By Andrew Lee
The Airwave network, used by the police and other emergency services, is the most comprehensive mobile voice and data communication network that exists in the United Kingdom. Airwave relies on more than three thousand TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) masts recently erected in urban and rural areas to provide almost complete mobile coverage on the country’s roads. 8)86% ERXIRREI GER FI MHIRXM½IH F] XLIMV GLEVEGXIVMWXMG GSR½KYVEXMSR SJ XLVII ZIVXMGEP TSPIW WIX EX HIKVIIW JVSQ IEGL SXLIV SR IEGL SJ [LMGL EVI QSYRXIH JSYV žEXXIRIH PSSTW Andrew Lee uses the TETRA network of masts as a convenient template for a series of landscape photographs that, with its wide and almost uniform geographical spread, assumes the form of a national topographical survey. 0II´W MQQIHMEXI KSEP MW XS TLSXSKVETL E WMKRM½GERX TVSTSVXMSR SJ XLI QEWXW PSGEXIH MR Scotland.
the drouth
Creag an Taghain, Crianlarich
Thornliebank Industrial Estate, Thornliebank
the drouth
Kite Hill, Kilmacolm
Nerston Industrial Estate, East Kilbride
the drouth
Cumbernauld Shopping Centre, Cumbernauld
Uamh Ard, Harris
the drouth
Dalmacoulter Reservoir, Airdrie
Happendon Services, Happendon
the drouth