Drop Out # 1

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drop out






R O D U C T I O N : hello, Here`s the first issue of DROP OUT zine from Poland. First I want to say some words about this few pages you hold in your hands. Well, i started doing this almost a year ago. Exactly in may 2004 i wrote first questions for the interview with Hellnation and that`s how it began. I don`t know how does it happen that it took so long. Perhaps I was too lazy or haven`t got enough courage from people around me. My intention was to make fanzine only about music with colums, interviews, reviews, scene reports and lot of photos. Unfortunatelly I manage to do only interviews and write some reviews. I hope that it`ll change with the second issue which be out for sure, I`m not going to stop after this one, it`s too much fun. But it`s hard to do everything by yourself so I`m looking forward to meet some interesting people with the same taste of music and love for extreme hardcore punk that will help me keeping this zine alive. If you like what you can see on these pages and have a wilingness to do something don`t wait and let me know. This issue is being printed for cash from my own pocket. All advertisements that are inside are for free. Since I had money to print 200-250 copies I decided to write e-mails to my favourite labels asking if they want to have an ad in my zine. As you can see many replied and I`m satified with that. From the other side who would pay for advertisement in a zine that might be not put out ever? But I`m going to change it since I want to make this zine bigger. So starting from second issue all ads will be paid. I want to print more copies but without any finacial supprot from diy labels it will be rather hard. For sure I`ll save some money to cover the cost of 250 copies. All interviews are made through e-mail, except with Grief which was made by Ralf from DareDevil Magazine. Huge thanx for him for letting me print it. Check out his website for more great interviews and other stuff - www.daredevil. de. All questions were written by me, some of them with help of Rabczan aka Grindboy, thanx:) At the end I want to thank following persons: Ken and Hellnation, Artur & Marcin and Matka Teresa, Karol SMG for print, Haroldo and Catheter, guys from Dhibac, Piotr and Shackled Down, Nicola and Kastrat, Steffe and Diskonto, Monika for translations and checking my terrible english, Gabor for layout, Rabczan, Skfarek, Szymon The Age, Daredevil Magazine all the labels that send their ads. See you next time!!!! This zine is dedicated to my dear brother Michal (1977-2003) who introduced me to hardcore punk and diy scene. Thanx for everything.

Editor: Galon Layout: Gabor & Galon Advertising: 1/6 page (2 1/2” x 5”) 1/3 page square (5” x 5”) 1/3 page long (2 1/2 “ x 10”) 1/2 page (7 1/2” x 5”) full page (7 1/2” z 10”) Write for prices!!! Contributions: Every help is welcome. I need reviews, interviews, columns, scene raports, photos. Write first!!! Deadline: October 2005

Cover: Converge (by Rabczan) Prices: 3 $/2EU ppd write for wholesale prices Payments: cash in registered letter Contact: dropout@go2.pl www.myspace.com/13714543 If you want to send me anything by mail write for current address or check out my profile on myspace. Sorry for that.

*******************RABCZAN about FANZINES******************

It`s great to see another new zine on our hc/punk “market”. It`s also great beacuse antorher person decided to take that difficult and ungrateful task and what also matteres did it indyvidually. Anyone who makes zines know how hard it is. In the era of internet or myspace where we have every information within one`s grasp (or at least we think we have), paper magazines are recognized as a relict of the past. I`m feeling that interest in fanzines is decreasing and due to this fact number of printed fanzines is decreasing too. Through internet you don`t have to pay for anything, you even don`t have to go for a gig to buy a zine. That dosn`t mean that I have something against webzines, what matters is that we beacome just more convenient. I only wish Drop Out zine will be sold out to the last copy even if printrun is small. Hope that next issue will be two times bigger with more reviews and even more generous advertisersJ So support your local fanzine scene and don`t forget that it`s the same kind of expression as playing in a band or running a label. HC/punk scene without fanzines is like straight edge kid with only on “x” on hand or like having the best vinyl record without owning a turntable. Awfull!!! choose your heaven!


1. KUNGFU RICK”Coming To An End” LP 2. WOLFBRIGADE “In Darkness You Feel No Regrets” LP 3. SHORT HATE TEMPER all 4. STATE OF FEAR “Discography LP 5. BEHIND ENEMY LINES “The Global Cannibal” LP 6. WATCH THEM DIE s/t CD 7. APARTMENT 213 all 8. NAPALM DEATH “The Code Is Red... Long Live The Code” LP 9. DEFORMED CONSCIENCE discography MC 10. MAN IS THE BASTARD all...gods!


1. Drop Out one man Dis(aster) 2. Pig Destroyer “Terrifyer” LP 3. Converge “You Fail Me” LP & Live in Berlin 4. Modern Life is War “My live My way” LP & S/T 7” 5. Cult of Luna “Salvation” LP 6. Dead Stop “Done with You” LP 7. Scholastic Deth “Final Examiner - discography” CD 8. Beeing record nerd 9. Family and Friend for keeping me alive 10. Starting my skateboard career in age of 22!!! :)


I t w a s a quite surprise to hear this band on they split 7” with Aberrant. They are from France and show how to play extreme fast music. Soon they will release more records...so we have to wait `cause they are really worth it. Check out what these trio have to say.

1.Could you introduce yourself? Where are you come from, what`s your age, etc? Hi! Here is d.h.i.b.a.c. from Nancy, a town at the north east of France that is to say at something like 2 hours away from Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, about 3 hours away from Paris, the Netherland, Swizterland... 3 guys play actually in d.h.i.b.a.c.: Nico plays guitar and vocals, Romain plays drums and finally Xavier plays bass and vocals too. We’re big tennagers because we are ôonlyö 27 years old for Nico and Romain and Xavier is a little bit younger than us. 2.When did you guys start Dhibac? Have you been in other bands before Dhibac? Well, the band is in the actual form since 2001. Before, the band existed but with another line-up (5-6 persons!). Style, people and motivations were very different, that’s why, as the others members of the band never came again to practice, Nico and me, who played respectively bass and guitar before 2000-2001, decided to change of instrument. So d.h.i.b.a.c. really began when Nico started to play guitar and vocals and when I started to play drums; few months later, Xavier joined us on bass and vocals so we were more motivated than ever. Nico and Romain played around 1997 in a another hardcore grind band with 2 basses but never released anything. Xavier played in a grind band called “Rotten Cunt” .

3.Could you explain the meaning of your name. Guys who found that name have left the band a long long time ago. At that time, we played grindnoisecore, few of us listening lots of grindcore, crust, political h.c., deathgrind, power violence, noise(...) so having a name with many letters separated by dots didn’t seemed to be a problem. So the real meaning of that should be something like 1/3 comical, 1/3 nonsense, 1/3 gore or stupid: d.h.i.b.a.c. stand for Decayed Hemorphoidal Inside Bursted Anal Canal. For sure this name is really total gore !!! A little bit too much for us; despise all of that we maintained that name, don’t know really why, just a positive feeling. 4.Why did you put Jean Paul Belmondo on the cover of your split 7” with Aberrant?Does he inspire you?What`s your favourite movie with him? The actor JEAN PAUL BELMONDO is in a way the french response to the american dead actor CHARLES BRONSON. Same posture, same style of movies, same period of acting... but with a little bit more fun. Did you know that JPB did all stunts by himself ? His best movie is certainly “THE PROFESSIONAL” (the cover of the 7”) because JPB aka JOSS BEAUMONT (in the movie) is alone against all.

5.Speaking of releases,do you have anything more out.Maybe you`re planning something? In 2002, we’ve done the demo 2002 on tape, recorded in our reharsal room. In 2003, Karsten Massick recorded us in his studio in Germany (he’s done a really good job!!!) ‘cause we had to do a split LP with Sharon Stoned (h.c. from Malaysia) on a french label; all was ready but nothig came out: we never had news from the label (aaarrrrgghhh!) so we’ve done a mini cdr with that stuff. Then, in 2004, we recorded again in our present rehearsal room, what makes things harder to do and affected the sound, and with that stuff, thanx to Bert, we’ve done that split with Aberrant. We’ll appear too on few compilations. Now we’re planning to record in few months our new songs - we want to have a good sound again- that stuff will be on a split cd with C.M.P. from Germany on Andy’s label; it should be out on july or something like that: cool! 6.The split with Aberrant was recorded in rehersal room. Are you satisfied with it?Did you get any positive feedback? We made this record in one day with 3 microphones and one minidisc. We didnĺt have other choice because we spent the less money we had in the mini cd-r recording. We found the sound of this recording not so bad considering conditions where we did it. The otherĺs opinions are important for us so donĺt hesitate to talk with us. Lots of people were happy to see and have a release from us pressed on vinyl 7.What do you think about emo-style

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lyrics that deal with failed love etc. Is there a sense in singing such songs?What are your lyrics about? Why not ? Music helps people to express their state of mind ! So if your music helps you to stop your heart bleeding because your true love is gone, sing it! We donĺt have lyrics but the shape it takes is a resume of our state of mind. Texts of our songs deal with questionning everyday’s life, taking critical points of view of the society where we live in, sometimes the absurdity or contradiction of many situations and triyng to find new outlook... Examples of human stupidity will never missing. We are affected by subjects like war, tests on animals, pollution, workerĺs rights, racism and others forms of discrimination...

have always been unlucky: for example, at the last show we played 3 weeks ago, we broke a wheel of the car just before reaching the gig place and during our set, the guitar amplifier broke down. Thatĺs the reasons why a song is called ôserial loserö (demo 2002) in reference of our self experience. We plan a tour in Germany, Czech republic, Austria and Switzerland from 23/06 to 02/07 with MINDFLAIR from Germany. Weĺre really impatient of that Ĺcause they are so good and cool friends of us. D.h.i.b.a.c.ĺs shows are all differents: it depends from the publicĺs motivation. Showtime is difficult because guitar and bass players have to sing and play the instruments simultaneously, so the mobility is really reduced but is it really important ?

8.Do you play many shows?How does they look like,any funny things happend? No, not so much: we didn’t play a lot this year, but between 2001 and 2003, we played here and there, mostly outside of our town; in summer 2003, we did a very cool mini tour with our friends from Mindflair, Quattro Stagioni and Kent Brockman. In the same times we

9.How do you describe your sound?Are you inspired by such bands as Charles Bronson, Asshole Parade, Spazz or other power violence teams? Something like grind or grindcore...? About “inspiration”, even if each of us listen few different style, sure we all really like bands like Spazz, Charles Bronson! Other bands we like = a lot of classical bands like Dropdead, Yacopsae,


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Kriegshot, Rotten Sound, Cripple Bastard, Discordance Axis, Rupture, Tragedy, Autoritńr, Agathocles, Fuck on the beach... and we’re “open” to many other style too... 10.Are there many bands playing extreme hardcore in your hometown or whole France?I`ve already heard George Bith Jr,Elysium,Richard Durn... Yes, there are, and Richard Durne are close friends from us and are from Nancy too! In our city, there’s Blockheads too, Gu Gai Xing Qiu... We’ve ever played with Ass in Paris 2 years ago and they really kick ass; there’s our belgian friends from John Merrick, Bloodsuckers...In France: Gronibard, Desecrator, Sylvester Stalin, ... ? 11.Any last words? Yes, we would like to thank you and others people whose making actions to support the underground fast music and those whose reading this zine, BYE !!! Michel Nicolas 176 allee des vignerons 54600 VILLERS LES NANCY FRANCE dhibac@caramail.com


6.Italy has a great hardcore traditions.Such bands as Negazione,Indigesti inspired a lot of bands now and then.Are Italian kids still listen to those bands.What are your music inspirations? I BEGAN LISTEN TO THAT KIND OF MUSIC. I LIKE BANDS LIKE INDIGESTI, WRETCHED, NEGAZIONE, PEGGIO PUNX, DECLINO, IMPACT.. DERAGLIO WERE INSPIRED BY THOSE BANDS. THEN I LISTENED TO CRIPPLE BASTARD AND I STARTED TO FOLLOW THE GRINDCORE STREET..






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One of the best grindcore bands from USA nowadays. Members of 303 grind from Denver, Colorado are still attacking with new shit. Perfectly combining old school grind with sludge,hardcore and crust. 1.First of all what happened last year that you didn`t tour Europe? CATHETER: Ok first off everything was set but the jeff the guitarist pass port was messed up so he could not leave. So we left as a 3 piece to do the tour but after 17 shows the bass player grandfather dies so he left the tour and we had to cancell 35 shows! But we did play 17 shows. 2.Was it caused by personal problems or just a bad luck?Is evrything ok now? CATHETER: It was just bad luck! Everything is great playing alot of shows, working on new album. We will return to europe septmeber 2005! So come and see us! 3.Are you going to visit Europe again? CATHETER: Yes!!! September to november 8 week tour!!

4.Ok,now some traditional questions. When did you start,who was in the band during last years and how does the line up look now? CATHETER: If you know catheter, it has had many members. Joe from noisear helped us with bass and vocals during the last year now the line up is: jeff - gtr / vox haroldo - drums / vox donovan - bass Donovan recently joined. He plays in another 303 band called Assfault but the line up is great!!! 5.I`ve just got your split EP with UNHOLY GRAVE.Tell something about it and your tour with UG. CATHETER: The split was an idea after the tour we got along great and decieded we need to be on a piece of vinyl together! The tour with UNHOLY GRAVE was great! We played alot of killer gigs the best being LA with NAUSEA - oscar garcia’s long running band. It was really a great thing to watch NAUSEA play!!! All the shows were really cool there is an UNHOLY GRAVE ep called “live in vicella california” and it has a great tour journel find the record and read it!!! I was stoned most of the tour so it is kind of hazy at this moment. 6.How does it feel like to put out a split with a band who has tons of seveninches on his account? CATHETER: It is cool the more records you have the better chance there is for someone to hear your band. 7.Do you think that releasing so many records as AG or UG still have sense? CATHETER: We really don`t care to put


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live recordings or rehearsal tracks on vinly only studio recordings. 8.Describe 303 Grind.Who`s involved in it? CATHETER: 303 grind is all the bands from denver! Like Forced Instinct, Reform Control, Catheter, Curse Of The Nation, Apacolytic Christ, Hostile Intent, Eviscerated Soul, and all the 303 grinders in denver! 9.Could you compare 303 Grind to Doom Ryder Family? CATHETER: Oh yes exactly! 10.What shall I do to become a member? CATHETER: You have to come to denver get in the pit get drunk(if you like), and you will be instant 303 grind! 11.And who tha fuck is Zack The Country Wonder?I heard his split w/No Policy.

CATHETER: Zach is from scott baio army a great thrash band in denver this is his solo cuntry music project! 12.Two years ago you released your first full lenght.Are you satisfied with it? CATHETER: Yes and no all bands go through constant critisism but over all yes we were happy with this! 13.Are you working on another one? CATHETER: Yes writing the album now hope to have it done by march! No title yet or label anyone interested?

19.Who comes to see your shows?Metalheads,punks or all together. CATHETER: crusties, metal heads, punks. 20.Is the scene in Us seperated?I meen are there any divisions between people who listen to punk ,metal,hc? CATHETER: Oh yes you always have divisions in music people are always making barriers for themselves. We are all very open to music we love hip hop, rock,

14.Tell us something about upcoming stuff from Catheter.Especially your split w/FUBAR. CATHETER: This is what is in the works: -Catheter\Looking For an Answer split 7” -Catheter\F.U.B.A.R. split LP\CD out now! selfmade god records -Catheter\Birdflesh split LP\CD out now! on civilisation records -Catheter\ROT split 7” on haunted hotel records -Catheter\Voetsek split 7” -world wide grind syndicate cd comp with: Catheter, Gate, Noisear, Pig Nation, looking for an Answer, Maggot Colony on bad people records -new full length 2004.

22.If you had a chance would you sign Relapse Records?What do you think about this label? CATHETER: It depends we as a band want to tour alot and relapse can help a band do this! So it depends on the deal and circumstances!! 23.Why don`t you like math metal? CATHETER: Read the lyrics to the song it tells why it is on the split 7” with UNHOLY GRAVE and soon on world wide grind. 24.You put cover of SODOM on your split LP w/LAUGHING DOG.Why?Are you inspired by such bands?What are your other inspirations? CATHETER: We love sodom, kreator, destruction, razor, venom, cryptic slaughter, dri, hirax the 80’s fuckin ruled!!! 25.At the end I want to ask you a very important question for me.Are you vegetarian,vegan?Are there a lot o vege t ar i an among sceners in US? C AT H E T E R : Haroldo is vegan, and the rest vegetarian! We love new food. Let’s eat and be friends, drink, smoke and listen to grind!!!

16.What about your other plans mentioned on “Do you love grind”CD? C AT H E T E R : That is what i know now. 17.Are you guys involved in any other bands?Describe them and tell something about their efforts. CATHETER: Yes haroldo is in SECURITY THREAT - a d beat crust band who is playing out and plans for us tour with SKRACK from liepzig germany. Jeff is in IRON KIND - a doom band. 18.What`s going on with Ban People Records?I`ve just bought Scott Baio Army/The Lumps split 10”LP.Is it the latest releases? CATHETER: Yes i believe that was the last one but i have 2 new releases in the works, a split 7” with 2 colorado bands aASSFAULT and CURSE OF THE NATION, and the world wide violence cd comp with Catheter, Gate, Noisear, Pig Nation, looking for an Answer, Maggot Colony

and one hell of a distro. Selfmadegod will be the next relapse!! And we are glad to be on his team!!

doom, metal,punk, goth but we try to play with all types of bands and have fun. 21.Areyou satisfied with your cooperation with Selfmadegod?Who starts it? CATHETER: Oh yes we love karol and his record label! He emailed and asked to do this and we became best friends karol saved haroldo in europe, he fed him got him drunk and high gave him a home plus this guy has the best bands on his label

Discography EP: “Inri” 7” split w/Fiendead split w/Fukort split w/Black Market Fetus split w/Bent Over Backwards split w/Forced Instinct split w/Unholy Grave split 7” w/Entrails Masacre LP: “Preamble To Oblivion” split 12” w/Laughing Dog CD: “Preamble To Oblivion + bonus” “Do You Love Grind” split CD w/Laughing Dog split CD w/Sutek Conspiracy/TR/ split CD w/Fubar split CD w/Birdflesh

CATHETER PO BOX 480931 DENVER,CO 80248-0931 USA badpeoplerecords@hellokitty.com

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HERESY MOSH TEAM SINCE 88 1.Introduce yourself?How old are you?How did Hellnation start?What`s the history? My name is Ken and I play guitar in Hellnation. I’m 34 years old. Hellnation started with me and a drummer named Lou in November 1988. Basically we wanted to play music like all the great HC bands in England and Japan at the time. 2.Why Doug left the band?Who`s the new bass player? Doug got married and was starting his own band. I think he was just tired of the band. Actually Doug is back playing with us again until we can find a regular replacement.

play?Will you visit Poland? Many people asked us about our Euopean tour but we never had one planned. Voetsek asked us if we would want to tour Europe with them but since we were going to Brazil we wouldn’t be able to do that. 8.How many tour Europe, Who set your how were Where there places you

times did you Usa, Japan? tours, and t h e y ? certain wanted to

Brazil and Japan really stand out for how nice people are. I’m not talking just about the punks or anything like that, but the regular people you meet in bars, on the streets. 11.Tell somethig about “Thrash till Death” EP.How did you choose the songs for that records?Do they mean anything to you? The songs/bands kick our asses and we chose to cover them, that was the meaning behind it.

12.”At war with emo”. That`s the title of your 5”EP. Why do you hate emo?What`s the story of that letter witch is printed on “Thrash 3.I know that Wave”CD? Japanese bands are your biggest If you have to ask us why we hate inspiration.Why is that? play? emo, that is like saying why don’t you I don’t know about the biggest but one Europe once, like eating shit? of them. The basic fact that so many USA 6+, Japan 3 times. Really emo doesn’t rock at all. It is ass kicking bands come from Japan. In Euope a friend in France set it up, played by a bunch of drama queens. They play HC with a I mean shit, I think Who doesn`t know these band. Masters of high octane thrash lot of energy and stay it is pretty obvious away from to many why it sucks. Some are still alive and continue what they have began in `88. Often metal breakdowns. considered as one of the fastest band in the world. Check what crazy Italians sent us that letter that is they got to say. interview with Ken. 4.Do you think in Thrash Wave and there`s a difference it was totally funny between Japanese and American in the U.S. I usually set them up, and so we used it. bands? in Japan it has been done by Yumikes Yes, Japanese bands in general are at MCR, Kubota from Slight Slappers, 13.Do you consider emo bands as much better at playing their instru- Shinya from Real Reggae, Masaki a part of the hc/punk scene? ments, and in from Power Of Idea. Yeah we want I never gave it a moment of thought general more energetic live shows. to play Korea, eastern Europe, and cause I don’t really care about decidsome other places not many bands ing if something is in the HC scene. 5.Some pople describe your music go to - we haven’t been able to do that Now that you asked I’ll say no, but I as power violence the others as yet. don’t really give a crap if it is or isn’t, thrash. Describe your sound. you know there is plenty of bigger idiVery fast punk, hc, rock n roll, thrash. 9.Did you play with anyone you ots in “the scene” than probably a lot I really don’t care what people want to wanted to see? of the crybabies in emo. call it. What is the difference between Tons. Y, Nice View, Flash Gordon, power violebnce and thrash really? Slight Slappers, Sink, Real Reggae, 14.I`ve heard that you planning Gaia... I could go on for a long time. to make a split 12” with Capitalist 6.What are the positive aspects of Casualties.Is it releasing your own music on your 10.You have played in different true?Tell somethig about that. own label? place in different countries.What After we did the U.S. tour with CapiYou don’t get ripped off. If something are your observation? Are there talist Casualties in 1998 we knew we is fucked up no-one to blame but your- big difference between particular needed to do a split. We’ll it is still self. No surprises. countries? Share your feellings. supposed to happen but not so sure if Every country is different obviously, it ever will. I hope it does. 7.Tell something about your Euro- but we have met so many cool people pean tour.Where are you going to from so many different places. I mean


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15.What are your future plans?Should we be ready for another twelwe inch? Right now we only have 2 new songs in the last 1 1/2 years, so we need to get writting, so don’t look for any new releases anytime soon. Maybe a few comps here and there but for a full length or anything it will probably be awhile unless we get some big creative streak in us. 16.Speaking of fulllenghts ,are you satisfied with all your LP`s? Not at all. I think “Control” sucked. I really like the “Dynamite Up Your Ass” a lot. “Your Chaos Days Are Numbered” really suffered from very crappy mastering. The rough mix was a lot better. I also liked “Fucked Up Mess” and “Cheerleaders For Imperialism”. 17.You are a part of the scene for years.Where do you find energy to keep in going? Do you sometimes think about giving it up? All the cool people I have met and new great bands are the inspiration for my involvement. There have bee times when you get sick of all the stupid shit that goes on but there is always enough positive to outweigh the negative. 18.Does being in a band cause you problems in your evryday life? Not really. Everyone has their regular life and is pretty busy but we can still make time. 19.What are you doing beside beeing in a band.? Do you have a job. etc? I heard from some people that it`s not easy to get a well paid job in USA? I run Sound Pollution, and handle MCR for the U.S. and occasionaly do side jobs. The economy is not so great but a good paying job depends a lot on what your willing to do for money and your education level. It’s not easy, but it’s isn’t impossible either if you are willing to do any job. 20.Any last words? Thanks for the interest! HELLNATION & SOUND POLLUTION RECORDS P.O.Box 17742 Covington,KY 41017 USA pollute@fuse.net

Demos demo #1 Summ er 1989 demo #2 Fall 19 89 7” People’s Templ e 7” Sound Po llution 1990 Suppression 7” Sound Pollution 1991 Aussie 7” Spir al Objective/A ustralia 1994 At War W ith Em o 5” Slap A Ham 1997 Thrash Or Die 7” MCR Japan 1998 HELLNATION/R EAL REGGAE split 7” Slightly HELLNATION/C Fast/Japan 19 FDL split 7” So 96 und Pollution HELLNATION/S 1996 INK split 7” So und Pollution HELLNATION/M 1997 ERDA split 7” 2+2=5/Luna/Bra zil 2001 12” Colonized LP So und Pollution 19 93 Control LP/CD Sound Pollution 1994 Your Chaos Day s Are Numbere d LP/CD Sound Fucked Up Mes Pollution 1998 s LP/CD Sound Pollution 1999 Cheer leaders For Imperialis m LP/CD Slap Dynamite Up Yo A Ham/USA 20 ur Ass LP/CD So 00 und Pollution 2002 CD A Sound Like Shit CD Sound Pollution 1996 Thrash Wave C D Laja/Brazil 20 02 Dinamite No Se u Cu CD Laja/B razil 2004 3 way split w/R EAL REGGAE/SL IGHT SLAPPER S Compilations: V/A “Bbblleeaau ur rgghh” Slap A Ham 1991 V/A “Bloodless Unreality” 7” Fo rfit 1992 V/A “I Kill W ha t I Eat” CD Ecoc entric/Ger man V/A “No Desire y 1992 To Continue Li ving” 10” Fare V/A “ABC’s Of well/Ger many Punk” LP+7”/C 1993 D W hirled Rec V/A Tomorow ’s 1997 W ill Be Worse 4x 7” box set Soun V/A Fiesta Com d Pollution 19 es Alive LP/CD 98 Slap A Ham 19 V/A Homeless 98 Benifit 2x7” B ad Card/France 19 V/A Reality Vo 99 l. 3 LP/CD Dee p Six 1999 V/A Tomorow W ill Be Worse CD Sound Pollu tion 2001

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1.Introduce yourself. Who`s in the band and what is he responsible for? What are you doing beside playing music? Piotr/SxDx/ - Hello! We are SHACKLEDxDOWN from Pabianice. Our current lineup is: Me/Piotr ľ git.voc. , PxHx-voc., Andrzej-drums, Marcin-bass, Pawe -git. Beside being in a band we are typical people who get up every day and go to work. Music is our passion and in spite of zero profits from playing we spend a lot of time on it. 2. What is the connection between PIGNATION and SHACKLEDxDOWN? Did you start SD as a serious project or did it just for fun? Piotr/SxDx/ - We have never think of SHACKLEDxDOWN as a side project of people connected to PIGNATION. Before SHACKLEDxDOWN came into being we talked a lot if we`d be able to go on with two bands on one time. So far it reguire a lot of sacrifices from us and hard work but it`s still worth of doing. Especially when we are diving on the other end of Poland to play a gig and we can compare mosh there with front cover of our CD. That just great. 3. Who came with the conception of starting that kind of band? Piotr/SxDx/ - The whole idea of such band has grown in our head two years ago. We talked a lot about this during our practicies with PIGNATION. The reason why it started under the name SHACKLEDxDOWN was our long time fascination with classic old school hardcore from

the 80` and early 90`. We manage to gather the right people, started practicing and so far everything seems to be ok... 4. Where did you find out the name? Does it mean anything special for you? Piotr/SxDx/ - SHACKLEDxDOWN is the title of a song by legendary old school hardcore band from 80`.... INFEST. The name sounds nice, it`s quite original, we identify with it and it was taken to pay homage not only to Infest but also to other bands that started all this 5. You`re not hiding that your biggest inspiration are hc/thrash/crossover bands from the 80`. What kind of bands do you mean exactly and why did you choose that genre of hc? What do you think about current fascination with 80` hardcore scene? Do you thing that`s just a fashion? Piotr/SxDx/- SHACKLEDxDOWN represents our music inspirations in 100%. We are mostly inspired by bands from 80` and early 90` but not only. This is the main reason why SHACKLEDxDOWN exist. There are too many bands to mention all of them. I`m not sure if it`s a fasion. All the time you can hear about new bands in other geners like beatdown, meatlcore, old school, thrashcore etc. When I`m following what`s going on with main labels around the world I think that everything is on the same level . But you can`t disagree with the fact that there are many bands inspired by old school hardcore. You can`t see it here in Poland

and we`re worried about it - that`s why we`re walking our own path and know where to procced. 6.What matters are you bringing up in your lyrics? Piotr/SxDx/- Lyrics deal with our thoughts, observations, life failures and success...We`re not trying to edify anyone through our lyrics or order how to behave in ones life. They can only persuade people to reflection or personal thoughts. 7.You don`t exist very long but already played few shows. How was your gigs next to HOLIER THAT THOU and RATOS DE PORAO? Piotr/SxDx/ - Just another great gigs we`ve played. We went there, set our equipment and gave everything from us - just as usual. Althought it was nice experience to play with such bands on one stage here in Poland. 8.From January we can get your debut staff. Tell us what can we exepct from ‘The Crew’? Piotr/SxDx/- We wanted to record album that would have (przyslowiowegosprawdz w ang.-ang.) thrill. Dynamic, short, energetic, full of expression songs with a lot of choirs, which can be caught an ear. I think this is what yuo can expect from ‘The Crew’. 9.”The Crew” was released at the same time by two labels: SHING Records and SELFMADEGOD Records. Why this happend and what`s the difference between them? Piotr/SxDx/Well...not often the same album is

released by two labels seperatly. Karol and Tomek talked about this between themeselves and decided to released The Crew on theirs labels at the same time. We didn`t objected in this matter. It`s obvious that in this way you can reach more listeners, you have double promotion etc. Music content is the same on both releases. SMG put regular CD and Shing Rec is adding slipcase. 10.Who`s responsible for the artwork? How much attention are you paying to sach things? Do you think that cover/insert has the same meanig as music? Piotr/SxDx/- Project for the cover was forming during our practices. We talked a lot about this. After all we ask our friends who made it possible for us. Here I`d like to thank Pawel and Adam for help and patience. These two persons contribute to the cover and the fact that it`s surprising and effective. We put music on the first place. It`s most important. Cover fulfills the rest beside music. Undoubtly these two things, music and artwork should work with each other and be integral. But as usual there are records that don`t work in this way. Very often we got something with interesting music but poor artwork and reverse. For sure every one should focus on theses two elements. 11.Is there a possibility to releas this material on vinyl? If so who would do this? Piotr/SxDx/- We don`t have anything like that in our nearest plans but if anyone would be interested

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14.Can we expect any split record with PIGNATION? Speaking of which what`s going on with Pignation? I heard about new line up and some changes in style. Piotr/SxDx/- I don`t think so. Pignation has a new singer who join us few weeks ago. We`re working very hard on new material and without any doubt it will bring some new elements in our music. Everything goes rather slow but we should be ready to strike with full force by may...

we won`t think twice. 12.Have you thought about next releases? Maybe you have a 7”EP or split in plans? Beside how is the future of vinyl records in this country in your eyes? When people finally convince about superiority of this music holder? Piotr/SxDx/- Now we want to focus our attention on gigs, as more as possible - this is our plan for next few months. I think that era of vinyl records has ended irretrievable, at least here in Poland. I know barelly few people that are deep in love with vinyl. CDs are beating everything... that`s th rule of the market. 13.Records collecting - is it a disease or the most beautiful thing on the world? On what records would you spend a lot of money? Piotr/SxDx/- Normal thing - if you want to be well-versed in music you`re just buying and buying, downloading new albums etc...I don`t see other possibilities. There are always some new bands so there`s huge amount of that stuff. The records I`d spend a lot of money? Hmmm...I`m not sure if there enough space so lets say...SLAYER, NEUROSIS, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, CARCASS, NAPALM DEATH, BLACK FLAG, DRI, MADBALL, ATEBREED,SNAPCASE, REFUSED, INTEGRITY, DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, TURMOIL,...that`s it for now...


15.How is current condition of polish hc/punk scene in your eyes? Does your band and style you`re representing has any chance to exist on scene? Piotr/SxDx/- Things are going round pretty slow. We have some new bands showing up, gigs are being set in different places around the country, there are few good labels... it could be always better but it`s ok for now and we should appreciate this. It` hard to answer to the second part of your question. Time will show everything...concluding from gigs we`ve played so far it`s not that tragic:) We`re doing our best and don`t look back... 16.Sometimes young bands meet with unknown hostility from other people. Does anything like that happend to SD? Piotr/SxDx/- No,never but if things like that are happening on gigs may-

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be it`s better to stay in the basement for another half year, think things over and work more on songs... 17.In the 90` a lot of power violence bands showed up, including PIGNATION. Now we can see that power violence is slowly becoming a history ( there are no Spazz, Slap a Ham and tons of others). What is the reason of such situation in your opinion? Do you think if there`s a possibility to make power violence scene as strong as in the 90`? Piotr/SxDx/-I`m not going to hide that`s just impossible. Here in Poland not many people showed their interest in “POWER VIOLENCE” and it`s very sad. Everything was born in USA and the best power violnce bands are from US. But I don`t think that “POWER VIOLENCE” scene is dying. Sure there are no more SLAP A HAM but we still have 625REC., DEEPSIXREC., SIXWEEKSREC., SOUND POLLUTION and others... 18.Am I first who make interview with you?:) Piotr/SxDx/- Unfortunatelly not. I think it`s 11 or 12 interview since releasing äThe Crewö. 19.Any last words? Piotr/SxDx/- Thanx for the interview and interest. Cheers to anyone and see you on gigs. Contact us: 502 843 119 /Piotr/ shackleddown@hotmail.com

1. What was the begining of Matka Teresa? How did it happen that people from such different countries manage to meet in Amsterdam and start doing a band? Artur: Matka Teresa started about 3 years ago. We met each other here in Amsterdam. First me, Martin and Tomek our drummer just decided that is time to make some noise. We found Claverson (guitar) who brought his fellow Rui (bass) and that`s how it began. Marcin: It`s fucking great that people no matter what part of Poland they come from ... Gdansk, Ruda Sl or Opole or fucking Amsterdam met in one place and are able to set a band or start doing gigs. It`s just a willingnes of doing something. This is how Matka Teresa has been existing for about 3,5 year. Through that period many people went thgough MT, like Claverson,Rui or Luciano. They were all from Brazil and that`s what really matter - different pople, different countries but all in one place ready to play. 2. You mentioned about troubles with line up. Who has left and who`s new? Do you still keep such international line up? Artur: Well...we`ve got the biggest problems with bassists. First it was Rui, later Luciano, than again Rui for a while and finally when we found a bassist, Claverson decided to quit. So he was replaced by our bass player Alart and bass was taken by Kwadrat who stayed in a band for about a year. Now on we continue without bass. We found one guy who lives in Eidhoven but we have to check him first , hehe. There are mostly polish people in the band . Marcin: In this moment we have a real trouble to find a

good bassist but we hope that soon one dutch bastard ex LSD MOSSEL will join our ranks. We`ll see. 3.How was your cooperation with Rui? Artur: Playing with Rui was fucking great. Everything was going faster than usual. Besides he`s a great guy and I think he was our best bassist. Marcin: Rui brought a lot of good things in MTs music. He`s a realy great musician but unfortunately (maybe fortunatelly) he moved to Rostock, Germany and started playing in WHOS MY SAVIOUR with some ex members of Wojczech and Entrails Massacre. 4. Have you been in other bands beside MT? Artur: When I was in Poland I used to play in LOS ALAMOS, we played only one gig,he he. Tomek and Alart were also in some bands, both Poland and Holland. We have some other projects / bands beside Matka Teresa, Martin and me are screaming in band called D-COMPOSE (grind/hc) and also started a new 3 piece project UEM (soon our split 7� with BRUTAL TERRORIS from Japan). Alart plays in HISTERIA (crusty punk). Tomek is working on new project in which I`ll took some part probably. So as you can see we have a lot of things to do. Marcin: Before we all moved to Holland everyone has had some bands. I was sreaming my throat in grind noise band called PROCESS TERROR and MASS SLAUGHTER (now they are calling SS CRUSHER). Now on I`m in MATKA TERESA, also in D-COMPOSE (brutal as fuck grind hardcore), a band with total exotic line-up. With Artur and some

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other polish guys we have ULTRA EXTREME MASTIFICATION which is a power grind noise violence. I`m also in total gore/grind/noise band HEADCRASH with some members of FUBAR and ANAL PENETRATION (check out the website of these alco hipie hooligans - <http://members.lycos.nl/crushyourhead>). Besides that I also have my solo project under the name TAKASHI OHKAWA which

is an industrial harh noise shit. I`m also planning to do some real sick noise with Rob from DEVOURED FLESH REGURGITATION but we`ll see. 5. So far I`ve met with your split 7” with FUCK ON THE BEACH and FUBAR. Is that all? What are your future plans and when can we expext more from MT? Artur: Beside these two split 7” you can get also: a compilation CD with ALIENEACJA / DISARM / VERGE OF REASONS / BAD JUNKEES ( ZAS Autoproduzioni ), split tape with F.U.B.A.R (Zima Records / Wilddog distro) and few compilations like one in Czech Republic (Killed By Noise comp. ). Soon there should be a split 7” with UNHOLY GRAVE , split MCD with FUBAR ( + some thrashers from Brazil ) and in spring/summer we`re planing to do a split 7” with TERRORISM and full CD on Czerwony Diabelek / Enigmatic Records from Poland. Marcin: A split 7” with UNHOLY GRAVE on E.T production and Bong Records should be awailible while you`re reading this interview. Also a split 7” with TERRORISM for E.T production and Morbid Reality from USA and 4 way split tape called “NOISE INDUCED DEAFNES” including ENTRAILS MASSACRE (hc/grind,Germany), TEKKEN (french power violence), P.K.I.K.T. (alco grindcore form Lithuania) and us. Besides that we have 6 way split CD for ZAS autoproduzione from Italy, some tape and cd compilations in Czech Republic and Brazil. We are also planing to do a 10”LP. Now we work on some new tracks, it`ll be a totally new age of grindcore with more distorted vocal and little bit of hip hop. Wait for this plastic!!! Maybe we`ll make a split 7” before that but it`s not for sure.


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6. Tell something about hc/punk/grind scene in Amsterdam and whole Holland. Could you recomend smoe good bands, zines, labels... Artur: What pisses me of most about gigs in Amsterdam is the fact that grindcore bands plays shows only with other grindcore or hc with hc etc . So that`s why we`re trying to set diverse gigs. There are shit load of bands in Holland but sometimes you have to ask a band to play and some of them don`t want to play on squats or charge us a lot of money even if they don`t have to drive a long way - fucked up!!! Bands worth of mention: FUBAR, MAGGOTS,SUPPOSITORY, INHUME, CLITEATER, ROMPERPOP, OLHO DE GATO (r.i.p.), LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY, KRUSH, BETERCORE (also r.i.p.), KRIEGSTANZ, CATHODE, VITAMIN X plus tons of other thrash/hc/punk, too many to mention. Labels: Proud To Be Loud, Brigade Of Natural Genocide...sorry but nothing else comes to my mind at this momet. There are more for sure, just like zines or newsletters, mostly about music but also dealing with such topics as antifascism,animal rights,squatting. Marcin: Fuck, scene in Amsterdam is strongly based on drugs and alcohol so there are too many fucked up brains everywhere.Complete chaos, sure there are such bands as VITAMIN X, RATARSED, SCHLUMPERS or new polish band ANAL PROBE (not gore but angry punk) but it`s nothing when aroud you see lack of good organization or no enthusiasm in doing anything. After the borders were beeing opened i t ` s e v e n worse, y o u c a n see

strange people showing on hc/punk gigs like hooligans, criminals etc. Besides local crew is mostly into drinking than doing something. Speaking of dutch scene it`s quite strange, every band has it`s own path and not intrested in other things, lack of cooperation among the people, strange reaction to gigs on squats but the best part is that a lot of grind / hardcore bands don`t want to play on squats,it`s complete paranoia. For example when we`re inviting a dutch band to play in our town they want 100 euros (I`m not speaking about food, drinks and other stuff) while we pay usually about 80 euros to foreign bands - this is ridiculous. I remember that guys from Pulmonary Fibrosis (France) didn`t want a cent for only one gig in Holland, they had just good time a liked thing here a lot. Most expensive gig was Phobia two years ago, 200 euros but it never repeated. So it`s not so great here as everybody think but for sure there`re lots of good grind/gore/hc bands. 7. What`s going on with Extreme Terror Prod. and Krytyczna Sytuacja zine? Are you still going to continue these activity? I read about some comp. CD that you`re making with Sandro from RSR Records. Marcin: I still continue doing the label and fanzine and will as along as possible. You can write to me and I`ll send a full list of my stuff. For people who don`t have accest to internet I can give some feedback about my plans. Now available are: FUCK ON THE BEACH “Live “ tape (completly shity live rocordings of these power violence kamikaze + studio remix of “FOB” track), MATKA TERESA / UNHOLY GRAVE split 7”, MATKA TERESA / TERRORISM split 7” (inside a special issue of CriticalSituation zine about gore/grind/noise/power violence scene in Europe, also interviews with Autophagia (gr), Anal Penetration (nl), Isle of Man (nl) + reviews). Soon : “MAKE NOISE NOT MONEY” a compilation released with cooperation with RSR Records, almost 90 bands around the world, U.E.M / BRUTAL TERRORISM split 7” and some other splits. I have also t-shirts of THE KILL, HEADCRASH, MATKA TERESA and soon there will be next issue of Critical Situation zine, but i`ll took a while. Mark from Fubar is helping me with the zine,it`s going to be a big one filled with power violence/noise/ grind/gore. Write for more details. 8. What are you doing in Amsterdam beside playing music? Artur: Well, smoking weed , setting up gigs, playing in bands. Basicly everything that`s connected to punk,grind,hardcore. I`m doing the same things as in Poland but here I have more possibilities. I`m also running a radio show, you can listen to it every friday from 17.30 to 19.00 - http ://freeteam.nl/patapoe 9. What are the differences between livestyle in Holland

and other countries? Artur: They are more chill out, they drink less alcohol but recently the situation is very tight due to terrorist acts etc. There are a lot of cops on the streets and due to the situation some nazi organizations are showing up. Beside I think that dutch people don`t have their own culture as it-

self, everything is like borrowed, starting from food...ending on life . No originality!!!! 10. When I was in Amsterdam I was hit by the amount of drugs on the streets. Does the police do anything with it? Artur: There are shit load of drugs everywhere, you can see something like that on the streets but I don`t give fuck about that. More pissing are drugs on squats and gigs. 11. How legalization of marihuana affect society in Holland? Do you there`s a possibility to legalize weed in Poland? Artur: As I said before people here are more chill out. I think that it has a conection with smoking weed. It doesn`t affect people in negative way, so called hard drugs are more dangerous. Maybe there`s a possibility to make weed legal in Poland. For sure it`s better to buy weed in cofeeshop than from a dealer who`s not only selling pot but also hard drugs. It would be a complete shock at the begining but after a Chile peple will get used to it as in Holland.

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12. Tell something about your lyrics. Do you have songs that deal with animal rights? What does veganism/vegetarianis mean for you? Artur: I`m tying to write lyrics about matters that concern us directly and piss us off. About people, about society we live in, about possibilities of changes here, around us and evrywhere else on the world. We have one song abou consumption and exploatation of animals - “education”. Fuck, I don`t eat meat for about 10 years, 6 years ago I decided to beacome vegan and it was one of the biggest choises I`ve made in my life. My attitude changed a litttle bit since then but I`m not going to make any differences in my diet. Veganism teached me respest for myself and animals, I just needed something deeper the vegetarianism, it make no sense to me not eating animals when eating cheese for example. For me it`s the same thing. Beside VEGAN FOOD is the best. Eat human Meat!!!! We have only one person in a band that actually eat meat, the rest is vege. Marcin: We`re bringing up things that conncern our environment and ourselves - the diseases, pain, anger. Now we write nihilistic lyrics, depressive and dark. We`ve got one pro animal song. Sorry but we don`t have any songs about squats, borders just like other bands around here, haha. 13. Last year you were suppose to play on Obscene Fest. What went wrong that you didn`t appear on stage? What do you think about the whole idea of the festival? Artur: The reson we didn`t apeard on Obscene was lack of bassist. We hope to play there this year with D-COMPOSE. The idea of the fest is superb, and for me it’t realy great thing that the fellow Marcin: For me it`s a possibility to see a lot of good bands arounf the world, meet friends whom I haven`t seen before but know each other from long correspondence. Beside Chech Rep is a great country and friends from Poland are bringing good booze 14. When we can expect grindcore holligans in Poland? Artur: We`re planning to attack Poland and Czech Rep with D-COMPOSE in april/may. MATKA TERESA has to wait for it`s turn but it`s inevitable that we`ll come to Poland. Marcin: We had few offers but nothing happend. MT has to wait and the reason is still a bass player. But we will blow your fucking head of with D-COMPOSE and INTUMESCENCE, two gore grind hords, wait for more info. 15. Tattoos, piercing etc...why are you tattooing your body and could it be addictive? Are there any tattoos that you don`t like and want to get rid of them? Artur: Piercing is what I like, tattoos is what I love. Through


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tattoos you are showing your other side, what`s inside of you or what you belive and live. So the best way is to project all your tatts by yourself. All my tattos were made by proffesionals so I don`t have to be ashamed of them. Only thing I regret is that I don`t have more space on my body , I have a lot of ideas for new tattoos that would cover few persons he he. I recomend SAURON TATTOO from Ruda Slaska, Poland. Marcin: Yes, exactlly today i`m going to erase my tattoo, I heard it`s painfull hahaha....seriously you can addict to tattoos very easy. It`s giving me some kind of power and that`s it. 16. Any last words? Artur:Thanx for interest, we want to say hallo to all friends from Poland, see you soon on gigs. If anyone is interested in our stuff (7”,CD,tapes,patches...) or our other bands write : gowegan@poczta.fm <mailto:gowegan@poczta. fm> Thanx for interesting questions, we really want to visit poland with MATKA TERESA. Cheers for crew from Opole and all friends in Poland. If you want more details about EXTREME TERROR Prod. Or CRITICAL SITUATION zine write to :krytycznasytuacja@interia.pl

DD: tell us the hisEveryone who`s into sluge should know Grief. They started in the Richie Anasky called I AM VENGEANCE. tory of grief! beginning of 90` after mighty Disrupt broke up and became one of I’ve done basically grief has been to- the most influental doom sludge band in history. Sadly broke up in a comic book of his gether for about 2001 but members stayed active. Jeff and Randy went to NOOSE- screenplay. i’ll shut up about my artwork 7 years. we’ve reBOMB and Terry plays guitar in SUPERPOWER. Below you can now. leave any of that corded 4 full lentread interview made by Ralf from Dare Devil Magazine. out that bores the shit gth albums,several anyone. the fact that music is there to out of you. i’m not singles,some splits, good at talking about it. some comps, vinyl of all sizes... grief ease grief helps to shake it off. has toured the US and we’ve toured the east coast and have done a bunch DD: who´s doing the drawings in the DD) you´ve got a lot of vinyl out, how of random shows here there and eve- band, because you´ve got a really unu- does your music sell and how do the people react on your brutal doom? rywhere with a lot of cool bands. i sual style of art,tell us more about it! think i sent you our discography... if not anyone can see it at our web site... i do our artwork. luckily i’ve gotten to it sells pretty good i guess. we sell the site has a lot of info on us and how see a bunch of it in print. i dont see enough records to cover band expensto get in touch with us via mail or my art as all that unusual...i just do it es sometimes...not all the time, but we constantly. it’s one of the only ways i make some money selling stuff at our email. can relax. i’m a really moody person... shows. and pessimiser is putting out a DD: grief, tell the people what grief the only way to get it out is to draw third grief full length soon so they’re means, and what it means to the sometimes... paint, sculpt, collage... selling at least enough to put out their whatever.. i work in all mediums now... 3rd release, which will actually be the members of your band! some i’m better at than others. i’ve fifth grief full length. we dont really done art for a few bands now...grief, care about making money we just like grief means different things for all of us. mainly the burdens that we car- 16, 7 foot spleen, godstomper, no to play and get stuff recorded and rery that are result of the toll that gen- comply...maybe another or 2. i’ve also leased so that peopel can either like it eral living and coping throw at you. done a couple of t shirt designs...and or hate it on their own. people react... everyone feels pain, some people are a cover for False Sense Zine. the thing like people. i couldnt answer that i just cursed with a higher awareness i’m happiest about with my art is that cant speak for people. of it. grief, the pain felt over loss... some people like it and some people or helplessness...or confusion...re- tell me it sucks. if someone thinks it DD: what are the plans with grief in gret...etc. etc. etc. i dont mean it like sucks i like to hear it and want to know the future, will there be change in we feel more grief than others...we why... taking the bad with all the rest is the music, getting moreintense and just express ours. the band name was the best. and i’ve gotten a few kinds of freaked out(can´t get better!). thought of by Terry, the guitarist. Ter- medium in print, oils., acrylics, water ry has known a lot of grief in his life... colors, black and white pen drawings we’ve gone through some line up but hes’ pretty much at peace with the and ink paintings... right now i’m do- changes so the music is expanding world. he doesnt want problems with ing a storyboard for a horror movie by some. a lot of the newer songs have

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more upbeat,freaky style parts but its still very obviously grief to anyone who’s heard us before. we have some releases upcoming... the official soundtrack CD for I AM VEGEANCE (...that horror movie...i’m also going to do a cameo and help out on set with production for that in april or may...) we just recorded a song for that called BURY THE DEAD. Meteor City is putting that out for more info on that www.meteorcity.com and find I AM VENGEANCE... theres a lot of info. the movie has a doom soundtrack. Richie Anasky, the director is a stonerrock/doomstyle fanatic. DD: gigs, you must have a lot of gigs, as we saw on that one flyer, with a lot of famous groups,what was your best gig and where are the points you say: no, we never go there again. we play a lot i guess... not tons and tons but at least a couple times a month for the most part. not always though... there are gaps. we’ve played with a lot of great bands. one of the best shows that we had was just the other night actually we played in Worcester Ma. with Dystopia and there were a LOT of people there and there was actually a big pit. people actually ended up on the stage with us...dystopia was and are amazing. Since i’ve been in the band there have only been a couple of bad shows, but those are behind us. People have started listening to us a little more it seems... there are more people at the shows and a better reaction...when we were on tour there was good enough reaction to live on the road... and enjoy the fuck out of it. DD: did you ever where ripped off by a promoter or an other group or better what are your ownthoughts about the scene at the moment? i’d rather leave that in the past. i dont want to trash anyone that may have seen some light and become a better person since they screwed me over. if someone screws me over i’ll worry about it myself. the scene seems to be growing. but aside from when we play i dont really go out that often. i mean i leave my house, but i dont go


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to a lot of clubs... i’m always busy with my artwork. DD: will there be another publication in the near future, if yes, with whatlabel, with what group and when? i’d mentioned a these things above... DD: tel us about the scene in boston, because boston is not a typical heavy mecca, so how is theliving there as a local group.the boston scene is good sometimes and not so good at others... just like everywhere. it has its ups and downs. like all places it has its trouble makers. living here? some day i’ll leave. i like the terrain but i’m not to happy with my present living situation. DD: drugs, when we listened to your music we thought of the people who take drugs and listen to your music and get totally fucked up, because long heavy riff-parts are the thing which we said are griefs absolute plus and nobody else can copy that, tell us about grief and drugs! drugs are a part of life and of coping with grief and pain... if this were not true people with medical and or psychological training would not receive permits to play god and distribute them as they see fit to minds that they only think they know. some drugs are just stupid, but people should do what they want... and our music is definatly “psychodelic” in its own heavy way. the only time i was ever really screwed up by drugs were when they were given to me by a pscyhiatrist. fucking idiots...more insane than anyone...and oh the legal drugs of course, the killers... the ones that keep the economy rolling like tobacco and alchohol... i love them both too, but i’m trying to stay away from tobacco now. we all have our cups of tea. which we occaasionally burn drown and fester in... weed is my oxygen. DD: the voice of grief, oh god, he´s got one of the best motorsaw voices we´ve ever heard, when he sings old or too young people better leave the room, because of nightmares, tell us

about your vocalist! Jeff is also our second guitarist and does have a really loud and raw voice. I do some back up vocals and feel very minor next to him on stage singing. I’ve been friends with Jeff since i was about 16 and i’m 29 now... he and i live pretty close to each other so i see him more... he’s a very straight forward and honest person and he’s been all over the damned planet. DD: do you want to say something to the people who read your interview? we finally have a solid line up again. I’m playing Bass and doing vocals, Jeff is Playing guitar and doing the Lead vocals, Terry is playing very insane things on the guitar, and we have a drummer that has fit right in his name is Chuck. DD: that was really cool, the latest news from grief now, please! i think i covered it up there with the exception of some shows that are coming up... We’re playing with nightstick in Boston on easter sunday and wer’e supposed to be playing with Noothgrush in may and with a bunch of bands at something called THE HAMMERED FEST in connecticut... all of these shows are pretty nearby. we dont see any roadtrips coming up til at least the summer.

DISCOGRAPHY: 7” - Self-titled (Grievance Records) - split w / 13 (Grievance Records) - split w / Dystopia (Life Is Abuse Records) - split w / 16 (Pessimiser Records) - split w / Suppression (Bovine Records) - split w / Corrupted (HG Fact) 10” - split w / Soilent Green (Pessimiser Records) - split w / 16 (Pessimiser/Theologian) 12”/CD - Dismal (Grievance Records) - Come To Grief (Century Media) - Miserably Ever After Torso (Pessimiser/Theologian) - Torso (Pessimiser/Theologian) - ...and man will become the hunted (Pessimiser/Theologian) - Turbulent Times (Southern Lord) comps: - Heavy Hardcore HEADROOM - CD (PEFE) - He’s No Good To Me Dead - CD (Game 2 Records) Check out: www.billtmiller.com/grief www.daredevil.de

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Did you ever consider yourself as a dis-band or tried to copy Discharge? We thought this whole “disexplosion” was a bit silly and we wanted a name in Swedish that was some swed- sort of parody on “dis-names”, so we f o d n e g y chose the name “Diskonto” which living le h t i ot plent w g w y e i e v h r T e . is a form of interest rate that the Int ardcore world and a Could you give us a brief his- ish d-beat h national bank uses to control the e h und t . Enjoy commercial bank’s interest rates. It o y r a a s tory of Diskonto? s o d t r reco ings We are a hardcore/punk band of sounded really stupid for most Swedes sting th e r e t n i from Uppsala, Sweden, the lot of p o i n t and they thought we were a joke band, ! ! is!! band started in 1992. So far we reading th of view really. when in reality we wanted to joke with the have made 4 LP’s (the two last I don’t know the international dis-hysteria. I really don’t know if we were ones also on CD), 4 EP’s, 2 split-EP’s and scene in-depth enough to make compari- part of the Swedish dis-core scene, I guess 1 split-10”. Our 2:nd LP was also released sons about “then” and “now”, so I’ll refrain so, we played with these bands and so on, on cassette by Trujaca Fala, it also includes from that. In Sweden, however, it was re- but we were not really interested in bea lot of bonus tracks and a live recording. ally trendy to be a crusty asshole when we coming too associated with it. Our main We have also toured Europe 3 times and started, the scene was very nihilistic and it influences were bands like Mob 47, AntiUSA 2 times. The members are: Steffe-vo- was considered “cool” to be drunk all the Cimex, Avskum, Bombanfall, Kaaos, Ricals, Martin-guitar, Rickard-bass, Jonas- time and don’t give a fuck about politics. istityt, Kansan Uutiset, and such, and we drums. If you continue to read this inter- People were bragging about that they eat at wanted to sound “old”, if you understand view, you’ll know more about us. McDonalds and so on. Many people didn’t what I mean. We liked Discharge but we like us because they thought we were too wanted to sound more chaotic and noisy. You’re on stage for a lot of years. What’s politic and not “raw and brutal” enough to the difference between Diskonto back be punk. After a few years that changed, then and now? thank God, and the new trend was to be as I heard you regret that you took disYes, we’ve been around for more than PC as possible, that was much better, but name? Is it true? Why? 12 years, we did our first gig in October to me it was just a pose for many people, I have regretted the choice of name many 1992. The main difference between then they just acted politically/socially con- times, not because it’s a dis-name but beand now is that there are different people cerned because that was hip at the time. cause many people in Sweden thought we in the band and we’re much better musi- Then people didn’t like us because they were a joke band and decided we were cians. In the early days we were influenced thought we were not political enough and not good just on the basis of our strange by old Swedish and Finnish hardcore only, just a bunch of drunk punks… name. But now I don’t care anymore, now so our music sounded like that, at least we It’s much better now when these too ex- I like our name, besides it’s too late to tried to make it sound like that. tremes have mellowed into a nice mix. change it. I think nowadays we get inspiration from Now most people are interested in the pomany different kinds of punk music, and litical side of punk, but they’re not making Almost all the bands from that period also from other kinds of music, rock, met- a big deal out if it, it’s not a competition, broke up. It didn’t happen to you. Why al, etc. Our music is more complex and you know, “I’m more political than you!”. is that? What motivates you to play after weird now, but we still play fast d-beat Also a lot of foreign bands (mostly Amer- all these years? hardcore, that will never change! Also I ican) are touring Sweden now, before al- I really don’t know. We still love punk mubelieve our lyrics are better and more in- most no one toured here, so that is good. sic, we still think it’s fun to play, to write telligent than they were in the old days, There are also a lot of new really good songs, to do concerts. We are older now, but since they are in Swedish it’s hard for bands in Sweden at the moment (a lot of of course, we have wives and children, and foreign people to notice that, hahaha… shit bands as well…) so I think the Swed- we can’t spend so much time on the band ish scene is better than it’s been for years. as we used to do, but we still want to be a Do you see any changes among DIY hc/ part of the international DIY-punk-movepunk scene? Diskonto started while the whole dis- ment which we love so much. I see no Well, I can only speak from a Swedish core mania began. Were you a part of it? reason to split the band, we’ll try to stay


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together as long as we think it’s fun and as long as we believe our music and lyrics are relevant and good. Lately I found Martin singing on Uncurbed split 7” with Autoritär and “Rise and Shine” EP. Are you still singing for them or was it only for those records? Actually it wasn’t Martin, it was me, Steffe. I am a member of Uncurbed and have been so since 2,5 years ago. Apart from the records you mentioned, I’ve recorded a full-length album and a split-EP (with Rajoitus) with them. They will be released next year. We also did a US-tour this autumn. Check out our homepage for more info: www.uncurbed.tk Are you guys involved in any other bands? Rickard plays guitar in a grind band called Gadget (www.gadgetgrindcore.com) and Jonas also plays in a band called Harkkorauta, they are good but very lazy and have not released anything. Did you came through a lot of line up changes? Who’s the original member? Do you still have contact with former members such as Malmen and Kaj who participated on your first EP’s? We’ve changed quite many bass players, I think we’ve had 5. Otherwise we have only changed the drummer once. Martin is the only original member, he used to sing and play guitar, but when he was tired of singing I joined. That was in early 1993, so I guess I’m almost original as well. Jonas joined in 1996 and Rickard in 2003. Yes, I still have contact with both Kaj and Malmen, in fact I met Malmen yesterday and we decided we should go out to drink some beer after Christmas, he plays in a garage punk band called The Royal Prostitutes now. I also recently had a band called Sportlov with Kaj, we released one EP and one CD and did 7-8 gigs but split up earlier this year because we had no time for the band. I’m also still friends with our other old bass players Pena and Danne. Pena was a session guitarist for Uncurbed on our US-tour, and now he plays with Rajoitus, Intensity and Widespread Bloodshed. Danne is one of my best friends, he lives in Stockholm so I don’t meet him that often but we talk on the telephone every week, he now plays in a death metal band called Insision. The only one I have no contact with is our first bass player, Patrik, I know he has a band called Alpha Safari who are quite big in Sweden and I also know that he owes me money which I would like to get back…

You were supposed to tour Europe this spring, including Poland. What went wrong that you’ve cancelled your shows? Are you going to repeat it? Yeah, that was no fun at all. What happened was that we thought Jonas’ girlfriend was going to have their baby in August, so we booked the tour so we would be home by then, but it turned up that the doctors was mistaken and the baby would be born under our tour, so of course he couldn’t go with us. We tried to get some session drummer, we asked Andy from Victims and Dadde from Wolfbrigade, but they were a bit busy and they also said they couldn’t play the stuff Jonas was playing so we decided to cancel the tour. It was a sad thing to do, but hopefully we can tour Europe (including Poland) in 2005 or 2006. How do you recall your shows in Poland years ago? It was in 1996 with Kaj and Malmen. It was really fun as it was the first time we played outside of Sweden. It was also very important for us since they decided to leave the band after the tour, they couldn’t handle this touring thing, but Martin and me loved it and decided that we must continue to do this. I would really like to come back to play, 8 years is a kurwa long time. In 1998 you’ve toured USA and Canada. How did it happen that you played there and how was it? Was it a great experience for you? Actually it was in 1997, and then we returned in 2001. Our first tour was set up by Profane Existence, and the second one by Jack Control (Severed Head of State, World Burns to Death, etc). Both tours were, in my opinion, highlights of our “career” as I enjoy the American punk scene very much. Many things are very different from Europe, both good and bad, but once you understand how it works over there, it’s quite an enjoyable experience. On the first tour we played mainly the East coast and the Midwest and also Canada. The second time we also played a lot of shows in the South, which was fun. Next time I hope we can play the West coast, like California and such. However, since I was in America only a month ago with Uncurbed, I hope that the next tour with Diskonto will be in Europe. At the beginning of Diskonto you had problems with “Silenced by Oppression” EP. Someone rip you off. Was it finally released? Did you ever have any other problems with putting your records out?

Yeah, a French label called Minstrel (Health Hazard, etc) was supposed to put out that EP, but it took forever and every time we spoke to them, they said “Oh, it will soon be out”. Then one day they suddenly sent our recording back saying they had stopped doing records and they were not interested in punk anymore. Of course that made us very disappointed and pissed off, especially since we had an unreleased song sent to them for a comp 7” and they never sent the master tape (or the artwork) of that song back. Then another label (Eugene Records) was supposed to put it out but they never did. It was like a bad joke, we had so much bad luck with labels on that release. At last Clean Plate put it out, 3-4 years after it was supposed to be out. We have never had any real problems with other record labels, but Crust as Fuck, the label that released our second LP (“Freedom is Out of Sight”), ripped us off totally in another way. When Martin decided to quit his record label/distro he sold everything to Daniel Rydh/Crust as Fuck but he never did pay Martin anything. They were good friends so Martin said “OK, if you don’t have money now, then pay me later”. And he never did, he just disappeared owing Martin like 2000 Euros or something. If anyone knows where that fucking asshole is, contact us. Some of the long existing bands don’t like their earlier efforts. How about you? If you had a chance to make it in a different way, would you do it? A very hard question… I never listen to Diskonto so I don’t really know what the early records sound like, but live we play almost no material that is older than the “We are the people…” LP, only a few songs. I’m not ashamed of the old records nor do I regret that we did them, not at all, but I just think we found our style on the “There is No Tomorrow” LP and we continue to develop it rather than looking back. It’s true that some people prefer our old stuff and I’m not saying that these people are wrong. It’s just that we have different taste, I suppose. If I had a chance to do everything again I think these early records would have sounded pretty much the same anyway, that was the way we sounded and wanted to sound. We won’t do re-recordings of the old songs and I don’t think we will do a “Discography” CD of the old EP’s, even if Ben (Dropdead, Armageddon Records) has expressed interest in releasing it. Let’s just concentrate on the present and the future.

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Do you have any contact with Frigöra members? Could you tell few words about your split 7” with them? Why did they wanted to sing their songs in Swedish? I guess it was a lot of fun for you. I can’t tell you that much about them, I was only in contact with them once when they sent their lyrics to me so that I could correct errors in their lyrics. They also wanted me to read the lyrics on tape for them so they got the right pronunciation. I still remember Malmen and me sitting on the floor of my apartment reading Frigöra-lyrics loud into a tape recorder. That must have looked really strange… I also remember we read some Mob 47-lyrics, hahaha! I have no idea why they wanted to sing in Swedish, I think it’s weird that bands which are not that good at English want to sing in English, but Swedish? That’s just too much! I really don’t remember that much about the actual recording of the EP, I was in touch with Blurred Records, and they asked us if we wanted to do a split-7” with a Japanese band and we thought “Why not?”. At that time Frigöra (= liberate) was called Liberacão, which I believe is Portuguese for liberate, and they had English lyrics, I had their demo with songs from the split and their own EP with English lyrics but I gave that to Marsta from Dismachine. Why is your last LP on Six Weeks called “We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us About”? Few words about your co-operation with Jeff? The title comes from a line of a lyric by American female singer/songwriter Brenda Khan, whom I like very much, I just liked the phrase and suggested that we should call our new album that. The meaning about it is that when you’re a child


and walk the streets with your parents they look at punks/strange looking people, pointing at them and warning you to go near them because they think they are dangerous, criminals, junkies and so on. And now, many years later, we are people looking like that. It’s about the fact that mainstream people don’t understand our way of life. I have only good things to say about Jeff and Athena, the album was a bit delayed but that was mainly our fault, not theirs. I’m not sure but have you ever put any of your records in Sweden? What was the reason that you always choose foreign labels? As I said earlier, we released the “Freedom Is Out of Sight” LP on Crust as Fuck, which is a Swedish label, we also released the “Diyanarchohardcorepunk” EP on Retard Records, which was Martin’s label, and he also released the CD-version of “There Is No Tomorrow” so we have worked with Swedish labels to a certain degree. The fact that we mostly have worked with foreign labels is just a coincident, I think. Let’s not forget that Sweden is a very small country and sometimes you have to look across the borders. We feel that we are a part of the international punk scene and we don’t want to limit ourselves just to Sweden. Besides, we are not that popular in Sweden…

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I’ve red about some new recording. What is it gonna be? I really don’t know at the moment, we did a recording (9 songs) in April, which was supposed to be a split-LP with Intensity on Putrid Filth Conspiracy, but now we have done another recording (7 songs) so we’re talking with Rodrigo (Putrid Filth/ Identity) about releasing both recordings on a LP/CD. So I don’t know. If the Diskonto/Intensity LP will be released, we will release an EP or split 10”/12” with our new recording. First we must find a good label to release it. What can we expect from Diskonto in the nearest future? Pretty much what I explained in the last question and we also have a really good live recording (very good sound, mixed in a studio) from Uppsala ready that we want to release as a LP/CD, but we’re having problems finding anyone who wants to do it. A Polish label maybe? Get in touch with us! We also hope to do another tour sometimes, but it’s hard since both Martin and Jonas have small children and we can’t be away that long, but hopefully 2005 or 2006. Any last words? Thanks for this great interview, I like when the ‘zine concentrate their questions on the band rather then on other things. It’s more interesting to read, I think. Hope everybody didn’t get bored reading this and if you want to contact us about gigs/interviews or if you want to buy records/ shirts, please e-mail me: dissteffe@ yahoo. com OK, people, that was all from Diskonto for now. Thanks! Stay punk!

Photos by Simon The Age

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1. Where are you guys from? Introduce yourself to the people who have never heard of you. Tell few words about your hometown and local hc/punk scene. ChN: Hi dude. We are from Vila Velha-ES (Brazil). We try to play more fast as possible since july of 2002. We have 2 releases: a 4way “Vila Velha Noise Beach” with bands from our city by Läjä Records and a 7” EP by Throw Into Disorder Records (German label). Soon there will be released a split with our friends from “Jäzzus” by Läja Records. Vila Velha have some great bands and good people too.... “Mukeka di Rato”, “Jäzzus”, “Ajudanti di Papai Noel”, “I Shit On Your Face”, “Los Muertos Vivientes”... Great bands that you should listen. 2. Who picks up the name? Do you really like Chuck Norris so much? If you do what`s your favourite movie with him? Would you agree that TEXAS RANGER sucks? ChN: I dont know who give the name but we all accepted it... Well, we took this name because we didn`t have any other ideas ... And it`s like “Charles Bronson”, a great band... The Chuck Norris movies suck. I don`t enjoy watching them. 3. What kind of bands inspired you? ChN: Infest, Yacopsae, Vömit För Breakfast, I Shot Cyrus, Hellnation... 4. Are you into any bands from Europe, maybe Poland? ChN: We know a lot of bands from Europe like.. Seein Red, Cripple Bastards, Vomit for breakfast, Yacopsae, Bettercore, Negazione, Hippies of Today..but we`re not very familiar with Polish bands... maybe we know some and dont realize that they are from Poland.

6. Could you give few explanations about your lyrics that deal with corporations, pollution, cars, schools? ChN: We are punks and we have to live in a fucking poor country. The lyrics are about things that we see everyday in our normal life. 7. Tell us about your 7”EP .Did you get a positive feedback? ChN: Yeah, the EP was very important to us. Much people keep in contact... Now our split 12” LP with Jäzzus will be released by “Throw Into Disorder Records” and i think it will be a good divulgation of us in europe. 8. Do you often play shows?Any good venues,favourite places to play, crazy situations??? ChN: We dont play much... but our shows are a one big fucking noise. Here in “Vila Velha” we dont have many places to play, we do it in garages, bars and other dirty places... 9. What is next for Chuck Norris? ChN: In 2005 we want play in some cool places around the country, hope to meet some nicepeople... And we want a good divulgation for this split by Läjä Records and Throw Into Disorder Records... Kisses and sorry for my fucking english. Thanx!!! A/C Chico Cond. Mar Azul 2, ed. Mariana, apto. 404 Itapoã, Vila Velha - ES CEP: 29100 - 931 franciscoasa@hotmail.com

5. A lot of bands from South America tour Europe. Most of them describe political and social situacion in Brazil witch is terrible. How do you see yourself in society? What are the reactions of normal people or your familis about your band and what`re you doing? ChN:I see some fucking idiots all around me with huge money that are forcing people to live in shit. My family don`t know much about the band, only that I play in some noisy thing... They don`t know about the ideas of the scene and what the punk means. Love mom


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D-compose was formed in 2003 by guitarplayer Pablo Minoli as a sideproject. Back then Pablo initially started working with a drumcomputer and guestvocalists due to lack of time and a capable drummer. In the summer of 2003 Cuban allround-drummer Liber Torriente joined Pablo’s project. Together they started jamming and composing songs. In the beginning of 2004 Martin and Arthur from Matka Teresa joined the band, both as vocalists and finally in August 2004 Rafael Gimon completed the band joining on bass. D-Compose plays a blasting mix of grindcore with heavy low-tuned riffs and sublime technical drumming wich will please a wide range of music-lovers, from fans of pure grindcore to metalfans to punkfans. D-Compose is a “must see” live band that will grab you by the throat and drag you down into a gravel-pit of sickening riffs, machinegun drums and gruesome vocals. In may 2004 D-Compose recorded a 4 song-demo including a cover of the Ramones “I’m not Jesus”. The demo was recorded live in just one night and gives a small impression of what D-Compose is about to unleash in the near future. D-Compose is: Pablo - guitar / Liber- drums / Martin- voice / Rafaelbass / Arthur- voice website: www.d-composexxx.com e-mail: contact@d-composexxx. com.

George Harrison is from Moscow, Russia. These trio plays ultra fast hardcore in vein of good old Charles Bronson and japanese thrash with goofy vocals and other crazy shit. They`ve got two split 7” with Rob Halford (Cesspool Records) and Conga Fury (RSR Records), also some demos on Broken Bones Records: “Russian Hardcore Thrash Attack” (2003,it has 6 original blasting battle hymns from GxHx and a cover of the mighty NEGATIVE APPROACH.about 400 tapes made. the number of CDRs is unknown), “We Are The Youth” (2003, 7 songs for various compilations), “Summer show Tape” (2004, a tape made to sell at the shows, contains both demos, split EP songs and some of the comps` songs). In plans: “FIRST TWO YEARS” LP on Hell Near Records, USA. (everything recorded by far, 29 songs, remastered), split EP with ? (TBA) on Drugs Kill Your Mind Records (Czech) and some compilations in Czech and Russia. A very promissing young band!!! GxHx IARANTSEV P.O.BOX 32 MOSCOW 129090 RUSSIA gxhx666@hotmail.com www.geocities.com/ghthrashcore/


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SIX WEEKS RECORDS! THE RAMEN DAYS-BAY AREA HARDCORE DOCUMENTED DVD A film by Melissa Elbirt. A heartfelt and brutally honest (and comical) film documenting the SF/Bay Area hardcore scene featuring: Deadfall, Strung Up, Voetsek, Blown To Bits, Born/Dead, Scurvy Dogs, STFU, Exit Wound Case Of Emergency, Brainoil and Desolation. Proof of what can be achieved through dedication to DIY punk ethics and art. Still good to go: FUNERAL SHOCK 12” ugly abusive HC punk ala Bad Posture.Black Flag *CAPITALIST CASUALTIES-“Years In Ruin” CD 2nd Discog CD 1996/99 *SHORT FAST & LOUD #12 zine w/ Ludicra,Vilently Ill, Cattle Decap.+more DVD- $12 ppd usa/$16 world LP prices: $8 us/$15 world (air) Zine: $4 usa/$7 world CD prices : $10 usa/$12 world SIX WEEKS: 225 Lincoln ave Cotati,CA 94931 USA Next: v/a Louder Than Hell 7”/CDEP w/ Hirax,The Accused,Municipal Waste,Voetsek, Toxic Narcotic sixweeksrecords.com


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ABERRANT/ DHIBAC split7”EP This is a great split by two fresh bands from USA and France. Aberrant is from Colorado and have some ex-members of mighty Catheter and some connections with Selfish Fucker Records.Their music is brutal as ussual 303 grind similar to Catheter with a touch of old meatal bands like DESEASED,SODOM,KREATOR especially in riffing parts.They got a split 7” with UNHOLY GRAVE and in works a split CD with FISTFUCK (ex-DAHMER).On the flip side another band from France whitch next to GEORGE BITCH JR,ELYSIUM,RICHARD DURN proves that extreme hc/punk scene in France is in great form.Goofy grinding power violence with funny artwork inspired by Jean Paul Belmondo. (Hombre Lobo Bert Blees Kaiserslauter Str. 11 D-66123 Saarbrucken Germany hombrelogo@web.de)

has began few records ealier.Excellent old school grind core in vein of Repulsion,Nasuea (LA) with huge `80 hardcore infuences.This is the way how the great grindcore should play without any bullshit death metal.I`m waiting for other releases like split LP with Birdflesh or split 7” with ROT.On the other side a band who`s been aroud since 1990 but I must say that they didn`t hold my attention till the split 5” with Regurgitate was released.From harsh grindcore band they transformed into excellent thrash power violence unit which is superb.They proved great form on theirs full lenght and now confirm that with these tracks.Artwork on the cover is made again by J.Santos. He did a great job. (Rescued From Life PO Box, 14821 Haltom City TX 76117 rescuedfromlife@yahoo. com)

PHOBIA BLOCKHEADS / NOSTROMO split EP Songs on this piece of plastic will keep you on the ground for a while.Each band present on track of theirs own and one cover of the band from the other side.Both bands have few full lenght released and this split is an effort of friendship between them.Nostromo plays mix of very popular these days mathmetal with cruel grindcore. In some moments they are so fast that you can`t imagine how.Also nice screaming vocals makes the band standing out from the line. On the second side Blockheads from France.What we got here is a more classic grindcore in vein of Terrorizer with touch of Discordance Axis or Assuck that will also smash your head.Nice full colour cover with old school artwork flames,girls etc.Not very grindcore you say but it really makes it look nice. (Shogun Records Phil Kieffer 2 rue de la Colinette 51110 Bourgogne * France http://perso.wanadoo.fr/shogunrecordings) CHUCK NORRIS s/t 7”EP This is the first effort by young beaCATHETER / ENTRAILS MAS- zilian band and they haven`t got SACRE split 7”EP anything to be ashamed of. They This is fucking great split.Leadres took a funny name and decided of Colorado`s 303 Grind meets to make all the kids ears bleeding. pionners of Baltic Thrash Core. What other kind of hc/punk would Catheter from Usa shows a great be perfect to do this than powerform again and continues what violence thrash??? 14 songs hear

speaks for themeselves. Everything is short, fast and loud. Lyrics deal mostly with social aspects of living in Brazil. They are young, pissed and will crack your head for sure. (Throw Into Disorder Patrick Weidemann Marburger Strasse 34 35390 Giessen Germany www. throwintodisorder.de)

Russia that started to play fastcore/thrash much inspired by such bands as Charles Bronson (especially artwork,cover is a rip off of ChB discocrappy CD) or Infest.I heard about them few months ago and have waited for their first vinyl release and here it is!Every fan of goofy power violence shit should dig this,I mean it.Short,fast songs with a bunch of vocals and crazy breakdowns.This what fast music is all about and I like it a lot.Conga Fury also matches up that but unfortunately their side is too much chaotic and noisy and their music doesn`t speak to me.So buy it for George side coz it`s a very promising young band!!! (RSR c/o Sandro Gessner Str. des Friedens 45 07819 Mittelpoellnitz Germany)

COMRADES “No Escape” EP Dark Edge Violence representants decided to wear their hockey masks again and punish everybody with some grindcore. New 7” is filled with seven grincore hyms with dual vocals for fans of Agathocles, Rot, Cripple Bastards and classic italian hc bands. Some of the lyrics are serious, some not... generaly they sing a lot about kids, mosh and stupidity among the scene. One of these few straight CORRUPTED “Paso Inferior” LP edge bands that choose grindcore Few years ago Corrupted released style to present their attitude. Huge a CD under the same title with one

respect for them. Availible also on Cd through Soa Records. (Undislessed undislessed@voila.fr , Skud Records skud-rds@voila.fr)

looooong 40 minutes track. This shit here is not completly the same. On the first side we have one 18 minutes long track in their unique style that we all are used to. Heavy, CONGA FURY / GEORGE HAR- slow and mostly deppresive doom sludge with some noise wirednes in RISON split 7”EP I bought this split 7” because of background and vocals in spanish. George Harrison,a band from The second side is filled with some

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CONVERGE ambient sounds that we can also find on their double CD “Lenandose De Gusanos”. Black cover with black ink looks realy nice and original, insret is in spanish unfortuately. (Insolito Pf 540115 10042 Berlin Germany www.insolito.de)

gether with Matka Teresa interview. D-Compose is his new band, Martin from MT also screms here. Everything here is more brutal that MT...you can call it grincore but not exactly, a lot more is going on... read info abot them on the other page and you will know. 4 track COUNTERBLAST”Impassivity” including Ramones cover, good 2xLP sound quality...just wait for their Few years ago Counterblast full lenght. recorded a great LP called “Balance Of Pain” in vein of “DEADLY SINS” 4xEP comp. Neurosis,Dystopia,ABC Diabolo. I remember that Robert from They played few gigs in Poland Refuse Records had only few copand .Hopefully they didn`t give up ies of this compilation and it was playing and made few songs witch sold very quickly. It shows the are on this double longplayer.Mu- value of this small book with four sically nothing has changed much, seveninches in it. Deadly Sins is it`s still heavy,sludgeing wall of not only a compilation of the most noise simillar to above mentioned inportant and respectfull HC/ bands with pummeling bass ande punk bands who ruled awhile ago keyboards in background.The but also a small piece of art made sound is less dirty and there are by Mike Bjella of UNRUH. You more calm moments like in Cult can find here seven bands (like Of Luna.Besides you can compare seven sins) : THE BLACK HAND, old tracks with new ones because CATHARSIS, MK-ULTRA, UNthere are 3 compilation tracks re- RUH, KILL THE MAN WHO corded back in 96.Great comeback. QUESTIONS, RUINATION and (Putrid Filth Conspiracy Rodrigo / DAMAD. These bands need no inPFC Box 7092200 42 Malmö Swe- troduction. Boxset looks like small den http://putridfilth.com/) book and Bjella`s ilustrations are great, Inside we can find lyrics as well as some interesting texts coD- COMPOSE demo tape Wow, Artur send me this tape to- menting on religion, written by


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bands members. So you better watch out `cause this is definitely not for ZAO fans!!! For me this is the best released compilation I`ve seen, not only because of layout but mostly because of all the bands here that inspired me for a long time (and still do despite the fact that they are all gone). John from Hater OF God knows for sure how to put out good records. (Hater Of God Po Box 666 Troy,NY 12181666 USA www.haterofgod.com)

DROPDEAD / UNHOLY GRAVE split 7”EP I think that everyone knows this bands so I write only that DROPDEAD presents 5 cuts recorded in Sweden during their European Tour in 1998 when they had a day off.And UNHOLY GRAVE proves their great form in 4 track from 2002.Nicely released by MCR Company.Get this!!! (MCR Company http://www.dance.ne.jp/ ~mcr/)

DOPPELGANGER “Rollerskate Or Die” MC There are not so many power violence bands in USA as it was in the 90` but still there are few worth of mention. Doppelganger is one of them. On this short demo they put 5 tracks taken from compilation on Six Weeks and 17 live cuts from different shows. All tracks are fast, short with breakdowns and fucked up vocals in average of a minute. If you need a comparsion...bands like Charles Bronson or Asshole Parade comes to mind. Nice cover with some photos, lyrics and good artwork, beside it reminds me Charles Bronsons covers a little bit. Now they have a full 7” on 625 so check them out. (Drug Kill Your Mind Records)

EYEHTEGOD”99 Miles Of Bad Road” EP When the first time I heard about plans to release this 7” I knew that I have to get this. I didn`t wait long beacus guys from Sick Terror brought this to Poland while they were on their european tour. Songs here are recorded between 96-97. They are demo versions of well known tracks that appeard on other bands releases. The quality is not excellent but that`s the way it should be, dirty, skratchy, harsh and most of all fucked up and overdrugged. This guys are gods of sludge and I don`t have any idea how they are able to create such riffs that smash your head. They aren`t normal, that`s for sure. Just take a look at the poster showing

Mike D. Williams bleeding on the stage. Nicely released with fullcolored cover and a poster, patch & sticker. No lyrics. I don`t understand only one thing, why someone is selling this 7” on ebay for 20 $ while it`s still avalible from 2+2=5 Records??? ( 2+2=5 Records Douglas Alves Junior Caixa Postal 1668 Sao Paulo / SP CEP:01059970 Brazil www.terror225.cjb.net) EYEHATEGOD / CRIPPLE BASTARDS split EP The idea of releasing a split between gods of sludge from USA and masters of nihhilistic noise grinders from Italy is just great.EHG as usually are in great form.With few riffs they can destroy everything on their way.Cruel,grim,deppressive music and vocals screamin in pain and misery that`s what EHG is!!I love this band and will forever. Cripple Bstards also presenting one track and I must say that lets say from the release of “Misantopo A Senso Unico” these italians are playing ten thousands better that on their previous efforts.They starting pretty slow just to attack with ultra fast,perfectly played and most of all well recorded grindcore massacre.It amazing that you can still hear echos of old Italian hardcore bands in their music. On vocals immortal Guillo who can make incredible thing with his voice.At the end you got a surprise prepared by Eric Wood and John Weise of Bastard Noise.Great split!!! (Southern Lord)

hands, realy. It comes also with poster too!!! Musicly this two bands are realy worth of mention. EHL is a clone of mighty EHG and other German fame ZORN...fucked up sludge the way I like, no time for any bullshit emo shit, just pure hatered and depressive thoughts. Check their split 10” with Idiot Savant. I`ve never heard about Hartsocker before and I regret that. Here are some of their old tracks recorded in 95. Do you remember such bands from that period as ABC Diabolo, Mine or other Rorschach worshippers??? Hartsocker plays exactly in the same style... the way I fucking enjoy very much. Heavy hardcore with characteristic vocals just like Rorschach. I hope that someone will dig out their other old songs and put it on vinyl. (Useless Records www.uselesshq.com, Mssc Records www.masssuicide-society.net)

japanees attack with another split 7”. This time with Matka Teresa from Holland, a quite interesting band with an international lineup. Members are from Poland and Brazil!!! They recorded few tracks in 2003 and here are some of them. You can find the rest on splits with Unholy Grave and Fubar. What they are showing here is fast crust/ grind similar to ENT or grincdore bands from Brazil, beside they covering Rot here. It reminds me those mad thrashers from More Noise For Life a little bit, anyone remember their 7” on Blurred Records? Fuck On The Beach didn`t change their style much, it`s still a lot of fun listening this thrash power violence with some Gauze influences. Who like their full lenghts on Slap A Ham will love this. New thing is that didn`t put their theme song “Fuck On The Beach” here. I guess it`s the second 7” without it. Good debut from MT. (RSR Records)

EVISCERATED SOUL “The First Incision” EP This is another colaboration between Bad People Records and Selfish Fucker and another band from 303 grind.If you`re familiar with other bands from Colorado or Iowa you should know what this is all about.Heavy grindcore like BLACK MARKET FETUS,SUBSANITY with a lot of evil metal rifs that will split your fucking head in two.Crucial breakdowns,slow parts and dual scraming and growling vocals. FUCK ON THE BEACH / YACOPOnly 303 copies pressed. (Bad Peo- SAE split 7”EP ple Records & Selfish Fucker) This split 7” prepared by our neighbours from Czech Republic EYEHATELUCY / HARTSOCKER split EP FUCK ON THE BEACH / MAT- consist live recordings from both bands.There`s nothing to be exited Concept of the cover is great, it`s KA TERESA split EP nice to hold such thing in your Wll known from many releases about but it`s a must for every fan of these crazy japanees and PHOBIA fast as hell germans.The sound quality is ok so you don`t have to worry about buying another nonlistenable record:).Power violence from Japan vs turbo speed violence from G e r m a ny. (Out Of Control Ondra Šemrinec Libušínská 8/15 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou

CZECH REPUBLIC www.outofcontrol.wz.cz) GEORGE BITCH JR. s/t LP The best power violence bands from France like Opstand or Jean Seberg are long gone. But din`t worry now we have George Bitch jr. Without them Obscene Extreme

BLOOD I BLEED Fest two years ago would be shitty. The almost didn`t play there but manage to arrive and destoy everybody with their fast as hell power violence. This onesided LP proves that their are one of the most important french bands on the european scene. Punishing simple hardcore with three vocals that can only be compared to SPAZZ. You can hear that these trio have a lot of fun doing this. One of the best bands live. Comes with an poster and other shit inside. (Chimeres Records tupipotes@free.fr) GODSTOMPER / AGATHOCLES split EP Two bands with enormous amount of split sevens on their account. Probably every record maniac has got at least one of their vinyl releases or heard about them.Godstomper this time present two track which are one of theirs best tracks I`ve heard so far.Songs are slower, less noisy and distorted than the previous ones.So if anybody who didn`t like this drum`n bass grindcore duo could be very surprised. But you can`t say the same thing about Agathocles side.Masters of mincecore took six songs recorded live back in 1989 so you already shlould know what to expect.But honestly I like it!!!The quality is far

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from perfect or lest say ok but what the hell this was recorded 16 years ago and they are still mincing.For maniacs only!!! (The Haunted Hotel PO Box 348 Yonkers, NY 10710 USA hauntedhotelrecords@yahoo. com) HARSH / CONTROL MECHANISM split &”EP I don`t know where the guys found these tracks but it was a great idea to put them on this split 7”.So here we got 8 songs by the warriors of cold northern power violence knows also as Harsh.These fuckers were around in the middle 90’s and attecked with few seven inches full of crazy power violence using bass guitar and drums only.This was like mix of MITB with CROSSED OUT. They`ve got EPs on Six Weeks and Anomie,mcd called “Reality” and a great 3 way split 10”LP with other fames SHORT HATE TEMPER RICHARD DURN and QUILL. I thought they broke up at the end of the `90 but here cre for your ears from top notch!!!! are some songs recorded in 2002 metal with growling vocals which Cover and insert dominated by as a duet.Still a great form and are so irritating that I found it dif- black colour with some graphics good music.On the other side we ficult to listen to the end of the and lyrics. This is actually their last have Control Mechanism.I don`t record.Green vinyl. (625Records effort as they decided to call it quits know anything about them beside www.625thrash.com) followed only by live LP. But the that they have split 7” with ROTmembers are in Hewhocorrupts KUNGFU RICK”Coming To An TEN SOUND and few tracks on which reminds KF R a lot. (625 NO Speed Limits comp.And it`s End” LP Records) a sad coz they are worth it. Simple Second full lenght by Rick that won`t let you down. Eleven fast, grinding power violence which KUNGFU RICK “Grinding To A reminds me CROSSED OUT very punishing songs of maniac power Halt.Live At Fireside Bowl” LP much. Songs are taken from differ- violence with huge amount of I`m not going to hide that KFR is ent sessions and include covers of Katastrofialue 20 MINUTOS DE CHAOS and Statewankers.Sadly they broke up in 2002. (Imregnate Noise Laboratories Bochdan Mach, P.O. Box 2, 76381 Napajedla, Chech rep. www.impregnate.wz.cz) I M M O RTA L FATE “The Beautiful” LP Immortal Fate was a deathgrind band from Bay Area that existed in the begining of `90.They played shows with NO LESS,PUTOCRACY,SPAZZ,ETO and probably drank a lot with the members of these bands that`s why Max Ward decided to release this LP on his label.Beside sentimental valule for some people there`s nothing interesting in this band.Boring, monotonous death


metal riffs everywhere. All songs are packed with so many blastbeats and breakdowns that it`s hard to sit in one place while listening. Aditionally two vocalist, Ryan and misterious Dark Enforcer (that guy wearing gogles and black cloak) are supported by two others. So we have 4 vocals here and total massa-

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one of my favourite bands but unfortunatelly non existing any more. This is they third and last full lenght recorded live at Fireside Bowl.I must say that it`s the best live recording I`ve heard for a long time. Sound is almost perfect and you can fell the huge vibe of emotions

that were during their last show. If you like their metal influenced power violence with screaming vocals and crazy drumming like an machine gun you should get this records.No lyrics,just few photos on the cover and insert. (Harmless 1218 w hood apt 2 Chicago, IL 60660 www.harmlessrecords.com) KYLESA / MEMENTO MORI split EP I was floored by this when I heard it and here`s explenation why. Kylesa has some ex members of mighty Damad and play in similar way. Their debut full lenght is a masterpiece and other releases as this split or other 7”s are also great. Why are they so amazing... simply they don`t have mercy for listeners trying to smash everyones head with apocaliptic metalic crust in vein of mentioned Damad. Incredible male/female vocals and sound is the secret of this band. The second side begins with some calm part played with acoustic guitar that turns fast into two hardcore/thrash songs that reminds me Scrotum Grinder a lot. Also a great female vocal here as in Kylesa. The worst thing in this records is that it`s simply too short. (Hypperrealist PO Box 9313 Savannah, Ga 31412 USA www.hyperrealist. com) MATKA TERESA / FUBAR split 7”EP Second split 7” of crew from Poland that are making a lot of noise in Amsterdam.Songs here are from the same sessions as the split with FOB.Noise grinding power vio-

lence without bullshit,nothing to say more.Good samples between track,only in polish so if you don`t speak that langauge ask someone to translate them for you coz they are worth it.On the other side MT`s friends also from Holland.They are way brutal in their work than MT.Punishing grindcore from the begining to the end.There`s no place for any breakdown or a moment of rest for the listeners. True blastbeat tornado.Chceck out theirs split CD with Catheter on SMG Records.Nicely packed in an cardbord and insert with some words from MT and raport from tour. (Power It Up Postfach 1114 38156 Vechelde Germany www.power-it-up.de) MODERN LIFE IS WAR s/t EP Do you belive in such stories “watch the band for the first time and fall in love with it”??? If you do, this exactly happend to me a year ago when pretty unknown band called Modern Life Is War came to Poland for one show. They were on tour with dutch screamers Malcovich. That one show by Iowa boys blew me away completely. They played mostly songs from first full lenght “My Love. My Way” (if anyone has it... let me know). I manage to grab only this seven inch and found it even better than the show! Hardcore with emotionaly screaming vocal that can be inspired by all 80` hardcore bands but I think that MLIW created their own style. Good texts are a trump card of the band, which is quite unusual when I look at recent hardcore/punk bands. Great single and a band. Highly recommended!! (Life Line Rcords PO Box 692, Midlothian,IL 60445 USA www.lifelinerecords. com) - rabczan MY OWN LIES / WILLBUR COBB split 5”EP Another great five inch.I love thies small ones.This time two of the most important fastcore bands from Germany.Only two track on every side and a huge want of more. That`s why you should get other releases by those bands as fast as possible.For example My Own Lies/Y split Lp or Willbur Cobb`s split 7” with HeWhoCorrupts.Not knowing of MOL or WB is a deadly sin,next to Yacopsae,Flachenbra nd,Entrails Massacre,Cyness they are to base of german extreme hadcore. (Flover Violence Ralf Bock Kapellenstr. 16 69469 Weinheim Germany www.flowerviolence.de

NAILED DOWN / RUIDO split 5”EP This is the first fiveinch I`ve bought,seriously! On this small piece of plastic we have new tracks by Nailed Down from Australia, well known from their debut 3”CD, flexi 8” on Six Weeks, few

terial recorded before Relapse era sounds really great and it`s nice listening to it.So that`s why this record was sold out very quickly. Recommend (Yellow Dog Yellow Dog Records Berliner Allee 56 13088 Berlin Germany www.yellowdog.de)

recorded with an old line up with Piotr Szambelan on vocals who was realy good and it`s sad that he left the Pigs. Deep Six did also a Cd version but the 7” sounds way better and the cover is b&w. (Deep Six P.O Box 6911 Burbank, CA 91510 USA www.deepsixrecords.com)

PIGNATION “Devastating Life Scheme” EP I have a different felings about this records. From one side this is the first polish band that put their record on one of the most important diy label releasing extreme hardcore from USA - Deep Six Records run by Bob from Lack Of interest and Burn our Bridges. From the other side they changed their style and I`m not satisfied with that as the most of people here in Poland. Songs here are way better than on split Cd with INFLX but completlely different that their split 7” with Su19B (their best recordnings I think) or full lenght “You would hate to know”. These seven songs are more into bands from Doom Ryders Family like No Less, Kalmex & The Riff Merchants or Avulsion, Parade Of The Lifeless. Due to this they music became more twisted. They added more metal riffs or breakdowns and other different parts that honestly make this record a little boring. But if someone likes above mentioned bands should dig this too. In addition I say that this was

PUNCH IN THE FACE s/t EP Wow,the cover is great,made by Mike Sutfin, showing a guy with smashed nose on the front and a castet with PITF inicials on the back.So you should already know that they are not fucking around and playing for crying hardcore pussies.Music on this seveninch is a very popular pissed off hardcore inspired by the bands from `80 like SSD,BLACK FLAG,NEGATIVE APPROACH.But they are way better than tons of other bands from States that are trying to copy that style.On vocals we got Ebro who`s well known from such bands as CHARSLES BRONSON,MKULTRA,LOS CRUDOS.He`s screaming a straight simple lyrics about stupidity on the scene,fashion kids and other bullshit that pisses everyone else whose in the scene not only for moshing and buying merch.Great!!! (Laguna Armada)


7”s and splits with Dismachine and D.P.P.S. Recenly they are wokring with Power It Up Records that put out their first full lenght and this is another part of their cooperation. Nailed Down has been presenting themselves from different sides through many years. Once their were like Dropdead, other time more like japan bands or swedish d-beat. Here they show how to combine old harcore like Negative FX with the first wave of power violence as Crossed Out, No Comment. Fast, agressive music with crusty touch. On the other side we have well know latino guys performing live. Sound quality is not very good but it`s still a great piece of fast hardcore thrash like Los Crudos. (Power It Up) NASUM “Industislaven” LP I think everybody knows about the fact that Mieszko Talarczyk died in Thailand during tragedy in December.So I`m not sure what will happen with Nasum in the future. Few month before that Yellow Dog Records released a vinyl version of Nasum`s MCD fom 1995.Old ma-

QUILL / GEORGE BITCH JR split EP Two good bands here. On side one we have Quill from Tokyo... you should know them as they

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SILENCE have splits with mighty CHARLES BRONSON, SHORT HATE TEMPER, I DON`T CARE and on side two we have defenders of european power violence known as George Bitch Jr. from France. Quill doesn`t disapoit, great, crazy fastcore on the highest level that can be played this way only in Japan. GxBx Jr is one of the best power violence teams nowadays, On this split they serve 5 tracks combining power violence with grind just like SPAZZ did it. It`s great to see such bands playing and releasing new stuff while some people consider power violence dead. Very good split. REGURGITATE / ENTRAILS MASSACRE split 5”EP Such a little vinyl but fully packed with one of the best grindpunk cuts that I`ve heard recently. Grincore legend from Sewaden teams up with mad Germans. This is a killer record!!! Both bands present 4 track and about 3 minutes of pure mayhem on each side. Rgte show how to play pure gindcore. On of the most extreme bands on the world, I think that only Rotten Sound can do it faster or simillar. I love such bands that play on the highest speed, full on blastbeats with screaming vocals and short songs. I realy like what EM is doing now. More power violence than grindnoise this time and one of the vocals sound like Spazz!!! (Tower Violence c/o Danilo Posselt Karlstraße 51 18057 Rostock Germany http://towerviolence.akohl.net) ROT / WOJCZECH split 7”EP Wojczech seems to be very into bands from south america. They are releasing records there, putting out split with bands from there and they even toured there. This time they meet a legend from brazil ROT who`s been aroud for


years. They continue to do their best. Harsh grindcore like Excruciating Terror, Agathocles, Repulsion or Terrorizer. The line up has changed, Marcello who sreamed for Rot since the beginning was replaced by a guy named Jefferson. But that`s ok because his vocal is very similar to Marcello. Wojczech started to produce their recording much better that before and added more weired shit in songs. Fucked Up Grindcore descibes their music perfectly. The weakes part of this 7” is the artwork. Insert looks quite ok but the front and back cover are just terrible and poor. Everything is dominated by yellow colour, including vinyl. (Absurd Records

Army doing their crazy ultra fast hardcore simillar to bands from Gloom Records. No compromises in their music. They don`t give a fuck about anything and show that in lyrics...they even make a warning for pressing plant that they will not stop using samples they want and no one is going to stop them. So We have realy good samples between the tracks, one of them was also used on Spazz Lp!!!Nice. The Lumps have a split with Runnamacks and attack with few short and angry tracks, pretty distorted and chaotic like some japanese thash. Something between Razor`s Edge or Exclaim and Spazz, Godstompre. On the cover they show their dislike for skatebording witch is probably a joke or maybe not!!! (Bad People PO Box 480931 Denver, Co 802480931 USA badpeoplerecords@hell okitty.com) STATE OF FEAR “Discography” LP This is a great surprise for all crust lovers around the world prepered by Profane Existece.All track from two EP`s and full lenght on one green piece of plastic.Great artwork done by Marald van Haastern, insert with lyrics and covers of the original records.About State Of Fear I can say that for me it was one


Caixa Postal 02 - Osascao/sp - of the best crust hords from States 06013-971 Brasil absurd@brfree. next to DISRUPT,DEFORMED CONSCIENCE,HAIL OF RAGE. com.br) The line-up consisted of few exSCOTT BAIO ARMY / THE members of other great bands from Mineapollis and the music LUMPS split 10”LP I hate 10” format but when such they created was simply perfect. bands are on both sides I can for- Played with such energy that you get about it. First we have Scot Baoi want to smash everything in your

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room with smile on your face.One of the best band in the history of punk rock. (Profane Existence Profane Existence Distribution PO Box 8722 Minneapolis, MN 55408 U.S.A. www.profaneexistence.com) SUBSANITY “Logic Plague” EP Another doze of strange noises from Game Two Records.This is a blend of dark death metal with evil vocals like in some black metal bands and some sludge parts.No time for pray!!!After listening to this you won`t be sure if there`s still good on earth.100% evil music only for the strongest. (Selfish Fucker PO Box 615 Westy, Co 80036 USA selfihfucker@hotmail. com) ULTIMATE WARRIORS s/t EP This EP was released in Germany and contains songs from different sessions and a live show. First side have mostly cover songs of CRIPPLED YOUT, OCKNEY REJECTS, INTENSIFIED CHAOS, TONGUE AVULSION, few tracks of their own and one remix. And you should stop listening to this ep after the first side beacuse rest is a real crap. Songs on the second side were recorded live at Easton Fest and sound terrible or even worst. Beside vocals you can hear only one huge noise in a background. Probably the show in itself was a kick ass but this is bullshit. Beside there`s a brief explenation abut that show inside the cover so you will find out why these tracks are here.But if you want to get more into UW music you should get their other seveninches or a full lenght. (Zhengaya Records p a quit a @ g m x . com) U N H O L Y GRAVE / CATHETER split 7”EP After together USA tour of these titans of grincore there were no other option than sharing sides on one 7”. This EP is nicely released, cover made by J. Santos who is rexponsible for most of Catheter covers. I like his style a lot, just take a look at artwork for “Preamble to Oblivion” or “Headfucker” 7”.

Inside we got a huge poster with lyrics by both bands and photos from Unholy Grind Destruction Tour 2002. Unholy Grave`s way of playing haven`t changed for years, still raw brutal grindcore that can be listen to all day without being bored for a moment. Quality of recording is litlle bit poor that others but everything else is the same way it should be, mid tempos alternate with blastbeats and Takaho screams as mad as he can. For Catheter this split 7” is the first one since some period of time and seems to be continuation of “Preamble To Oblivion” LP. Old school grindcore with some sludge parts and touch of hardcore sound. I like the song about mathmetal genre which is quite popular these days. Just read this: “Get It Straight brutal as hardcore,Math Metal what a joke”. (Rescued From Life) UNHOLY GRAVE / THIRD DEGREE split 7”EP I have never expected that mighty UG will put out a split with polish band. But here it is!!! Oryginally this was meant to be a split with Selfhate, the other grindcore fame from Poland but something went wrong and what we have here is UG/Third Degree split 7” on SMG

Records. Unholy G doesn`t disapoint this time and attack with another 5 cuts of brutal grindcore with crazy vokills and lyrics against terrorism etc. I think that everybody should have at least one of their records because they deserve it. Still hepling young, unknown bands through releasing split 7” just like Agathocles or Godstomper. On the other side we got also 5 tracks by Third Degree from Olsztyn,Poland. Their music evolved pretty much since demo tape “Oblicza Terroru” on Dwie Stony Medalu Records. At the beginning of their existence they were much more like Disrupt and other crustcore bands. Now they are trying to make their music more and more brutal through adding a lot of metal riffs and blastbeats. I`ve seen them live a while ago and it makes me think of Antigama very much. This is their secodnd split 7” after a full 7” and all that`s left to do is wait for more to see what will happen. (Selfmadegod POB 46 21500 Biała Podlaska Poland www. selfmadegod.com)

Uncurbed, Disfear, Genocide SS, Wolfpack and now Woflbrigade created an unique style and no one is able to reach them. This is a great mixture o good old swedish discore, crust and rock`n roll like Motorhead with a little doze of metal, especially the solo parts. You can find everything i`ve mentioned on this full lenght. Just listen to songs like “Outlaw Vegabond” or “The Awakening” and you`ll know what I`m talking about. Unfortunatelly this are one of the last songs by them beacuse after recording “A D-beat Odyssey” for Havoc Records they broke up due to heatlh froblems of the vocalist. Huge lost but they left few good recordings under the name of Wolfpack as well as Wolfbrigade. Every fan of swedish sound should get it. Comes with a poster,nice!!! (Destructure 206 rue Caponiere, 14000 Caen, France www.sans-vie. com/destructure)

ŻEGOTA “Reclaim!” LP Honestly I didn`t like previous full lenght called “Nemeste”. For me it was unintelligible and too WOLFBRIGADE “In Darkness “artistic”. That`s why i was sceptic You Feel No Regrets” LP about “Reclaim!” worring that it`ll Current form of swedish bands is be similar to “Nemeste”. My doubts incredible.Bands like Skitsystem, were dispeled by their show in Kra-

kow where they played songs from this LP. I enjoyed it and bought this records without thinking. No disapointment!!! This Lp is very good, more like first full lenght called “ Movement In The Music”. True, honest, diy to the bone, packed with emotions punkrock, where fast angry punk rhytms combine with calm, almost melancholic parst. Oh, I`m not talking about any emo bullshit crap, where guys wearing girls cloathes are singing about another love failure in their poor life. Listening to Żegota, especially live, shows how important is for the band to expose their feelings, emotions and belives through music. This make huge impression and for sure is not fake. While most members are from USA, this was recorded in Malmo, Sewden by David Sandstrom of Refused. Very good record by Żegota... honest, authentic, with well written lyrics...this is like an answer to this whole crap made uder the name of HC/punk recently. Vinyl by Stonhenge Records, Cd verion by Crimethinc (Amor Y Lucha PO Box 21853 Washington, DC 20009 www.stonehengerecords.com)

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