How Chiropractic Care Can Best Treat Neck Pain

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How Chiropractic Care Can Best

Treat Neck Pain

Numerous people are affected by the severe ailment of neck discomfort. While there are many various neck pain treatments available,chiropracticcarehasproventobeaneffectivestrategyfor many people. In this article, we will examine the benefits provided bySellwoodChiropracticClinicinPortland,Oregon,andspecifically howchiropracticcarecanbeusedtorelieveneckdiscomfort.

Chiropractic treatment is a form of non-invasive therapy that involves spinalmanipulationtorealignthemusculoskeletalsystem. Thismethodseekstolessendiscomfort,inflammation,andincrease reciprocal movement. Sellwood Chiropractic Clinic's chiropractors are qualified to treat patients with neck discomfort because they have technical training, knowledge of spinal manipulation, and experiencewithvariousmanualtherapies.

1. Evaluation and Diagnosis

To address the underlying cause of a patient's neck pain, the chiropractors at Sellwood Chiropractic Clinic thoroughly assess the patient's medical history and physical condition. This procedure guarantees that the therapy plan is customized to the patient's preciseneedsandismosteffectiveinaddressingtherootcause.

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2. Spinal Manipulation

A crucial component of chiropractic care for neck discomfort is spinalmanipulation.Toincreasejointmobility,lesseninflammation, and relieve pain, collected point is applied to the afflicted area. To restore spinal alignment and treat neck pain, the chiropractors at Sellwood Chiropractic Clinic employ a variety of techniques, includingcervicalmobilizationandmanipulation.

3. Massage Therapy

In conjunction with spinal manipulation, massage treatment is frequently used to alleviate neck pain. It involves the manipulation ofsofttissues,includingmusclesandligaments,inordertoincrease stability, decrease stress, and promote blood flow. Several forms of massage therapy are provided by the chiropractors at Sellwood ChiropracticClinictocomplementspinalmanipulationandtogivea particularcourseoftreatment.

4. Exercise and Lifestyle Modifications

To treat the underlying cause of neck discomfort, chiropractors at Sellwood Chiropractic Clinic may also suggest simple routines and lifestyle changes. Stretches, strengthening drills, and posture adjustmentsaresomeexamplesofthese.Controllingtherecurrence of neck discomfort and enhancing the patient's general health are theobjectives.


Treatment for neck discomfort with chiropractic care can be successful. Patients at Sellwood Chiropractic Clinic in Portland, Oregon, can benefit from a comprehensive treatment program that combines spinal manipulation, massage therapy, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Do not hesitate to seek the assistance of a chiropractor to help you find relief if you are experiencing neck pain.Youcancontactusbyphoneat(503)405-8744orbyemailat drllm@aol.comforfurtherinformation.


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