2 minute read
Little Somerford news
from Signpost June 2021
by drjvale
News from Little Somerford Parish Council
The election for Little Somerford Parish Council was uncontested, with all seven councillors returning for another term of office. The Councillors for Little Somerford are: Pauline Cameron; Jon Fairbairn; Julie Frayling; Caroline Minshell; Dave Orchard; Samantha Orchard and Greg Webb.
The Council has returned to face-to-face meetings at Little Somerford Village Hall. Due to Government guidelines currently in place, there is a limit on the numbers allowed in the hall. The public are invited to attend via Zoom or to confirm attendance in advance, with the clerk to ensure maximum numbers are not exceeded. The meetings are 1 June, 6 July, 7 September, 2 November, starting at 7.15 pm.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Litter Pick at the end of April, and to all of you who pick up litter around the village as you go about your day.
Wildlife Friendly Village
We are working towards Little Somerford being a Wildlife Friendly Village. If you would like to get involved with the Council on this project, please contact the clerk.
Some ideas for your own garden:
Leave a wild area in their garden or field Put up bird boxes, bat boxes, insect & bug hotels Ensure there are hedgehog corridors Bird feeders
Covid19 Community Support
Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way with supporting your neighbours over the last year or so. Website: www.littlesomerfordparishcouncil.gov.uk Email: clerk@littlesomerfordparishcouncil.gov.uk Tel: 01249 720978
Lit t le Som e r for d Villa ge H a ll
Like many charities, Little Somerford Village Hall has been severely affected by the Covid19 pandemic. We would like to thank all those who have supported us, in whatever way, over the last year. While the hall has been closed, we have been busy behind the scenes. We have decorated the small committee room and have new curtains through-out. In the kitchen we have replaced the hot water tank and large tea urn. Unfortunately, we have had to postpone the purchase of a commercial dishwasher. We have also been able to install superfast broadband, with thanks to GIGACLEAR. � Do you work from home? � Do you need somewhere quiet with superfast broadband to hold online mee�ngs? � Have you thought of hiring the Village Hall for work? Very compe��ve rates from £13 per session (morning/a�ernoon/evening) We are delighted that the hall can re-open for hire from Monday 17 May, following Covid secure guidelines. If you are interested in hiring the hall, please contact: Rachel Nu�all Tel: 01249 720978 Email: li�lesomerford@gmail.com www.li�lesomerford.btck.co.uk
The Village Hall is run by a commi�ee made up of residents of Li�le Somerford, for use by the local community. We are always looking for people to join us. We meet every other month, hold a couple of work-party maintenance mornings, and have a couple of fund-raising events each year. We would love you to join us. If this interests you, please contact Mike Jones, mikejones@hotmail.co.uk