Chiropractic for Personal Injury
A personal injury can have many causes. Auto Accidents. Workplace accidents. Assaults. Product defects. And many more. If you are experiencing pain due to circumstances that were out of your control, it’s important to make sure that you clearly understand the extent of your injuries and receive proper treatment for them to minimize long-term costs and health consequences.
Getting Back to Normal The doctors at Sellwood Chiropractic Clinic offer comprehensive service for evaluating and treating personal
injuries. They are experts in rehabilitative therapy for accidents and can create an individualized treatment and recovery plans to help you return to your regular activities pain-free. Our doctors can also educate you about potentiallong term consequences of your injury and provide strategies for minimizing them. Our treatments may include:
Manual Therapy—Occasional adjustments, combined with soft tissue rehabilitation, designed to restore normal movement and position joints. Soft Tissue Rehabilitation—Noninvasive therapies designed to return tight or damaged soft tissues throughout the body to regular motion, including massage therapy, my official release, trigger point therapy, stretching, and strength and range-of-motion exercises. Home Care—Personalized programs that are designed to help speed recovery, restore strength ad mobility and improve posture. We provide postural education and active range of motion exercises as well as education for the use of ice packs and nutritional supplements that may be helpful.
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