Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Care for Work Injuries

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Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Care for Work Injuries

You can seek chiropractic care as part of your workers' compensation claim if you are injured on the job. Slip and fall accidents, repetitive stress injuries, auto accident injuries, and chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain are the most common work injuries we see at Dr. Laura Miller. Our chiropractors can combine chiropractic therapies and Sports Injuries Chiropractic Care Sellwood todevelopacustomized,all-encompassingtreatmentplan foryourworkplaceinjuries.

What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is used to treat patients who have mobility issues or chronic pain. Physical therapists use specific exercises and treatment plans to help patients strengthen their muscles and skeletal systems, improve ease of movement, and regain a comfortable level of activity. Many physical therapists provide inoffice treatments as well as a self-treatment plan for patients to workonathome.

Patients may experience pain that does not go away with physical therapy exercises. This could indicate a problem with their spine's alignment,whichchiropracticcarecanhelpwith.

Also read about: Workplace Injuries: How a Work Injury ChiropractorCanHelp

1.Get Targeted Treatment of Underlying Issues

When you visit Dr. Laura Miller for work injuries, you will receive targetedtreatmentofyourunderlyingissueratherthanavarietyof symptoms. To determine the root cause of your symptoms, our chiropractor will perform a thorough physical examination, includingdiagnosticimagingandtesting.Followingthat,youwillbe given a personalized treatment plan that combines multiple Accident and Injury Chiropractic Care Portland OR therapies to addresstheunderlyingcause.

2.Combine Therapies for Best Results

Combiningphysicaltherapywithotherchiropractictherapiesyields better results than using just one treatment plan. For example, our chiropractorsmayrecommendmassagetherapyto reducepainand inflammation, spinal adjustments to correct misalignments and improveposture,andphysicaltherapyto getyoubackonyour feet andreducethelikelihoodofre-injury.

3.Get Back on Your Feet and Back to Work Sooner

When physical therapy is combined with other chiropractic therapies to treat work injuries, you can get back on your feet and back to work faster. Chiropractic therapies such as spinal adjustmentsandspinaldecompressiontherapycantreattheinjury, while physical therapy can ensure you are stable on your feet and sufficiently rehabilitated to return to work. Physical therapy can help you build muscle, improve your balance and posture, and ensurethatyourinjuryhealscompletely.

4.Prevent Risk of Re-injury

Completing physical therapy in addition to your other recommendedchiropractictreatments forworkinjuriescanensure that you are fully prepared to return to work. This significantly reducesyourchancesofre-injurybecauseyouwillbestrongenough to resume your normal routine. You will also have gained valuable toolsandknowledgeduringtherehabilitationprocessthatcanhelp youavoidfutureworkplaceinjuries.

Let Us Treat Your Work Injury at Dr. Laura Miller

Ifyou'vebeeninjuredatworkandneedchiropracticcaretogetback to work, our caring, knowledgeable team at Dr. Laura Miller can assist you. We will assess your injury, develop a chiropractic care treatment plan, provide physical therapy to get you back to work, and assist you in navigating the worker's compensation process. Contactustodaytoscheduleanappointment.Callusnowat+1-503405-8744.


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