3 minute read
Photography Queen Cydni Polk

Cydni Polk, Owner of Xposeur Photography
The Money Shot
Why did you decide to launch your business?
As a single mother of two young boys, Xposeur Photography was created Spring of 2015 because I simply could not make ends meet. It was both exhausting and stressful having to choose between basic necessities like groceries and gas for transportation each week.
My full time job was not enough to meet the demands for our family. I knew the only way for us to progress was to bring in additional income--- but how would I do that? My time was already limited; I worked a full time job, and being a mom of a 5 year old and 2 year old was another full time job; working for someone else’s company, making “their dream come true” was impossible.
The skill that I was most confident in was my ability to take a quality picture. I fearfully brought the concept to my parents, who though no longer a couple were both pillars in my village.
I thought, “How would I justify needing to spend over $600 on a camera , when I have had to ask them for grocery money on occasions ?.” Both were supportive, I explained “I believe photography is my way out of poverty--- .”
I worked with an artist to create a logo, and reserved the handle “yourxposeur” on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I lightly mentioned my dream to a couple friends, and I researched beginner cameras but still did not have the money to purchase one.
I convinced myself that there were many ways “I could do the possible.” I learned about photography, etc. before I actually owned a camera.
Early one Saturday morning my mother called me, “Cydni, come to my house--- deposit the first payment of the camera you want into your bank account, and order your camera.”
Me and the boys immediately got up, got the $115 dollar investment from my mother, and did exactly like she request- ed. At that time, I was extremely concerned that the $115 payments would be too much of a monthly addition to add to my already strapped budget; but it was a moment of faith .
Days later, my camera arrived, a Canon Sl1 from QVC which allowed me to make payments. My first picture was a picture of my oldest son Drayk. I added my logo on top of the picture, and Xposeur was born. Since that day Xposeur has shot hundreds of events and portrait sessions. I have ranged from shooting movie premiers, with celebrities, to content shoots for other small businesses.
Who is your target audience?
Xposeur is open to anyone! Most of our clients are small businesses looking to increase content, families capturing special events in their lives, and portraits. It is important to me that Xposeur is seen as sophisticated and timeless. I stay away from trends, and focus on images that will be appreciate for years to come—that has attracted a certain type of clientele , and has worked for us.
What advice would you give to someone interested in launching the same type of business?
No matter how over saturated a field may be, there is not another person that can do it quite like you. We can all have the exact same camera, with the same lens, focused on the same subject— and our results will be completely different.
Don’t be distracted by how many other photographers there are in the world, because our “eyes” both figuratively and literally are different— and the world needs what we have to offer.
Challenge yourself to take pictures everyday; you may not have the equipment you want now, but using your cell phone will force you to hone your eye. There are monthly photo challenges on social media that will challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone, and push you to capture images you would normally ignore.
YouTube has a wealth of knowledge, and there are numerous artists who have succeeded in the filed who are open to sharing their knowledge. Be open to covering shoots for free as you work to build your clientele, and content.
Know someone getting married? Ask if it would be OK if you take a few pictures [as long as you don’t get in the hired photographers way, lol] . Introduce yourself to photographers you see at events, and just do it— there is room for you!
Check out Xposeur at www.yourxposeur.com