2 minute read
Diary dates
from Signpost June 2021
by drjvale
Covid 19 restrictions mean that many events will remain on line. Here below are a few events to look forward to.
27 u3a on line. Wildlife Photography
01 LS Parish Council meeting, Little Somerford Village Hall.7.15 pm.* 02 GS Parish Council meeting, St Peter & St Paul church, 7.30 pm.* 03 Cadenham Manor Open Garden, NGS.. 2 - 5.30 pm* 05 Tetbury Goods Shed Art Centre, Festival Players 'Henry V', 7 pm.* 08 Change to repeat prescription ordering procedure starts.* 10 u3a, on-line talk by David Head – Climate Change & Planet Earth, 10.30 am.* 16 Athelstan Museum, on-line event, 6.30 pm.* 19 Rodbourne Open gardens, in aid of church funds and ‘Send a Cow’. 2 - 5 pm.* 20 Tetbury Goods Shed Art Centre, Live Play Reading 'The Black Pit', 5 pm.* 23 Coffeepots, Joan Wigmore, 2 Manor Park, GS.* 23 LSWI meeting at Dee Chanin's Olcote, Old Sodom Lane, Dauntsey at 2 pm.* 24 u3a, on-line talk by Mike Shiel – Fields of Battle – Lands of Peace, 10.30 am.* 26 GS Community Shelf Jumble Sale, Volunteer Inn.* 26 Tetbury Goods Shed Art Centre, Schubert Lieder, 6 pm.* 26-27 Open Garden, Middlewick House, Corsham, 11 am-4.30 pm.* 30 Coffeepots, Jean Hopkins, 4 Manor Park, GS.*
06 LS Parish Council meeting, Little Somerford Village Hall.7.15 pm. 07 Coffeepots, Sally McEwen, 7 Manor Park, GS.* 07 GS Parish Council meeting, St Peter & St Paul church, 7.30 pm.* 11 Car Boot Sale, East End Lane, LS, 8 am onwards.*
14 The Somerford Show
01 GS Parish Council meeting, Venue not yet decided, 7.30 pm.* 07 LS Parish Council meeting, Little Somerford Village Hall.7.15 pm.* 11 GS Church Fête. Manor House. 3 – 8.30 pm.*
Front Cover: Plant sale: Jonathan Loader; ‘Fish’: Mark Everard. Back cover: Wood turning by John Fairbairn; Garden scenes from Steve Reay
Diary dates ....................................................................... 2 Editorial ............................................................................ 3 Signpost Organising Group.......................................... 3 Local News and Events ............................................ 4, 15 Plant Sale .......................................................................... 5 Bargain bags and Jumble Sale ....................................... 6 Rogation @ Rodbourne; u3a ........................................ 7 Guide Dogs ....................................................................... 8 The Peasant; Gardens ...................................................... 9 Riverwatch ...................................................................... 10 Youth Action Wiltshire ................................................... 11 The wonder of wood ..................................................... 12 Coffee pots and Gardens............................................... 13 GS Church Fête. ............................................................. 14 Pubs open!............................................................. 14,16,17 Pre-school, schools ............................................... 17,18,19 Little Somerford news ................................................... 20 Advertisements .......................................................... 21-33 Church services for June ............................................... 34 Contacts ........................................................................... 35 Birds and tractor.............................................. Back cover