Dreams Come True Annual Review

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CONTENTS Chair’s Foreword


Dreams Come True is a UK children's charity founded in 1988 with one big dream of its own – To enrich the lives of children and young people with serious and life-limiting conditions by making their dreams come true.

What We Do And Why


What Makes Us Different


Equipment Dreams


Over the last 28 years we have fulfilled dreams for more than 5,000 children and young people as well as their friends, family and carers. We fulfil dreams for children aged two-years-old up to young people aged 21.

Power Of Dreams Study


Noah’s Story


Volunteer In The Spotlight


Volunteering Programme


Our Geographical Reach


Fundraising Highlights


All of our funding comes from the generosity, commitment and enthusiasm of our amazing donors, fundraisers and supporters, both individuals and organisations. We receive no government funding.

Horizons 15 Financial Review


Emma’s Story


Thank You!


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Every four years the expression “it’s

role in the lives and happiness of the children and young

a dream come true” is repeated

people we serve. The new strategy will set out how we

on our televisions time after time

intend to build on these strengths to achieve growth both

as victorious athletes and sports

in scale and in impact.

stars describe their feelings upon winning an Olympic or Paralympic

On behalf of the Trustees, the staff and most importantly

medal. We are proud that two of

all of the children and young people who have had their

our Charity Ambassadors,

dreams fulfilled, I would like to say the hugest "Thank

Paralympians Georgie Hermitage

You" to each and every one of our donors, supporters and

and Olivia Breen, were present in Rio. Their experience and

volunteers. You form an essential and integral part of the

that of many other Olympic and Paralympic contestants,

Dreams Family and every week brings evidence of your

whether medal winners or not, parallels that of so many of

generosity, energy and determination to stand alongside

our own Dreams children and young people.

the children and families that we serve. You are a huge encouragement for us all at the charity and we simply

To dream of something that seems out of reach, to plan

couldn’t do what we do without you.

and strive towards its fulfilment, to experience the thrill and excitement of that dream coming true, to share

I would like to say farewell to two Trustees who have left

the experience with those that you love and who have

the board - Sally de la Bedoyere who has chaired the

been alongside you on your journey - these are essential

Charity with wisdom and skill for the last three years, and

elements of a life well lived. We call it the power of dreams,

Rhona Parry who has been such a positive and constructive

and helping life-threatened and life-limited children and

presence on the board. We are hugely grateful for their

young people to experience the power of dreams is what

contributions. Sad though it is to see Sally and Rhona

we do every day. We are delighted that more than 200 very

go, I am delighted to welcome Malcolm Jones, Miranda

special children and young people have seen their dreams

McArthur and Annabelle Vaughan as new Trustees. With

come true this past year, bringing them joy, excitement and

backgrounds in banking, PR and the law, they bring skills

magical memories for them and their families.

and energies which will be of great value to the charity in the exciting years ahead.

A key moment for us this year has been the report of the University of Stirling study, The Power of Dreams, on the

The Board of Trustees and all of the Dreams Come True

long term impact of dream fulfilment on our dream children

staff are approaching the future with optimism and

and their families, which came out in March. The findings

enthusiasm. We are on course this year to exceed our

that researcher Dr Jayne Galinsky describes in her report

fundraising and dream delivery targets. We have our

(outlined below) give a powerful insight into our impacts as

new strategy in development informed by the findings

a charity. The overriding message is that a dream is so much

of the Power of Dreams Study. We are experiencing

more than a happy event. The benefits, which start from

new opportunities to boost our supporter networks and

the moment of application and run on well after the dream

our fundraising reach through the recently established

itself has been fulfilled, are life enhancing and at times life

Fundraising Board and our growing volunteer network. And

changing not just for the dream recipients, but for the whole

driving everything is our passion to make life better for the


children and young people we serve, and for their families, through the power of dreams.

These findings will be critical to our new 5 year strategy which is being prepared for implementation in 2017. The study reports strong evidence of the positive impacts of our work, as well as our national reach, breadth of age range (221), professionalism of our dream delivery and the emphasis we place on serving children and young people with life-limiting as well as life-threatening conditions. Through the report’s findings, we have a clearer idea not only of our strengths as a charity but particularly of our unique positive


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Dreams Come True is a UK children’s charity. Our mission is quite simply to enrich the lives of children and young people with serious and life-limiting conditions across the country by making their dreams come true. Over the last 28 years we have fulfilled dreams for more than 5,500 children and young people bringing enormous benefit to them as well as to their friends, family and carers.

WE BELIEVE EVERY CHILD AND YOUNG PERSON SHOULD BE ABLE TO DREAM. This is what Lauren, who lives with Ehlers Danlos syndrome, told us after meeting her idol, soprano Katherine Jenkins:

…AND WHY WE DO IT Dreams are powerful. They can give children and their families strength and something positive to focus on – a respite from all the worry, stress and day-to-day challenges of illness. Fulfilling a dream makes a world of difference for a child or young person, and their family, a magical memory to keep and cherish. And during the tough times it’s enormously helpful to know first-hand that dreams can come true. Everyday life for a child or young person living with a serious or life-limiting illness can be immensely difficult. A child may have to struggle with pain, discomfort and severely limited independence. Sometimes it can feel that

“Receiving a dream meant the world to me. Seeing Katherine Jenkins perform, and how beautiful her voice is, gave me the courage to go, ‘Yes, I really want this, I want to do this for myself.’ Singing was the only thing that would give me escape and shut off my brain to the pain and everything around me.”

all they and their families have in the diary are endless hospital visits, tests and uncomfortable treatments. So having a dream can be something extra special to look forward to.


To go above and beyond to fulfil dreams and create the resources to fulfil them To recognise that every child is unique and every dream is unique To treat all children and their families with respect, care, compassion and empathy To recognise the contribution made by all who work in and on behalf of Dreams Come True, including all our hard-working volunteer fundraisers and every donor to the Charity

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DREAMS COME TRUE IS DIFFERENT TO OTHER CHARITIES. NO OTHER CHARITY IN THIS SECTOR SPANS THE AGE RANGE WE DO (2-21), OR THE SCOPE OF CONDITIONS WE SUPPORT. HELPING CHILDREN MAKE THE TRANSITION TO ADULTHOOD Children and young people with serious and life-limiting conditions overwhelmingly have a poor experience of transition to young adulthood, both in terms of services and in terms of having the level of autonomy and control they desire. Young people aspire to a ‘normal life’ such as an active social life, education, work opportunities, and have the usual concerns of a young adult such as friends, relationships, going out and looking good. Young people are concerned too about their parents and the strain that their care can put on parents. Parents also struggle with their child’s transition, both in terms of the impact it has on their child and because there are fewer opportunities for support and respite services. As such, parents have their own transition to make as their child grows up: to acknowledge and support more autonomy for the young adult and to face the shift from parent to carer of an adult.

DEMONSTRATING THE DIFFERENCE THAT DREAM FULFILMENT CAN MAKE We believe strongly in the long-term difference that dream fulfilment makes to children and young people and their families. To find out more, we recently commissioned research by the University of Stirling. That research shows


that the power of a dream lasts far longer than just a day. Dream fulfilment gives children and young people the chance to achieve, learn, grow and accomplish in some way. It provides an alternative milestone for a child or young person’s life. It can give them independence and control in their lives. It gives a sense of normal-ness to the whole family. Having a dream to look forward to, or look back on can shift the focus away from the daily difficulties of life: pain, drugs, hospital appointments. It enriches children and young people’s lives; it brings a smile - and hope to the

Vanessa contacted us on behalf of her son George because she wanted to give him strength and something to dream for whenever he felt despair. After his dream Vanessa told us: “The memories will remain forever, the sweet joy to see my son so relaxed and happy will lift me up at any time of future sadness. And George, well he believes and knows… dreams really can come true. Thank you for making it happen.”

whole family.

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Approximately one third of the dream requests we receive are for equipment. Equipment dreams can be enjoyed every day and make a huge difference to the lives of the children and young people we support, as well as their families. The equipment dream requests we receive are varied and range from specially adapted trikes to sensory equipment,


iPads, eye gaze technology and other items that are







particularly meaningful to the children.

JENNY’S DREAM Jenny, sixteen, was left paralysed from the waist down after an accident. She has always been a keen cyclist and, despite her accident, she is keen to continue her cycling, to get out and enjoy the countryside, and she has even set her sights on competing at the 2020 Paralympics in Tokyo. Jenny’s dream was to have a mountain trike, to allow her the freedom to enjoy family walks off-road and to be more independent. “I live in a village surrounded by beautiful countryside and fields and it is so lovely to be able to get out and


about…I am over the moon.”

Charlotte was nineteen last year when we provided her with an eye gaze computer. She has cerebral palsy and is unable to walk, talk, or use her hands. She also has severe difficulty with language, making it hard for her to understand and to express herself. The eye gaze computer has made a huge difference to her everyday life, including her ability to communicate with others, and to have fun through playing games. The computer works


by responding to Charlotte’s eye movements, so she can control its functions and navigate her way through its


programmes, helping her develop her language skills.


“Having the eye gaze has already made a huge


difference to Charlotte. It is giving her choices, which she has never had before. We are so excited about Charlotte’s future now– she will be able to let us know her feelings without us guessing.”




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we promised to report on the findings of our ground-breaking study carried out in liaison with the University of Stirling, about the

Power of Dreams.



3 YEAR STUDY RESEARCHING: 1. What is the impact of dream fulfilment on children and young people with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions? 2. What is the impact of the dream on the child’s family?


to help inform us how best to play our vital part in paediatric palliative care. More than 50,000 children and young people in the UK have life-limiting conditions.



The opportunity to choose a dream gives ill children and young people a sense of control over a part of their future. Many children and young people, as a result of being ill and being young have decisions made on their behalf by parents and health professionals. So, choosing a dream is empowering for them.



During the dream, ill children and young people become distracted from illness routines and pain. Illness shifts from its central position in the family to the background. This means that parents can spend time with well siblings, and feel ‘normal’.

that the proportion of boys to girls that we help is in line with the prevalence of life-limiting conditions across gender,


which is 55% male and 45% female. Also, around 45% of

Dream fulfilment gives families a chance to create memories. For children and young people with short prognoses, dreams such as holidays can be final family trips; so the memories are extra special.

our families fall into income deprived areas of the UK. The past five years have seen a rise in dreams about meeting idols, an increase which we have worked hard to meet so that those special dreams have come true.


The positive memories created during dream experiences are helpful for family members after children have died. Memories of positive dream experiences (which exist amongst many difficult and distressing memories) give comfort, remind siblings and parents of the child and are an important part of grieving.

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NOAH’S STORY Three-year old Noah has cerebral palsy affecting his arms and legs. Noah used to get frustrated watching other children playing outside on their bikes, so his dream was to have his own bike and join in. Since receiving his specially-adapted trike from Dreams Come True, Noah has gained so much independence, as well as improving his fitness and strengthening his leg muscles. He can now be seen cycling up and down his road with his friends and a huge smile on his face.

Noah was really excited when his trike arrived and as mum Sasha told us, ‘he absolutely loved it’! Tomcat, the company who made the trike, advised that Noah should only spend about 5 minutes on it at first, but he loved it so much he was on it for 20! His parents were worried that he’d be tired or achy, the next day, but he was absolutely fine. Noah is so keen he rides his trike whenever he can and it has become part of his daily life. Noah needs regular physiotherapy so the trike provides a lovely way for him to keep fit and strengthen his muscles whilst having fun. The bike has also helped Noah to socialise and make friends with other children. He now rides together with his neighbour, who has just learnt to ride a bike. On the street where he lives, all the children go out and play together and Noah has been surprising his mum with his new-found independence. One day, she turned round from opening the garage door to put Noah’s trike away for him to find he had promptly ridden it in himself! The only problem now is that Noah loves his trike so much that he is too excited to wait until he is strapped in before he can out and play! “Noah loves his tricycle, it has given him a new-found freedom and it is lovely to see him playing outside with other children. It also helps his fitness levels as Noah is now able to exercise his leg muscles via the motion of cycling. Thank you so much Dreams Come True.” Sasha, Noah’s mum

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IT ALL BEGAN ONE COLD WINTRY NOVEMBER DAY IN ABERDEEN… Dreams Come True had placed an ad for volunteers to

Register, who then became the charity partner for the 2016

help out at the Aberdeen fun day, an outdoor event,

Kiltwalk team which then went on to raise over £7000.00

in Aberdeen, in winter!!! Despite the weather we had

for Dreams Come True. The challenging route from Duthie

a great day, we had a lucky dip and balloons for the

Park in Aberdeen to Potarch was 26 miles but there was a

children, we also had Elsa and friends from Frozen who

shorter option from Banchory to Potarch, about 8 miles. The

were posing for photos in return for a donation.

route follows the old Deeside railway where there are regular sponsored drinks stations and stopping points. It’s a great

After the event I had a chat with Claire and Dawn

laugh with a lot of camaraderie among those taking part.

about further volunteering opportunities, the rest as they say is history.

The Aberdeen team successfully raised the awareness of the charity in the community, gained dream referrals and

I am now very proud to be the volunteer team leader for

raised a staggering amount of money. We are excited to be

Aberdeen, currently with 8 dedicated volunteers who

working with our network of volunteers across the country

selflessly donate their free time to helping the charity.

with the aim of getting to the heart of local communities and

It’s a great feeling knowing that I am working with

reaching more children and young people whose dream we

people who have the same passion for the cause as I do.

can fulfil.

Together we meet once a month just to have a coffee and a chat which generally turns into a very enthusiastic ideas brainstorming session!

The team has worked on a few projects, bag-packing with Marks and Spencer, a band night featuring the Miserable Sinners at the Globe along with a raffle with some great prizes. Continuing the musical theme, the team also had an acoustic night. I also successfully pitched Dreams Come True to Lloyds

Aberdeen volunteer Dean at a charity event

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“Working with Dreams Come True has been one of the most enjoyable opportunities that I have ever been a part of. We have successfully been reaching

We had a fantastic response this year from the Big Lottery

out to schools, community groups, businesses and

Fund to help us establish a new volunteer network across

colleges. This has allowed us to build local ties and

the UK. It’s such an important project for us because our

ultimately help reach more children.” -

UK-wide volunteers are our key to reaching children whose

Sophie, Manchester volunteer group

dreams aren’t yet being fulfilled. The £10,000 grant is already helping us to recruit, train and support new groups of volunteers to raise awareness of what we do; help generate more referrals from local families; and establish and manage their own local community events. Our aim, with this fund, is to create volunteer groups across all regions. So far we have recruited over 100 new volunteers in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Doncaster, Leeds, Manchester, London, Guildford and Bournemouth. We have provided inductions for all of them and we’re now training them in community development, public relations and marketing to help spread the word about what we do and who we can help. We aim to build on these foundations over the coming years, so we can keep reaching more communities across the UK.

WORKING WITH THE COMMUNITY – WHY IT’S ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT We all know how stretched our health services are today in the UK. Hospitals which treat children with life-limiting and serious conditions struggle to provide the family time those children, parents and siblings need. Our volunteer network takes some of the pressure off because it moves this side of palliative care away from total reliance on health services. For those communities, it also promotes compassion, good social, psychological and spiritual health and supports volunteers wanting to develop their own experience and range of skills.

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Nine-year-old Clare from Lanarkshire lives with cerebral palsy and like most little girls her age, she loves to play. However, she finds some toys tricky to hold because she has difficulty using her hands, so Clare has asked Dreams Come True for some special sensory room equipment which will bring joy to her playtime

Jacob from Yorkshire has cerebral palsy, autism and learning disabilities. His dream came true when we sent him on holiday to America – a country he has always been fascinated with. He went on a helicopter ride, a swamp tour to see local wildlife and a visit to Walt Disney World.

Rosy from Wales had the opportunity to spend a day at Lush kitchens, touring the factories and seeing how their products are made. She was even able to make some shower gels herself. She had a wonderful time and a welcome distraction from her illness.

Fire engines, soldiers and the seaside - these are three of two-year-old George from Portsmouth’s most loved things. But George’s number one favourite? Cows! Little George was diagnosed with leukaemia a year ago and is currently receiving a three year course of chemotherapy. There is no doubt he deserved a relaxing time away with his parents and younger sister, Isabella.

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Eight-year-old Emma from Scotland has quadriplegia and experiences visual impairment and seizures. Her dream was to go to the Festival of Speed at Goodwood and see all the motor cars racing. She had a wonderful time, together with her family, and couldn’t stop smiling.

Three-year old Noah has cerebral palsy affecting his arms and legs. Noah used to get frustrated watching other children playing outside on their bikes, so his dream was to have his own bike and join in. Since receiving his speciallyadapted trike from Dreams Come True, Noah has gained so much independence, as well as improving his fitness and strengthening his leg muscles. He can now be seen cycling up and down his road with his friends and a huge smile on his face.

19-year-old Lily loves to swim as it makes her feel “very strong� and gives her a sense of freedom. Lily has cerebral palsy and is wheelchair dependent for mobility. Her condition primarily affects her lower limbs and also means she struggles with some fine motor skills.

Kierran from Kent was studying business at university when he was diagnosed with leukaemia and had to delay his studies. We arranged for Kierran to meet his business hero, Richard Branson, from whom he received some welcome advice. The meeting has inspired Kierran to continue to pursue his career ambitions.

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The UK Charity Allstars event entered its

This year 24 brave souls took on the 26-mile

ninth year in 2016. The two-day ice hockey

“mighty stride” Kilt Walk in Aberdeen. The team set off

tournament took place in Cardiff and is the

bright and early from Duthie Park where they were waved

largest of its kind in the UK, with over 130 amateur hockey

over the start line by dream child Sammy and her mum.

players coming together to raise money for eight local

Dressed in bright orange t-shirts and tutus, the team hiked

and national charities.

into the Scottish hills; but they hadn’t anticipated how hot it was going to get – it is Aberdeen after all. Towards the end

The event has raised over £200,000 since its inception in

of the hike their legs and hips were aching, but they knew it

2007. The Dreams Come True ‘Dream Team’ were looking

was nothing compared to the pains that poorly children and

to build on the £5,572 that was raised in 2015.

young people can face daily. The team raised over £7,000 for dreams in Scotland and are even contemplating taking

This year, Dreams Come True volunteer Michael Walsh

on four mighty strides in 2017!

was appointed team captain and immediately set an ambitious target of doubling last year’s amount. The


team accepted the challenge and a combination of

Jakob and Shaun took on the toughest

determination and creative fundraising ideas helped them

footrace on the planet to raise money for

raise well over £15,000.

Dreams Come True. The Marathon de Sables was a punishing 6 marathons unsupported through desert.

On the ice, the team had mixed results, winning and

Jakob and Shaun raised over £13,565.

losing games but always wearing the Dreams shirts with pride. This was helped by the fact that the team was joined on the Sunday by nine-year-old Mia Thorne, who had a dream come true in 2013 when she visited Walt Disney World with her family. Mia and her family cheered the team on all day on the Sunday, even playing some hockey herself with them

BELLA ITALIA Bella Italia become charity partners. Their 115 restaurants throughout the UK are raising funds through new openings, menu donations & staff fundraising.

where she was presented with a signed stick and puck


from the players and treated like a real VIP.

Queen Alexandra Hospital staff in Portsmouth

between games. She was invited into the changing rooms

rowed the channel from Nieuwpoort, Belgium to Ramsgate, This has inspired Mia to take on a huge fundraising

Kent in June 2016. They have already raised a staggering £20k

challenge of her own. She plans to learn to ice skate and

and hope to reach £25k to help dreams come true.

join the team next year in Cardiff to take a special penalty shot. She has already raised over £1,700 for Dreams Come True from this challenge. Mia is also currently working within her community as an ambassador for disability

SOFTCAT Softcat becomes our biggest ‘corporate’

rights and is in line for many awards such as Pride or

fundraising partner. Thanks to the funds

Britain and the Diana Award.

raised through their annual May Balls & other activities, they have now helped over 400 children and young people to fulfil their dreams.

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HORIZONS We are driven by our passion to make life better for the children and young people we serve, and their families, through the power of dreams. This year we launch an exciting new five-year strategy to grow our scale and impact.

Our aim, quite simply, is to DOUBLE INCOME AND TRIPLE IMPACT over the next five years. That means triple the number of dreams coming true for children and young people.

We plan to achieve this with five underpinning principles: THE POWER OF DREAMS Research shows how dream fulfilment delivers powerful benefits for life threatened and life limited children and for their families too. We call this the Power of Dreams. We will continue to examine those life enhancing, and sometimes life changing, impacts and communicate the evidence to our stakeholders. This knowledge will also help us continue to personalise and tailor children’s dreams.

THE DREAM JOURNEY The dreams we fulfil are unique to each child and young person. That individual approach is at the heart of our





charity. We will continue to nurture close relationships with our dream children and their families, so that each dream journey is exciting, fun and delivers magical memories.


THE DREAMS FAMILY We view all of our stakeholders as members of our Dreams VOLUNTEERS

Family. At the heart of this are the children and young people we serve and their own families. Surrounding



them are the trustees, staff, volunteers, supporters and INDIVIDUAL DONORS

donors who all have a unique role to play. We will grow and strengthen this network of relationships to support all its members, especially the children and young people.

INNOVATION Medical advances mean that more children with life threatening conditions are living longer, and technological advances are changing their world too. We will develop a culture of innovation that takes full advantage of these changes for the benefit of our dreams children and families.

EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT OPERATIONS We want to ensure that the income we generate delivers the maximum benefit to our dreams children and young people. We will make it easy for dreams children and their families, health and social care professionals, donors, volunteers and supporters to work with us.

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THIS YEAR WE RAISED £1,254,568 A decrease of 13%. £702,782 (2015: £733,371) was spent on our charitable purpose, a decrease on last year by 4% but an increase in relation to income in the year. As a result, the Charity made an operating loss of £65,240 during the year (2015: a surplus of £58,643) which resulted in fund balances reducing to £246,775 (2015: £312,015). The 100% owned subsidiary, Dreams Come True Services Ltd was dormant in the current year. As the results of the subsidiary are immaterial, consolidated financial statements have not been prepared for the year ended 31 March 2016 or 2015.





Income 2016

Fundraising campaign income Corporate donations Fundraising events and sale of merchandise




Fundraising campaign income

Corporate donations

Fundraising events and sale of merchandise

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Expenditure £800,000











Raising funds

Fulfilling Dreams

Income £700,000 £600,000 £500,000 £400,000 £300,000 £200,000 £100,000 £-



Fundraising campaign income Corporate donations Fundraising events and sale of merchandise


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EMMA’S STORY Emma from Inverclyde is a young girl, aged 8, with complex life-limiting conditions, which means she needs constant care. Emma has very limited mobility and communication but her parents have noticed one thing that particularly brings a smile to her face.

Mum (Eleanor) and Dad (Rory) are motorsport fans and often take Emma along. They have noticed that Emma really responds - smiling and moving around and think it is a combination of the sounds, sights and smells. Mum and Dad were keen to maximise this opportunity for Emma so asked if we could arrange tickets for the Festival of Speed at Goodwood. The Festival of Speed was an ideal event as it offered the chance to get really close up to lots of racing cars and make a full day of it. We are very grateful to Goodwood, who couldn’t have been more supportive and went to great lengths to to organise a special day for Emma. They gave the family complimentary tickets, parking and access to the family area, which was very important given Emma’s needs. Tea was also provided in the top paddock. We also managed to secure accommodation and leisure passes at Bunn Leisure in nearby Selsey, where the family made the most of a summer heatwave before journeying back to Scotland. As you can see from the photos, Emma really enjoyed her experience and afterwards, the family wrote us a lovely email. “We would like to say a massive thank you and everyone involved in making our trip to the Festival of Speed and for all your hard work putting all the pieces together. Thank you to everyone involved in making a dream come true for Emma she had a brilliant day.”


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WE WOULD LIKE TO SAY A BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE Here are some of the people and organisations that have helped make this year a success. Including hundreds of fundraisers, volunteers and supporters and those that have asked to remain anonymous. We couldn’t make dreams come true without you. ROYAL PATRON HRH Princess Michael of Kent AMBASSADORS & PATRONS Olivia Breen George Buckland Malcolm Ferris-Lay Lucy Garner Laura Hamilton Georgie Hermitage Miranda Gore Browne Sir Ludovic Shaw Stewart John Silk Lucy Watts MBE CHARITY CHAMPIONS Joanna Cleeve Patrick and Giulia Leoni Sceti Pam Lyddon Jo Packard Andrew Powell Adrian Shandley Margaret & Mike Wharton Jeremy Williams CORPORATE SUPPORTERS Applegreen Charitable Fund Barclays Bella Italia Bright Bee Communications Cap Gemini Cash Converters Circus Starr Commodity Appointments DCE Exhibition Stands Dentons Festival Place Firmdale Hotels Hamleys Inspire, Motivate and Engage Training


Lexington Catering Lloyds Bank West Sussex Region Lloyds Bank North Hampshire & West Surrey Region Leftover Currency.com Parkside Hospital People over Profit (POP) Premier Race Nights Respondi AG Santander Gloucester Savills Serenity Digital Softcat Stagecoach East Midlands The Cake Store The Centre Tradeweb UHY Hacker Young Virgin Holidays Wyldecrest Parks TRUSTS AND FOUNDATIONS Albert Hunt Trust Big Lottery Fund Grant Bonhomie United Charity Society Bruce Wake Charitable Trust De Brye Charitable Trust Elizabeth, Lady Cowdray’s Charity Trust Erica Leonard Trust George and Grace Hart Trust Fund James Wise Charitable Trust Kans and Kandy Charitable Trust Michael Cornish Charitable Trust Mrs Iris Noreen Setchell Charitable Trust Murphy-Neumann Charity Company Limited PF Charitable Trust Souter Charitable Trust The Annie Tranmer Charitable Trust The Barneswood Charitable Trust

The Bassil Shippam and Alsford Trust The Boltini Trust The Caron Keating Foundation The Hugh Fraser Foundation The JLM Charitable Trust The John Coates Charitable Trust The Lynn Foundation The Margaret Giffen Charitable Trust The Ray Gravell & Friends Charitable Trust The Sir James Roll Charitable Trust The Sobell Foundation INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS Mr & Mrs P & S Butler Mr and Mrs Cassidy Mr L Debono Mr P Griffiths Dr Muntzer Mughal Mr C Murray Miss J Selcraig Mr A Tarver Mr Beecham COMMUNITY FUNDRAISERS Nick Cornell Glyn Francis QA rowers Barnaby Gray Mia and Megan Thorne Jean Brenchley Rosie Pound VOLUNTEERS Liz Bounton Laraine Grenfell Michael Walsh Sophie Walker Amy Simpkins SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL OUR VOLUNTEER GROUPS

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