Date : September, 01 , 2009 Publication : Healthy Times Page Number: 35-37
Emotional wellbeing
Di" John Demartini is considered to be a leading authority on human behaviour and personal empowerment. Paul Winter speaks to him about his acclaimed Demartini Method and how it applies specifically to depression.
r John Demartini is one of the greatest minds and illuminating teachers on the planet, and the clarity of his teachings inspire billions,' says Rhonda Byrne, the best selling author and executive producer of The Secret, the popular book and film seen by millions the world over. The Demartini Method is being successfully used worldwide by psychologists and health professionals to assist those suffering from depression. Demartini defines the cause of depression as being a 'comparison of our current reality to an addictive fantasy.' Demartini lists 15 of the common delusions that people could become addicted to, all of them stemming from unrealistic expectations about ourselves, others, the universe, and even mechanical devices.
The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their perceptions and attributes'
These common delusions ultimately led to Demartini's ABCs of Negativity: anger and aggression, blame and betrayal, criticism
and challenge. These, he says, are precursors to depression. With this thought in mind, Demartini cites William James, one of the fathers of modern psychology, who said, 'The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their perceptions and attributes' Demartini suggests that, 'The pharmacological model in medicine is that depression is caused by a biomechanical imbalance.' He goes on to say, 'This may be true - you can do the blood work and see this - but it is not necessarily the cause. We've had hundreds of people who have biomechanical imbalances go through the Demartini Method, clear out their misperceptions, put in realistic expectations, and their biochemistry changes. So w e don't want to just label it biochemistry, because that just sells you a medication, and that makes you dependent on a drug. It's wiser to take command and to be accountable for your perceptions.'
Much of the Demartini Method is based on a series of concise and precise questions that help us to reveal that which we are unaware of when w e experience certain events in our life. For example, the next time someone does something that you are unhappy about, before getting upset, attempt answering these questions to give yourself a fresh perspective: • •
Where have w e done that before? What is the benefit to us of them doing it?
Where is the benefit to the people we've done it to? Where does this person do the opposite? (So that we don't label them and assume they are always that way.)
In the moment they did that, who was doing the opposite? (So w e can see the balance.)
If they had not done that, what might have been the drawbacks?
These questions help us see the 'order in the chaos' and free ourselves from hurt, emotional baggage and unhelpful patterns of behaviour.
Healthy /lines'
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