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practically naked, leap into the water, pull the net and carry it to the shore. The bottom of the lake being covered with sharp stones there is much confusion and shouting as the net is dragged to land. Once ashore the fisb are immediately sorted out. Those considered unfit are thrown back into the sea while the others are collected in vessels and baskets. The Jewish law only permitted the eating of fishes

hich had fins. Skin fished such as eels

were not considered fit for human consumption. While the fish are being sorted some of the older fishermen, likely the owners of the net, overhaul it to make certain it has not been damaged. Some boys gathered about the fishermen at their task and are given those fish too small to be sold at the market. The boys tie their fish into bunches. It was from a boy suoh as these that the disciples bought the "two small fishes and the five loaves·. The last scene of this sequence is a close-up of the fish, showing the men's hands as they are sorting the good and "casting the bad away".o •••

The close-up of the fish dissolves softly into the next Bcene. •••

The next scene shows the overseer of the Synagogue, blowing his horn to announce that the Sabbath has come. This scene again dissolves softly into the next scene which is a close-up of the catch of fish, showing the good and bad together. This scene again dissolves softly into


(10) a new scene showing the exterior of the Synagogue. Two shepherds dressed in cloaks of sheep-skin arrive - a little late - in the Synagogue. During the scene-shifting is heard the following commentary:

And Jesus went about all Galilee and he taught on Sabbaths in their Synagogues - being glorified of all.

The two shepherds tether their flock of sheep and goats at a tree. The sheep are white and the goats are black. (Even to-day one can see the sheep and goats mixed. It was because of this custom that Jesus spoke of "the shepherd dividing his sheep from the goats.") The shepherds hastened into the entrance hall of the the center


There in

as the basin for washing the hands before entering the

service. When the shepherds entered the door of the Synagogue proper the voice of Jesus could be heard reading selected verses from one of the prophets (and its targum after each three verses). The men had difficulty finding seats, as the service was crowded, but at last they succeeded. All the time the voice of Jesus can be heard and as he speaks the camera moves through the listening crowd in the three-aisled room, toward the south wall where the table with the scrolls is to be found. Before the table with the scrolls is a platform with



armchair. When Jesus comes into view he is still standing at the desk but has just finished his reading. He hands the scroll to the overseer who rolls it up and carries it to the table with the scrolls. Jesus has seated himself in the armchair and - while still seated, which was the common practice - he begins preaching, basing his sermon on the verses he has read.

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