Our District, Our Voice, May Edition

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ISSUE 9• MAY 2022

OUR DISTRICT, OUR VOICE Official Newsletter of Rotary District 9790

Anne's Column

DISTRICT GOVERNOR ANNE REID Membership: The month of May is important to review the state of membership in your clubs. Are you anticipating the resignation of members in June? Maybe now is the time to review, look for those people who may have shown interest in the past and invite them to some meetings. Membership is the core of our clubs. Fun, fellowship together with meaningful programs are the glue which holds them together. At the last report we have increased our membership across the District. Keep up the good work.

Youth Service: Monthly theme for May is Youth Service. It is time to review Your programs in time for the 2022-23 year. Is there an opportunity to involve some of the youth that have benefitted from your programs to become more involved?

Protecting our Environment: As one of the new areas of focus, what is your club doing to establish a program to help protect our environment? This type of project can encourage further interest in what Rotary does. Finally, I wish to encourage you all to finish the year with enthusiasm and focus. Anne Reid

This issue: District Assembly in Benalla

PAGES 03-05

The RotaryFoundation Disatser Response Fund


Reducing Food Waste


Milawa Oxley Raises $11,000 to Support Ukraine

PAGE 08 Rosanna Rotary Helping the Homeless


RI Board Report from Director Jessie Harman


Successful Groundbreaking Procedure achieved against the odds in Nepal

PAGES 12-13 Youth News

PAGES 14-18 Calendar of District Events







Anne's Column (District Governor's message)


District Assembly in Benalla


The Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Fund


Redcuing Food Waste


Milawa Oxley Raises $11,000 to Support Ukraine


Rosanna Rotary Helping the Homeless


Trip to Albury


RI Board Report from Director Jessie Harman


Successful Groundbreaking Procedure achieved against the odds in Nepal


RAWCS Communique


Youth News - Youth Programs contacts


Youth News - RYLA dates


Youth News - Youth & Volunteer Protection Scenario Based Training for Rotary Clubs


Youth News - Rotary Youth Exchange - Steph's Story


Youth News - Aitken College Interact


Youth News - Ian Murphy Memorial Debate


Youth News - Youth & Volunteer Protection Scenario Based Training for Rotary Clubs (Answers to scenarios)


Looking for a Fund Raising Activity? Numurkah car raffle


Calendar of Events


Rotary Calendar


End Polio Now


Photo credits: Cover: David Redfearn; Pages 3-5: supplied by David McPherson and David Redfearn Page 8: Rotary On the Move; Page 9: supplied by Ian Bushby and Terry Grant; Pages 12-13: supplied by Trevor Moyle; Pages 14-18: supplied by Linda Gidlund


District Assembly in Benalla

On the 3rd of April over 100 eager and enthusiastic leaders across our district attended the 9790 District Assembly at the Performing Arts centre in the country town of Benalla. The morning Plenary session showcased an impressive line-up of Rotary leader from across the district and as far away as Sydney and the Gold coast. The incoming District Public Image chair for our district Bryce McNair gave an excellent presentation. He stated that "We need to get better at explaining who we are and what we do" and asked all President-elects to appoint a Public Image chair for their club. He also asked each club to find 'Promotable events' and gave us the criteria that would define a good promotable event. His PowerPoint presentation can be found here. Public Image PowerPoint https://bit.ly/3abkpQw As part of the Public Image presentation, we also heard (virtually) from Angela Stavrogiannopoulos from the Rotary International South Pacific and Philippines Office (RISPPO) Sydney who is the Communications specialist providing support in this area. Her recorded presentation can be viewed here Angela Presentation https://bit.ly/3wrfTGb PDG Andy Rajapakse, a Rotarian and leader in the space of membership and New Style Clubs Development, addressed those that came to the assembly and spoke about the journey which led to the success of his district and the huge growth in membership and new clubs. Some key takeaways from his presentation was to look at places in our district where there is a need for community or a need for help and target those postcodes or areas as somewhere where a Rotary Club could thrive. The other main takeaway was Andy's commitment in time and networking when creating a new club and the importance for the commitment to encourage longevity and success for the new club. Finally, he talked about the importance of social media and public image in promoting what a new or current club is doing so that members of the community can see how joining a local Rotary club may benefit them and how they could use their unique skills to benefit the local community.


District Assembly in Benalla (continued)

Andy had a variety of great statistics boasting the impact that he had helped create in his own district and being recognised globally as a district that was performing extremely well compared to other Rotary districts around the globe. His district grew in 2020-21 by +164 members while adding 5 new Rotary clubs, 2 Satellite clubs, 3 Rotaract clubs, I Interact club and 1 Rotex club. His presentation can be viewed here Andy Rajapakse Presentation https://bit.ly/3wzfMat Following morning tea (supplied by Rotary club of Benalla who also did a fabulous job of catering for lunch as well- Thank you so much) we heard from PDG Jennifer Scott from the Blue Mountains who spoke to us about Conflict Management. This is something that occurs all too frequently in clubs and the purpose of this and the workshop that was held in the afternoon was to impart the skills to Rotarians to enable conflict to be managed successfully without it continuing to become something much bigger than it should. Jennifer is a lawyer specialising in mediation and has given many presentations to Rotary clubs on conflict Management. Her presentation can be viewed here: Jennifer Scott Conflict Management Part 1 https://bit.ly/3yQ3QUq We then had Rotarian Mark Anderson from the RISPPO Office in Sydney give a lively presentation on the Rotary Foundation and how now with the establishment of the Rotary Foundation Australia https://www.rotaryfoundationaustralia.org.au/ the foundation can supercharge your projects in Australia with $50,000 by connecting your project with generous corporations, philanthropists and individuals wanting to make a significant difference in Australian communities. Mark's presentation can be viewed here: Mark Anderson Rotary Foundation Presentation https://bit.ly/3FXppnD . Mark was then supported by PDG David Anderson who is the Incoming Foundation Chair for our district. Prior to the lunch break we heard from Trudy Grice who is the Club and District Support officer at the RISPPO office in Sydney who detailed what support the CDS office provides. Trudy's presentation (with commentary) can be viewed here: Trudy Grice Presentation https://bit.ly/3Luj8AO


District Assembly in Benalla (continued)

Following the lunch break there were two workshops. One on Conflict Management run by PDG Jennifer Scott (her workshop presentation can be viewed here: Jennifer Scott Conflict Management Part 2 https://bit.ly/3lrjYDS and the other on New Styles clubs Development run by PDG Andy Rajapakse (his presentation can be viewed here: New Styles Clubs Workshop https://bit.ly/3wDvPE1

As a group of 60+ Rotarians who all took part in the workshop we came up with 5-6 clubs that we could start in our district in postcodes that currently didn't have a Rotary Club. The discussion was electric and the sharing of ideas at the end of what we could do in each postcode to promote Rotary was truly inspiring. Nathan Stuart and DGE David McPherson

The following commentary was contributed by Rotarian Nathan Stuart from Diamond Creek now living in the Albury Wodonga area:

I am a proud 22 year old Rotarian who has just moved across the district for work. I was very excited to hear what Andy had to say as I am membership director of my club and keen on getting other young people engaged in our great organisation. I attended the workshop on New Styles clubs Development conducted by Andy Rajapakse which I found really helpful in my goal to start a Rotaract club in the Albury Wodonga area. After our lunch break Andy hosted a workshop called "New Styles" where he went through his 5 step action plan for creating a new club. Andy's 5 step action plan is the following: 1. What is our pitch? 2. How do we communicate? 3. Where is the money? 4. Venue options? 5. Who is our team? We then split into groups and using the 5 step plan we brainstormed a postcode in our district that didn't have a Rotary Club. Our group took a different approach in that we recognised a need for a club aimed at young people like a Rotaract club up in the Albury/Wodonga area. We expanded on Andy's 5 step plan and by the end of our discussion as a small group had a great foundation for what a club could look like, how we would get there and what we would need to make it a reality.


Reducing Food Waste

This report draws upon the work of Mark Preece from Empauer * and published by “Diggers”.

The Australian Federal Government has set a goal to halve Australia’s food waste by 2030, aligning with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 12.3. Actions to be taken to reduce food waste are laid out in the national Food Waste Strategy Roadmap and the National Waste Policy Action Plan.

One third of the world’s food is wasted. It is a global challenge with significant economic and environmental impacts, producing 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Australians use around 2,628 gigalitres of water to grow food that is wasted, meaning that eliminating this food waste would effectively save a massive 286 litres of water, per person, per day. If a person throws away a burger the amount of water wasted is equivalent to a 90 minute shower. Annual food waste volume is estimated at 7.6 million tonnes, costing our economy $36.6 billion a year. This wastage equals about 312 kg, per year, and 70% of this food is edible.

Extra reading: awe.gov.au/environment/protection/waste/foodwaste fightfoodwastecrc.com.au stopfoodwaste.com.au * Empauer is a leading sustainability consultancy, with a team of experts across international offices including Melbourne; it provides sustainability services to help organisations and businesses realise their sustainability opportunities. D9790 Sustaining the Environment Philip Clancy



Rotarians and Rotary Clubs in Ukraine and around the World have sprung into action to help mitigate the humanitarian disaster happening in the Ukraine. Article by PP Melissa Hebbard, Rotary Club of Milawa Oxley, D9790 There are 62 Rotary Clubs in Ukraine and astonishingly, all but the one in Kherson which is under Russian Occupation, is still functioning. Rotary has a motto, ‘Service Above Self,’ and that is certainly the case as Rotarians and Rotary Clubs in Ukraine and around the World have sprung into action to help mitigate the humanitarian disaster happening in the Ukraine. Rotary has been rebuilding the humanitarian hubs along the Ukraine borders with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania to co-ordinate the aid that is pouring in. They are receiving the supplies, mostly clothes, food, medicines and medical supplies and are sending them across the border to the hubs inside Ukraine where Rotarians redistribute them to the cities that are in dire need of help. They have also been looking after the Ukrainian refugees fleeing the conflict and finding accommodation, clothes, food and baby needs, and helping them move on towards safety. On Tuesday 29th March, Milawa Oxley Rotary held a Peace for Ukraine Dinner. The idea for the event was instigated by our youngest Rotarian, Kit Hebbard (25) who worked enthusiastically to connect with the local Ukrainian community who whole heartedly embraced this event. This was the Rotary ideals of advancing International understanding, goodwill, and peace, in action. Our small church hall was filled to capacity as seventy guests gathered in the St Paul’s Church Hall in Milawa to show support for Ukraine and celebrate the amazing culture and food of Ukraine. Diners were treated to a Ukrainian feast, incorporating classic Ukrainian dishes such as Borsch, Chicken Kyiv and Cabbage Rolls. Over $11,000 dollars was raised, which will be sent directly to the Rotary Foundation’s special Disaster Response Fund in Support of Ukraine. Here these funds will directly support humanitarian aid efforts in Ukraine and the surrounding countries that are receiving waves of refugees fleeing the conflict.


Special thanks must go to the Appin Street Butcher for supporting the fundraiser, as well as the Butko’s of AlburyWodonga, who provided invaluable help in catering for the dinner and spread the word amongst the Ukrainian community of North-East Victoria and the Border. Guests attended from across Australia, with attendees coming from Central Queensland, Adelaide, and several guests who had recently arrived in Australia after fleeing their homes in Ukraine. It was a particular honour to provide a warm welcome to our Ukrainian guests and show our solidarity and care in what must be unimaginably trying times. Tax deductible donations to the Disaster Response Fund can be made here at: https://my.rotary.org/en/disaster-responsefund. All donations to Rotary can be made with complete faith that all of the funds will end up where they are intended to go as The Rotary Foundation has received the highest 4-star charity rating from Charity Navigator for 14 consecutive years.

PP MELISSA HEBBARD, ROTARY CLUB OF MILAWA OXLEY — APRIL 26, 2022 (From the May edition of Rotary on the Move)

Trip to Albury

5th May 2022 Following the announcement of the successful appointment of PP Stephen O’Connell as district 9790’s District Governor Nominee Designate (DGND) several PDG and past district committee members travelled to Albury yesterday to congratulate both the Rotary Club of Albury Hume for the nomination and Stephen on his selection. Congratulations Stephen.

It was a great visit to Albury and something that as a group we plan to do more often. PDG Terry Grant

We attended the lunch meeting of Albury Hume and were introduced to incoming Assistant Governor Kelly Morton of Holbrook Rotary Club as Stephen is the current AG completing his final term. That evening we attended the Rotary Club of Albury West and joined President PDG David Cooke for a “ fireside “ chat after the meeting. Missing was PDG Brian Peters as he was at a RDU board meeting in Sydney – so we booked all the drinks to his account – cheers mate!!

L to R – PP Steve McKewen, PP Gary Fitzgerald, PDG Rob Lloyd, PDG Geoff McIllvenna, PDG Terry Grant, PDG David Cooke, PDG Bernie Bott


RI Board Report

RI Board Report

Feelings for Life Charitable Trust

GPEI Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Jessie Harman, Rotary International Director, 2021-2023

Successful Groundbreaking Procedure achieved against the odds in Nepal

A complex jaw reconstruction procedure (known as a TMJ ankylosis release and total joint replacement) was undertaken in early May at the Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences (KUSMS).

This programme has been overseen by SmileHigh Honorary Clinical Consultant Assoc Prof Sajeev Koshy with Trevor providing the project management oversight. The continuing oversight of the Community Oral Health Programe work has been overseen by Melbourne based SmileHigh Director, Dr Cathy Cheah.

The procedure had not been previously undertaken in Nepal and was achieved with the project management and facilitation of SmileHigh, who brought together two leading Melbourne Oral Maxillofacial surgeons Prof Andrew Heggie and Dr Ricky Kumar and the Oral Maxillofacial team at KUSMS, led by Dr Chandan Upadhaya.

From left: Dr Cathy Cheah, Assoc Prof Sajeev Koshy, Trevor Moyle and Dr Dilep Prajapati

Work on the visitation programe commenced in 2019 in the area of Oral Maxillofacial surgery, with Trevor working closely with Prof Andrew Heggie and Dr Ricky Kumar. Dr Ricky Kumar |

Prof Andrew Heggie

SmileHigh Foundation was formed in partnership with Rotary some 15 years ago, with the objective of providing Oral Health programmes that focus on education and treatment to provide sustainable health outcomes in remote Nepalese communities SmileHigh was jointly founded by Rotarian Trevor Moyle, President Elect of the Rotary Club of Moreland; NZ dentist and Orthodontist, Dr Julian Haszard and Nepalese dentist Dr Mingma Sherpa.

The jaw reconstruction involved complex patient assessment and build of a multi part prosthesis which was donated by the supplier at a very substantial cost Unfortunately the trip was planned for late March 2020, and had to be cancelled days before scheduled departure due to the onset of the Covid Pandemic. This meant that the complex and expensive prosthesis remained in Australia, until shipment was arranged earlier this year.

Trevor has been Chair of SmileHigh since its commencement, taking a more active hands on role over the past eight years, which was necessitated by heavy personal commitments of Julian and Mingma who have moved into advisory roles in recent years. Initially SmileHigh conducted its work directly in the field, which is now increasingly fulfilled through a collaboration with KUSMS, starting with Community Oral Health work and now augmented by specialist knowledge transfer from a planned programme of biannual visitations of leading specialists to Nepal.

Detailed planning with Dr Chandan at KUSMS involved preparation of lecture plans on subjects of topical interest, to be subsequently supported by oversight of procedures to support the classroom learning. This included the jaw reconstruction and a cleft procedure.


Successful Groundbreaking Procedure achieved in Nepal (continued) In the interim, Trevor took the lead in 2021 by initiating discussions with the surgical teams in Melbourne and Kathmandu. The challenge was that the Oral and Maxillofacial team in Nepal had no specific prior experience with such a procedure, so a plan was developed whereby the Melbourne team of Andrew and Ricky would provide some online tuition to the KUSMS team, including detailed planning for the procedure itself and preparation in the days before and on the planned date of the procedure itself. The procedure involved team of four surgeons over a nine hour period with many intricate steps. Although there is lengthy rehab the patient has responded very well to treatment. This outcome was recognised as tribute to the through preparation and dedication of the KUSMS team.

This result proved the success of the new SmileHigh specialist knowledge transfer programme by not only achieving a very good patient health outcome but also a practical learning experience for the KUSMS surgical team. This will be applied for the benefit of patients in the future, as well providing learnt knowledge to other dental professionals in Nepal. In turn SmileHigh Chair and Rtn Trevor noted that the experience has establishedan excellent template for future work with KUSMS in a range of specialties across dental and oral health. Trevor also noted with some pride the extent to which the project demonstrated the benefits of Rotary principles of empowerment and community connections. Trevor Moyle, Chair of SmileHigh


Officers of Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) from across Australia met in Melbourne on 9 and 10 April 2022 to develop action plans to support Rotary Clubs getting involved in projects both here in Australia and overseas. The District RAWCS Chairs explored ways to present to Rotary Clubs enabling them to access funding and get a project registered. The range of RAWCS activities and its new strategic directions will support Clubs to engage with their communities and attract new members. Rotarians have long supported people in need and RAWCS projects make it easy for Clubs to be a force for action in their community. To find out how easy it is to get a project going, contact your District RAWCS Chair or check out rawcs.org.au


Youth News Youth Progams Contacts International University Student Rotary Home Hosting – Philip Clancy, M 0428 834 162, Email: philip.clancy1@gmail.com The dates for the Rotary Youth Leadership Award Conference 2021-22:

Interact – Linda Gidlund, M 0418 173 279, Email: lleegidlund@gmail.com

New Dates – New Dates – New Dates!!!!!!

Sunday, 20 November 2022 to Saturday, 26 November 2022

Yes, yes, yes, the Expression of Interest (EOI) on the RYLA website is open and ready to go! Have your future RYLArians lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI). Make sure you give them your name, contact phone number and the correct sponsoring club name. Contact the team on Email: info@ryla9790.org.au Website: https://ryla9790.org.au/ Kerry Jones Secretary M 0414 861 557 & Linda Gidlund, Chair, M 0418 173 279

District Rotaract Representative – Elliot Silcock, M 0483 041 905, Email drr.9790@rotaract.org.au National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) – Nigel Liggins, M 0400 694 618, Email: nigelliggins@bigpond.com Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) – Meredith Miegel, M 0417 246 546, Email: chairperson@rye9790.org.au Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) – Kerry Jones, Secretary M 0414 861 557, Email: info@ryla9790.org.au Rotary Youth Program of ENrichment (RYPEN) – Contact Malcolm Watt, M 0439 158 274, Email: watt.malc@gmail.com Rotex – Contact Rotex by email: rotex9790@gmail.com Albury North - Rotary Youth Program of ENrichment (RYPEN) – Contact Warwick Tasker, M 0439 158 274, Email RYPEN Coordinator M 0408 052 386, Email warnel@bigpond.com Youth Volunteer Management - Contact Bruce McIntyre, M 0427 623 142, Email bruce.mcintyre1@bigpond.com

If you would like further information please contact Linda Gidlund on 0418 173 279 or lleegidlund@gmail.com


Youth News Youth Volunteer Management Youth & Volunteer Protection Scenario Based Training for Rotary Clubs

We realise that your Club may not have an Interact Club, be involved in Youth Exchange or have Rotarians involved in RYLA, but there are scenarios that apply to all Rotary Clubs. Scenario 1: “Breakfast Club”

Your Rotary Club has a project where they serve breakfast at a local Primary School once per week. Rotarians from your club prepare and serve the food. • What training is required for all Rotarians who participate? • Does the committee chair who is there weekly need to complete individual certification? • Who else needs to complete certification? • Does a Rotarian who only shows up once need to complete certification? Scenario 2: “Mary” at a Rotary event

Your club set up a booth at a local craft fair to explain Rotary and to attract members. You are manning the booth with Rotarian Mary. Mary sees a young boy walking by and loudly comments: “Wow, doesn’t he fill out his bike shorts well.” NOTE: This comment was actually overheard by two Interact students who were so upset that they brought the issue to their school principal the following Monday. Mary was the Club’s Interact Advisor (who was just speaking casually to a fellow member). The school principal appropriately called the Club President to discuss the situation. • Was Mary’s behaviour appropriate? • What action should you take? • Is there any action required by the Club President or Club YPO? (Answers on page 18)


Youth News RotaryYouth Exchange Steph's Story

I was also really lucky to go on multiple trips through Rotary while on Exchange. These included: Europa Tour (Europe Tour), Deutschlandreise (Germany Tour) and Ansbach Tour (in Bavaria over Easter). These were great opportunities to meet other exchange students and explore other areas of Germany and Europe.

Hello, District 9790! My name is Steph Horton, and this is my Rotary story. My life in Rotary started back in 2010, with a quick preliminary application to Rotary Youth Exchange. I was really lucky to have been interviewed by the Rotary Club of Appin Park and sponsored by the Rotary Club of Shepparton Central. At this point, I was 14 years old, turning 15 by departure day.

Upon my return to Australia in 2012, reverse culture shock was huge. Some of the most random moments included: receiving a book of English Grammar rules after my first English assessment in Year 11; forgetting where the dishes belonged after they were washed; getting back into the left side of the car (to be the passenger) and remembering that getting into town was not as simple as it used to be.

I completed my VCE in 2013, then going to Deakin University, qualifying in the Bachelor of International Studies, majoring in International Relations. I also graduated with a Diploma of Arabic Language. These degrees also allowed me to live in Oman for two months and study Arabic. I also graduated my Master of I went on a 12-month exchange to Germany in 2011, and it Teaching (Secondary) in 2020. changed my life. I had a total of six families, and while I did have some issues with families, Rotary settled them My vocation is a Secondary Teacher. I teach English quickly. These were also moments of growth, maturity, (given the grammar books I spoke about above, ironic and problem solving skills, something I would have not hey!) at Greater Shepparton Secondary College. For those gained in a year at home. that have not heard about this school, it is the four I lived in a few towns around Bremen (a city state), in the northwest of Germany. I lived in the state of Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), which borders Bremen, and the capital is Hannover. I lived in the towns of Worpswede, Lilienthal and Bassum. The Rotary Clubs of Osterholz and Syke, both in District 1850, hosted me. I went to Gymnasium Lilienthal and Gymnasium Twistringen, where I studied in year 9 and 10. One of the biggest differences for me was the range of subjects I studied. Here in Australia, we study around six subjects, five in year 12 in Victoria. In Germany, I studied 14 different subjects.


Shepparton Schools combined into one. This on its own has its challenges, but resilience and collaboration are making it work. On top of that, I am in a Position of Responsibility in my second year of teaching.

Youth News RotaryYouth Exchange Steph's Story (continued_

My role as House Support means that I work with the Middle School and Senior School House Leaders, supporting them in basic student management – behaviour and attendance at school being the main two. One of the things that seem to always get said about my resume is Rotary Youth Exchange, and I enjoy being able to talk about my exchange. Since exchange, I have been able to keep in contact with my host families and my best friend who came on exchange here in D9790. Carlotta is now a qualified nurse and training to be a doctor in Croatia. I have also stayed within the realms of Rotary. I am honoured to be one of the founding members of Rotex D9790, where I was a member from 2017 to 2021. I held the positions of Secretary and Treasurer in this time. I joined the District Youth Exchange Committee in 2020, where I am part of the Inbound team. I am looking forward to meeting our new inbounds this year after such a long time off! I also joined the Rotary Club of Kyabram in 2020. I will hold the position of President from the 1st of July this year. Whilst this is another challenge, it is an exciting one. Youth Exchange changed my life, for the better. I would not be in the position I am now without Rotary. I just want to say if you even have the slightest consideration about Youth Exchange, do it. If there is something you’re not sure about? Contact the committee – we’re happy to help! It’s incredibly rewarding, and making the dreams happen for so many students and their families.

To finish, I want to thank the Rotary Clubs of Appin Park and Shepparton Central, District 9790, and Clubs Osterholz and Syke and District 1850 for changing my life forever. Rotary and the work with youth, one of the best in the world! Steph Horton President Elect Rotary Club of Kyabram Inbound Coordinator (Scandinavia/Switzerland/Netherlands) District 9790 Youth Exchange Committee

Aitken College Interact The Interact Club of Aitken college is running an “Aitken has Talent” Event and using this to raise funds for Beyond Blue via a gold coin donation.

Ian Murphy Memorial Debate The Ian Murphy Memorial Debate is no longer a District facilitated program. A range of issues over the past three years that have affected this program, including COVID, school access for Rotarians, and an increase pressure on the time management and scheduling for the Annual Rotary District Conference. Thank to all of the clubs that have participated over its 42-year history and the Rotarians that have contributed over the 42 years to the success and enjoyment of the debate. Thank you Nigel Liggins for supporting the Ian Murphy Memorial Debate over the last 6 years – dedication to a professional experience for students, parents and teachers.


Linda Gidlund, District Youth Chair

Youth News Youth Volunteer Management – Quiz Youth & Volunteer Protection Scenario Based Training for Rotary Clubs Answers to Scenarios

Scenario 1:

What training? Online Youth Protection Awareness training is required for all participants in Rotary Youth Programs. Committee Chair? The individual in charge of the program, he or she needs to complete individual certification. Additionally, the committee chair is meeting with the students on a routine basis they would need to be certified. Who else? Anyone who serves food on a routine, constant, basis needs to be individually certified. If an individual is only serving once a month, that is casual contact. If a person is serving more than once a month this is considered routine contact. It’s possible for a volunteer in this sort of position to develop a relationship with a student so that the student sees the volunteer as someone that they can trust. Only once attendee? No, they only need to complete the online Youth Protection Awareness training. Scenario 2:

Appropriate? Rotary is a professional organization. Comments like this don’t belong at Rotary-sponsored events. Action? Rotarians can help each other understand behavior that is inappropriate and may be construed as sexual harassment. Mary’s actions have seriously impacted her ability to work with the Interact Club Suggest that Mary retake Youth Protection Awareness Training Bruce McIntyre, D9790 YVM Coordinator, PP, PHF**, RAA. 0427 623 142 bruce.mcintyre1@bigpond.com


A great risk-free fundraising idea for these uncertain times

If you think your club might like to participate and generate risk free funds, then Contact Richard Speedy on 0490792601 or rspeedy@iinet.net.au to obtain more details.

Calendar of events





Rotary Youth Program of ENrichment (RYPEN) – The next District 9790 RYPEN is coming in October 2022.


The next District 9790 RYPEN is coming in October 2022.

Malcolm Watt, M 0439 158 274, Email: watt.malc@gmail.com

Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) Conference


Sunday, 20 November 2022 to Saturday, 26 November 2022

Kerry Jones, Secretary M 0414 861 557, E: info@ryla9790.org.au (page 8 for more details)


Expressions of Interest are open and will remain open. Offers will be on a first in basis, as there will be limited openings.

Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)

May 2022 is Youth Service Month


Kerry Jones, Secretary M 0414 861 557, E: info@ryla9790.org.au


June 2022

May 2022

Rotary Fellowships Month

Youth Service Month





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