DanieleRiccardo Incerti
SPK: “Poche cose hanno cambiato la vita dell’uomo così profondamente....”
SPK: dei Sofficini Che Mozzarella.... sfx Musica epica
Tutti: “OoooH”
mamma: “Ehi, Guardate!”
Tutti: “Oooohhh”
SPK: “ Inizia l’Era della Mozzarella Panata....
sfx Musica epica
sfx Musica epica
...la mozzarella più golosa sfx Musica epica
..come non l’avete mai assaggiata... sfx Musica epica
Food Unilever - Findus Sofficini “Che Mozzarella” Spot 30” Spot 15” 2007 ART Director jr >>
Food Unilever - Findus Sofficini “Che Mozzarella” Packaging 2007 ART Director >>
Cars Opel - Logo ESP - controllo totale Logo for concept image of opel’s cars plus. >>
2007 ART Director
Nuova Opel Zafira 1.6 a metano
Print - Zafira 2007 ART Director
Tecnologia a metano Opel per una mobilitĂ sostenibile
>> >>
Call for bids
Institutional - Call for bids Presidenza del consiglio dei ministri Promote Italy in the world competition booklet and Print proposal >>
2007 ART Director jr
Call for bids
Institutional - Call for bids Presidenza del consiglio dei ministri Promote Italy in the world competition booklet and video mood proposal >>
2007 ART Director jr
Brochure AGIP Season gift Catalogue “You and Agip” >>
2007 ART Director
SPOT TV 30” Istitutional BNP - PARIBAS Mood Board Tennis Challenge - subject - B - “Everyone, is the one.” >>
2007 ART Director
SPOT TV 30” Istitutional BNP - PARIBAS Story Board Tennis Challenge - subject - A - “Everyone has a chance” >>
2007 ART Director
Spot TV 30” Findomestic - Carta AURA Story board “A - Guitar Hero; B - Happy Birthday; C - Dillo con i Fiori” >>
2007 ART Director
New Media Fondazione Pastificio Cerere Onlus Web master - content manager - art director Pastificiocerere.com/it: the website of the foundation+art direction of the Foundation >>
2007 ART Director
Click to visit the website and connect to the channel
New Media Fondazione Pastificio Cerere Onlus Brand Identity - Format - VideoEditing Cerere Podcast: webmedia channel with video inteview and pdf catalogue of the events. >>
2007 ART Director
Daniele Riccardo Incerti
Art Director
Mobile +39 3393736171 e_mail danieleincerti@gmail.com
Thank you for your attention. With my best, Dan back to index >>