Milly‘s birthday

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s ’ y l l i M World Milly‘s birthday

As Milly‘s birthday is just around the corner, she would like to organise a nice party.

Milly‘s birthday

Hi, Henry

I want to invite all my friends. All of them? That‘s a good many…

I‘m expecting you at my party.

Thanks. Can I bring my brother as well? Milly‘s birthday

I need a lot of room to entertain all my friends.

We would need a nice place.

I shall bring my nephew. Milly‘s birthday

Let‘s ask the Schär friends.

Thanks for the invitation. I shall come with my cousins.

Good idea. They have a large garden there.

Schär is celebrating his thirtieth birthday this year.

Would you like to come to my birthday party?

Of course we can also organise a party-

Suppose we do it together…

That would be fine. Milly‘s birthday

All these flies…

I expect all to come - just so that you know.

Hello, Cicadas

We‘re coming

all of us

We will bring you a nice present.

Milly‘s birthday

just to wish you Ho, ho, ho! How ticklish!

all the best

The caterpillars, the frogs, the grasshoppers, the cicadas, the flies and now the bees from the beehive.

The bee queen is the eldest insect that I know. I would like to invite her as well.

Good idea. It wouldn‘t be a nice party without her.

O.K., I‘ll give her the invitation.

Milly‘s birthday

Everything‘s ready and the party‘s starting soon. A few friends are already in the Schär Garden.

Many happy returns of the day, Milly.

Many happy returns of the day, Milly.

Milly‘s birthday


For she‘s a jolly good fellow!

I‘m sorry, but the bee queen cannot come.

What? A real shame. Let‘s call her…

The hive is not far away…

Bee Bee Queen? Where are you?

I‘m sorry, but I cannot come to your party, because I‘m, tired. No, I‘m ill actually… It doesn‘t look as if you‘re ill!

Come on, get up.

Milly‘s birthday

The Bee Queen is sad, because her old body has lost its sheen with time.

See - that‘s the reason why I don‘t want to come to your party, because I‘m old and ugly!

Milly‘s birthday

That‘s not right, you‘re just a little… well, just a little pale! I have an idea. Billy, come on...

How nice. What is that?

Help me to pick a lot of small colourful flowers.

All right

A mantle. Look, just one more flower and then I am ready. Milly‘s birthday

Upon my soul, you are the most beautiful Bee Queen that I have ever seen

And now, we can go back to the party.

Thank you my dearest. Your mantle did all that.

Milly‘s birthday

Now that they‘re all here at last, the party can begin.

For she‘s a jolly good fellow…

Here they are! Happy birthday, Milly.

Happy birthday, Schär!


All the best! Milly‘s birthday

The party has begun. The tables are covered with nice rolls, cakes and biscuits. There is also plenty to drink: Tea, fizzy orange squash.

Happy birthday, Milly!

Milly‘s birthday

Thank you!

Are you sure that everything is OK? If there is anything that‘s not where it‘s supposed to be

we must find it before the party begins!

Here there‘s a glass and a plate missing, down there‘s a spoon missing, a fork and a knife!

But how can that be possible? They were there before...

Quick, let‘s look for them; they must be somewhere...

Maybe they fell down somewhere...

Come on, help us to search! Milly‘s birthday

It‘s time to open the presents.

Thanks! That‘s lovely!

I made it myself…

Why are you making such serious faces?

Something funny has happened...


Our presents have disappeared! Milly‘s birthday

The bees have given Milly a book, a necklace, a ball, a small car and a telescope. Where have they got to?

Come on, help us rch! to search!

Quick, let‘s have a good look! Who knows where they can be? Milly‘s birthday

Well are you ready?

For a nice party, you must have some music.

La la la…



No, we can‘t sing.... Our instruments have disappeared! Milly‘s birthday

Where have our musical instruments got to?

From that box, there‘s a violin, a fl ute, a trumpet, a trombone and even a triangle missing.

Let‘s look for them!

I‘ll look here, you look there! Com on, help us Come tto search!

Milly‘s birthday

Now everything is finally OK.

Where is Billy?

He has gone to the camp to fetch the biscuits.

Milly‘s birthday

Who knows what he‘s up to... It‘s better if we go and look for him!

So this is where you were!

Watch out!

Help… Billy… where are you?

Milly‘s birthday

Mmmh…beautiful! Try these nuts…

I know that it‘s good, but look what a mess we‘ve made!

Two minutes and there are no crumbs left...

Don‘t worry, I‘ll sort everything out.

Mmmh… beautiful! Milly‘s birthday

Just a moment and the camp is tidied up again. Not all the biscuits are where they should be. Some were eaten by Billy, some by the bees‌ and now five

Quick, quick: find them!

are missing.

Come on, help us to search! Milly‘s birthday

We‘ll see you tomorrow by the pond!

The party is over and it‘s time to say goodbye.

It was a lovely party, thank you!

Thank you!

Milly‘s birthday

I‘ll come!

Mrs Midge wants to go home as well. She‘s counting her little ones again and again, but five are missing… Where have they hidden?

Come on, help us rch! to search!

93… 94… 95…

Milly‘s birthday

The birthday party is now over and everything has to be cleared up.

Help me!

Milly‘s birthday

What‘s that noise?


Wake up!


Milly‘s birthday

Beo is a young beetle and a friend of Milly and Billy. He‘s very nice but sometimes he does get a lot mixed up. He‘s a wicked lad.

Watch out!

What a lovely snooze!

Milly‘s birthday

I took it!

A plum cake… I almost ate it


Hey… Alright, but be careful!


Milly‘s birthday

Milly, please take that away!

First, we have to clear up!

Nooooo! No!

I want to help!

Please…we‘ll do it alone Milly‘s birthday

Come on, I‘ll take you home!

I live on the birch tree, just a few metres away from the river…

We know that!

Be careful, young man!

Milly‘s birthday

I didn‘t mean to do that, I‘m sorry…

I‘m sorry, madam!

Our spider‘s web!

Guys! Whoops…

Milly‘s birthday

Look, down there is my house!


Watch where you are flying!


Ohooo... Milly‘s birthday

Come on, turn round!

Help! I can‘t swim!

Don‘t worry, we‘re coming!

I can‘t, I‘m frightened! Milly‘s birthday

Bring me back to the bank…

Stop, don‘t move!

And down there… what‘s happening there?

Milly‘s birthday

Hang on by the fishing net!

hi hi hi …it‘s itchy!

Thank you so much, Mr Cricket!

It was my pleasure!

Milly‘s birthday

Long live Billy!

Long live, Beo the beetle! Grafik: | Story: Luisa Pachera | Illustration: Robert Weikmann


Long live Milly!

Milly‘s birthday

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