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Letter from the Editor
Dr. Karen’s Monday Greeting

Start with PURPOSE!!!
Before we can move forward in life, we should know, without a doubt, our purpose for being on the earth.
Not knowing who we are, what we were created to be, and why we were born can damage and detour our journey. If we know our purpose, we can work daily towards fulfillment in life because we are doing what we are called to do. You can sometimes identify your purpose by acknowledging your passion.
My purpose is to assist visionaries implement their visions and goals within ministry and in the marketplace. I am passionate about providing strategies, resources, and support. When I am doing that, I am fulfilled. I feel accomplished and have a sense of satisfaction. Implementing strategies is something that I do well. One of the most fascinating things about being a strategist is having the freedom to be innovative. Believe it or not, you actually have what you need inside of you. You remember that time in your life when everything seemed impossible to accomplish, right? Yes, the time when you felt overwhelmed and insecure about getting things done.
Strategy is a plan of action or policy designed to achieve major or overall vision. In order to implement vision and goals, creating strategy is a must. It’s the organizational foundation on how to implement vision and goals. The strategy is the “how” something is implemented. If two people have the same vision, the one with the best strategy will implement quicker while using less resources.
Have a great month and don’t forget to implement strategy for your goals.
Dr. Karen S. Ratliff Editor In Chief, I Love Mondays with Dr. Karen