Adrenal Fatigue: What causes it? Have you ever asked yourself, “What is adrenal fatigue?” To some, this might be their first time to encounter this term but I bet they have been experiencing this condition for years now and only does not know what to call it or is unsure if there is really a medical term for this. To make things easier to understand I will present you with three commonly used definitions that are best to describe what is adrenal fatigue all about.
What is Adrenal Fatigue? It Means That You Are Tired And That You Have To Stop! In day-to-day living, it might simply mean that you are tired. By tired being related to adrenal fatigue, it should mean that you must be extremely tired. Whatever it is you are doing, it surely causes your body to respond in a very slow manner in such a way that you are not able to cope with things bombarded to you. Of course, being tired is part of being human after all. Even robots get tired but they just can’t express it; all they have to do is break down, stop working and needs to get fixed.
What is Adrenal Fatigue? It Simply Means That You Are Burn-Out Have you tried working for months straight without getting enough rest? Or having to sleep late and wake up early for a number of days just to finish a report? After all that trouble, it seems that you can’t take it anymore and that whatever you do to resolve your problem doesn’t work.
My friend, you’re experiencing the burn-out. Yes, you need to go someplace else, sniff some fresh air, and have fun with your friends. Why? Because you are going to need it! Without these other “positive” stimulus you will go from burn-out to minor depression and you might just end up quitting the job you’ve learned to love just because of adrenal fatigue and trust me, you will not want that.
What is Adrenal Fatigue? It Just Means That You No Longer Have the Will To Go On Do you find it difficult to get out of bed nowadays? Do you feel tired even after a long night’s sleep? It seems that you constantly ask, “Why do I do this? Why do I need to do that?” Often times you discover that the things you used to perceive as fun and pleasurable are now dull and lifeless. In the medical field, the term that as “anhedonia”, meaning lack of will. Sadly, you are showing adrenal fatigue symptoms. But don’t be blue; you can recover from it with proper knowledge and some effective techniques.
What is adrenal fatigue? I hope you can now answer that by yourselves and investigate if you’re experiencing it. Remember, it is not too late to start recovery. Although “resetting” or “rebooting” your life will take some time, it happens slowly but surely.