.com/christmas 1. Secret Santa
Instead of buying a gift for Secret Santa – why not donate £5 to Dreams Come True. You can purchase a gift certificate from our website.
3. #GivingTuesday
On December 1st why not share your hopes and dreams for your loved ones for 2016 and beyond. Download our dream star and share your #UNSELFIE @DCT_Charity or on Instagram #dreams4christmas.
5. Unwanted Christmas presents?
2. Donation in Lieu of Xmas Cards
The average person will spend at least £63 on posting cards. Why not make a donation to Dreams Come True instead? We can send you a festive message that you can email to friends & family.
4. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
You’ve probably played pin the tail on the donkey, but have you tried pinning the nose on Rudolph? Blindfold your classmates, charge them £1 to enter and give a prize to whoever is ‘on the nose’ with their attempt.
Sell them on an online auction site such as e-bay or have a post-Christmas car boot sale. Donate all proceeds to The Dreams Come True Christmas Appeal.
6. Christmas Bake Off 7. Advent Calendar Countdown
Who doesn’t love counting down the days to Christmas? This year, share in the fun with everyone at school by taking it in turns to open an advent calendar – for a small donation,of course. If you can raise £25, you’ll be helping towards fulfilling a dream for a child with lifelimiting conditions.
Are your mince pies magical? Your sausage rolls sensational? Put your Christmas cooking skills to the test and host a Christmas Bake off. Of course you can sell off all the entries to raise funds. Use the #Dreams4Christmas and we will retweet our favourite.
8. Carol Concert
9. Wrapping/Rapping Competition
Think you can give Michael Bublé a run for his money? Why not wrap up warm & do some good old fashioned carol singing.
All you need is a box, wrapping paper, sticky tape and a stop watch. Time how quickly each entrant can wrap the box. The names can then be put on a leader board. Rather rap than wrap? Hold a Christmas rap battle. The act who gets the best response wins a prize. You can charge a fee to enter which you can donate to Dreams Come True.
10. Christmas Craft Fair
Holding a craft fair is a great way to harness that festive creativity. Get fellow crafters to man stalls, put on workshops such as wreath making, card making or cake decorating, sell mulled wine and mince pies to get everyone in a Christmassy mood.
12. Xmas Jumper Day
7. Christmas Quiz
Holding a Christmas quiz is a great way to have fun and raise money. Christmas themed questions are perfect for all ages, you can charge a fee to enter and split this between prize money and a donation to Dreams Come True. Better still, try and get local businesses to donate prizes.
Donate £1 to wear your favourite Christmas jumper to school and donate the proceeds to Dreams Come True. You could have a prize for the best dressed! Tweet us your pictures #Dreams4Christmas and we will add you to our jumper hall of fame!
Pledge to make a difference in 2016
Thank you for your support. With your help we can fulfil the dreams of 25 children this Christmas. If you know a child we could help please contact the Dream Team through our website.
How are you at staying on top of New Year’s resolutions? Set one with workmates, such as running a 10k or going on a hike, and you can help spur each other on. To see all of our fundraising opportunities, visit dreamscometrue.uk.com/ fundraising
Get involved at #dreams4christmas
www.dreamscometrue.uk.com/christmas Registered as a Charity in England and Wales (800248) and in Scotland (SC043878)