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WearebreedersofcommercialDroughtmastercattle underpinnedbythegeneticsofourbullbreedingoperation.Assuch wearewellawareoftheprofitdriversinthebeefindustryand realizethatafunctionalbreederherdachievinghighsurvival andcalvingratesisthemaindeterminantofprofitability inbreederandbreeder/fattenerenterprises.Wedon'twaste selectionpressureonanythingthatisn'trelatedtodollarsfora commercialoperation.Highlevelsofbreederperformanceandenvironmentaladaptationare intrinsicallylinkedbecauseonlyfunctionalcowsareabletomaintain bodyconditiontosurvive,lactate,cycleandfallpregnantinourtoo oftenchallengingenvironment.Ourcowsarerununderstrictly commercialmanagementconditionssothatwecanselectthegenetics thatwillbeprofitableforourcommercialclients,andareexpectedto presentahealthycalfforbrandingeachyearafterafourteen weekjoiningperiodduringwhichitmayormaynotrain.

TheBullsweofferyouaretheproductoftheseefficient females.TheyarerunonBuffelgrasspasturesunderthesame conditionsasoursteers,beforesilagepreparationatAvilion, Greymare.Ouraimistosafelypreparethebullstoan impressivebuthighlyfunctionalsaleconditionwithout compromisingtheircurrentandfuturehealth.ValeraValebullsare Wereadytoworkassoonasthey'reoffthetruck.donotbelieveinover-preparingourbullsandoftenface discriminationinthemarketplacebecauseofit.However,we continuetounderprepareourbullssotheycanoverperformfor ourclients.Asaresult,ValeraValebullshaveareputationfor beingabletoadapttoanyoftheconditionsexperienced throughoutNorthernAustralia.Wedohearfromclientsthatbulls growtoobigbuthaveneverhadthemcriticizethemforbeingsmall. Wedonottrimfeet.Ever. Weguaranteeourbullsinboththeshortandlongtermaswillbe attestedbyourlongtermclients.Ifoneofourbullsdoesnotperform toyourstandards,weneedtoknowsothatwecanfixtheproblem.
Wewerelateconvertstothebreedingofpolledcattle,anddidnot seeanyproblemwithdehorning.Ourclientsbegandemanding polledbullsandwestruggledtoaccommodatethedemandusing phenotypicallypolledandevenDNAtested"homozygouspoll"sires. WefoundtheexistingDNAteststobeveryunreliableandtheyhave onlyeverbeenpresentedashavingalessthan100%probabilityof havingtherightresult.WiththedevelopmentofmoreaccurateSNP DNAtestbyNeogenwehavebeenabletoselectforpollcattlemore effectivelyandhavehadnofurtherinstancesofhorncalvesfrom inaccuratelyidentified"Polled"bulls.Thishasallowedusto producelargenumbersofpolledcattlewithouthavingtosacrifice selectionforothertraits.Wearenowconvincedofthevalueof breedingpolledcattleespeciallyinlightofthe2%extramortality associatedwithdehorningrecordedinthebroadlybasedCashCow project.WeconfidentlypredictthatnoneofourPcPcbullswillproducea hornedcalfregardlessofthehornstatusofthefemales.ThesePcPc bullscandehornaherdinonegeneration. TheBullswillbeSpermMorphologytested,DNA50K SNPrecorded,Sire,Pollgene,BrahmanandPompesdisease tested,havegrowthratedataonSilage(toensureanevenplayingfield) andDamhistorypresented.

These heifers illustrate the style of animal we breed. After over 50 years of selection we have developed a type of Droughtmaster animal that is proven to handle our environment and has widespread market suitability (live export to MSA). The core of our selection process is the ability to get in calf every year. The result of this philosophy is an animal with higher Brahman content than is currently fashionable (DNA Verified at around 66 % ), extremely reliable reproductive performance and quite high growth rates. Research has proven that Bos indicus cattle have a significantly more efficient rumen than Bos taurus animals. This is important for the performance of our herd and our business. As recorded in the report of McLean and Blakeley (MLAProj ect Code B.NBP .0779) Bos Indicus cows weighing 550Kg and 6 months pregnant have the nutritional requirements of 1.12 Adult Equivalents whereas the same Bos taurus cow requires 1 .24 AE . That 10% extra tucker is hard to find sometimes. We contend we have developed a highly adapted herd by indirect selection for a very efficient Rumen. Our cattle can survive, thrive, reproduce and grow well in the Northern Australian environment.

The Valera Vale herds are all BJD check tested. The herds have JBA 7 (WA) status so all buyers can make decisions with the confidence that these standards are being met.

The bulls have been comprehensively vaccinated against the 5 main Clostridial diseases, Leptospirosis, Vibriosis, Tick Fever, 3 Day Sickness and Botulism. They are tested free of Pestivirus persistent infection and the Genetic Pompes Disease. This inherited wasting disease is present in all Bos indicus and Bos Indicus derived breeds but is recessive so by pro-actively testing our bulls we can guarantee none of their progeny will develop Pompes disease regardless of the genetics of the breeders they are mated to.
The catalogue has had a Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation (BBSE) to Australian Cattle Vets Assoc. standards by experienced and accredited cattle veterinarian Dr. Paul Vetter who will be further endorsing the Valera Vale bulls by buying at the sale. Paul and Margaret's " Cooladdi Park " have used Valera Vale bulls exclusively for decades.
The bulls' semen has been assessed both Crush Side (for live, motile) and in the Laboratory for normal Morphology. There is virtually no evidence that the crush side percentage has any bearing on the number calves a bull produces once the threshold of 30 % alive and progressively motile sperm is exceeded. In fact, the variation in crush side percentage is more due to factors not associated with the bull such as collection technique, operator and recent sexual activity. Morphology on the other hand is a more useful assessment as there is a well established association between the number of calves a bull can produce and % Normal sperm and a less well established association with the fertility of his daughters. Importantly, some bulls have consistently very high crush side percentages but have DNA defects which are only picked up by experts with special microscopes in a lab morphology test. These bulls may either be incapable of fertilizing an egg or may produce an embryo that is non-viable and 1s slipped well before calving. The magic morphology number is set at SO% for a useful bull. In the Bull Power research project, it was

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demonstrated that while calf output was multi-factorial, all bulls that failed morphology (less than SO% Normal) performed poorly in terms of number of calves sired. believe on our results to date in the Valera Vale herds, we have achieved about 4% higher calving rates by using bulls with good sperm morphology than we were over the previous decades of records. presented in this catalogue have passed a test they not only have achieved the threshold of 50% Sperm but do not have excessive levels of any particular defect that ill impact.fertility.

4% outside agents rebate (Introduced in writing 24 hrs prior and accompanying the client to the sale)

and arrange
There is a 1000m grass/ gravel airstrip with windsock running 065/245 at the Homestead.. Co-ordinates: 25 59.05 S 146 23.76 E Elevation 1115Ft There are SWER powerlines between the Homestead and the 065 threshold

We will gladly meet any
Valera Vale is located between Augathella and Charleville in SW Qld. The homestead and Station Yards are 12 km up the formed gravel VALERA VALE ROAD which runs north west from the Mitchell Highway between Charleville with Augathella. The tumoff is just south of the Warrego River bridges approximately 37.1km from Augathella and 37.9k from the 100k sign from Charleville. There are daily air services by Qantas and Rex Aviation to Charleville from Brisbane. flights transport.
Michael Flynn 0427705760 Jessimichael@valeravale.com.auFlynn 0417 774263 jessi@valeravale.com.auRobertHaigh 0418 779 381 robert@valeravale.com.au John Cleary 0429647259 john@valeravale.com.au Nikki Cleary 0447012 982 JeffHaynikki@valeravale.com.au 0429700645 jeff_claire@valeravale.com.au UHF29

LOCAL AugathellaAugathellaAugathellaACCOMMODATIONPalmsMotelMotelCharleville 4654517746545045 Mulga Country Motor Inn 46543255 Charleville Motel 46541566 Waltzing Matilda Motor Inn 46541270 Warrego Motel 46541299 Cosmos Country Motor Inn 1800755045 The Rocks Motel 46542888

The team at Elders Charleville are pleased to offer a broad range of products and services to clients from Tambo to Morven, Cheepie to Wyandra & surrounds. Contact your local team today. • Livestock Agency • Agricultural Supplies • Rural Property Sales Branch Manager Keith Richardson P. 0427 457 487 Territory Sales Manager Josh McLeod P. 0456 697 212 Elders Charleville 111 119 Alfred Street P. 07 4656 9900 E. dg_charleville@elders.com.au • Wool Services • Ban king & Fin an ce • Insurance Livestock Manager Garry Cartwright P. 0427 281 936 Rural Products Sales Garry Washbrook P. 0427 170 931 111 IIll!]:::::!!! !111 1111!!! l 1111111111111 '1 11 I: :i 1:; iii I; 1iII;; 1I;;;;; i: ii III i; :: i11

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LDINCiA HIPHOP 201/6 PurchasedatthePiggottBull Salein2017.HipHopisanenormous (welloveratonne),latermaturing highcontentbullwitharemarkably dociletemperament.Hehasgreatskin typeandreliablyexcellentmorphology (>90%).HeisbyStrathfieldExpress fromanAldingacow.

LDINGA HUNDRED wasthetoppriced($17,500) bullatthePiggottBullSalein2017. HeisbyRedskinCasperoutofacowby OakmoreGrantham.Shehadproduced 6calvesin6yearsby2017witha calvingintervaloflessthan12months. Hundredisahighercontent,very docilebullwithgreatconformation andenvironmentaladaptation.We havebeenveryimpressedbythis bull'sprogenyandhaveretainedsons toworkinthestud.

was the equal top priced bull at the 2018 Piggott Bull sale. He was by Aldinga Davy Jones and had Medway and Yackatoon blood. He was an early maturing fleshy bull but broke down after 1 season so these will be his only calves. His dam, Aldinga Flaunty had had 3 calves in 3 years at the time of his purchase.

LMA RAMS ES was purchased as a weaner bull at the 2016 Alma Dispersal Sale. We were veryimpressed with his mother and tried to buy her as well but Inga Hayes (who had in depth knowledge of the Alma herd) had other ideas. He has noted sires Swan Merlin, Alma Kipper and Valley Cairo in his pedigree. He is a D5 bull.

MAVALE BRADMAN byRockyView714andisahalfbrothertothegrand championdroughtmasterbullatBeef2021(FaroganValleyMojo).He producedveryimpressivehighgrowthlooseskinnedindividuals.He hasbeenparticularlyinfluentialasaproducerofretainedfemales andwehaveseveralverygoodsiresbyhim.BradmansiredValera ValetoppricedbullslastyeartoEversleigh/WallaceValeandin2017 toEDCattleCoandthesecondtoppricesin2017toFossilDowns andin2018toBarlynestudandhasaloyalfollowingfromrepeat commercialbullbuyers.Bradmanisthesireof15064Mwhohascalves cataloguedandwehaveselectedanotherbulltoretainbyhimfrom the'0calves.WehaveusedhiminourETandAIprogramsaswell asnaturally.Heis11yearsold,stillsoundandbeingusedinKirstin Wood'sdevelopingstudherd.

1sahighlyperformedandconsistenttropically adaptedbullbyHazelwoodPedroandhasapedigreewith Billabong,GarthowenandAngleZedbloodlines.He hasagreatmusclepattern,goodstructureandveryloose skinthathethrowsinhisprogeny.Quebecisthesire oflastyearstoppricedbull(ValeraValeNickel) purchasedbyRogerandJennyUnderwoodofthe EversleighandWallaceValestuds. Wereallylikethisbullandhavecollectedsemen alreadytousehimmorewidelyandhaveretainedason fromthe'Ostouseintheherd.

byValeViewToddandoutofaClonlaracowbyAldinga 07/47whohadproduced3calvesin3yearsatthetimeof hispurchase.Wewereimpressedwithhishighmorpholgy resultsattimeofsale,whichhehasconsistentlyachieved througouthisbreedingcareer.Heisabiggrowthybullwho consistentlyproducescalvesthatmakethegradeforthe sale.Wehavealsoretainedasirebyhimtouseintheherd. Heunfortunatelybecameillandthesewillbehislastcalves.

......,.VERSLEIGH JUGGERNAUT wasthetoppricedbull($30,000)atthe2017 RomaDroughtmastersale.Hehasapedigree featuringClonlara,Garthowen,Redskinand Almabloodlines.Heisaheavilymuscled,flatter backedbullthathasthrownverygoodcalvesthat appeartobeabletohackthegoingouthere.He developedatesticularabscessinhisfirstyearand ittookalotofeffortandtimetoresolvesothese arethesecondfullseason'scalves.Wewouldn't havegonetothetroubleforalesserbullasthe prognosiswasverypoor.


Zylanisaveryeasydoingmoderatebullwith greattemperament.Purchasedfromthe2019DNsalehe isbyRedskinRHoustonoutofaGarthowencowfrom Glenlandsbloodlines.Weratedthisbullveryhighly,but unfortunatelyhediedearlierthisyear�Wehaveretained severalsiresbyhimforuseintheValeraValeherd.

IGH COUNTRYGOOGLE isbyGlenlandsQuarryoutofacow thathadproduced6calvesatthetimeofhis purchase.Hewasthesecondtoppricedbullat the2018HighCountrySale.Wewereimpressed byhismusclepattern,andlargeEMAatayoung age.Herepresentedageneticoutcrosstosomeof ourhighercontentcows.Thesearehislastcalves.

IGH COUNTRYGRENADIER isbyBillabongWinday(whoweighs 1150Kg)andisagrandsonofthenotedsires BillabongWinchester,KapaleeGoldfingerand WingfieldBoris.Heisamoderateframedbull withaboveaverageEBVsforgrowthandhasa greattemperament.HeisoutofCoesCreekAngel whoproduced3calvesatthetimeofpurchasing Grenadier.

�..,�� .�-�� , INDETHANA JEAN VAUEAN wasthetoppricedbullatthe2018ScenicRim Droughtmastersaleat$25,000thankstoRoger Underwood.HeisanAIsonoftheDNToppricedbull CalaanahAbraham(byBillabongWinchester)outofa verygood,highlyfertileNindethanacowbyBryvonlea Malachi.Hehasimpeccabletemperamentanddespitea massiveworkload(successfullyjoinedwithnearly200 cowsinhisfirstyear)isalwaysfatandshiny.Heisa reallyremarkablebullproducingexceptionalcalves.

ALERA VALE CiODFREY414 wasadocilebigframedyellowbullby JembraeEarloutofValeraVale06221F(by DurackOperator)whoperformedfaultlessly throughoutherbreedingcareer.Hewasalater maturingbullandabitextremeforframescore, butweconsideredhimoneofourleadingbulls andhaveretainedseveralsiresbyhim.These arethelastofhisprogeny.

ValeraValeGraham427isanoutstanding largeframedhighcontentyellowbullwithfautless temperament.Hehasmadeagreatcontribution totheValeraValeherdinbothretainedsiresand averyusefullineoffemaleprogeny.Healso consistentlyproduedqualitysalebullsandhasbeen soldtotheUsherfamilyforcommercialuse.

ALERA VALE 15128M hasbeenoneofourtopsiresandwasusedoversomeofourelite cowsatRobandLibbyMurphy'sLoganParkatTamrookumlast season.Hesiredthereservechampionseniorfemaleatthisyears RNAshow.WehaveusedhimbyAIandCooperBischoffhas usedinhimhisIVFbreedingprogramatCJBDroughtmasters. HissemenisalsobeingusedinDavidJohnstone'sRepronomics researchprogramwherehehasproduced24recordedprogenyto dateincludingtwosetsoftwins.Heisaparticularlydocilebull withaperfectsheathandgreatstructureandmuscle.Heis7years oldandweusuallypartwithbullsatthatagebuthe'sgoingnowhere.HisdamValeraVale10024Fwascastforageat11yearsold withoutmissingacalf.

15220MisalatermaturingbullbyGenFosslynEwanand isadocilebullwithgreatstructureandexceptionallength. Currentlystillintheherd.Thisbullhasproducedalotof retainedfemaleswithreliabletemperamentandfertility.

ALERA VALE 16095M isoneofabout30retainedsiresbyLynsey ParkVernon.Wedon'thaveaphotobutifyou lookatanyoftheotherphotosofVernonbulls youwillknowwhathelookslike:theyalllook alike.HisdamValeraVale13312Fis10years old,stillsoundandhasnevermissedacalf.

ALERA VALE 16101M isanotherLynseyParkVernoncalf. HeisafullbrothertoVVKitKat,Cooper Bischoff'sshowheiferandIVFdonor.Heis anoutstandingbullandhasbeenusedwidely intheherd.101isprobablyourpickofthe Vernonssohe'sthecreamofaverygoodcrop. HeisoutofaNo3cow(ValeraVale13342F) thatisstillgoingstrongandhasafaultless reproductiverecordwith7calvesanda pregnancy.


16107MisbyAldingaDeadly(byHamadra MaverickoutofaBillabongMansfieldcow)isnot theprettiestbullinthebullpaddock,buthecertainly isaprolificproducerofreallygoodcalvesandhas contributedmanyauctionbullsoverthelastfewyears. Hisdam,ValeraVale13336Fis10yearsoldandstill soundandpregnantagainafterproducing7calvesin 7years.

J\LERA VALE 16304M 16304MisbyTalgaiFergusoutof ValeraVale12382Fwhodiedafter having6calvesin6years.16304Mhas producedmultiplehighqualityauction bullsoverthelastfewyearsandhasalso contributedalargenumberofdocile, highlyfertiledaughters.

J\LERA VALE 16381M 16381MisbyValeraValeFury170(byValeraValeBig Time)outofVV13188Pwhoproduced5calvesin5 yearsbeforebeingsold.

16468MisbyValeraVale2020MoutofValera Vale12365Fwhohad7 calvesfor7joiningsbeforeCFAduedrought.

- ._ . \. :-- .: _ ����-::. .. .� �.. •• .....�:... -::-:d ,M >:; <\,.� .,II,'- 4' 1{:-. , 586M 16586M(byPalmyraMylerum)demonstrated histoughnessafterbeingmauledbydingoesasacalf andsurvivingwithoutanyhelp.Hisdam,ValeraVale 1413lFproduced4calvesin4yearsbeforegoingmissing. Picturedhereat18monthsofagehehascontributed manygoodcalvestothebullcataloguesandthefemale herd.ValeraVale16586MhasbeensoldtothePalmyra studsothesewillbethelastofhiscalves.

17055 isanotherofLynseyParkVernons progeny.HeisoutofValeraVale12208F(by ShardaleEsko)whoproduced8calveseach yearsincebeingjoinedasayearlingandis stillsoundintheherdandpregnantagain.

isbyValeraVale14326M(bySkyeTally:Wingfield CagneyandRedskinbloodlines)andisquitea bigbullwithgoodfleshingandhighercontent. HeisoutofValeraVale14269F.Hewasherfirst calfbuthassincerecorded6weanedcalvesand apregnancy.SheismainlystraightValeraVale blood.

beingbyValeraVale14326M(bySkyeTally: WingfieldCagneyandRedskinbloodlines).Out of14460Fwhoisstillintheherdandhasnever missedacalf.Heisahighercontentbulland carriesagyrmarkfromhisBrahmanheritage.He isaveryprolificproduceroftopnotchcalvesin multi-sirejoinings.Wearecurrentlyusinghimin theArgyleLodgeherd.

ALERA VALE 18437M 18437M was selected with consideration of DNA Genomic Analysis as well as phenotype, individual data and dam history. He is by Valera Vale Godfrey 414 (byJembrae Earl) out of Valera Vale 14355F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again.

18539MwasselectedwithconsiderationofDNA GenomicAnalysisaswellasphenotype,individual dataanddamhistory. He1sbyValeraValeGraham427(whohascalves inthiscatalogue)outofVV14138Fwhohashad7 calvesin7yearsandisPTICagain.


18596MwasselectedwithconsiderationofDNA GenomicAnalysisaswellasphenotype,individual dataanddamhistory. HeisbythegreatLynseyParkVernonout ofVV12249Fwhoproduced8Calvesin8years.Now recordedasdead/missing.Firstjoinedasayearling.

18828MwasselectedwithconsiderationofDNA GenomicAnalysisaswellasphenotype,individualdata anddamhistory. HeisbyValeraValeFlynn034outofoneofourETcows whohad8calvesin8yearsbeforejoiningETprogram. Thisbullisthelastofhernaturalcalvesandshehas sincebeenCFA.

J\LERA VALE 16318M 16318M is by Valera Vale Freddy 029 (by the great Valera Vale Bazza 151) out of VV 13415F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. J\LERA VALE 16410M 16410M is by Valera Vale Dynamo 399(Fairhaven, Billabong and Cungelella genetics) out of VV 12095F who produced 5 calves in 5 years before being culled as empty.

VALE 17549M 17549M is by Valera Vale Force 060 (Hamadra bloodlines) out of Valera Vale 12388F who was yearling mated and has had 9 calves in 9 years and is now CFA

He is by Valera Factor 178 (sold to High Country Droughtmasters) out of VV 14555F who has had 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again.
VALE 18209M
He is by Valera Vale Garfield 073 (by thegreat sire VV Bazza 151) out of VV 14031F who has had 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again.
18614M as selected with consideration of DNA Genomic Analysis as well as phenotype, individual data and dam history.
He is by the great Lynsey Park Vernon out of VV 12251F who was yearling mated and has had 9 calves in 9 years and is PTIC again. She will be CFA after this next calf.
18209M was selected with consideration of DNA Genomic Analysis as well as phenotype, individual data and dam history.

18562M was selected with consideration of DNA Genomic Analysis as well as phenotype, individual data and dam history.

18820M was selected with consideration of DNA Genomic Analysis as well as phenotype, individual data and dam history. He is by Wajatryn 1403 (by the great Redskin X-Factor) out of VV 09058F who has had 11 calves in 11 years and is has not been Preg Tested yet this year due to flooding.
Purchased at the 2013 DN sale, Wrangler has been a very reliable bull for us and at 11 years of age is still sound and now on loan to Cooper Bischoff for his CJB stud herd. He's very structurally correct with an ideal sheath. Wrangler is by Trafalgar Veloso from a Woodbine cow with Huntly and Yackatoon bloodlines.
18772M was selected with consideration of DNA Genomic Analysis as well as phenotype, individual data and dam history. is by Valera Vale Graham 427 (also represented by calves in this catalogue) out of VV 13518F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again.

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Calved 04/07/2020 26 months old 699 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267739 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 66% Calved 18/07/2020 26 months old 691 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267731 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 66% DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16468M is by Valera Vale 2020M out of Valera Vale 12365F who had 7 calves for 7 joinings before CFA due drought. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene LOT 1 20699M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17549M is by Valera Vale Force 060 out of Valera Vale 12388F who was yearling mated and has had 9 calves in 9 years and is now CFA 14015F has produced 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again 13029F has produced 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 2 20691M Brand: FF VALERA. VALE 16468M VALERA VALE 13029F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 14015F VALERA VALE 17549M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 11/04/2020 29 months old 578 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1253537 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 69% Calved 23/01/2020 32 months old 519 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1253490 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 61% DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17549M is by Valera Vale Force 060 out of Valera Vale 12388F who was yearling mated and has had 9 calves in 9 years and is now CFA Double Copy of Poll Gene DNA Sire Verified. By-Mingo Quebec is by Hazelwood Pedro and has a pedigree with Billabong, Garthowen and Angle Zed bloodlines. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Brand: FF . 15048F has produced 5 calves in 5 years has not been tested yet this year due to flooding BY-MINGO QUEBEC VALERA VALE 15048F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF 13540F has produced 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again LOT 4 20519M VALERA VALE 13540F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 3 20578M VALERA VALE 17549M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 12/03/2020 30 months old 550 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1253508 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 69% Calved 12/07/2020 26 months old 632 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267677 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 70% Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 16558F has produced 4 calves in 4 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17315M is by Valera Vale 14362M (Skye Tally) out of Valera Vale 14460F who has never missed a calf but hasn't been preg tested this year. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16558F Brand: FF 16085F has produced 4 calves in 4 years and is PTIC again LOT 6 20632M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17298M is by Valera Vale 14326M out of Valera Vale 14269F who had 6 calves in 6 years and is now PTIC. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene LOT 5 20550M VALERA VALE 17298M VALERA VALE 16085F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 17315M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 26/03/2020 30 months old 584 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1253540 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 63% Calved 10/05/2020 28 months old 616 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1253561 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 60% VALERA VALE 15191F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 15128M VALERA VALE 14412F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 15191F has produced 5 calves in 5 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17105M is by the influential Brahman sire Mt Callan Owen out of Valera Vale 11162F who has a faultless fertility record but hasn't been preg tested this year (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene
VALERA VALE 17105M Brand: FF 14412F has produced 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again LOT 8 20616M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 15128M is by Valera Vale Coroben 187. His dam Valera Vale 10024F was cast for age at 11 years old without missing a calf. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene LOT 7 20584M
Calved 25/06/2020 27 months old 611 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1253558 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 64% Calved 16/09/2020 24 months old 441 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524813 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 66% Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 17105M VALERA VALE 15237F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF . First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud female DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17105M is by the influential Brahman sire Mt Callan Owen out of Valera Vale 11162F who has a faultless fertility record but hasn't been preg tested this year (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 17105M Brand: FF 15237F has produced 5 calves in 5 years and is PTIC again LOT 10 21441M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17105M is by the influential Brahman sire Mt Callan Owen out of Valera Vale 11162F who has a faultless fertility record but hasn't been preg tested this year (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 9 20611M VALERA VALE B18073F All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 12/07/2020 26 months old 635 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267680 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 80% Calved 02/01/2020 32 months old 462 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267631 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 70% 20462M Valera Vale 16318M is by Valera Vale Freddy 029 out of Valera Vale 13415F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and PTIC again. Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOGAN PARK ABBY Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 16318M VALERA VALE 17321F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 11 20635M Brand: FF . Logan Park Abby is by Lynsey Park Vernon out of a poll Charbray cow. She has reared 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC currently. DNA Sire Verified. Alma Ramses is a large framed later maturing bull & has noted sires Swan Merlin, Alma Kipper and Valley Cairo in his pedigree. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene ALMA RAMSES Brand: FF 17321F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again LOT 12 All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
ALDINGA HUNDRED 100/6 DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16095M is by Lynsey Park Vernon. His dam Valera Vale 13312F is 10 years old, still sound and has never missed a calf. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 07/06/2020 27 months old 765 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1358036 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 54% Calved 25/06/2020 27 months old 719 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267751 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 67% 20719M VALERA VALE 08820F Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 16095M VALERA VALE B034F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 14 Brand: FF Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a stud cow. LOT 13 20765M Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 08820F produced 12 calves in 12 years before being CFA in 2020 DNA Sire Verified. Aldinga Hundred is by Redskin Casper out of a cow by Oakmore Grantham. She had produced 6 calves in 6 years by 2017 at a calving interval of less than 12 months. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene
Calved 08/06/2020 27 months old 754 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1358028 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 70% Calved 15/07/2020 26 months old 701 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267741 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 68% DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16586M is by Palmyra Mylerum out of Valera Vale 14131F who produced 4 calves in 4 years before going missing. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16586M Brand: FF 14384F has produced 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again LOT 16 20701M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16095M is by Lynsey Park Vernon. His dam Valera Vale 13312F is 10 years old, still sound and has never missed a calf. Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 12665F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 12665F produced 9 calves in 9 years and was not joined this year. CFA. VALERA VALE 16095M VALERA VALE 14384F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 15 20754M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 12/07/2020 26 months old 631 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267676 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 75% Calved 25/08/2020 25 months old 012 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524540 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 56% Brand: FF . 13302F has produced 7 calves in 7 years has not been tested yet this year due to flooding DNA Sire Verified. Eversleigh Juggernaut has a pedigree featuring Clonlara, Garthowen, Redskin and Alma bloodlines. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene EVERSLEIGH JUGGERNAUT LOT 17 20631M VALERA VALE 13302F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 18 21012M Valera Vale 16318M is by Valera Vale Freddy 029 out of Valera Vale 13415F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and PTIC again. Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. 17469F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again VALERA VALE 16318M VALERA VALE 17469F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FFAll Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 07/03/2020 30 months old 704 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267742 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 61% Calved 30/06/2020 27 months old 747 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1524918 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 71% VALERA VALE 14125F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16107M is by Aldinga Deadly. His dam, Valera Vale 13336F is 10 years old and still sound and pregnant again after producing 8 calves in 8 years.(Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 19 20704M
Brand: FF . 14125F has produced 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16095M is by Lynsey Park Vernon. His dam Valera Vale 13312F is 10 years old, still sound and has never missed a calf. Double Copy of Poll Gene 16095M FF 16338F has produced 4 calves in 4 years and is PTIC again 20 20747M 16338F Pompes Disease gene Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
clear All
Calved 24/10/2020 23 months old 414 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524794 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 55% Calved 20/07/2020 26 months old 676 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267718 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 67% VALERA VALE 16410M VALERA VALE 13079F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF 13079F has produced 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again LOT 22 20676M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16410M is by Valera Vale Dynamo 399 out of VV 12095F who produced 5 calves in 5 years before being culled as empty. Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 21 21414M Brand: FF . 15174F has produced 5 calves in 5 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale Graham 427 is by Jembrae Earl out of Valera Vale 06157F who had 9 calves in 9 years before being CFA. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE GRAHAM 427 VALERA VALE 15174F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 05/07/2020 26 months old 693 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267733 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 62% Calved 26/03/2020 30 months old 602 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1253551 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 68% Brand: FF . 15236F has produced 5 calves in 5 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale Graham 427 is by Jembrae Earl out of Valera Vale 06157F who had 9 calves in 9 years before being CFA. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE GRAHAM 427 VALERA VALE 15236F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF 12005F produced 9 calves in 9 years and was not joined this year. CFA. LOT 24 20602M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17549M is by Valera Vale Force 060 out of Valera Vale 12388F who was yearling mated and has had 9 calves in 9 years and is now CFA Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 23 20693M VALERA VALE 17549M VALERA VALE 12005F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 05/07/2020 26 months old 641 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267686 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 73% Calved 26/10/2020 23 months old 432 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524806 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 58% 17314F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again LOT 26 21432M Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 15266F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 25 20641M Brand: FF . 15266F has produced 5 calves in 5 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16410M is by Valera Vale Dynamo 399 out of VV 12095F who produced 5 calves in 5 years before being culled as empty. Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16410M Brand:VALERAFF VALE 16318M VALERA VALE 17314F Tested Pompes Disease gene clearValera Vale 16318M is by Valera Vale Freddy 029 out of Valera Vale 13415F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and PTIC again. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 25/06/2020 27 months old 643 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267688 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 78% Calved 30/08/2020 25 months old 665 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267707 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 70% VALERA VALE 17523F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 17523F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale Graham 427 is by Jembrae Earl out of Valera Vale 06157F who had 9 calves in 9 years before being CFA. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE GRAHAM 427 Brand: FF 17255F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again LOT 28 20665M Valera Vale 16318M is by Valera Vale Freddy 029 out of Valera Vale 13415F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and PTIC again. VALERA VALE 16318M VALERA VALE 17255F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 27 20643M
All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 15/06/2020 27 months old 640 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1267685 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 73% Calved 15/10/2020 23 months old 430 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524804 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 59% LOT 29 20640M VALERA VALE 16318M VALERA VALE 17093F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF . First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud ValerafemaleVale 16381M by Valera Vale Fury 170 out of Valera Vale 13188F who produced 5 calves in 5 years. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16381M Brand: FF 17093F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again LOT 30 21430M Valera Vale 16318M is by Valera Vale Freddy 029 out of Valera Vale 13415F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and PTIC again. Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE B18030F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 25/08/2020 25 months old 436 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524809 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 60% Calved 01/10/2020 23 months old 409 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524791 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 67% Brand: FF . 14453F has produced 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16107M is by Aldinga Deadly. His dam, Valera Vale 13336F is 10 years old and still sound and pregnant again after producing 8 calves in 8 years.(Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16107M 21409M VALERA VALE 14453F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand:LOTFF 31 21436M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16101M is by Lynsey Park Vernon. His dam Valera Vale 13342F is 10 years old, still sound. (photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 16101M VALERA VALE B18070F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 32 First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud female All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 18/06/2020 27 months old 761 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1358034 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 61% Calved 21/09/2020 24 months old 077 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524587 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 67% Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 18614M Brand: FF 14059F has produced 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again LOT 34 21077M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16410M is by Valera Vale Dynamo 399 out of VV 12095F who produced 5 calves in 5 years before being culled as empty. Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 18440F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18614M is by Lynsey Park Vernon out of VV 12251F who has had 9 calves in 9 years. VALERA VALE 16410M VALERA VALE 14059F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 33 20761M VALERA VALE 18440F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 18/10/2020 23 months old 190 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524649 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 72% Calved 13/07/2020 26 months old 019 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524542 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 55% DNA Sire Verified. High Country Grenadier 563 is by Billabong Winday out of Coes Creek Angel who produced 3 calves in 3 years at the time of his purchase.(Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. 17032F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16410M is by Valera Vale Dynamo 399 out of VV 12095F who produced 5 calves in 5 years before being culled as empty. Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16410M LOT 36 21019M VALERA VALE 15368F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 15368F has produced 5 calves in 5 years and is PTIC again HIGH COUNTRY GRENADIER VALERA VALE 17032F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 35 21190M Brand: FFAll Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 18/09/2020 24 months old 059 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524572 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 68% Calved 01/10/2020 23 months old 381 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524775 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 86% 21059M Brand: FF . First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud ValerafemaleVale 16381M by Valera Vale Fury 170 out of Valera Vale 13188F who produced 5 calves in 5 years. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16381M Brand: FF 18492F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again LOT 38 21381M VALERA VALE B18072F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 18820M VALERA VALE 18492F Tested Pompes Disease gene clearDNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18820M is by Wajatryn 1403 (Redskin X-Factor) out of VV 09058F who has had 11 calves in 11 years. Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 37 All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 01/07/2020 26 months old 001 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524538 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 62% Calved 25/08/2020 25 months old 743 over 0 Neogen DNA Case Id1524916 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 63% LOT 40 20743M DNA Sire Verified. Nindethana Jean Valjean by Calaanah Abraham (by Billabong Winchester) out of a very good, highly fertile Nindethana cow by Bryvonlea Malachi. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 39 21001M NINDETHANA JEAN VALJEAN VALERA VALE 12176F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF . Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a studDNAcow. Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16095M is by Lynsey Park Vernon. His dam Valera Vale 13312F is 10 years old, still sound and has never missed a calf. Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16095M VALERA VALE B141F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF 12176F has produced 9 calves in 9 years and is PTIC again All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 01/07/2020 26 months old 010 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1267767 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 61% Calved 16/11/2020 22 months old 420 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524799 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 58% VALERA VALE B118F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a studDNAcow. Sire Verified. Valera Vale 15220M is a later maturing bull by Gen Fosslyn Ewan out of a very reliable cow. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 15220M Brand: FF 11379F has produced 9 calves in 9 years has not been tested yet this year due to flooding LOT 42 21420M DNA Sire Verified. Eversleigh Juggernaut has a pedigree featuring Clonlara, Garthowen, Redskin and Alma bloodlines. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 41 21010M EVERSLEIGH JUGGERNAUT VALERA VALE 11379F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 02/02/2021 19 months old 724 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524898 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 68% Calved 18/11/2020 22 months old 395 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524783 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 61% Brand: FF . Second calf of a carefully selected high quality pure Droughtmaster female that produced 2 calves in 2 years then sold PTIC and replaced with a stud cow. DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17105M is by the influential Brahman sire Mt Callan Owen out of Valera Vale 11162F who has a faultless fertility record but hasn't been preg tested this year (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 17105M Brand: FF Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a stud cow. LOT 44 21395M VALERA VALE B17250F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 15220M VALERA VALE B158F Tested Pompes Disease gene
Sire Verified. Valera Vale 15220M is a later maturing bull by Gen Fosslyn Ewan out of a very reliable cow. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 43 21724M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
DNAcow. Sire Verified. Valera Vale 15064M is one of the best sons of Amavale Bradman. His dam was Valera Vale 06121F who was finally cast for age in 2020 at 14 years of age with a perfect reproductive record intact. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud 21400M Vale 16381M by Valera Vale Fury 170 out of Valera Vale 13188F who produced 5 calves in 5 years. (Photo) Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
VALERA VALE 15064M Brand: FF
Calved 15/11/2020 22 months old 442 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524814 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 60% Calved 28/11/2020 22 months old 400 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524786 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 66% Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 45 21442M VALERA VALE B101F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 16381M VALERA VALE B18055F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF . Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a stud
female LOT 46
Calved 17/07/2020 26 months old 020 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524543 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Calved 30/12/2020 21 months old 606 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524890 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 54% VALERA VALE 16095M VALERA VALE 15261F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 47 21020M Brand: FF . 12319F has produced 9 calves in 9 years and is AldingaCFA Imposing was by Aldinga Davy Jones and had Medway and Yackatoon blood. His dam, Aldinga Flaunty had had 3 calves in 3 years at the time of his purchase. (Photo) ALDINGA IMPOSING 89 Brand: FF 15261F has produced 5 calves in 5 years and is PTIC again LOT 48 21606M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16095M is by Lynsey Park Vernon. His dam Valera Vale 13312F is 10 years old, still sound and has never missed a calf. Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 12319F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Double Copy of Poll Gene All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 14/10/2020 23 months old 055 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524570 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 64% Calved 19/10/2020 23 months old 173 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524642 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 70% Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 18209M VALERA VALE 18351F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 50 LOT 49 21055M Brand: FF 18351F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again 21173M VALERA VALE 17169F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 17169F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16107M is by Aldinga Deadly. His dam, Valera Vale 13336F is 10 years old and still sound and pregnant again after producing 8 calves in 8 years.(Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16107M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18209M is by Valera Vale Garfield 073 out of VV 14031F who has had 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 24/08/2020 25 months old 161 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524635 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 68% Calved 12/12/2020 21 months old 197 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524653 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 65% DNA Sire Verified. High Country Google is by Glenlands Quarry out of a cow that produced 6 calves in 6 years at the time of his purchase. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene HIGH COUNTRY GOOGLE Brand: FF 18416F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again LOT 52 21197M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18209M is by Valera Vale Garfield 073 out of VV 14031F who has had 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again. Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 17315F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 17315F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again VALERA VALE 18209M VALERA VALE 18416F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 51 21161M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 07/12/2020 21 months old 545 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524867 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 75% Calved 07/12/2020 21 months old 551 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524873 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Brand: FF . 16080F has produced 4 calves in 4 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16468M is by Valera Vale 2020M out of Valera Vale 12365F who had 7 calves for 7 joinings before CFA due drought. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16468M LOT 53 21545M VALERA VALE 16080F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 54 21551M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17089M is by the influential Brahman sire Mt Callan Owen out of Valera Vale 11662F who has a faultless fertility record but hasn't been preg tested this year. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. 16111F has produced 4 calves in 4 years and is PTIC again VALERA VALE 17089M VALERA VALE 16111F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FFAll Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 27/09/2020 24 months old 100 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524601 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 63% Calved 03/10/2020 23 months old 178 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524644 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 64% Tested Pompes Disease gene clearDNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18437M is by Valera Vale Godfrey 414 out of VV 14355F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 55 21100M Brand: FF . 17489F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. High Country Grenadier 563 is by Billabong Winday out of Coes Creek Angel who produced 3 calves in 3 years at the time of his purchase.(Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene HIGH COUNTRY GRENADIER Brand: FF 18335F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again LOT 56 21178M VALERA VALE 17489F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 18437M VALERA VALE 18335F All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 27/09/2020 24 months old 069 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524579 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Calved 15/10/2020 23 months old 342 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524750 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 62% LOT 58 21342M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18772M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 13518F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC. Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 18278F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF 18278F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again LOT 57 21069M VALERA VALE 18772M Brand: FF . 12406F produced 9 calves in 9 years and was not joined this year. CFA. DNA Sire Verified. Clonlara 16110 By Vale View Todd out of a Clonlara cow who had produced 3 calves in 3 years at the time of purchase. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene CLONLARA 16110M VALERA VALE 12406F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 28/11/2020 22 months old 371 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524767 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 72% Calved 14/01/2021 20 months old 605 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524889 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 69% Brand: FF . 12431F has produced 9 calves in 9 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16468M is by Valera Vale 2020M out of Valera Vale 12365F who had 7 calves for 7 joinings before CFA due drought. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16468M VALERA VALE 12431F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF 16213F has produced 4 calves in 4 years and is PTIC again LOT 60 21605M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17055 is by Lynsey Park Vernon. His dam Valera Vale 12208F produced 9 calves and is now CFA (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 59 21371M VALERA VALE 17055M VALERA VALE 16213F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 15/09/2020 24 months old 058 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524571 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 63% Calved 21/09/2020 24 months old 083 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524591 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 68% Brand: FF . 18447F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Brand: FF 18119F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again LOT 62 21083M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18828M is by Valera Vale Flynn 034 out of Valera Vale 08139F who had 8 calves in 8 years. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene LOT 61 21058M VALERA VALE 18828M VALERA VALE 18119F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 18539M VALERA VALE 18447F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 21/09/2020 24 months old 086 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524594 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 67% Calved 26/10/2020 23 months old 345 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524751 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 63% Brand: FF . 13277F has produced 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale Graham 427 is by Jembrae Earl out of Valera Vale 06157F who had 9 calves in 9 years before being CFA. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Brand: FF 18067F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again LOT 64 21345M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene LOT 63 21086M VALERA VALE 18539M VALERA VALE 18067F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE GRAHAM 427 VALERA VALE 13277F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 28/11/2020 22 months old 429 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524803 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 66% Calved 28/12/2020 21 months old 736 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524904 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 67% Brand: FF . Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a studDNAcow. Sire Verified. Valera Vale 15220M is a later maturing bull by Gen Fosslyn Ewan out of a very reliable cow. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 15220M VALERA VALE B021F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a stud cow. LOT 66 21736M DNA Sire Verified. Amavale Bradman is a son of Rocky View 714 and has performed well in the Valera Vale herd. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene LOT 65 21429M Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. AMAVALE BRADMAN VALERA VALE B210F All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 16/11/2020 22 months old 411 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524792 DamSire
Brand: FF . 17357F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. High Country Google is by Glenlands Quarry out of a cow that produced 6 calves in 6 years at the time of his purchase. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Brand: FF Second calf of a carefully selected high quality pure Droughtmaster female that produced 2 calves in 2 years then sold PTIC and replaced with a stud cow. 68 21162M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17105M is by the influential Brahman sire Mt Callan Owen out of Valera Vale 11162F who has a faultless fertility record but hasn't been preg tested this year (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene 67 21411M Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 63%
VALERA VALE 17105M VALERA VALE B17223F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. HIGH COUNTRY GOOGLE VALERA VALE 17357F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen
DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 66% 28/11/2020 22 months old over 1 DNA Case Id1524636
Calved 30/11/2020 22 months old 300 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524720 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 66% Calved 26/07/2020 26 months old 018 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524541 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 51% Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16410M is by Valera Vale Dynamo 399 out of VV 12095F who produced 5 calves in 5 years before being culled as empty. Single Copy of Poll Gene Brand: FF 18044F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again LOT 70 21018M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene LOT 69 21300M VALERA VALE 18539M VALERA VALE 18044F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 16410M VALERA VALE B062F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a stud cow. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 27/09/2020 24 months old 139 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524630 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 60% Calved 08/09/2020 24 months old 419 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524798 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 62% Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. BY-MINGO QUEBEC VALERA VALE 15095F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF 15095F has produced 5 calves in 5 years and is PTIC again LOT 72 21419M LOT 71 21139M DNA Sire Verified. By-Mingo Quebec is by Hazelwood Pedro and has a pedigree with Billabong, Garthowen and Angle Zed bloodlines. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE B18050F Brand: FF . First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud female DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17105M is by the influential Brahman sire Mt Callan Owen out of Valera Vale 11162F who has a faultless fertility record but hasn't been preg tested this year (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 17105M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 20/11/2020 22 months old 322 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524737 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 69% Calved 14/07/2020 26 months old 013 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1267768 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 60% VALERA VALE GRAHAM 427 VALERA VALE 18327F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF 18327F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again LOT 74 21013M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale Graham 427 is by Jembrae Earl out of Valera Vale 06157F who had 9 calves in 9 years before being CFA. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 11310F has produced 9 calves in 9 years has not been tested yet this year due to flooding DNA Sire Verified. Eversleigh Juggernaut has a pedigree featuring Clonlara, Garthowen, Redskin and Alma bloodlines. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene EVERSLEIGH JUGGERNAUT VALERA VALE 11310F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 73 21322M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 12/08/2020 25 months old 024 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524546 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 52% Calved 26/08/2020 25 months old 387 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524777 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 64% Brand: FF . First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud female DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17105M is by the influential Brahman sire Mt Callan Owen out of Valera Vale 11162F who has a faultless fertility record but hasn't been preg tested this year (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 17105M VALERA VALE B18051F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a stud cow. LOT 76 21387M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16410M is by Valera Vale Dynamo 399 out of VV 12095F who produced 5 calves in 5 years before being culled as empty. Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 75 21024M VALERA VALE 16410M VALERA VALE B321F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 18/10/2020 23 months old 543 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524865 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 61% Calved 25/09/2020 24 months old 424 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524801 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 70% Brand: FF . Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. 16024F has produced 4 calves in 4 years and is PTIC again LOT 77 21543M Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a studDNAcow. Sire Verified. Valera Vale 15064M is one of the best sons of Amavale Bradman. His dam was Valera Vale 06121F who was finally cast for age in 2020 at 14 years of age with a perfect reproductive record intact. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 15064M Brand:CLONLARAFF 16110M VALERA VALE 16024F Tested Pompes Disease gene clearDNA Sire Verified. Clonlara 16110 By Vale View Todd out of a Clonlara cow who had produced 3 calves in 3 years at the time of purchase. (Photo) LOT 78 21424M Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE B091F All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 08/09/2020 24 months old 412 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524793 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 62% Calved 24/10/2020 23 months old 402 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524788 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 58% Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud female DNA Sire Verified. Woodbine Wrangler is by Trafalgar Veloso and is very structurally correct with excellent temperament Single Copy of Poll Gene WOODBINE WRANGLER Brand: FF Second calf of a carefully selected high quality pure Droughtmaster female that produced 2 calves in 2 years then sold PTIC and replaced with a stud cow. LOT 80 21402M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16101M is by Lynsey Park Vernon. His dam Valera Vale 13342F is 10 years old, still sound. (photo) VALERA VALE 16101M VALERA VALE B17029F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE B18019F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 79 21412M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved NR 21-23 months old 437 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524810 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 71% Calved 09/09/2020 24 months old 464 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524823 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 70% LOT 81 21437M Valera Vale 16381M by Valera Vale Fury 170 out of Valera Vale 13188F who produced 5 calves in 5 years. (Photo) VALERA VALE 15038F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 16381M PURE DROUGHTMASTER COW Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF . 15038F has produced 5 calves in 5 years but was Empty this year DNA Sire Verified. Aldinga Hundred is by Redskin Casper out of a cow by Oakmore Grantham. She had produced 6 calves in 6 years by 2017 at a calving interval of less than 12 months. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene ALDINGA HUNDRED 100/6 Brand: FF Unidentified cow but she wouldn't have had this calf if she'd ever missed a calving LOT 82 21464M Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 21/09/2020 24 months old 082 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524590 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 70% Calved 17/10/2020 23 months old 415 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524795 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Valera Vale 16381M by Valera Vale Fury 170 out of Valera Vale 13188F who produced 5 calves in 5 years. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16381M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18596M is by Lynsey Park Vernon out of VV 12249F who has had 8 calves and a pregnancy in 8 years. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 18596M VALERA VALE 18436F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 84 18436F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again 21415M VALERA VALE B18089F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand:LOTFF 83 21082M Brand: FF . First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud female All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 28/11/2020 22 months old 337 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524748 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 64% Calved 30/12/2020 21 months old 726 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524899 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 66% 15329F has produced 5 calves in 5 years and is PTIC again Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16381M Brand:VALERAFF VALE B17247F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . Second calf of a carefully selected high quality pure Droughtmaster female that produced 2 calves in 2 years then sold PTIC and replaced with a stud cow. Valera Vale 16381M by Valera Vale Fury 170 out of Valera Vale 13188F who produced 5 calves in 5 years. (Photo) VALERA VALE 16468M VALERA VALE 15329F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 85 21337M LOT 86 21726M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16468M is by Valera Vale 2020M out of Valera Vale 12365F who had 7 calves for 7 joinings before CFA due drought. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 04/11/2020 22 months old 585 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524880 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 62% Calved 01/07/2020 26 months old 005 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1267764 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 66% VALERA VALE 13340F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 88 21005M Aldinga Imposing was by Aldinga Davy Jones and had Medway and Yackatoon blood. His dam, Aldinga Flaunty had had 3 calves in 3 years at the time of his purchase. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. 16032F has produced 4 calves in 4 years and is PTIC again ALDINGA IMPOSING 89 VALERA VALE 16032F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 87 21585M Brand: FF Brand: FF . 13340F has produced 7 calves in 7 years has not been tested yet this year due to flooding DNA Sire Verified. Eversleigh Juggernaut has a pedigree featuring Clonlara, Garthowen, Redskin and Alma bloodlines. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene EVERSLEIGH JUGGERNAUT All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 28/11/2020 22 months old 327 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524741 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Calved 12/09/2020 24 months old 041 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524561 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 64% DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18209M is by Valera Vale Garfield 073 out of VV 14031F who has had 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again. Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 18209M VALERA VALE 16468M VALERA VALE 18676F Tested Pompes Disease gene clearDNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16468M is by Valera Vale 2020M out of Valera Vale 12365F who had 7 calves for 7 joinings before CFA due drought. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 18413F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again LOT 89 21327M Brand: FF 18676F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again LOT 90 21041M VALERA VALE 18413F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 04/12/2020 21 months old 539 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524862 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 67% Calved 12/10/2020 23 months old 050 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524566 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 71% Brand: FF 16095F has produced 4 calves in 4 years and is PTIC again LOT 92 21050M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18562M is by Valera Vale Factor 178 out of Valera Vale 14555F who had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC. Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 91 21539M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 18539M VALERA VALE 18040F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 18562M VALERA VALE 16095F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF . 18040F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 28/10/2020 23 months old 174 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524643 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Calved 16/12/2020 21 months old 146 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524632 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 66% VALERA VALE 15026F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF . 15026F has produced 5 calves in 5 years has not been tested yet this year due to flooding DNA Sire Verified. Aldinga Hip Hop is by Strathfield Express, is a very big later maturing bull with excellent temperament. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene ALDINGA HIP HOP 201/6 93 21174M HIGH COUNTRY GRENADIER VALERA VALE 17442F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF 17442F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again LOT 94 21146M DNA Sire Verified. High Country Grenadier 563 is by Billabong Winday out of Coes Creek Angel who produced 3 calves in 3 years at the time of his purchase.(Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 28/11/2020 22 months old 374 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524769 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 69% Calved NR 21-23 months old 421 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524800 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 58% Unidentified cow but she wouldn't have had this calf if she'd ever missed a calving Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16468M is by Valera Vale 2020M out of Valera Vale 12365F who had 7 calves for 7 joinings before CFA due drought. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 16468M VALERA VALE 14024F Tested Pompes Disease gene clearDNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16101M is by Lynsey Park Vernon. His dam Valera Vale 13342F is 10 years old, still sound. (photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16101M LOT 95 21374M PURE DROUGHTMASTER COW Brand: FF 14024F has produced 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again LOT 96 21421M Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 16/11/2020 22 months old 359 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524761 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Calved 18/11/2020 22 months old 373 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524768 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 64% VALERA VALE 13176F 21373M See Data Sheets for Sire and other DNA analysis Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. DNA Sire Trace Pending VALERA VALE 12683F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF . 13176F has produced 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale Godfrey 414 by Jembrae Earl out of Valera Vale 06221F (by Durack Operator) who performed faultlessly throughout her breeding career. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE GODFREY 414 Brand: FF 12683F produced 9 calves in 9 years and was not joined this year. CFA.LOTLOT 97 21359M 98 All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 15/10/2020 23 months old 438 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524811 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 54% Calved 23/09/2020 24 months old 390 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524779 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 64% VALERA VALE B18041F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 99 21438M VALERA VALE 16381M VALERA VALE B17258F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF . First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud female DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17105M is by the influential Brahman sire Mt Callan Owen out of Valera Vale 11162F who has a faultless fertility record but hasn't been preg tested this year (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 17105M Brand: FF Second calf of a carefully selected high quality pure Droughtmaster female that produced 2 calves in 2 years then sold PTIC and replaced with a stud cow. LOT 100 21390M Valera Vale 16381M by Valera Vale Fury 170 out of Valera Vale 13188F who produced 5 calves in 5 years. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 21/09/2020 24 months old 064 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524576 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 63% Calved 20/11/2020 22 months old 401 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524787 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 70% VALERA VALE B17224F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 18076F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF 18076F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again Brand: FF . Second calf of a carefully selected high quality pure Droughtmaster female that produced 2 calves in 2 years then sold PTIC and replaced with a stud female. Valera Vale 16381M by Valera Vale Fury 170 out of Valera Vale 13188F who produced 5 calves in 5 years. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16381M LOT 102 21401M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 101 21064M VALERA VALE 18539M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 30/12/2020 21 months old 115 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524613 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 50% Calved 15/12/2020 21 months old 220 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524668 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 64% VALERA VALE 18602F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 18772M VALERA VALE 11332F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 103 21115M Brand: FF . 18602F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18820M is by Wajatryn 1403 (Redskin X-Factor) out of VV 09058F who has had 11 calves in 11 years. Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 18820M Brand: FF 11332F produced 9 calves in 9 years and was not joined this year. CFA. LOT 104 21220M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18772M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 13518F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC. Single Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................…….
Calved 01/10/2020 23 months old 329 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524743 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 66% Calved 20/11/2020 22 months old 332 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524746 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 70% VALERA VALE 18539M VALERA VALE 18071F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Brand: FF . 18776F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18209M is by Valera Vale Garfield 073 out of VV 14031F who has had 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again. Single Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 18209M Brand: FF 18071F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again LOT 106 21332M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 18776F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 105 21329M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 19/01/2021 20 months old 749 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524909 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 55% Calved 28/10/2020 23 months old 417 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524796 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 60% VALERA VALE B116F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a studValeracow. Vale 16381M by Valera Vale Fury 170 out of Valera Vale 13188F who produced 5 calves in 5 years. (Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 107 21749M VALERA VALE 16381M VALERA VALE B103F Tested Pompes Disease gene clear LOT 108 21417M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 15220M is a later maturing bull by Gen Fosslyn Ewan out of a very reliable cow. (Photo) VALERA VALE 15220M Specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial cow with a sound reproductive record since replaced with a stud cow. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 14/10/2020 23 months old 042 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524562 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 66% Calved 07/10/2020 23 months old 079 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524588 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 61% Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 109 21042M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18437M is by Valera Vale Godfrey 414 out of VV 14355F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (photo) VALERA VALE 18437M 18031F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18031F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 110 21079M Brand: FF . 18014F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18828M is by Valera Vale Flynn 034 out of Valera Vale 08139F who had 8 calves in 8 years. (Photo) VALERA VALE 18828M VALERA VALE 18014F All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 15/10/2020 23 months old 054 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524569 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 69% Calved 07/12/2020 21 months old 537 over 1 Neogen DNA Case IdTBA DamSire DNA Poll Test: P DNA Brahman content: TBA LOT 111 21054M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18209M is by Valera Vale Garfield 073 out of VV 14031F who has had 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again. VALERA VALE 18209M 18272F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18272F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. 112 21537M Brand: FF . SIRE VERIFICATION PENDING. See Data SheetSIRE VERIFICATION PENDING 16362F has produced 4 calves in 4 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 16362F DNA Analysis: see Data Sheet Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 01/07/2020 26 months old 014 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1267769 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 61% Calved 02/07/2020 26 months old 023 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524545 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 68% 13467F has produced 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again VALERA VALE 11208F Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 13467F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 113 21014M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Eversleigh Juggernaut has a pedigree featuring Clonlara, Garthowen, Redskin and Alma bloodlines. (Photo) EVERSLEIGH JUGGERNAUT 11208F has produced 9 calves in 9 years has not been tested yet this year due to flooding Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16095M is by Lynsey Park Vernon. His dam Valera Vale 13312F is 10 years old, still sound and has never missed a calf. LOT 114 21023M Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 16095M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 22/10/2020 23 months old 446 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524816 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 60% Calved 12/11/2020 22 months old 179 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524645 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 65% LOT 115 21446M Brand: FF Brand: FF . 17020F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC again DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16107M is by Aldinga Deadly. His dam, Valera Vale 13336F is 10 years old and still sound and pregnant again after producing 8 calves in 8 years.(Photo) Double Copy of Poll Gene VALERA VALE 16107M VALERA VALE 17020F Tested Pompes Disease gene clearDNA Sire Verified. By-Mingo Quebec is by Hazelwood Pedro and has a pedigree with Billabong, Garthowen and Angle Zed bloodlines. (Photo) BY-MINGO QUEBEC 11513F has produced 9 calves in 9 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 11513F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 116 21179M Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 28/11/2020 22 months old 406 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524790 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Calved 16/11/2020 22 months old 434 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524807 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 63% Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 118 21434M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Woodbine Wrangler is by Trafalgar Veloso and is very structurally correct with excellent temperament WOODBINE WRANGLER 14381F has produced 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 14381F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 117 21406M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17105M is by the influential Brahman sire Mt Callan Owen out of Valera Vale 11162F who has a faultless fertility record but hasn't been preg tested this year (Photo) VALERA VALE 17105M First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud female VALERA VALE B18006F All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 07/09/2020 24 months old 027 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524549 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 61% Calved 21/09/2020 24 months old 121 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524618 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 66% Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) VALERA VALE 18539M 18382F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18382F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 119 21027M DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18820M is by Wajatryn 1403 (Redskin X-Factor) out of VV 09058F who has had 11 calves in 11 years. VALERA VALE 18820M 18659F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18659F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 120 21121M Brand: FF All. Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 21/01/2021 20 months old 529 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524855 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 63% Calved 12/09/2020 24 months old 039 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524559 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 70% LOT 121 21529M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. High Country Google is by Glenlands Quarry out of a cow that produced 6 calves in 6 years at the time of his purchase. (Photo) HIGH COUNTRY GOOGLE 13210F has produced calves in years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 13210F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 122 21039M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) VALERA VALE 18539M 18251F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18251F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 14/01/2021 20 months old 728 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524901 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Calved 15/11/2020 22 months old 183 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524647 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 124 21183M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Garthowen Zylan 2 is by Redskin R Houston out of a Garthowen cow that produced 4 calves in 4 years. (Photo) GARTHOWEN ZYLAN 2 17548F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 17548F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. VALERA VALE 16304M 13137F has produced 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 13137F LOT 123 21728M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16304M is by Talgai Fergus out of Valera Vale 12382F who died after having 6 calves in 6 years. (Photo) All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 24/10/2020 23 months old 326 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524740 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 60% Calved 14/12/2020 21 months old 141 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524631 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 70% 08148F has produced 12 calves in 12 years has not been tested yet this year due to flooding VALERA VALE 08148F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 125 21326M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Clonlara 16110 By Vale View Todd out of a Clonlara cow who had produced 3 calves in 3 years at the time of purchase. (Photo) CLONLARA 16110M 18398F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18398F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 126 21141M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. By-Mingo Quebec is by Hazelwood Pedro and has a pedigree with Billabong, Garthowen and Angle Zed bloodlines. (Photo) BY-MINGO QUEBEC All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 04/11/2020 22 months old 513 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524847 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 69% Calved 07/12/2020 21 months old 158 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524634 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 66% Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16107M is by Aldinga Deadly. His dam, Valera Vale 13336F is 10 years old and still sound and pregnant again after producing 8 calves in 8 years.(Photo) VALERA VALE 16107M 17017F has produced 3 calves in 3 years has not been tested yet this year due to floodingVALERA VALE 17017F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 127 21513M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18772M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 13518F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC. VALERA VALE 18772M 12085F produced 9 calves in 9 years and was not joined this year. CFA.VALERA VALE 12085F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 128 21158M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 04/12/2020 21 months old 474 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524830 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 63% Calved 14/02/2021 19 months old 754 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524911 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 69% Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 130 21754M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 17105M is by the influential Brahman sire Mt Callan Owen out of Valera Vale 11162F who has a faultless fertility record but hasn't been preg tested this year (Photo) VALERA VALE 17105M First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud female VALERA VALE B18075F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 129 21474M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18828M is by Valera Vale Flynn 034 out of Valera Vale 08139F who had 8 calves in 8 years. (Photo) VALERA VALE 18828M 12505F has produced calves in years has not been tested yet this year due to floodingVALERA VALE 12505F All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 12/12/2020 21 months old 593 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524886 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 71% Calved 27/01/2021 20 months old 733 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524902 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 66% Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18562M is by Valera Vale Factor 178 out of Valera Vale 14555F who had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC. VALERA VALE 18562M 12120F has produced 9 calves in 9 years and was Empty this yearVALERA VALE 12120F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 132 21733M Brand: FF . Valera Vale 16381M by Valera Vale Fury 170 out of Valera Vale 13188F who produced 5 calves in 5 years. (Photo) VALERA VALE 16381M First calf of a specially selected high quality pure Droughtmaster commercial heifer subsequently sold PTIC to make room for a stud female VALERA VALE B8035F LOT 131 21593M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 07/09/2020 24 months old 026 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524548 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 68% Calved 19/10/2020 23 months old 201 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524655 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 67% Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18209M is by Valera Vale Garfield 073 out of VV 14031F who has had 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again. VALERA VALE 18209M 18438F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18438F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 133 21026M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18209M is by Valera Vale Garfield 073 out of VV 14031F who has had 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again. VALERA VALE 18209M 18246F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18246F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 134 21201M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 20/11/2020 22 months old 361 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524763 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 69% Calved 18/10/2020 23 months old 098 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524599 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 68% Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 136 21098M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18820M is by Wajatryn 1403 (Redskin X-Factor) out of VV 09058F who has had 11 calves in 11 years. VALERA VALE 18820M 18201F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18201F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 135 21361M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale Graham 427 is by Jembrae Earl out of Valera Vale 06157F who had 9 calves in 9 years before being CFA. (Photo) VALERA VALE GRAHAM 427 14087F has produced 6 calves in 6 years has not been tested yet this year due to floodingVALERA VALE 14087F All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 15/12/2020 21 months old 196 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524652 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 61% Calved 14/02/2021 19 months old 765 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524915 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. High Country Google is by Glenlands Quarry out of a cow that produced 6 calves in 6 years at the time of his purchase. (Photo) HIGH COUNTRY GOOGLE 17013F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 17013F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 138 21765M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18209M is by Valera Vale Garfield 073 out of VV 14031F who has had 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again. VALERA VALE 18209M 11099F has produced 9 calves in 9 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 11099F LOT 137 21196M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 10/12/2020 21 months old 270 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524704 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 63% Calved 28/09/2020 24 months old 091 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524595 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 74% Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) VALERA VALE 18539M 18015F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18015F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 139 21270M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18772M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 13518F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC. VALERA VALE 18772M 18214F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18214F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 140 21091M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 18/10/2020 23 months old 476 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524831 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 65% Calved 01/11/2020 22 months old 053 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524568 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 68% Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 142 21053M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18614M is by Lynsey Park Vernon out of VV 12251F who has had 9 calves in 9 years. VALERA VALE 18614M 18043F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18043F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 141 21476M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16107M is by Aldinga Deadly. His dam, Valera Vale 13336F is 10 years old and still sound and pregnant again after producing 8 calves in 8 years.(Photo) VALERA VALE 16107M 12427F produced 9 calves in 9 years and was not joined this year. CFA.VALERA VALE 12427F All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 26/09/2020 24 months old 065 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524577 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 71% Calved 05/11/2020 22 months old 303 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524723 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 66% Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) VALERA VALE 18539M 18137F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18137F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 144 21303M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18437M is by Valera Vale Godfrey 414 out of VV 14355F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (photo) VALERA VALE 18437M 18469F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18469F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 143 21065M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 02/11/2020 22 months old 192 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524650 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 68% Calved 25/10/2020 23 months old 308 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524725 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 71% Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 146 21308M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) VALERA VALE 18539M 18450F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18450F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 145 21192M Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 16107M is by Aldinga Deadly. His dam, Valera Vale 13336F is 10 years old and still sound and pregnant again after producing 8 calves in 8 years.(Photo) VALERA VALE 16107M 17097F has produced 3 calves in 3 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 17097F All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 20/11/2020 22 months old 380 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524774 DamSire DNA Poll Test: HPc DNA Brahman content: 67% Calved 21/10/2020 23 months old 277 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524708 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 63% Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18614M is by Lynsey Park Vernon out of VV 12251F who has had 9 calves in 9 years. VALERA VALE 18614M 14451F has produced 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 14451F Single Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 148 21277M Brand: FF . DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18209M is by Valera Vale Garfield 073 out of VV 14031F who has had 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again. VALERA VALE 18209M 18726F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18726F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 147 21380M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Calved 18/12/2020 21 months old 512 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524846 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 67% Calved 30/12/2020 21 months old 246 over 1 Neogen DNA Case Id1524686 DamSire DNA Poll Test: PcPc DNA Brahman content: 63% DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18437M is by Valera Vale Godfrey 414 out of VV 14355F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (photo) VALERA VALE 18437M 18645F has produced 2 calves in 2 years and is PTIC againVALERA VALE 18645F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. Brand: FF DNA Sire Verified. Valera Vale 18539M is by Valera Vale Graham 427 out of VV 14138F who has had 7 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again. (Photo) VALERA VALE 18539M 12131F produced 9 calves in 9 years and was not joined this year. CFA.VALERA VALE 12131F Double Copy of Poll Gene Tested Pompes Disease gene clear Purchaser: ……...…………….……………………………………...………………Price: $....................……. LOT 150 21246M Brand: FF . LOT 149 21512M All Valera Vale bulls are vaccinated for Vibrio, 5 in 1, Leptospirosis, Botulism, 3 Day Sickness Tick Fever Tested negative for Pestivirus PI and Pompes Disease. Semen Tested by Dr Paul Vetter BVSc.
Statistics Bulls Offered: ___ Bulls Sold: ____ Clearance: % Top Price: $___ Buyer________ Average Price:$ _______ Volume Buyer:_____________