FOODS TO AVOID (GLUTEN CONTAINING FOODS) Foods that must be eliminated completely include all those containing wheat, kamut, spelt, rye, barley, and oats. Here is a list of common food that contain gluten:
What is the Coeliac Condition?
> Bulgur, couscous, tabbouleh, sambou-
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sa, flat bread (khubz/pita), shwarma, fattoush, falafel, pizza All pasta, bakery products, ma’amoul, baklava, flakes, muesli, etc which are made with these cereal derivatives Dairy products with cereals e.g. yoghurt with muesli Fish or meat in batter, flour, or sauces containing gluten All sauces with additives containing gluten Barley or malt coffee, barley drinks, beverages with added fiber (gluten containing).
FOODS TO QUESTION Certain food may be consumed only after one has made sure that they are free of gluten. Some processed and packaged foods, along with certain ingredients may contain gluten, please read the ingredients list carefully!
> Potato chips, puffed rice > Flans and puddings, readymade milk-
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shakes, processed soft cheese, prepared cheese dishes Sauces, soya sauce, prepared spices and condiments, stock cubes, baking additives (e.g. baking powder) Readymade meals Processed meats (e.g. sausages) Chocolate, chocolate candies, cocoa, ice cream, chewing gum
FOODS TO ENJOY (GLUTEN-FREE) There are many foods that are naturally gluten free:
> Potatoes, maize, rice (even wild rice), millet,
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buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, tapioca, manioc, chestnuts (flours of these products however can be contaminated) Kabsah, tahini, hummus, mandi, labne balls Fruits and vegetables Dairy products that are not processed (i.e. in their fresh form) Tea, coffee, soft drinks Sugar, honey Vegetable oils, butter, margarine, vinegar, salt, pepper, herbs and spices in their pure form.
The coeliac condition is a permanent intolerance to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt and unripe spelt grain. Eating foods containing gluten – even in very small quantities – will cause an abnormal immune reaction in people who have the coeliac condition. This results in the chronic inflammation of the intestine and consequently of the intestinal villi, which have the important function within the body of absorbing essential nutrients from food. If these villi become inflamed they shrink, become damaged, and are no longer able to absorb nutrients.
SYMPTOMS OF THE COELIAC CONDITION The symptoms of the coeliac condition can vary. The most common manifestations are: > Diarrhoea > Weight loss and general weakening > Abdominal bloating and abdominal pain > Vomiting > In children, retardation of growth. Other symptoms: > Anaemia, > Osteoporosis > Vitamin or mineral deficiencies.
> Strict lifelong gluten free diet is the only therapy for the coeliac condition
> Only consume food products which DIAGNOSIS OF THE COELIAC CONDITION The coeliac condition can be diagnosed on detecting specific antibodies (anti tTg, anti endomysium EMA, and for children below 3 years of age the AGA, class IgA and IgG) in a blood sample. To confirm the diagnosis however a duodenal biopsy must be carried out.
> A strict gluten-free diet for life > Treating anaemia and osteoporosis > Careful monitoring to ensure that daily food does not contain any gluten
> Regular medical visits to ensure the absence of the disease’s antibodies
are guaranteed gluten free: the crossed grain symbol on the packaging is a guarantee for gluten free. Many foods and foodstuffs are naturally gluten free: potatoes, maize, rice, millet, sorghum, chick peas, beans, pine nuts, almonds, eggs, meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, milk, and many dairy products. Nevertheless it is always important to read the ingredients list carefully: in many foods there are hidden sources of gluten. When cooking gluten free meals at home make sure all utensils and surfaces are properly cleaned with hot water and where possible use separate crockery, storage tins, and mixing utensils for gluten free products only. The producer can supply information material free of charge regarding the coeliac condition, gluten free diet as well as product catalogue which can be given to the patients:,
Dr. Schär GmbH, Winkelau 9, I-39014 Postal (BZ),,
Dr. Sch채r GmbH, Winkelau 9, I-39014 Postal (BZ),,
SAE06 SAE0615,