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Dr. Jenson Mak
Dr. Jenson Mak is a Consultant Physician, Geriatrician, and Rehabilitation Physician, providing rehabilitation and acute medical services. Dr. Mak is currently based out of Sydney, Australia. With more than two decades of experience in the medical field. Jenson Mak’s published work has covered vitamin D, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, stroke, hip fracture, hip and knee disorders, and holistic medicine. His expertise also details best practice guidelines for general practitioners, specialists, and other healthcare providers who serve patients battling conditions like osteoarthritis and hip fracture. Jenson Mak has been elected to Fellowship and travelled to Washington D.C. for Convocation into the American College of Physicians in May 2016. A strong believer in the power of preventative medicine, Dr. Jenson Mak emphasizes the complementary relationship between traditional and holistic approaches to healthcare and wellbeing.