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within the same couple of hours. He is a car collector and is friends with guys like Jay Leno. I was telling him how I was present when Jay Leno took delivery of his McLaren P1. That I had no idea how I was invited there, but it was such an honor. And that at one point Jay walked over and knew my name and asked how my family was. I never knew he knew my name...just figured he thought I was the guy in the orange hat at the car show. Jay then asked if I wanted to be a “double” sitting in the car while they set up the shot. I was stoked! What an honor! Sure, to some it might just be sitting in a car, but to me, I thought, how did I get here? Jay Leno knows my name and I am sitting in the 1st McLaren P1 delivered, and it is Jay Leno’s car. I had no idea how I got there, The Autoindeed. Gallery, we like how this moment in time worked out, but,At it was a journey The Journey: I have never really givento much thought to life customers. being a journey. I do listen to our reflect quite a bit and I know that our experiences and people in our lives shape us. I Our 2013 Customer think about what I could have done better or differently. But most of the time I seem Satisfaction Survey Canoga Park Van toNuys be running around in the “now” concerned about the “today” and notresults the journey. I that don’t know if I am driving the journey or told if it is us driving me.the Or ifnumber that is just life, you are on a ride and you better hold on. one complaint amongst our Woodland Hills Who is driving your journey and are you running at 100%? I think that I need to just spoke with a friend who many years ago was flat broke but is now doowners was the lack been about? Where is my journey going very well. I always enjoy conversations with him because he is always reflect on that a bit more. What has my journey ofhalf-mast convenience of our experience, ing? Am I running at full speed or am I at missing opportunity, so positive and upbeat. He said something to the effect that he always service locations. and fun. Am I accomplishing my dreams, or am I just dreaming? It is not a success does things 100%. Not 80% or 90% but 100%. He said that when he goes thing, these guys say, it is a life thing. to bed at night, he sleeps well knowing that he did his very best. OtherThe journey of life. I am always trying to figure out what I am meant to be doCalabasas wise, he said he could not sleep at night. I like that. He is a really cool guy. ing. While I am trying to figure that out, I am doing what I know. I do try to do my Having conversations with him and other people, I find inspiration and I find it to be contagious. People like him are magnets that pull you towards them with best, but am I at 100% daily? The honest answer is no. I could pour more effort into their positive energy and their “get it done” attitude. I would like to believe that I everything that I do. I think that I am a good husband, father, community member, have some of that in me as well, but at times I know that I do everything 100%. I business man, but I do feel that I am lacking in different areas. I suppose I could make any amount of reasonable excuses, being tired, being busy, not having enough free have in the past, but it got me thinking, am I doing that now? Our conversation was about cars, life, and talking about people who create time, but, I do remember getting up at 4:30am to ride my bicycle, something now that unfathomable. Unfathomable, because with two kids, we don’t sleep a lot. And things like craftsman, builders, and artists. For him, he said it was about the jour- seems Beverly Hills my work schedule. But, there are tons of athletes that do two get upnew that early to train and Introducing drop-off ney. The journey that lead him to his first supercar and then his West second. LAIt was not bed an hour earlier, but, I don’t. about the price or actually having it, but his journey to get to a place where he af- earlier. I could turn off the TV and go to points in West LA and Van Nuys. I suppose I could plan better, with business, with vacations rarely taken. There are ford and enjoy them. He did it, he really did. Two of the most desirable supercars so many things that I could do better. I would say that I am about 75%, perhaps 80. in his garage, well done sir. Higher for father and husband, but, I could still do better there. I wonder, do we all live at 100% and what exactly does it mean. I remember The other thing these guys talk about is detail. They love detail and they love one day when I was cycling with a friend, we were racing each other up a section of Mulholland Hwy. We were going so damn hard, racing to the top of a hill and craftsmanship. They love the time and energy that goes into a product or service. They are willing to pay any amount of money for something if they feel that someone Santa Monica neither of us would back off. I beat him over the top and then almost passed out! It was the hardest I had ever gone in a sprint and I remember it well. I am proud poured their heart and soul into it. They love being at the cutting edge, redefining of that moment, but in retrospect, I wonder if that is the hardest I have ever gone. trends and thinking outside of the box. You may say that it is easier to do with money, I have dropped in on big waves, and passed on others, but, did I drop in the biggest but these guys didn’t always have money. What they had was a ton of heart, motivation waves I could have? I know there were times where I thought I was going to pos- and a belief in themselves. And they never gave up. They kept going and going until sibly drown if a huge wave broke on me, and yes, I have kissed the sand after getting they became successful and their own success offered greater opportunities and they out of the water during a huge swell, so happy to be alive. And yes, you do feel alive. had the ability to jump on them, the experience to know that it was a great opportunity is the journey part. There is something about being all in and doing things at 100%, when you and the courage to go for it. Maybe that With sites in Calabasas, I wonder where I would rate on a journey level. The other day I was Canoga with a pojust can’t stop what you are doing. For me I have always given my all in sporting Park, Woodland Hills, Vanthat Nuys, tential client and Laird Hamilton walked by. If you know surfing, you know he is activities. I remember surfing at one of the islands off of Tahiti. I was surfing out arguably the best “waterman” in the world. He has surfed the biggest waves, has Beverly Hills, West LA, and deat the reef which was about 400 yards out which is a long way out. If you had to fined and redefined surfing trends, has defied death many times and the guy is all out paddle to the reef, it would be about 45 minutes. I would pay a local guy to give Santa Monica, you now have the world following his passion, doing me a ride on his boat and then have him pick me up 5 hours later. I was surfing awesome. Now that guy has a journey. Traveled a choice of location to use. with this British guy when he saw a 15ft shark, then paddle to his sailboat and left things in the water that are deemed impossible and providing inspiration for millions. For many he is a living legend. The only other times I have seen him were surfing in me there all alone. Shark bait! I was all in that day for sure. I had four more hours Malibu and riding his bike on Kanan. I wanted to walk up to him, shake his hand and of surfing and a shark swimming back and forth. That day was 100%. There was another time as well, circled by sharks in the South Pacific, boy you really feel alive say “thank you.” Why? Because the guy is awesome. That guy is in charge of his journey for sure and he is definitely 100%, 100% of the time. He has to be to operate at his and hope you live. I can recall conquering fear, riding down a hill on my mountain bike or road level and to stay alive. I bet he makes a conscious decision every day to do the best in bike, being 100% in. That if you crash, you are going to the hospital or...even worse. everything he does. Again, his life depends on it. Your life depends on it... I wonder if it is possible to be 100% all of the time. It To make that commitment and go for it. Go for it! Being alive, that is when I felt most alive. When I had skin in the game. Know- seems that the people that are at the forefront of what they do, the people that really ing that if you crash there will be serious consequences. Or if you drop in on that excel and grow are pushing that hard, maybe harder. They are always looking for somehuge wave....man, what could happen? To drown or break a neck, that would suck. thing else to do, a different approach, a different direction, a better way, more efficiency Toamake your service and more fun. Somehow they have found way to take whatnext they do and make it fun. And surfing big Zuma or surfing a reef, can have serious consequences. And the fun drives their passion to excel and succeed. I think it becomes natural appointment and arrange a for The journey, my friend likes the journey. It is funny, I have another friend that those that chose to run at 100%. Maybe it is actually harder for them to run less talks about the journey. He too is very successful, works very hard and I can say drop off point that best suitsthan time. 100% becomes like breathing for them, is always 100%. The Journey, let’s think about that. The first guy I am mentioning 100% that it is to run full bore all theyou. Callthem Irene atdecide it is what defines them, motivates them and sets apartVelazquez from those who said, 25 years ago I was broke, now I have two of the rarest supercars in my garage (818) 932-1707 or email just enough is enough. I suppose mediocrity is the acceptance of average and average at home. What a journey! doesn’t inspire. Average is easy, too easy. I guess at the end of the day, when you are irenev@theautogallery.com. The Journey: Do you think about the steps you have taken to get where you laying on your deathbed, did you get 100% out of your journey, out of your life? have gotten or the road that you are on? Do you enjoy the journey? I don’t often Be inspirational! think about the journey. Oddly, I had another friend that I ran into the same day
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dustin Troyan ART DIRECTOR Staff COPY EDITOR Heather Troyan DESIGN Connected Media Group CONTRIBUTORS Dustin Troyan Gwen Banta Hot Rod Jay Santos Mark Llewellyn Steve Geldman Tory Herald Dee D’Orazio Ted Lighthizer Richard Kratz Ken Latka Jason Mordoh Dave Wolin Nicolas Hunziker Ted Lighthizer James Stanley Greg Grudt
ADVERTISING / MARKETING dustin@connectedmediagroup.com (818) 516-5053
www.connectedmediagroup.com www.supercarsunday.com
Driven World Magazine is published twelve times per year by Connected Media Group LLC. It is distributed at upscale locations and events all over California. It is also available online and distributed electronically to highnet-worth individuals as well as members of the car community at large.
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ON THE COVER: Lavaggio Photo by Cordero Studios
Past Events:
Le Mans
Movie Night at CBS Article by: Richard Kratz | Photos By: Richard Kratz, Ken Latka, Jason Mordoh, Dave Wolin No one knows how many car clubs there are in the world, but there are probably close to one thousand just in Southern California alone. One of the most unique has to be the Television Motion Picture Car Club (TMPCC). If I asked you to name all of the people you can think of who work in the television and motion picture industry in just ten seconds, I’d bet that the names you come up with will be mostly famous actors, producers and directors. Well, some of the people on your list might very well be members of the TMPCC. All that’s required for membership is that you either work in, or have worked in the entertainment industry and have a passion for cars… and there are a lot of celebrities and others in the biz who meet those requirements. Have you ever watched the credits roll at the end of a movie? For the handful of actors and directors that you could name for any given film, there are a vast number of people behind the scenes who make those movies possible. Writers, producers, prop masters, gaffers, stuntmen, editors, visual and sound effects personnel, administrators and so on. All of these good folks meet the standard for membership in the TMPCC, making for a rich, eclectic base of members. Every car club has a theme, whether it is a muscle car club, a lowrider club, owners of a particular brand of vehicle, or perhaps cars from a certain country or era. There are countless bonds that tie a car club together. The same is true for the TMPCC, however, their bond is their connection to the entertainment industry, and since the entire membership has a deep passion for cars, trucks and even motorcycles, there are no limitations placed on the types of vehicles allowed. So when you attend a
TMPCC event, you’ll see everything from rare, vintage classics to modern muscle cars and everything in-between. I am privileged to be a member of the TMPCC, due to a misspent childhood working in front of both television and motion picture cameras. I joined the club in 2016 and thus I was able to attend one of the most special private events that this most special of clubs hosts every year, their Annual Movie Night. My wife and I used to host an annual movie night at our house in the Los Angeles suburb of Santa Clarita. We’d set up a home theater projector in the backyard, a large 120 inch screen and some big loudspeakers. We would have 20 or 30 friends over, throw a party and once it got dark watch a movie together. Each year there was a theme, one year was Harry Potter, another it was Princess Bride. We’d have a trivia game with prizes, the adults would enjoy various libations and we’d share the experience together. The audio-visual quality was fair, but we had a lot of fun. This year was our first TMPCC Movie Night and we had no idea what to expect other than that it was probably going to be one or two million notches higher on the experience scale than our old backyard movie nights. Our first clue was where the event was held, at CBS Studio Center, inside the private screening room of Studio President and fellow TMPCC member Michael Klausman. This is a studio steeped in history, founded by the king of silent comedies Mack Sennett in 1928. In 1935 it became Republic Pictures, where John Wayne got his start in motion pictures, and then in 1967, CBS purchased the studio from Republic. So there is a lot of history at this studio, including a connection to the movie Le Mans that was being honored at this year’s TMPCC event... more on that in a bit. Our next clue as to how special this night was going to be awaited us as we approached the building where the screening room is located. Since the theme for this year’s TMPCC Movie Night was Le Mans, the club paid tribute to both the annual 24hour endurance race in France and Steve McQueen’s motion picture by the same name. So in keeping with just how well thought out and special the events for this club are, outside the screening room building were three outrageous Le Mans race cars from the time period the film was made. Tom and Sharon Malloy of Trench Shoring and Ed Pink Racing Engines displayed two very special race cars; a 1969 Lola T-70 MK-3B coupe and a 1967 Ford GT40. The Ford just happened to be the actual backup or sister car to the GT40 that won Le Mans in ’67. Also on display was another 1969 Lola T-70 MK-3B owned by members John and Shirley Coombs. This particular vehicle is a painstakingly accurate reproduction of the car actor James Garner owned as part of his American International Racers Team. What better way to set the theme for this very special evening than with these three drool worthy, curvaceous, downright lascivious race cars on display out front. But that wasn’t all that was on display. Since Steve McQueen was a fan of Porsche’s, and since he drove one in the movie, it was awesome to have two very special Porsche’s
restored by Singer Vehicle Design on display as well. This added even more to what was already becoming an event with massive sensory overload, and we were still outside the building. Next up was our very first Red Carpet experience. All the members received a “swag” or gift bag and a full color printed program while walking a literal red carpet into the building. As we entered the building, we paused to get our picture taken by one of the club’s professional photographers on the red carpet inside the lobby. So on a scale of one to ten, our old backyard movie nights were already somewhere south of zero and we had only just entered the building. Once we walked inside the screening room, the movie screen was filled with behind the scenes images from the movie Le Mans, but before the lights came down and the movies began, two very special guest speakers, who just happen to be members of the TMPCC spoke to the attendees. First up was Justin Bell, 1997 FIA GT2 World Champion and 1998 winner of the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Justin spoke about his father Derek, who was one of the race car drivers in McQueen’s film and he reminisced about living with his father and family in Le Mans during the filming of the movie. His father went on to win Le Mans no less than five times, so maybe all this Bell family racing talent comes down to DNA. Justin spoke movingly about racing at Le Mans in 1995 as a teammate with his father. Their team managed a third place finish, and Justin and his dad got to stand on the podium in front of (as Justin put it) 70,000 screaming English racing fans who stormed the track to cheer them. The second speaker was Tommy Kendall, a four-time SCCA Trans-Am Series Champion and two-time IMSA GT Champion. Tommy raced twice at Le Mans, including 2013 when he raced an SRT Viper GTS-R. Tommy knows the highs and lows of racing. With some of the highs being his six world championships and one of the lows being his horrific and crippling accident at Watkins Glen in 1991. Tommy gave one of the most honest and open talks about the fear that goes hand-in-hand with the thrill of racing. He talked about the kind of things that all racers experience, but rarely talk about. He said that at Le Mans, every corner is faster than anywhere else in the world; the slow corners are 20 MPH faster than slow corners at other tracks, as are the medium corners. Tommy went on to say that the fast corners are “crazy fast” at Le Mans. He also stated that every race car driver is afraid at Le Mans, which makes what they do at that track even more special. After the speakers were finished, we watched the first film of the evening, the 2015 documentary “Steve McQueen: The Man and Le Mans”. This is a remarkable film, depicting the trials and tribulations of what McQueen went through to make his movie. Since Cinema Center Films was the financial backer of the film, and CCF just happened to be the CBS Films Division of the network located at CBS Studio
Center (where we screened the films) much of the behind the scenes footage used in the documentary is never before seen film that is still stored in the vault at the studio, just a few feet from where this very special event was held. The documentary is a great film in its own right and we had no idea of the huge sacrifice McQueen made to deliver the movie to us. It is a fascinating and moving film and I highly recommend that you stream it or buy it on DVD or Blu-Ray. After the documentary, it was time for Intermission, and in keeping with the Le Mans theme, the TMPCC had French food catered for the event. A Le Mans themed raffle was also held with some awesome prizes, including a limited edition 1/18th scaled die cast of the #20 Porsche 917 McQueen drove in the movie. The Ford Motor Company also supplied several items, including a Ford GT Chip Ganassi Racing Team Jacket from their 2016 win at Le Mans. Other prizes included wine from Morey Cellars, pinstripe art from John Martinez of Wicked Lines and car care products from Liquid Glow. The club even raffled off a one of a kind banner signed by fellow TMPCC member, James Bond stunt driver, Le Mans competitor and the former Stig from “Top Gear” Ben Collins. Other companies who were a big part of the evening included three Platinum Sponsors who helped with the massive expense of hosting such an event. These included fellow member Barry Meguiar of Meguiar’s Car Care Products, Rob Dickinson of Singer Vehicle Designs and Tony Fiori of Vista Ford Lincoln with locations in Oxnard and Woodland Hills, California. After intermission, the TMPCC screened a digitally remastered version of the full length feature film Le Mans. Being old school, I must say that the film was lovingly remastered. Meaning that I appreciated the restored colors, contrast and vibrancy of the original film, but I was thrilled to see that the “film experience” was preserved right down to the film grain and jitter in this remastering. So in closing, if you’re a car guy or gal, or a fan of Steve McQueen, you should do what we got to do (thanks to the TMPCC) and host a movie night by watching the documentary on the making of Le Mans, then follow it up by watching the King of Cool, Steve McQueen, in the digitally remastered motion picture Le Mans, the most authentic racing movie ever made. For more information or to join the Television Motion Picture Car Club, visit their website at www.tmpcc.org
Real Estate Kitchen Sizzle
Article by: Gweb Banta & Tory Herald Sotheby’s International Realty One improvement to a home that will maximize your investment dollars is a minor kitchen remodel. There are ways to improve your kitchen that do not require selling the golf clubs or renting out the kids. Remember, light and cleanliness help sell a home, so new kitchen paint is the best place to start. Re-facing cabinets is always an excellent alternative to replacing them, but you can always consider painting and relining the drawers and shelves if your budget is limited. New cabinet fixtures will make a kitchen feel modernized. Even if you cannot afford to replace the cabinets, new countertops provide a perfect kitchen facelift, and of course new appliances change the look of your kitchen instantly. You do not need the highest-end appliances if your investment dollars are limited. Many good brands make excellent middle grade products. A nd perhaps now is the time to get that kitchen window you’ve been considering. A garden window with flowers can add charm and life to a dull space. The kitchen is the heart of the home, so even if your idea of cooking involves frozen food and a microwave, an inviting kitchen will always add value to your home and your lifestyle.
Gwen Banta
Tory Herald
Gwen Banta and Tory Herald Connecting the Worlds of Real Estate 323-252-1700 * 310-985-2719 EastWestRealEstateSpecialists.com
Past Events:
or the discerning Porsche enthusiast, there is a new event in Westlake at Rusnak Porsche, No Substitute Saturday. Rusnak Porsche Westlake has hit a grand slam kicking off the car show season with one heck of a car show! The inaugural event was a huge success. Porsche enthusiasts from all over Southern California turned up to share their passion, amazing Porsches, friendship and camaraderie. Well over a hundred Porsches on display for the inaugural event and examples of every generation of Porsches were on display. From early 356s to multiple 918s and of course
a Carrera GT or two and many examples from the Air-cooled generations. It was incredible. The brainchilds of the event, General Manager Keith Goldberg and New car Manager Ron Giger, goal was to keep the event simple; To bring the community together and share their passion for Porsche and the automobile. In classic Rusnak style, there was a catered breakfast, espresso and coffee beverages, gift bags, an outdoor cafe style reception and the full Rusnak Team. The event showcased how close-knit the Porsche community is. Everybody knew everybody and representatives from many Porsche clubs
were present. Taking pictures, chatting, enjoying breakfast and looking at the amazing Porsches, everybody had an incredible time. The Rusnak Porsche location is the perfect place for a Porsche gathering. Everybody was excited for this new monthly event featured on the third Saturday of every month. The attendees were very excited at this new Porsche specific event and very much looking forward to the upcoming months. The Rusnak Team also did an amazing job as brand ambassadors. Whether it was the ladies at the boutique, the sales team or the service team, the Rusnak Team was there to assist
you with all of your needs. From questions on new cars, service questions from attendees or even special ordering hard to get Porsche items, the Rusnak Team was there for you. The passion and energy the Rusnak Team displayed made us all feel so very welcomed and appreciated. It was truly a well done event. Driven World would like to give kudos to the Rusnak Porsche Team for pulling out all the stops and executing a phenomenal event. Everybody had a great time and we are so looking forward to more! For more info on No Substitute Saturday, please visit: https://www.porschewestlake.com
r o f e s s i o n a l automotive fine artist Nicolas Hunziker comes by his work honestly: He derives his eye for detail from his great-grandfather and grandfather who were both classically trained painters and his father who is an excellent artist as well. This makes Nicolas Hunziker the 4th generation to pick up the family trade. Nicolas trained at Pasadena CA. Art Center College of Design and he believes in keeping his work simple. He incorporates many elements of Art Deco advertising posters into his paintings and he calls his style “Period Correct”. I especially like the “bigger than life” look of Nicolas’s artwork and the fact that there’s normally always a driver in the car he’s portraying. Nicolas has created artwork for Porsche Cars North America A.G. and the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart. Nicolas has also had is artwork featured at Porsche Club of America PCA, example the 2014 PCA Porsche WERKS event poster was a Nicolas Hunziker creation. Many of Hunziker’s paintings have been given the official stamp of approval from the ACO/24h Le Mans and Gulf Oil L.P. McLaren A.G. most recently commissioned
Hunziker to create eleven acrylic on canvas paintings each featuring one of McLaren’s winning race cars from their illustrious racing history. Besides offering some of the finest motorsport paintings available you can also find many of his most popular paintings available on T-shirts for a fraction of the price you’d pay for the acrylic on canvas painting. In 2016 Hunziker apparel became an official apparel supplier to Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca and the Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion. Hunziker’s latest creation is the Hunziker BRM Art Watch: featuring a series of commissioned one-off, hand painted dials that are encompassed in custom BRM watch cases. To complete the apparel line Hunziker has added performance inspired casual driving shoes with Gulf Oil and Steve McQueen era themes and styling. Nicolas fuels his passion for life by race car driving just like his granduncle the motor racing Prince Bira of Siam. Nicolas owns and drives a 1969 Lotus 51 race car in “An attempt at honoring Bira’s Legacy in the fastest way possible.” Nicolas Hunziker’s art studio and gallery is located in Torrance, CA and to learn more please visit www. nicolashunziker.com
Past Events:
hat is the Taste of Los Angeles? My first thought was “What flavor would I associate with Los Angeles?” Having just sat in 101/405 traffic along with inhaling a 7-eleven doughnut for a quick breakfast, nothing tasty came to mind, quite the opposite. This was
a 1st annual event and no one knew what to expect. Would the crowds be big? Would anyone show up at all? After setting up the Vista Ford Lincoln booth on site at the CBS Studios, I took a moment to step back and take in the view. Upon entry, guests would be greeted with an incredible lineup of show cars. These cars are all part of The Motion Picture Car Club (TMPCC),
and each has some sort of fame associated with it. The Smokey and the Bandit Trans Am, the new Night Rider series Mustang Cobra, and even two Dodge Chargers from The Fast and the Furious franchise were all on display. If the vehicles weren’t stars themselves, then the owners were! Most notably, Barry Meguiar of Meguiars Polishes
and host of the Car Crazy TV series, brought out his sleek black Ford GT. After strolling past this incredible lineup of show cars, guests were greeted by smiling faces under two long rows of white tents, each with its own unique sampling of varied delectable cuisines. This was the taste of LA. Dozens of restaurants and chefs were on site giving out samples of their cuisine. From
sweet bite size samplings of Baklava, to savory Italian meatballs, there was something to be had for everyone. For those of age, a few vendors had some wine and spirits to sample. Since this was a “pay-at-the-gate” kind of event, you could go around and around and around the tents, sampling over and over again until you couldn’t walk anymore.
I was most surprised by the number of healthy options which were all gluten free, vegan vegetarian blah blah blah blah. The smoked peppered bacon was delicious. As the day drew to a close and the heat of the sun gave way to cool shaded breezes, the vendors packed up their wares, and the vehicle owners packed up their displays. For those just outside
the studios, a beautiful line of classics, muscle, and supercars could be seen leaving the studio together, and I was lucky enough to be a part of it all. I can easily see this event growing and growing in the coming years. Souther California is always looking for the next great event, this one combines my two favorite subjects: Food and Cars! Perhaps in future years,
the show will open up to more than just TMPCC, and the list of high-class resturants will grown in numbers. I’m not sure if the CBS studios will be able to hold onto this event for too long as I could easily see it goring well beyond the confines inside the studio. Only time will tell, and I can’t wait to do it again next year! For more information on t, visit: http://flavorofla.com/
For Maintaining & Protecting Your Ferrari From the Mattioli Automotive Group
DETAILING In addition to keeping a car looking its best, consistent detailing is an important step in protecting a vehicle’s finish. Contaminants such as dirt, pollen, tree sap, and bird droppings can scratch and deteriorate painted surfaces if left over long periods. Given the value of a Ferrari, It is important to ensure that “best practices” are followed when performing a car wash; here are just a few from Mattioli Automotive Group’s (MAG) very own detailing specialists. • Use the proper products: Ensure that the soap and other cleaning products being used have been formulated specifically for automotive use. Excessively strong chemicals and detergents will not only strip the wax off but can also dull the finish on paint and trim. • All Towels are not equal: Microfiber towels offer low friction and can absorb more than seven times their weight in water, making them less abrasive and more effective than other towels. It is best to use a separate towel for each function (i.e..washing, drying, applying chemicals, etc). Also, towels should never be used if they are contaminated or have fallen on the ground; washing your towels often will help ensure that they are free of debris. • Two bucket Technique: To help prevent the re-introduction of dirt and contaminants It is best to employ the “two bucket technique” when washing your car. One bucket should contain the diluted soap and a second bucket should have clean water. After each pass with the soap, rinse contaminants off of the sponge in the clean water before re-introducing into the soap solution again. • Nooks and Crannies: Dirt and water can gather in the seams of the doors, trunk, and hood. It is important to clean and dry these areas thoroughly to prevent dripping onto clean surfaces. • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Water evaporates quickly in direct sunlight which can result in watermarks. Is your Ferrari in need of a thorough and professional cleaning? Feel free to reach out to one of the MAG’s four service centers to schedule a complete detailing service. PROTECTIVE FILM Stones, road debris, chemical stains, and UV damage are all potential dangers when exposing your prized Ferrari to the road and the elements. But owners can save themselves from headaches and costly refinishing bills simply by installing protective film over their immaculate finish. This nearly invisible film can be applied just to the most vulnerable surfaces or the entire vehicle depending on your needs and driving habits. Protect your Ferrari against road hazards and the harsh elements before it's too late. The Mattioli Automotive Group contracts several of the top protective film installers to perform the service in our facility and can guarantee timely turnaround and flawless results. To learn more about protective film options for your Ferrari, or to schedule an appointment please contact one of the MAG’s four service centers. CERAMIC COATING Ceramic Coating is another popular option for protecting paint and other vehicle finishes. When compared to protective film, it can be a more comprehensive and economical alternative. Ceramic coating is a special chemical compound that is applied to various vehicle finishes to form a permanent bond with the surface. The result is a 9H+ hard coating that repels water and offers protection from UV rays, chemicals, oxidation, and corrosion. It can be applied to paint for protection against light scratches, wheels to prevent the build-up of brake dust, and glass for increased visibility in wet weather. The MAG contracts several of the top ceramic coating specialists to perform the service in our facility and we can guarantee timely turnaround and flawless results. To learn more about ceramic coating, or to schedule an appointment please contact one of the MAG’s four service centers.
Keep your Ferrari ready for your next drive. SKID PLATES The most common dangers for Ferrari owners are steep driveways and parking curbs. Even with the optional lifter, which is available on newer models, there are still some obstacles that are too big to maneuver over unscathed. To add protection against marring the underside of the front bumper, many owners elect to install a skid plate. This sacrificial piece of durable plastic polymer is precision cut to fit precisely on to the underside of the front bumper. The result is a nearly invisible layer of protection against costly paint and autobody repairs. To learn more about skid plates for your Ferrari, or to schedule an appointment please contact one of the MAG’s four service centers. Each MAG location stocks an extensive inventory of skid plates for various models and can complete the installation in a matter of hours. BATTERY MAINTINENCE The phrase “if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it” has never been more accurate than with regards to automotive batteries. When a battery is in a discharged state for an extended period of time the lead sulfate crystals inside the battery begin to increase in size. The bigger the crystals get, the harder they are to dissolve which ultimately blocks the chemical reaction that allows the battery to charge, and eventually leads to battery failure. For this reason, Genuine Ferrari offers Battery Re-conditioners which are designed to maintain a battery’s charge and combat the growth of sulfate crystals. A Battery Re-conditioner should be utilized any time a vehicle is parked for long periods of time. This is especially vital for new vehicles which contain more electrical components that put a drain the battery. For specific questions regarding the use of the Ferrari Battery Re-conditioners or to order one for your vehicle, feel free to reach out to one of Mattioli Automotive Group’s four service centers. "STICKY INTERIOR TRIM" Over time, environmental factors and harsh chemicals can take a toll on the interior components of a mature Ferrari resulting in sticky buttons, controls, and trim pieces. The only remedies to this condition are to replace the deteriorated components or have them re-finished. Either way, the process is very involved. Thankfully, the Mattioli Automotive Group’s service centers are very experienced with this issue and can help advise owners of their options when restoring their interior to like-new condition. If your Ferrari is in need of interior trim restoration, we invite you to reach out to one of MAG’s four service centers to learn more or schedule a service appointment.
Mattioli Automotive Group’s service centers are happy to help with any inquiries about these and other services offered to help protect and maintain your Ferrari. Ferrari South Bay Service 23305 Hawthorne Blvd Torrance, CA 90505 (877) 887-9183 service@ferrarisouthbay.com www.ferrarisouthbay.com M - F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Ferrari Beverly Hills Service 2110 Cotner Avenue. Los Angeles, CA 90025 (888) 849-9726 service@ferraribeverlyhills.com www.ferraribeverlyhills.com M - F 7:30am - 5:00pm
Ferrari Los Angeles Service 7051 Hayvenhurst Ave. Van Nuys, Ca 91406 (888) 545-4385 service@ferrariwestlake.com www.ferrariwestlake.com M - F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Ferrari Silicon Valley Service 2750 El Camino Real Redwood City, CA (888) 875-8963 service@ferrarisiliconvalley.com www.ferrarisiliconvalley.com M - F 8:00am - 5:00pm
STILL SAVING LIVES LAPD ‘s 14th Annual Still Saving Lives Car Show And Safety Fair - Best Car Show in The Valley
hat would you expect when you mix high powered muscle, sports, tuners, and classic cars with a number of officers from the Los Angeles Police Department? Mass ticketing? A line of tow trucks taking away cars to the impound lot? If that’s what you thought, then this event would surprise you. The LAPD hosted their 14th annual Still Saving Lives Car show Saturday, June 3, 2017 in Woodland Hills, Calif. Suepercars from Lamborghini, turners from Nissan, Classics from DeTomaso, and even muscle cars from the ‘Big Three’ filled the parking lot of the Westfield mall. An LAPD helicopter was also on display surrounded by the Vista Ford Lincoln booths. Live music of various genres acted as the soundtrack to the event as spectators and participants’ alike perused aisle after aisle of exquisite vehicles. The LAPD Motorcycle Drill Team performed an entertaining display of vehicle control on a closed off section of road while the spectators looked on from the sidewalk. On the opposite side of the event, several food trucks were open for business featuring cuisines of varied flavor including cold ice cream, to Brazilian BBQ. This was the first time that this event was held at the mall. In previous years, the show was held in the cool shade of the grass covered park just a few blocks down. For an unknown reason, the park council passed on the show in lieu of a dog adoption event. The heat was a bit much and I’m sure it touched the triple digits, but that didn’t seem to deter anyone from staying till the end. We all hope that future events return to the park and under the relief of some shade. The event went without incident and the charity auction and the event itself raised several thousand dollars for the Valley Traffic Authority as well as non=profits in support of the LAPD. We look forward to next year’s event!
Superformanc GT40i
Article by: Dustin Troyan | Photos by Ted Seven
Superformance and the GT40I have loved cars from the earliest times I can Almost 12 years ago, I finally realized a dream by purchasing a Superformance Daytona Coupe designed by Peter Brock and Bob Negstad, designers of the o Shelby Cobra Daytona in the early 1960s. This car introduced me to Superfor and the great cars they build paying tribute to some of the greatest racing and cars of the 1960s. Earlier this year I left the corporate world to pursue my pass cars professionally, going to work for Superformance and their retail outlet, H Motor Corporation located in Irvine, CA. Since then, I have been blessed w opportunity to learn about and drive the entire lineup of Superformance car 289 Slab Side Cobra, 289 FIA Cobra, Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe, Corvette Sport, and the MKI and MKII versions of the world renowned GT40. A com misconception is these are kit cars. Far from it. Superformance only builds co rolling chassis’ which are basically complete cars without engine and transm The customer can then select whatever drivetrain they wish to put in My Daytona, now with over 50,000 miles on it, will always first true love and was a focal point of my wedding la with my wife Marissa. Having said that, learning and driving about the GT40 has created a burni sire for us to own one of these as well. Allow me you a bit about these amazing cars.Many of you the background. In the mid-60s, Ford wanted to presence on the international racing scene and e into a deal to buy Ferrari that ended with Henry extremely upset at Ferrari and vowing to beat Fe their own back yard. Ford then developed their o - the MKI GT40, which was based on Eric Bro Lola MK6 GT. It first raced in the 1965 24 H Le Mans and was a huge failure. Ford had taken of Carroll Shelby’s history of success at Le Man as a driver and as a manufacturer with the Cob Daytona Coupes. They approached Carroll aski to take over the program. Long story short, the won Le Mans the next four years straight. I high ommend the documentary on this story recentl by Adam Corolla titled, “The 24 Hour War” (h chassymedia.com/product/24-hour-war/). Fa ward to 2005. Superformance had great success ing replica Cobras and became the only manuf licensed by Carroll Shelby to do so. They add Daytona Coupe, which asI mentioned was de for Superformance by the original design tea carried forward theoriginal DNA of the car. these cars are sold today as Shelby Daytona C with Shelby“CSX” chassis numbers. Superfor then began manufacturing the GT40 under from Safir Spares Ltd., who purchased the righ tooling from Ford in the early 1970’s. These car authentic, they are approximately 80% interchan with the original cars. They have the same steel coque chassis, body and interior design. Superfor has only made changes to make the car better, inc upgraded Wilwood brakes, pressurized stainles gas tanks, much higher fit and finish, air condit and 12 volt outlets for charging phones, etc. The ca original GT40 chassis numbers, are in the historical registry, a be licensed for vintage racing. The cars are considered new, original GT40s. here is what theowners of Safir Spares Ltd. have to say about the cars: “The car Superformance, licensed by SAFIR, is a GT40. This car is not a replica. This car is not a continuation. a 2013 BMW, not a continuation of the 2012 BMW).” For anyone with a love fo cars, I would encourage you to visit our showroom in Irvine where we have an from 60 to 80 cars on display and available for sale. The only thing I enjoy mo learning about the history of these cars and driving these cars is sharing my p for them. I hope you will accept an open invitation to come down and let allow share these amazing cars with you. Live your passion!My contact info:Doug Cam dougc@hillbankusa.com949-900-19666 Autry, Irvine, CA 92618
MOTOR4TOYS Photos by James Stanley & Greg Grudt
Stay Tuned
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FOR SALE 1979 911 SC Porsche 1978 Porsche 911SC Targa This beautiful example has been in the same family since 1990. It is numbers matching and all maintenance up to date. This 911 has a Clean Car Fax and has never been raced or tracked. Since the family has purchased it in 1990 approx. 26 thousand miles have been put on the car. In1990 it was purchased with 76,648 miles, now at approximately 100k (car is driven on occasion) Since 1990 the family that has owned this car has only used it for car shows and a Sunday driver. This is not a daily driver. The seats reupholstered in leather and the targa top skin was also redone at same time as seats. The current owner also upgraded the air conditioning. $38,500.00 or best offer. Contact: Dustin@connectedmediagroup.com
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2006 Porsche Cayman 987 A beautiful example of a 2006 Porsche Cayman S that is ready for the next owner. Owned by a mature car collector this Cayman S is in impeccable condition. Service records are available upon request. - Displacement: 3.4l - Transmission: Automatic/ Tiptronic S - Exterior Color: Red Metallic - Interior Color: Stone Grey Stadard Interior - Heated Front Seats - 19in Sport Design Wheels - Bose Surround System - more options as well. For More info: Dustin@connectedmediagroup.com FOR SALE
1996 FORD MUSTANG COBRA #1205 1996 Ford Mustang Cobra #1205 with Mystic Paint. This Cobra is a single owner car owned by a Ford Collector. With 20,829 Original Miles, this is the rare opportunity to own an “unmolested” Cobra. The vehicle is fully documented, clean Carfax and all original. All servicing has been done at the dealer. This rare cobra is ready to go into your collection. Contact: Dustin@connectedmediagroup.com for more info. FOR SALE
1989 PONTIAC TRANS AM If you're a fan of Pontiac, then you know how special this car is. Besides it being a limited production Trans Am GTA, it's fully loaded and completly stock. It has never been registered, and rarely driven with only 740 original miles on it. This 80's icon will only increase in value, and it a piece of Pontiac history. For more information please contact dustin@connectedmediagroup.com
1930 FORD COUPE Out of the Harrah’s Collection. This is a stunning 1930 Coupe. Owned for 40 years after purchased from Harrah’s. Ruble Seat, All steel, All original. Needs the interior to be finished. For more info: dustin@connectedmediagroup.com
1970 FORD MUSTANG MACH 1 1970 Ford Mustang Mach1 This car is a 351 Cleveland, with an Automatic transmission. All options including air conditioning. This car is a show car quality, has been featured in magazines and is ready to drive cross country. The car has had the same owner for over over 20 years and is collector owned. Asking $55,000.00 For more info: Dustin@connectedmediagroup.com
1954 Chevy Sedan Delivery 6 cyl. Registered, Running and ready to go. Restoration is 85% done, needs interior work to finish. A very nice example. For more info: Dustin@connectedmediagroup.com
Price: $29,500 Contact Information:
Price: Contact for Pricing Contact Information:
Price: $55,000 Contact Information:
Price: Constact Dustin Contact Information:
Price: $55,000 Contact Information:
Price: $25,000 Contact Information:
Price: Contact for Pricing
1988 Porsche 928 S4 Barn Find Original Owner! What a find! Local to Southern California, this is an original owner 1988 Porsche 928 S4. This Porsche is extremely well kept with just over 52,000 original miles. Only having had one owner in its lifetime the record keeping of this car is mostly complete and the sale comes with years of maintenance records and documentation of the car. Contact Information: Collector owned, this Porsche was always kept in pristine condition. Only driven on the weekend, this is Porsche is Dustin@Connectedmediagroup.com owned by the type of person you want to buy a Porsche from. This 928 is accident free and has never had any body or paint repair in its lifetime. The exterior of the Porsche is in wonderful condition. All light assemblies are complete and intact. The front spoiler, vinyl hatch trim, and rear bumper guards are excellent. All glass is clear without any scratches. This Porsche is all original. Yes, All original. The interior is in excellent condition. Ready for your PCA run or out do dinner, this Porsche is as new as an unrestored car can get. The leather seats show no wear and the carpets look showroom. The 928 has the distinction of being Porsche’s first production V8 powered model and the only coupé powered by a front-mounted V8 engine. The automatic transmission shifts beautifully and is very smooth. The engine sounds great and the car drives as it was designed to. Everything on this Porsche works and the car is ready to drive. If you are looking for a one owner Porsche 928 s4, look no further, this is your unicorn. For more info: Dustin@connectedmediagroup.com
2012 PORSCHE GTS CABRIOLET One owner, 6,700 miles. All options other than ceramic brakes. In perfect condition. Garage kept, only driven on the weekend. NOT a daily driver. This Porsche is in showroom condition For more info: Dustin@connectedmediagroup.com
1932 FORD | V8 3 Speed Manual. All Steel. Running, driving, registered. Not the original motor. Added hydraulic brakes for safety. Rumble seat car. Same owner for 30 years. A great example. For more info: Dustin@connectedmediagroup.com
1964 1/2 FORD K-CODE MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1964 1/2 K-Code Mustang Convertible K-code convertible with a 289 that is Paxton Supercharger installed by Paxton for a Magazine Story. No power-steering, power brakes or power windows. This car is running, registered and is a show car. The car is all original other than the supercharger and is a true K-code. A very rare example indeed. The car has had the same owner for over over 20 years and is collector owned. Asking $65,000.00 For more info: Dustin@connectedmediagroup.com FOR SALE
1957 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 283 cu. in, four barrel, power brakes, power steering, power windows, padded dash. Same owner for over 25 years. A very clean example, running, registered and ready to drive For more info: Dustin@connectedmediagroup.com FOR SALE
2001 DODGE VIPER GTS Purchased 4 years ago with 3600 original miles. Now has 8600 original miles. All original except tinted windows and muffler delete Original owner’s manual and dealer brochure. Sounds amazing! Stunning and rare collector car in EXCELLENT condition.
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Price: $75,000 Contact Information:
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Price: $50,000 Contact Information:
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Past Events:
he L A Roadster Show & Swap has a longtime tradition of bringing out hundreds of the finest pre 1936 Roadsters in the land, so this was a must see show for me. The LA Roadster Show and Swap is held over the Father’s Day weekend every year at the Fairplex in Pomona, CA. This year marks the 53rd anniversary of the show hosted by the Los Angeles Roadsters Car Club who is celebrating their 60th year of service. Past shows have generated 800 or more pre 36 Roadsters with an additional 1500 pre 72 Specialty Cars on display plus 100’s of vendors and swap areas for the public. I attended Sunday’s show only to find 200 or less pre 36 Roadsters on display throughout the grounds surrounding building four and only a handful of pre 72 Specialty Cars, but what cars that were on display where well sorted, beautiful and showed the owners personal touches tastefully. I just
wish more cars had been on display, like the numbers I stated earlier from the 2010 L A Roadster Show and Swap. Forty seven vendors attended this year’s show offering everything the modern day hot rodder could ever need or want. The temperature was near triple digits so walking around outside was a constant search for shade whether checking out a car or a vendors wares. The vendor selling straw hats was rumored to have made a small fortune by 3PM on both Saturday and Sunday. In spite of the uncomfortable heat, there were lots of fathers with sons and daughters enjoying dad’s love of hot rods and everything that goes with them. Thanks, Los Angeles Roadsters Car Club for another memorable show.