How Dangerous Is Spinal Surgery?
Published On: 02-23-2023
Dr Payam Toobian believes that Many persons with persistent back pain only have spine surgery as an option However, spinal surgery is dangerous and seldom relieves pain Most people with back discomfort benefit from heat, ice, and exercise. Back pain is usually caused by muscle and ligament strains If these conservative therapies fail, spinal surgery may be the best option

Minimally invasive spine operations can minimize recovery time and post-operative discomfort
Traditional treatments have larger incisions and carrier results than these methods.
Liposomal bupivacaine, a local anesthetic that may be injected into a muscle before surgery, relieves pain for up to 72 hours. The FDA has authorized the anesthetic to relieve severe lower back pain for a long time
Back discomfort can be reduced by fusing two or more vertebrae Fractures and severe spine abnormalities might also benefit from it Bone transplants support the spine in this procedure
They're mainly from the pelvis and come from a bone bank or the patient After spine surgery, some people may have health complications, but these are rare These illnesses include:
Your lungs may not work as effectively after surgery if you have general anesthesia because anesthetic medicines prevent your lungs from working properly. Infections can emerge with medicines These can form around the spinal surgery hardware that holds the vertebrae in place until they recover
During recovery, the hardware might migrate or break, producing a spine condition that requires further surgery Spinal fusion can produce this rare yet deadly condition Before surgery, your spine should be evaluated and tested.
If left untreated, inflammation and infection can hurt After surgery, consult your doctor if you have any symptoms. Herniated discs and spinal stenosis can also be fixed surgically. These diseases can grow chronic and harm the spinal column and nerves if left untreated