phisical energy Body care equilibrium equability repose garmony health of body understanding regeneration purification emotional stability meditation oneness with the world understanding simplicity
Inside The most comfortable place in the world is your home Happiness begins with health Enjoying the perfect detailes of nature Garmony is filling your life. Way to make you relax Loveable rest Purification
Home - this is not a place but a state of mind. Cecelia Ahern
The most comfortable place in the world is your home
Most of us have shackled this being, handcuffing it to the darkest parts of our existence until after a while, it becomes imprisoned for life. We do it to our children’s entity too. We structure every activity in which they are involved – dancing, horse riding football etc and we insist they keep at it because we have “already paid for the entire term”. While I am by no means advocating that getting involved in these activities stifles our creativity, they do not, I am simply pointing out that we do need to allow ourselves a little time to let our imagination regenerate. When we were children, some of the happiest, most satisfying and contented times we had were the ones spent making up games to play by ourselves, with friends or siblings. Remember how we talked to ourselves with abandon, making contact with who we intrinsically were? It is still possible to exhume that ability. Delete the restraints we put on our creativity and set that being free. Let him/her into the forefront even for just two hours a week. Dance,
write, sing, paint, garden, build, volunteer etc. Your inner being is steadily shrinking because there is something you refuse to allow it to indulge in. If we die inside, happiness has evaded us. Truly connect with people. If no one loved you would you strive to stay alive? If you lived alone would you want a bigger house? If you didn’t wish to look good for the people you meet, would you bother wearing nice clothes and styling your hair? If we didn’t want to appear attractive to others would we even try losing weight? It’s our connection with other people, which make us want to be better ourselves. It’s our sense of living at peace with others, which makes us abide by laws and not exist in anarchy. And it’s what we do with and for others that ultimately makes us happy. If buying shoes encompassed the nucleus of happiness, we’d only ever need to buy one pair. Assisting others whether it be volunteering at a care home or investing
Garmony of food its easy and tasty way to fiil good time with those who are helpless is what awakens the satisfaction that can only come when we admire our own humanity. We can then allow ourselves to love who we are because we see ourselves as someone we like to be, someone we have always aspired to be, and someone whom others seek to emulate. This self-admiration is not arrogance, and is never confused with it, for arrogance produces self-hatred. This instead is the epitome of the human being.
Even if at first we find it hard to look people in the eyes and really care, like everything else, practise makes perfect. Like daily sit ups make the stomach toned and the abdominal muscles stand out. Daily practise of making ourselves care about someone else’s difficulty and taking time off to share someone else’s problem will not fail to tone up our sympathetic muscles, and sharpen our caring skills.
Happiness begins with health
On earth there is nothing more worthy of respect than the mind. Author: Claude Adrien Helvetius Not all mothers immediately feel love for the baby to which they have given birth. But constantly feeding and caring for him, soon produces a bond with turns into desperate love. Like these mothers, we may be the kind of people who have got to get involved before we can feel, since how deeply we initially feel about something does not measure the level of our commitment or the outcome of our emotions when the job is completed.
enjoying the perfect detailes of nature Take time to smell the roses, literally. Plant a rose bush just outside your door in a pot or in the ground. In the morning when you’re rushing off to work or getting the kids to school, stop and take one minute to smell the roses. It doesn’t make you any later but it improves your outlook of your day 10 fold. Try it. It is when we are at our most stressed that we need to take time out to release. Cordoning off our stress inside turns us into prisoners trapped in our own minds. Shake off the negative hormones which are shortcircuiting our happiness by taking five minutes to be idle before work. (Maybe set the alarm to go off five minutes earlier if you feel pressed for time, our eight hours of sleep won’t be affected if we had 7 hours and 55 minutes instead.) Run out into the garden to see what has blossomed today, stop at a flower shop on the way to the train and smell the flowers. (If you buy some once in a while, you’ll be most welcomed, I’m sure) Smile at someone just to see the shocked look on his or her face. Flirt with someone you have no interest in and see his/her face light up.
If you want to make the world has changed - he become the change. Author: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Garmony is filling your life As you visit or imagine a natural scene, physical relaxation immediately results. The longer time spent in nature, or in imagining yourself in nature, the more stress you release from your mind and body, and the more deeply relaxed you become. As your mind and body relax, it is easier for your heart to function. Relaxation also improves the function of all your organs and your entire digestive track. Relaxation helps your immune system, respiratory system, central and sympathetic nervous systems, and all other systems of your body to come into balance and to ideally function.
Way to make you relax As you visit or imagine a natural scene, physical relaxation immediately results.
Loveable rest Be yourself as a natural feeling.
Hum a crazy, happy tune to stick in someone else’s head for hours. The crazier the better, like a summer hit in the darkest days of winter or a Christmas tune in July. People who hear it will smile with you or join in. You will have released your stress levels and they will have forgotten theirs even for a few minutes. Being uptight and not being able to laugh unless it’s at someone else’s expense suggests a low self-image. Allowing and encouraging others to laugh at us takes away the power that embarrassment has
on all of us, it confines us to an existence of inflexibility being tossed in a dark cell of false, fickle, self-righteousness. We fear that if we slip off the tightrope of our perfected, affected lifestyle we would fall into the black hole of unattainable goals for which we have forced others to aim. We have all noticed that if someone has done something really embarrassing, the harder we try not to laugh, the funnier the joke becomes. If the person himself laughs, we are finally allowed to, but then the urge doesn’t seem that great anymore.