Horizontal Directional Drillings Colombia
Oleoducto Bicentenario de Colombia SA commended to renew an oil pipe line in the east of Colombia, named Bicentennial Pipeline. Five out of six bores executed are part of the construction in order to realize the longest oil pipeline in Colombia. The drilling line runs from Araguaney to the Caribbean harbour of Cove単as with diameters of 36" up to 42". Upon completion the pipeline will have a length of over 960 kilometres.
Oleoducto Bicentenario de Colombia SA Main contractor
Sicim, Colombia Project
Bicentennial Pipeline lot 1 Location
Tame, Arauca Colombia Implementation period
June 2012 - July 2013 Client
Ocensa (Oleoducto Central SA) Main contractor
Sicim, Colombia Project
Crossing Rio San Jorge Location
Buenavista, Caucasia Colombia Implementation period
June 2012 - July 2013 A.Hak Drillcon BV acquired the employees and HDD equipment of NACAP BV, August 2012
A.Hak Drillcon succesful overseas
Successful river crossings by Horizontal Directional Drillings (HDD) 1.322m1 42" river crossing Rio Casanare, execution period June - July 2012 1.588m1 42" river crossing Rio Tame, execution period October - November 2012 800m1 42" river crossing Rio Banadia, execution period December 2012 January 2013 1.343m1 24" river crossing San Jorge, execution period March - April 2013* 810m1 42" river crossing Rio Caranal, execution period April - May 2013 1.050m1 42" river crossing Rio Culebrero, execution period June - July 2013 * During Bicentennial Pipeline lot 1, Sicim Colombia and A.Hak Drillcon BV entered a second project named Crossing Rio San Jorge on behalf of Ocensa (Oleoducto Central SA) January 1st 2013.
The entire project was considered very difficult considering the geology of coarse sand, gravel and boulders, especially the bore of the Rio Culebrero. Other drilling contractors were approached, but they found the conditions too challenging. Finally A.Hak Drillcon BV made the commitment to execute the project. A.Hak Drillcon BV, using experienced staff, the right equipment and better use of drilling fluid, ensured that all bores have been successfully completed.
Engelseweg 159 5705 AD Helmond A.Hak Drillcon B.V. PO Box 715 T +31 (0)492 345 600 F +31 (0)492 345 601 ADDRESS
5700 AS Helmond drillcon@a-hak.nl