16 minute read
The Five Senses
Contributor: Laura Easter Sample NearPod Lesson
In this unit, kindergarten students will learn the five senses that every human being uses to understand the world. Learning about the five senses may be difficult for the students to grasp at first because it is an abstract concept for them to learn. It may also be hard for the students to understand how to describe their five senses because they are very young, which means most of them don’t know a lot of the vocabulary words, their meaning, or how they are used in a sentence. During this unit, the students will expand their vocabulary knowledge related to their five senses through visualizations and interactive web games. The students will be exposed to sensory learning to understand the functions of the five senses in real-life experiences. Learning the five senses is particularly important because it is how young children interact and experiences their surrounds. The students will participate in various hands-on activities when exploring their five senses, such as taste testing and smelling experiments. The students will demonstrate their learning by drawing, matching, and asking or answering questions about their five senses using specific vocabulary words and writing skills. It is crucial that the students understand the functions of their five senses to be able to express and understand how they are feeling, what they like and don’t like, as well as what makes them safe or uncomfortable so that the adults in their lives can understand them or help them accordingly.
Tennessee State Standards
K.W. RBPK.8 - Represent learning through drawing and dictation.
K.FL.SC.6e/K.FL.VA.7c – Ask and answer questions about key vocabulary in My Five Senses.
K.FL.VA.7a-i – Interpret expressions in My Five Senses and link them to sensory experiences.
K.FL.VA.7b-i – Generate and apply sensory adjectives for taste, smell, touch, see, and hear to real-life situations.
ASSURE Lesson Plan: The Five Senses
Name: Laura Easter Subject Area(s): Science Duration of Lesson: 30-45 minutes Grade Level: Kindergarten
Analyze learners
There is a total of 16 students in my kindergarten class at Jack Anderson Elementary School. There are eight girls and eight boys in my class this year. Most of my students are six years old, but I do have a few that are five years old. There is only one English language learner in my kindergartener class this year. This student is considered an intermediate level as she speaks fluent Spanish but can understand English and can also speak in English. With support and guidance from the teacher, the students can complete all assignments given to her. The student also attends ESL class every day for 30 minutes, which has assisted her in her English conversational skills while speaking to me and her classmates.
As a result of Wit-and-Wisdom, the students have been learning about the Five Senses for the past couple of months. The students have performed a couple hands on activities with taste, smelling, and touching. The students have had the opportunity to taste different foods and discussed with their peers’ which flavor or food was their favorite and which was their least favorite. We have also been reading and looking at a class set of My Five Senses book during our Wit-and-Wisdom lesson every day.
There are no students who have IEPs or 504 plans in our class this year, but we do have a couple of students who struggle with following directions and staying on task. For these students I will most likely have to repeat my instructions to them, so they understand what they need to be doing during the lesson, as well as work one on one with them to keep them on task. For my ELL I will have to assist her throughout the lesson, so she is able to complete the assignment. I will be walking around the classroom to be available to assist any of the students as needed.
Many of my students in my classroom come from middle and high socioeconomically family backgrounds. There may be two or three students whose family background situations may influence the child’s academic performance. We have established how we help these students during the school day and make sure they are provided with the same opportunities to learn and feel cared for as everyone else. We make sure to reach out to all our students’ parents and guardians, but we especially try to speak with the parents and guardians of the children who we can tell need extra support. We make sure that the parents/guardians know what their children are learning in school by sending their kids’ work home for them to see.
For this lesson students must be able to navigate through the provided website on the computer, or app in the classroom iPad on their own. My students are already comfortable working with computers and iPads because they work with Math and ELA apps and websites on their own during their rotating stations every day during their technology rotations.
State & NETS*S objectives K. FL.SC.6e/K.FL.VA.7c – Ask and answer questions about key vocabulary in My Five Senses.
ISTE Standard
1.c. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Behavioral Standard
Given a website, the students in my Kindergarten classroom will match the Five Senses to its correct characteristic traits shown. The students should get at least 8 out of the 10 questions correct to demonstrate their understanding of the vocabulary terms and standards.
Language Objective
Key vocabulary: sweet, stinky, salty, sour, soft, smooth, loud, quiet
Academic Language Functions
Students will express their understanding by using descriptive words to explain which of the Five Senses is being used. The students will then use their knowledge to complete the activity within the website. Once students are complete with the activity, they will write a complete sentence describing one thing they like using the Five Senses using a sentence frame.
The vocabulary terms will be introduced to the students in the beginning of the lesson, as well as visual representations will be available to them. This will encourage the students to understand the vocabulary words properly, which they will encounter in the website activity. The students will watch a video that introduces the five senses and its characteristics in a catchy tune for them to learn as a resource.
Select instructional methods, media, and materials •16 handouts for each student in a whole class setting (student centered)
•16 pencils (student centered)
Technological Materials
•5 Senses video from Cocomelon- Nursery Rhymes. (2017). Five Senses Song: CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs. [YouTube Video]. Retrieved September 1, 2020 from https://youtu.be/j4XZ8Oojt-w. (teacher and student centered)
•Website from ABCya. (2020). Five Senses Game. [Website]. Retrieved September 1, 2020 from https://www.abcya.com/games/ five_senses#:~:text=The%20Five%20Senses%20is%20an%20educational%20activity %20for,then%20be%20assessed%20through%20a%20multiple%20choice%20activity. (student centered)
•16 media devices (tablets, iPads) with Wi-Fi/internet connection (student centered)
•Computer access for the YouTube video (teacher centered)
•Projector that connects to the computer and teacher tablet (teacher centered)
•Pull-down display screen (teacher centered)
•Dry erase board (teacher and student centered)
Utilize media and materials
•Preview the 5 Sense Song Video-- *previewed and approved*
•Preview the website of the 5 Senses-- *reviewed and approved*
•Print 16 handouts for each student
•Have the video prepare on the computer
•Check the function of the overhead projector
•Check the tablets’ internet connection
•Have writing utensils for dry erase board
•Have the website prepare on the tablets
Prepare the Classroom
•Turn the lights off for the projector
•Pull-down display screen
•Turn the projector and connect it to the computer
Prepare the Learner
•Introduce the lesson by displaying the video to the students
•Display the website on the projector
•Model for students how to navigate the website
•Model for students how to hear the words and sentences
•Project the 5 Sense handout
•Model for the students what is expected of them with the handout
•Complete the 5 Senses handouts as a class
•Students will access the website with their tablets and complete the provided activity and quiz
Require learner participation
Evaluate and revise After modeling how students will navigate and use the website. The teacher will hand out the tablets to each student. Each tablet should have the website already pulled up. The students will then begin looking at the listening and visual activity provided by the website. The students will listen and follow all the instructions and will complete the quiz like activity that asks them to match the characteristics to each of the 5 Senses. The students will be graded based on the completed 8 out of 10 correct responses from the website activity.
If any of the students is demonstrating signs that they do not understand the objective (matching the correct characteristics to its proper 5 Senses), have one of the above grade level students to help those students. If peer tutoring is not enough for theses students, work with them one-on-one or small group and complete activities that reinforce the objective. Formative Assessment
The formative assessments used in this lesson include observation of whole class participation while the students complete the activity on the website. The students will demonstrate their understanding of the 5 Senses by getting 8 out of 10 questions and responses correctly. The formative assessment should be recorded on a teacher notebook where I will be writing anecdotal notes to make sure the students are following my instructions and are staying on task. As I walk around the students, I will be providing guidance support for the students who need it or ask it of me. If half of the class is confused on the objectives, then I will have the students pause and stop working on the website and re-explain to them what it is they should be doing. I will provide an example for them to follow along just like I did during my instruction.
Summative Assessment
The summative assessment will be the completed quiz at the end of the activity from the website. The students should get 8 out of 10 questions correct to show their understanding of the objectives. The students will receive an induvial grade for working independently on the activity as well as how well they were able to navigate through the website to complete all of the activities. The students’ completed quiz will document the students’ ability to Ask and answer questions about key vocabulary in My Five Senses (TN K. FL.SC.6e/K.FL.VA.) and their ability to use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways (ISTE 1.c).
Teacher Name: Ms. Easter
Student Name:
CATEGORY Quality of Work
Focus on the task 4 3 2 1 Provides work of Provides high Provides work that Provides work that the highest quality work. occasionally needs to usually needs to be quality. be checked/redone by checked/redone by other group members others to ensure to ensure quality. quality. Actively looks Refines solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to for and suggests suggested by refine solutions but is solve problems or solutions to others. willing to try out help others solve problems. solutions suggested by problems. Let’s others. others do the work. Never is publicly Rarely is publicly Occasionally is publicly Often is publicly critical of the critical of the critical of the project or critical of the project or the project or the work the work of other project or the work work of others. of others. Often members of the group. of other members Always has a has a positive Usually has a positive of the group. Often positive attitude attitude about the attitude about the has a negative about the task(s). task(s). attitude about the task(s). task(s). Consistently Focuses on the task Focuses on the task Rarely focuses on stays focused on and what needs to and what needs to be the task and what the task and be done most of done some of the time. needs to be done. what needs to be the time. Other Other group members Let’s others do the done. Very self- group members can must sometimes nag, work. directed. count on this prod, and remind to person. keep this person ontask.
Media Share Resources
Five Senses
This abcya.com website titled “Five Sense” is a good way to assess the students on their knowledge of each of the five sense. This can be used during the computer/technology center where the students will listen to and pay close attention to the description of the five senses and answer specific questions the program asks them. For example, the program will ask aloud, “What sense would you use to tell if the garbage is stinky?” and the students will click at the picture of an eye, a nose, a mouth/tongue, an ear, or a hand that represents all five sense. The program will let the students know whether they picked the correct sense or not and they will have the chance to correct their choice until they pick the correct one. The program will allow the students to practice hearing the definition of the five sense or practice their knowledge of using their five sense in real life scenarios.
ABCya. (2020). Five Senses Game. [Website]. Retrieved September 1, 2020 from https:// www.abcya.com/games/ five_senses#:~:text=The%20Five%20Senses%20is%20an%20educational%20activity%20for,then%20be %20assessed%20through%20a%20multiple%20choice%20activity.
K.W.RBPK.8 – Express understanding of the function and purpose of the five senses.
Five Senses Song: CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
Five Senses Song: CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs is about a little boy who likes to explore the world with his five senses: sight, smell, tough, hearing, and taste. The video offers great visualization that will intrigue the students, as well as a supper catchy Five Senses song that they can sing along to. This is a great resource for teachers to use to teach children their Five Senses. The students will enjoy singing the song and viewing the video so much that it will seem like they are just playing a game! Cocomelon’s main goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experiences for kids by designing beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music. This video will for sure make the kids smile, dance, sing, and play along with the little boy in the video while they both explore the world around them with their five senses.
cocomelon- Nursery Rhymes. (2017). Five Senses Song: CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs. [YouTube Video]. Retrieved September 1, 2020 from https://youtu.be/j4XZ8Oojt-w.
K.Ri.KID.2/K.W.TTP.2/K.W.RPBK.8/K.W.PDW.4 – Provide examples of how the five sense help us learn about the world.

Introducing the Five Senses
Introducing the Five Senses is a fun and easy way for young students to practice their knowledge of their five senses. This interactive app allows the students to work independently while they choose the image of a body part that belongs to one of the five senses. The app offers the young students the option to hear each of the five senses to be able to match the correct body part to it.
We use our Five Senses to interact and understand the world around us from a young age. It is especially important to learn what each of our senses are and how they function when we are still young to be able to comprehend our surroundings once we get older. The sooner children are exposed to this unit, the better they can understand themselves and the world around them as they grow up. Once students fully understand their five sense and their function, they will be able to communicate their likes and dislikes, their feelings and thoughts, and their goals and fears in life. The students should also be capable of interacting with their peers more confidently and be able to create relationships based on their likes and dislikes. This app is compatible with any Android device or Amazon Kindle book.
Carson-Dellosa Publishing (November 26, 2014). Introducing the Five Sense. [Amazon Appstore, Cost: $2.99 or 299 amazon coins]. Retrieved on August 31, 2020 from https://a.co/d/5Lyl8Fy.
K.Ri.KID.2/K.W.TTP.2/K.W.RPBK.8/K.W.PDW.4 – Provide examples of how the five sense help us learn about the world.
K.FL.SC.6G/K.RI.KID.1/K.W.RPBK.8 – Experiment with using text evidence to identify which sense the boy is using in My Five Senses.
My Five Senses – (Read Aloud)
My Five Senses – (Read Aloud) is a book being read a loud by a narrator in this video. The book is about a little boy using his five senses: see, hear, smell, taste, and touch to describe his surroundings. This is a
good resource that teachers can use for their literacy station, where the students will listen to the book being read aloud and follow along with their own copy of the book. The teacher can assess the students’ knowledge of the five senses, as well as the book by giving them a writing prompt where they must respond to 3-5 questions. The students will be able to complete this literacy task independently in the classroom’s reading tower because they have been exposed to similar tasks with different books during literacy center.
stemhax. (2019). My Five Senses - (Read Aloud). [YouTube Video]. Retrieved September 1, 2020 from https:// youtu.be/8FW2jQqweOg.

K.W. RBPK.8 - Represent learning through drawing and dictation.
K.FL.SC.6g – Experiment with answering a prompt by completing a sentence frame.
K.RI.KID.2 – Use the pictures and language in My Five Senses to determine the text’s essential meaning.
Teach Kids the Five Senses with these 20 Free and Fun Ideas
This weareteachers.com website titled “Teach Kids the Five Senses with these 20 Free and Fun Ideas” is a perfect tool for all teachers to use during their Five Senses unit. This website offers great ideas to try with students for each of the five senses. Students will enjoy using their sense of smell by figuring out what it is they are smelling without looking at the items. The teacher can choose to use jellybeans or apples to allow the students the chance to explore their sense of taste as well as what flavors they like and what flavors they hate. For the sense of touch lesson, the kids will get the opportunity to feel different kinds of materials and will be task with describing how that item feels to them. This website provides specific sensory ideas and materials easily accessible for teachers to use to get students excited about this unit in the classroom.
WeAreTeachers. (2020). Teach Kids the Five Senses with these 20 Free and Fun Ideas. [Website]. Retrieved on September 1, 2020 from https://www.weareteachers.com/five-senses-activities/.
K.FL.SC.6g/K.FL.VA.7b-iii – Generate and apply sensory adjectives for taste, smell, touch, sight, and hearing to real-life situations.
K.FL.VA.7a-i – Interpret expressions in My Five Senses and link them to sensory experiences.
W5GO Healthy Kids allows students to explore and participate in discovering the five senses as they progress from one level to the next. Featuring interactive games, this app encourages the students to explore the five senses of sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing through interacting games.
Each student will get the opportunity to create their own characters and customize them however they like. The students will be allowed to go their own pace while they explore and play each game. Each level will challenge the students’ knowledge of each of the five senses with exciting rewards for each level completed. The teacher will be able to view where the students’ progression rate is and if they are ready to move on from this unit. This app is compatible with android devices 4.5 and up.
QiiQ Communications Inc. (December 12, 2019). W5GO Healthy Kids. [Google Play Appstore, Cost: Free]. Retrieved on March 31, 2020 from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id=com.w5goHealthSeason.Ecocarrier&hl=en.
K.Ri.KID.2/K.W.TTP.2/K.W.RPBK.8/K.W.PDW.4 – Provide examples of how the five sense help us learn about the world.