Secrets From Before

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Secrets From Before (Letters to Mom and Dad)

From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother's womb. I will ever praise you. Psalm 71:6

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart...� Jeremiah 1:5

Copyright 2009 Andrew Soyars

This collection is protected by copyright, but may be distributed freely, and in fact, sharing it is encouraged, as long as it is done so free of charge and without altering the content. If you would like to share printed copies of this collection, please feel free to do so with the same restrictions.

Author's note: This collection of letters was originally composed for a very dear friend of mine and her husband...also a very special person. Yet another dear friend convinced me it should be shared to bless others. The original intent was for expectant parents...but then the Lord allowed me to see that it wasn't just for folks expecting additions to the's for each and every one of us. Just a reminder from our Dad as to how special each and every one of us is, and how much we are loved! May your blessings be abundant...

Dear Mom and Dad...

I just wanted you to know I'm really excited to get to see you soon! There's so much I want to tell you about! That's why I'm writing this letter...I'm afraid that by the time I learn to speak your language, I may forget all the things I want you to know...things about me...where I came from...things about you, and how much you're loved. Important things. Things that shouldn't be forgotten...but I'm afraid they will be, if I don't write them down before I leave here... I know you're probably getting very anxious to see me! After all, it has been awhile! Especially for you, Mom! I hope it hasn't been too much of a burden for you. At the same time, just be patient a little bit longer. Keep in mind, that I'm experiencing things that you've forgotten! For instance, it's very peaceful here...very comfortable. And the Lord is with me. I know He's with you, too, but He's with me in a very special way. He's forming me, putting me together with His very own hands...teaching me things, that I'll soon forget. Things I'll forget once I reach your side. I won't forget them soon or easily. I'll try every day to remember them, but He's already told me that I'll forget them over's all a part of being on your side of things. It's sad, in a way, but at the same time, once they're forgotten I won't even know they were here. So, while I know you're very anxious to see me (I'm anxious, too, by the way!), at the same time, please know I'm in good hands. I'll be there when He's finished with me! I think I'm gonna leave off here for awhile. He's got me in His arms, gently caressing my forehead and it's making me quite sleepy! He does that when He's getting ready to “work� on me! It's so incredibly relaxing! I think...gee, it's getting hard to...stay awake! When I finally get there, and when you look at me and I seem to be

sleeping peacefully, with that strange blissful look on my you'll know why! It's just Him working on me a little bit! :0) See ya soon...LOVE YOU!

Dear Mom and Dad...

Man, I just had a totally awesome nap! It's amazing! I feel so GOOD! Sometimes I get to feeling so incredibly delicious I can't help myself but to start dancing! I've wondered if you guys can feel it. I can't seem to help myself! It just sorta starts in my tummy and works its way out through my feet! I suppose a good boogie-woogie never hurts anybody! Now, where did I leave off? Oh, yeah. Things I wanted us to remember together when I get there...One thing that comes to mind, is this: not to toot my own horn or anything, but it's interesting to me to think about the fact that I'm me. I mean, do you realize that if a different sperm had bumped into the egg, I wouldn't be me? I'd be someone else! That's a strange, but fascinating thought. I wonder about it sometimes...who I could have been and who I am. I wonder how I might have been different... At the same time, I also know it worked out just like it was supposed to. I know He chose which little sperm was supposed to meet the egg in order to make me the way He wants me to be. Still, it's rather mind-boggling! (By the way, we've been having a fantastic time here, me and Him! Words really can't describe Him, but I know when you meet Him, you'll love Him to death!) You know, from the time that little sperm snuck into that little egg, He hasn't left me even once? Not even for a minute! You'd think we might get tired of each other, but it's actually the other way around! The more time we spend together, the more we want to spend together! The sad thing is, like so many other things I won't remember, I'll forget that too, as time passes by...once I get on your side. On the bright side, He tells me that even then, He'll always be with me and that we'll meet again. And I'll fall in love with Him again. And if I need to, that I'll love Him to death. I won't know Him like I

do now...not once I reach your side...but I'll know Him again someday. He tells me that it's not until we leave your side, that we'll get to know Him again like I know Him now. In fact, we'll know Him even better... “fully” is the word He used. We'll know Him “fully”. That's what He said...just not until we leave your side. Wonder what He meant by that. I mean, I know a lot about my side, but absolutely nothing about your side, other than what He's told me. I know that your side is a hard place sometimes. That it's a place that makes us forget about Him and who He is. I don't like that part at all! But I also know it's a place where you guys are...a place that's full of wonders of it's own. He's told me many, many times, not to be distracted by the wonders of your side. That's another thing I wonder about. I what He meant by that. I guess it's so hard to understand because I've never been there. Not yet, anyway! In a way, it even sounds a little intimidating! But I'll have you guys, and He did promise He'd be with me, even if I can't see Him like I do now... Boy, I hope I'm not a coward when I get there! I know I'll have you and Dad there to help me. And, the Lord, of course! I hope I don't disappoint you guys! Think I'm gonna close for now. We've got this thing going on here, where we just love on each other all the time, me and Him. Sometimes it's a little overwhelming...anyway, I think I'm just gonna slip off and enjoy His company for awhile! I'll write again, soon, though! Just wanted you to know that when you look at me, marvel at who I am instead of who I could have been! :0) See ya soon! LOVE YOU!

Dear Mom and Dad...

Hi again! Just me! I was sitting here thinking about you and there's so much I haven't even started to tell you about! Time is passing quickly, so I suppose I'd better get started! The Lord has told me that when I get there, we won't be able to understand each other at first! I thought that was a little odd, but He was kind enough to explain it to me. Apparently, here with Him, we speak a different language. To tell the truth, we don't actually speak a lot anyway. Not with words, at least. We usually talk with our hearts, instead, if that makes any sense. His heart talks to me, and mine talks to Him and we're able to communicate perfectly. But we do use words sometimes. He calls it, “the tongue of angels”. I'm not sure what exactly that means, but that's the only language I know except for the “heart” talk. So, as I understand it, when I get there, the only language I really know anything about is “the tongue of angels”. He says that you guys don't speak that language very much on your side...that you'll have to teach me how speak your own language. I hope it's not too hard to understand! Anyway, I just wanted to warn you about that so you won't think I'm crazy! He also told me that you guys won't be able to see some of the things I see. Like when He comes to visit me or sends one of the angels to check on me. I'm not sure why that is, either, but I wanted to let you know so that if you ever see me staring into space at someone you can't see and speaking with “the tongue of angels”, you'll know what's going on! I've learned, much to my sadness, that as time goes by, there on your side, I'll see less and less of Him and the angels until my mind reaches a point that it no longer detects them at all. He has assured me, they will still be there...just that my eyes will no longer see them as they are. I have to admit, that's one thing about your side that I

don't look forward to at all! Not even a little bit. I don't know how you and Dad can stand it...not being able to see the Lord! I can't even imagine! He tells me that as I learn to speak your language, that little by little, I'll forget how to speak with “the tongues of angels”, or that such a language even exists at all. That's a little sad, too...but not nearly as much as not being able to see Him with my eyes! He's warned me of some of the other things I'll learn there on your side. Things like worry and fear. I'm not really sure what they are, but they sound like some rather nasty fellows. But again, I have you guys, and He'll still be with me, even though I may not see Him like I do now. Anyway, when you look at me, as I speak with “the tongue of angels”...or when I smile at someone you can't see...please understand that it's not your fault that I'll lose those things for a short while. It's just the way things are, there on your side. He tells me that someday, if I choose, I can speak again with “the tongue of angels” and that instead of seeing Him with my eyes, I'll see Him with my heart...kind of like in the way that we already talk. And He tells me that while both He and I (as I'm sure you do already), will long for a much closer the one I have with Him now...that some day...once I leave your side...we'll be closer than ever before! Be sure to remember these things when you look at me, Mom. You too, Dad! That it's not just you and me...that it's us and Him! And that your side might be the only side we have for now, but that someday we'll all be on HIS side...and when we reach HIS side, we're HOME! :0) Gotta run! See ya soon! LOVE YOU!

Dear Mom and Dad...

Gee, time is really flying by here! It gets a little closer every day and I'm so excited! A little nervous, too, but I know that between you guys and the Lord, everything will be just fine! He tells me that you're as excited as I am, which is hard to believe! I'm a little shy about sending this particular letter, but it's what He told me to tell you about. By the time I get there and “mature� a little, I won't remember them and He really wants you to know and understand! Why am I a little shy about this one? Because it's mostly about me. I don't want it to sound like I'm bragging, because that's really not the case at all. If anything, it humbles me beyond words! I'm sure you guys have heard of a fellow by the name of Moses. Well, would you believe that I've had the chance to actually talk to him? He was there...back at the place I used to live at before the Lord and me arrived here. There are so many cool people there, Mom! Anyway, Moses used to tell me stories from his time spent there (on your side, I mean). One of the things I remember the most, is about how he would talk to God a lot. Now Moses, as I'm sure you know, was the leader of a whole LOT of folks! I mean, a BUNCH of folks! And every time he would talk to God, whenever he would go back to the people, Moses would have to wear a veil over his face. It seems that whenever he talked to God, the very glory of God, Himself, would rub off on Moses and make him glow like a glow worm! And all the people were afraid to look at him all lit up like that, so he had to wear a veil whenever he came back to the camp from talking to God. (We both got a good chuckle out of that one, by the way!). The reason I'm telling you all that, and the reason I'm a little shy

about writing this letter, is because...well, as you know, the Lord's been here with me this whole time. Knitting me together, you might say. He's told me that little people like me...babies, He calls us...have a certain glow that comes from being in His presence, just like Moses used to glow after his talks! Now He's also told me that most people don't recognize that glow as being His glory, which I find rather astonishing! He also said, that the more time I spend on your side, the more the glow fades until it's no longer seen. No offense, but your side sure sounds like a sad place! He did say, though, that the glow can return someday. Like when I reach the point where I can see Him again, with my heart. Then it'll come right back! Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys about that glow, because...well, when I get there...and when you look at me...I don't want you to be afraid of me and put a veil over your face! I'd much rather have you understand the glow and what it is...where it comes from. Not that I would be embarrassed if you did decide to wear a veil! Just that it's not necessary! (Ok, I might be a LITTLE embarrassed ...but just a LITTLE!) And I'm supposed to ask you to remind me about grace. The Lord says I'll forget most of what He's taught me here, but that you guys won't let me forget. More specifically, when you're reminding me about grace, don't let me forget that the veil in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. Don't let me forget that even now, whenever the Law of Moses is read that the same veil Moses wore is still present, hiding God's glory...and that it's only by grace that it can be please, please be sure to remind me about grace! And most of least until it wears off over there on your side...when you look at me...enjoy the glory! :0) See ya soon! LOVE YOU!

Dear Mom and Dad...

I guess this will be the last letter I write to you before we see each other for the first time! Just something the Lord wanted me to tell you really quick, then we have to get back to work getting me ready for my “trip�! He says you should already know He loves you because of what He did for you long ago. But He says that, in case you ever have any doubts about how much He loves you, to just look at me! He loves you enough to give you me! And He loves me enough to give me you! Now, granted, that's not nearly as special as what He did long ago...but it's still pretty darn special! Wow! Isn't He amazing? :0) Anyway, and this is very important...when you look at me, just remember how much He loves you! See you soon! LOVE YOU!

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“Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deut. 6:7 The greatest responsibility that you have as a parent, a child, a brother, sister or friend is to share the gospel to those around you. If you're not comfortable sharing Jesus in words, share him in deeds instead, but share him! People will notice! And they will approach you to find out what makes you so different! Share him the best way you know to share him, whether it's words, actions or both. Can you imagine standing in line before the throne of God waiting your turn for judgment with your child in front of you? As your child's life is reviewed by the Judge, your child hides his face in shame. And as he is dragged away by demons to be taken to his final destination of eternal torment, he turns to you and shrieks in terror, “Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me about this? I thought you loved me!” I know there are those that may read these words that don't believe the same way I do, and that's alright. I'm not responsible for making your decisions...I'm only responsible for seeing to it that you are informed of the truth. And I won't try to persuade you or shove it down your throat. But I do have a question for you to ponder... If I'm wrong...if, at the end of my days here on earth, I simply cease to be, then I will have spent my life foolishly convinced that a fairy tale was true...and I will have spent my life helping others and (hopefully) being a better person because of it. And I will simply cease to exist. That's a consequence I can easily accept, though I suppose I would really have no choice in the matter. But if you're easily can you accept your consequences?

Faith in Jesus, contrary to what you may have been taught or what you may have experienced in your life, is not about being judgmental, or being judged, or following rules, regulations or traditions. It's not about changing who you are or what you do. It's about understanding that we're all sinners...believers and nonbelievers, alike. All of us. And that because we're all sinners, we all face judgment, and because we're all guilty, we all face punishment. The difference...the ONLY difference...between believers and nonbelievers, is that the believer has accepted the fact that Jesus bore our judgment and our punishment on the cross so that we wouldn't have to bear it ourselves. That's it. It's true that many believers are changed...not because, all of a sudden we're better people. But rather, because God loves us too much to leave us the way we were. We're no better than anyone different from anyone else...except that we've experienced the grace of God. And we've only experienced the grace of God, because He was gracious enough to give it. Not because we earned it or deserved it in any way...a point that many Christians forget sometimes. I can accept the fact that I could be wrong. And if that's the case, so be it. I'll never know the miracles I've seen were simply flukes of nature. I'll never know the lives that I've seen changed were simply other poor souls sucked into the same deception of hope for a better way. I'll never know that the indescribable love I've experienced was false. I'll never know that the power I've experienced was all just a distorted state mind. I can accept that. But if you're wrong, can you accept an eternity of torment? You won't have a choice, you know. Once it's done, it's done. A place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. An unquenchable fire. And I'm not convinced that's the worst of it. What you did or didn't do here won't matter. This poor, pathetic, twisted world will be the best place you've ever known...and even that will be just a memory.

The sad thing is, you won't be there because you're “such a bad person.” You'll be there because you decided to bear your own judgment and punishment yourself, instead of allowing Jesus to do it for you. He's already done it. You just have to accept it. I can accept my fate if I'm wrong. But if you're wrong... Can you accept yours? If you've never accepted Jesus as your Savior and you would like to do so, all you have to do is ask him. He's waiting. He's willing. He would much rather you spend eternity with him than in a place of eternal torment. Just the thief on the cross beside him... “Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:42,43 It's that simple. If that one isn't good enough, try this one: “Jesus, I admit I'm a sinner and I'm asking you to forgive me. Please come into my heart and make me yours. Thank you, Lord.” The words you use aren't important. What's important is that you seek him and accept what he did for you, and that you acknowledge your acceptance in his presence...which is in your heart. Whether you believe or not, share it with your kids. It's the greatest act of love you'll ever be able to give them. Many blessings!

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