Sapience Financial & Investment Services

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Real world full picture financial advice®

No matter what stage of life you’re at...


The truth is that different people within the financial industry mostly specialise only in their own area of expertise. They may be able to help with a mortgage, for example, but they can’t help you with anything else. They do not look at how a mortgage may impact your plans and finances in other areas, which is vitally important – because here’s another truth – every one of your financial, investment and insurance decisions affects all the rest.

Most of the people in the chart on page 3 of this brochure could be considered experts in their field. But only in their field. They should not legally give you advice outside their area of expertise. In many cases it would be illegal for them to do so. But here at Sapience, our team has the necessary qualifications and authorisations so we can advise you in all of these financial areas.

When it comes to planning your financial future you do have choices. You can plod along and hope for the best, or you can talk to someone who can give you the full picture...


Sapience Adviser

Who does it better Advice real estate investments & investing in real property Field ofon expertise Provide and structure a mortgage

Financial Planner

Financial Planner

Risk Adviser

Risk Adviser

Mortgage Broker

Mortgage Broker

Real Estate Sapience Agent Adviser

Provide advice on life insurance Advice onpersonal real estate investments and investing in real property Provide personal advice on income protection insurance Provide and structure a mortgage Provide personal advice illness and keyperson protection Provide personal advice on on lifecritical insurance Provide personal advice managed investments Provide personal advice on on income protection insurance Provide personal advice estate planning Provide personal advice on on critical illness and keyperson protection Provide personal advice protecting special needs children Provide personal advice on on managed investments through insurance & future planning Provide personal advice on asset allocation strategies

Provide personal advice on asset allocation strategies

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Provide research & tailored advice on direct property investment

& how it research can be integrated with existing financial plans Provide & tailored advice on direct property Provide assistance in in buying andand selling property Provide assistance buying selling property

Real Estate Agent

“Drew saved me from buying into a Strata block that not only backed on to a railway line (that wasn’t on the original plans that the salesman had), it was also in an economically distressed area with a remarkably high crime rate with domestic abuse. What was I Ithinking? thinking?I Isuppose supposeI Iwasn’t wasn’tuntil I until I met Drew." met Drew.”

Young family “We did not have any spare cash for life insurance or income protection insurance. It was always in the back of our minds but seemed too hard. Drew showed us how we could have the high quality income protection and life insurance paid from our superannuation fund – the real quality blue ribbon stuff, not like those ones you see on TV infomercials – that we knew we needed but didn’t think that we were able to afford.” – M & B Boorer, Castle Hill

First home “As a self-employed guy I never really knew where I stood with the banks and buying my first home was such a big step. Thank you so much for being patient with us and walking us through all those extra steps with the first home buyer grant that nobody else seemed to be able to explain properly.” – Luke & Lisa, Concord

"I never knew that a self-employed couple with 3 leases, 2 credit cards, 3 loans and 4 kids could be so hard for the bank manager, (we had to wait four days for an appointment with him too!). Drew, you and your team delivered the goods when we needed someone who understood what we didn’t".

For over 10 years, Sapience has been working with a diverse range of clients who all have one thing in common – they have decided that they want greater certainty in their future.

Drew Browne, director of Sapience, recognised early the lack of accessible real world full picture financial advice in the market and so began the journey to provide that level of speciality to the average man and woman on the street.

He is now a qualified and licensed Financial Planner, Risk Adviser, Real Estate Licensee and Credit Representative (Mortgage Broker). This means he is legally qualified and has expertise in just about any financial area you’d like to talk about.

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rate Risk Protectiotn St en ev e lif Major Major Life Event l ecial and Additiona Sper Oth Needs Planning otection Small Business Pr ____ Other __________

Sapience founder and Director For many years I had a successful career, working long hours for a government agency, advising on and teaching high level students in criminal law. For over a year I’d been working an average of 60-70 hours a week. Headaches, eye strain and a sore throat seemed to be just a way of life. I finally saw a doctor and was rushed into urgent surgery to remove a growth from my voice box. To cut a long story short, my illness cost me my job and my career.

I had to start my life over again–but this time with a much healthier lifestyle and work habits. No one had ever taken the time to explain to me the value of financial advice, how to protect myself and my future with professional insurance, about choosing stable investment strategies, and how much they all interacted with my life. I saw that the financial industry was fragmented and confusing to the average person. Any advice was limited to what products a particular professional had to sell. There had to be a better way.

For over 15 years, I’ve been helping people to take control of their financial situation – regardless of their age or where they are in life. If you can relate to any of the information in this brochure and would like a complimentary, no-obligation chat, please give us a call.

• Qualified and Licensed Financial Planner • Financial and Risk Advisor • Real Estate Licensee • Credit Representative (Mortgage Broker)




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Over the following years, I gained all of my formal qualifications and in 1999 established the company that was to become Sapience Financial & Investment Services. Today, I see my role as helping my clients learn about these vital issues the easy way, so they can be better prepared for financial and investment challenges.


Sapience Corporation Pty. Limited and Drew Browne, AR 275198 & AR275199, are authorised representatives of Affinia Financial Advisers Limited. AFS Licence 237857. TAID 1033. This document was produced in February 2013. © Copyright Sapience 2013.

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