Anti Ageing at Carnoustie

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“Anti Ageing

in God’s Own Country... Kerala

the holistic way”

AGEING B ODY We, at Carnoustie Resorts, believe that the normal ageing process can be slowed down through a few alternative healing techniques, yoga and meditation. After detailed consultations on the possible reasons that could accelerate ageing, we recommend an ideal programme for the betterment of health and well-being in order to age gracefully. Anti-ageing at Carnoustie Resorts, involves result-oriented treatments by integrating therapeutic Marma, Prana mantra marma, Naturopathy, Acupressure, Ayurveda and Yoga which help in ageing gracefully.

AGEING - M IND AND S OUL The health of human body and its longevity and optimal functioning are increasingly being found to be associated with stability, focus and overall emotional health of the human mind. Emotional and mental vitality are closely tied to physical vitality just as your mind has powerful effects on your body, so your physical state affects how you feel and think.

AGEI NG GRAC EFULLY At Carnoustie Resorts, our focus is on what it takes to reach your individual maximum life expectancy and, most importantly, assuring it with optimal quality of life. With advancing age, we experience a spectrum of changes in morphological and physiological characteristics that may be deteriorations directly related to the ageing process. How visible these age-related changes are in stamina, strength, or sensory perception, will vary based on your personal health choices, medical history, genetics and the environment you live in.

ANTI-AGEING AT CARNOUSTIE At Carnoustie Resorts, we offer the possibility that normal human ageing could be slowed through few alternative healing techniques, yoga and meditation. No single, chronological timetable of human ageing exists. So, here we do detailed consultations on all possible reasons that could cause ageing. Then we recommend an ideal programme for the betterment of health and well-being in order to age gracefully. Anti-ageing at Carnoustie involves result-oriented treatments by integrating therapeutic Marma, prana mantra marma, Naturopathy, Acupressure, Ayurveda and Yoga which help in ageing gracefully.



Prana Mantra Marma

Pranic Healing


Yoga & Meditation











OUR A PPROAC H At Carnoustie Resorts, a detailed personal consultation for guests is conducted by our Senior Medical experts. After a complete diagnosis of the guest’s condition, our Medical experts offer short and long-term solutions that will help the guest to age gracefully, improve organ health and boost the immune system. A personalised anti-ageing programme is offered to every guest with various alternative medical therapies, yoga and diet. Our programme does not involve any harmful drugs or operating procedures.

AYURVEDA - THE SCIENCE OF LIFE Thousands of years before modern medicine provided scientific evidence for the mind-body connection, the sages of India developed Ayurveda, which continues to be one of the worlds most sophisticated and powerful mindbody health systems. Ayurveda, views a person as unique and made up of five primary elements. The elements are ether (space), air, fire, water, and earth. As in nature, we too have these five elements in us. When any of these elements are present in the environment, they will in turn have an influence on us.

PRINCIPLES & THEORY OF AYURVEDA IN ANTI -AGEING Our diet and the weather are just two examples of the presence of these elements. While we are a composite of these five primary elements, certain elements are seen to have an ability to combine to create various physiological functions. Ether and air combine to form what is known in Ayurveda as the Vata Dosha, which governs the principle of movement and therefore can be seen as the force which directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration, and elimination. Fire and water are the elements that combine to form the Pitta Dosha. This dosha is the process of transformation or metabolism. The transformation of foods into nutrients that our bodies can assimilate is an example of a Pitta function. It is also responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems as well as cellular metabolism. Finally, it is dominantly the water and earth elements that combine to form the Kapha Dosha. Kapha is responsible for growth, adding structure unit by unit. Another function of the Kapha Dosha is to offer protection. We may also suggest certain herbal supplements to hasten the healing process. If toxins in the body are abundant, then a cleansing process known as Panchakarma is recommended to eliminate these toxins. According to Ayurveda, if vata dosha gets aggravated, it not only causes premature ageing but also accelerates the natural process of ageing. This dosha is naturally high in people having dry skin. Ayurveda endeavours to bring Vata, Pitt, Kaph doshas in a perfect balance, starting with Panchakarama, and the right diet to nourish you, while releasing negative emotional patterns so that you can enjoy longevity and spiritual well being.


Allergic Rhinitis

Frozen Shoulder


Neuralgic Complaints


Neuralgic / Tension Headaches

Bloating Sensation

Osteoarthritis - Multi- Joint

BPH (Benign Prostatic Enlargement)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Skin Diseases like Eczema, Dermatitis

Chronic Constipation


Cervical Spondylosis/Spondylitis



Post Chemotherapy/Post Radiotherapy

Diabetes (Prameha)


Dry Eye Syndrome

Rheumatoid Arthritis


Rheumatism Tinnitus

Eye strain

Ulcerative Colitis

Under Weight

ACUPRESSURE All necessary nutrients, minerals, proteins, and oxygen are transported inside our body by blood. If the supply of blood gets restricted due to any reason, the area where the supply is not complete goes into a tantrum; and we need to ensure that the tantrum is removed from one’s body for the supply to be corrected. Acupressure balances the body’s motivating energy (Qi). As we mature, the quantity of Qi and blood in the skin and underlying facial muscles slowly begin to decrease, causing a loss of nourishment, support, and moisture. The face has a high number of acupressure points, specific areas of the face that can be targeted and treated.

PRINCIPLES OF ACUPRESSURE Acupressure is a technique, most beneficial when used in tandem with other modes of therapy. It is not a panacea for all ageing effects, but needs to be supplemented with a proper and nutritional diet, and medication. Research shows that the benefits of this technique cannot be replicated by any other form of massage therapy. Acupressure treatment changes the body composition by increasing muscle mass, decreasing fat mass, and increasing bone density and muscle strength. All this is possible by regulating the blood circulation in the body and also increasing the efficiency of the hormones and functioning of the stomach, liver and spleen

ANTI AGEING THROUGH ACUPRESSURE Acupressure is an important tool to stall the extrinsic ageing process. Our lifestyle, food and other habits lead to an acceleration of the ageing process and we start looking older than our age. The face has a high number of acupressure points, specific areas of the face that can be targeted and treated. This will increase the flow of blood and energy through the skin in that area, thereby hydrating, plumping up and boosting the skin supply of nutrients and oxygen, thus decreasing the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes. The overall result gives a more youthful appearance.

NATUROPATHY The Naturopathy theory believes that our diet and the environment we expose ourselves to, can either speed up or slow down the ageing process. The body is affected by exposure to toxins in our food, air and water and these chemicals can interfere with the proper functioning. Some of symptoms that can arise from these toxins include; fatigue, lack of concentration, acne, bloating, headaches, under eye dark circles, weight gain and joint pain. The purpose of the Anti-Ageing program is not to stop ageing, but to help a person age gracefully and as slowly as possible.

MARMA - ANCIENT INDIAN ART OF TREATMENT This is an ancient form of Ayurvedic Massage initially developed and used by Martial Arts Practitioners.

There are 107 reflex points around the body where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones and joints meet up. Each

of these points have their own intelligence and consciousness, which co-ordinate with the mind and body and this helps to re-educate the brain in control and co- ordination of muscles and nerves after illness or injury.

The therapy involves stimulation using the fingers of these Marma (trigger) points, which promotes physical and

mental rehabilitation.

The Marma Therapeutic treatments isolates points and cleans them out by increasing blood flow to the affected

part of the neuro-muscular junction. Stretching of muscles and tendons is also used to improve tone, and gentle manipulation of the spine.

Marma Therapeutic Massage has wide applications. Particularly for stroke victims as the massage clears away

obstructions which delay information being communicated between the muscles, nerves and brain.

MARMA - AILMENTS TREATED Nervousness Anxiety Physical Rehabilitation Paralysis and Injuries Tingling in fingers or toes Stress, Lack of energy General weakness Muscular aches and Joint pains Backache Management Depression. Anti Aging and Skin Care

PRANA MANTRA MARMA Meditation is the art of treating the special vital points on the human body, and this is one of the greatest healing secrets of Ayurveda. It can be used to detoxify the body, strengthen and revitalize vital organs, and release blocked energies in the body. Through these energy points we can stimulate the function of internal organs, strengthen self-healing power, and harmonize the mind and body. The benefits of this therapy are, ·

Balancing of Chakras (energy centres of the body)


Increasing Immunity (improve the healing power)


Clearing of emotional blockages


Very effective for anxiety & depression.


To increase vitality and vigour


To improve the memory and concentration

PRANIC HEALING Pranic Healing is one of the foremost systems of energy healing. It requires no drugs, gadgets or even physical contact, because the practitioner is working on the energy body and not directly on the physical body. It is the energy body that absorbs the life energy and distributes it throughout the physical body. If the negative energy is removed and positive energy is passed through the body, diseases can be cured. Pranic healing works in correlation with the chakras - the seven wheels of energy. Each chakra of the body is connected with a particular endocrinal gland, with a particular sense organ, and with several other organs. Each chakra has its own mantra. By activating the chakras with the vibrations of the mantras, positive energy will flow through the body. Every sense organ, gland and organ will be energized and blockages will be removed, then the body can be cured. This practice is effective in groups or private sessions at Carnoustie Resorts.

HOW DOES PRANIC HEALING WORK Pranic Healing corrects the energy imbalances underlying simple and complex disorders. It works on the ‘aura’ (bioplasmic energy) by removing ‘used up’ or ‘diseased’ energy and replacing it with fresh vital energy called ‘prana’. This cleansing and energising allows the body to move towards physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Cleansing removes the cause of the ailment, while energising accelerates the healing process.

Crown Chakra


Third Eye Chakra


Throat Chakra


Heart Chakra

Love & Healing

Solar Plexus Chakra Sacral Chakra Root Chakra

Wisdom & Power Sexuality & Creativity Basic Trust

ANTI AGEING – MEDITATION Chakras are the centres of vital energy. They are also junctions of the body, prana and mind. Activation and balancing of the chakras brings perfect health of the body and mind. This is possible through chakra meditation. For age reversal there are many processes in Yoga, Ayurveda and modern medicine but without having to resort to external aids, spend a few minutes of your time for chakra meditation and get rejuvenated. Full chakra healing meditation for anti- ageing is given at Carnoustie Resorts.

YOGA Yoga is a scientific system of physical and mental practices that originated in India more than 5000 years ago. Its purpose is to help each one of us achieve our highest potential and to experience enduring health and happiness. Yoga is known to help heal, aid in weight loss, stress relief, spinal disorders, arthritis, insomnia and digestive problems, migraines, etc. It improves immunity, creativity and intuition, increased energy and vitality, improved organ health, improved muscle tone and cardiovascular health, and reduced back pain etc.

DIET The menus designed at Carnoustie Resorts, are based on the key principles of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is centred on three bio-energy forces called doshas ― vata, pitta and kapha. Each person has a unique combination of these doshas, and that composition is called one’s Prakruti. A day to-day menu is designed as per the dietary requirements prescribed by our Ayurveda Doctors. Most of the vegetables and herbs which are used in the food preparation are from our organic garden. The water served here has the herbal infusion in it to fortify dietary values. These diet menus are designed after the assessment of body constitution and current health condition.

CARNOUSTIE’S ANTI AGEING PROGRAMME TOXIC MANAGEMENT AYURVEDA: Potli/kizhi massage makes use of small herbal pouches of various herbs, warmed in medicated oils. They are used to massage the entire body or specific areas like the back, neck, shoulders, hands and joints. Swedanam: An herbal steam bath helps to eliminate the toxins from the skin. Nasyam: medicated oil is administered through the nose, cures sinusitis, congestion, and other ENT infections. Virechanam: Purgation (induced bowel cleansing with herbal medicine) NATUROPATHY: Mud contains important minerals which have positive effects on human health. It can absorb toxins from human body and therefore, is very useful in preventing many diseases. Herbal Steam Bath: help to improve the vasodilatation and eliminate toxins. Enema: helps to increase the bowel movement. MARMA: There are 107 trigger points around the body where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones and joints meet up. Each of these points have their own intelligence and consciousness, which helps to eliminate toxins, improves coordination with the mind and body and also help to re-educate the brain in control and coordination of muscles and nerves after illness or injury.

IMMUNE CARE AYURVEDA: Abhyangam is a traditional, synchronized, energising treatment with medicated oils where in the therapist applies brisk, long and flowing movements. Njavarakizhi is an application of certain medicinal decoctions with Njavara rice pudding externally in the form of boluses tied up in a muslin bag. Pizhichil- The whole body is bathed in a steam of lukewarm medicated oil with simultaneous soft massage. MARMA: Marma stimulates the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus which support and boost the immune system.. PRANIC HEALING /PRANA MANTRA MARMA-A Master therapist transmits the healing energy into any organ of the physical body enhancing the natural immunity..

REVITALIZING ORGANS CARE MARMA: Organs play a vital role in detoxification. Marma stimulatory technique uses repetitive motion over the organ, gently to moderately vibrating, shaking, or percussing over the organ to facilitate fluid movements through the arterial, venous, and lymphatic vessels and to help decongest the organ.. REIKI: Reiki works at aura level, the conscious and subconscious level. Reiki induces a healing process through mental energy and concentration.

SKIN CARE NATUROPATHY: Plantain Leaf Bath: The whole body is covered with fresh plantain leaves to increase the peripheral blood circulation in order to accelerate elimination. Mud Bath: Mud is applied all over the body and the guest is taken for a sun bath. Steam Bath: helps to improve the vasodilatation and eliminate toxins. AYURVEDA: Sirodhara: This involves gently pouring herbal oil / herbal decoctions over the forehead for a specific duration. It stimulates the 3rd eye and crown chakras, awakens intuition and improves sleep patterns, works on the cerebral system, helps to relax the nervous system. Njavarakizhi: is the external application of certain medicinal decoctions with njavara rice puddings, in the form of pouches, tied up in a muslin bag. MARMA: Skin is a vital part of the human body. Marma treatments release stress from integumentary system, muscle and bones, this helps to rejuvenate the skin texture. PRANIC HEALING/PRANA MANTRA MARMA - Prana is omnipresent and through meditation and mantras, a reborn healer can increase the natural beauty, through soft face meridian massage.

NEURO-MUSCULO-SKELETON STRENGTH CARE ABHYANGAM: It is a traditional, synchronized, energising treatment with medicated oils wherein the therapist applies brisk, long and flowing movements. POTLI/KIZHI: is a massage which uses small herbal pouches, warmed in medicated oils. They are used to massage the entire body or specific areas like the back, neck, shoulders, hands and joints. NJAVARAKIZHI: is the external application of certain medicinal decoctions with njavara rice puddings, in the form of pouches, tied up in a muslin bag. NATUROPATHY: Hot mud is applied to joints and muscles to release pain and swelling. Massage therapy. In this medium, manual pressure strokes are given to relax and tone the muscles and improve blood circulation. MARMA: The marma deep tissue treatments and joint articulating techniques help in increasing flexibility from the Musculo-Skeleton frame to maintain general well-being.

SPINE CARE MARMA: This treatment concentrates on bringing back normal function & health, through correction of the underlying inequilibrium in the structure and function of the spine. AYURVEDA: Various Ayurvedic temperaments like kati vasti, lepam, abhyangam, and potli help in treating spine-related complications. Kati vasti: is the retention of warm herbal oil to the spine for specific period of time. Lepam: Applying herbal paste to the spine/affected area. YOGA: Spine care yogasanas & exercises.

HAIR CARE AYURVEDA: Dhara involves gently pouring herbal oil / herbal decoctions over the head /forehead for a specific duration. Thalapothichil - the process of retaining medicinal oil over the head with the help of a suitable cap, improve hair growth & prevent hair fall. Lepam: application of paste /oil/cream to scalp & hair. Thalam : a special procedure of application of medicated paste on the head. MARMA: Hair reflects the state of health. Hair loss, splitting or discolouration are the signs of previous or on-going illness or nutritional deficiency. Marma treatment stimulates sebaceous glands which lubricates the hair and makes it waterproof.

EYE CARE AYURVEDA: Dhara involves gently pouring herbal oil / herbal decoctions over the head /forehead for a specific duration. Thalam, is the process of retaining medicinal oil over the head with the help of a suitable cap and helps with eye sight. Netra Dhara – herbal ghee /decoction and Eye care drops are applying to eyes for specific duration of time/days. YOGA: Yoga provides a series of eye exercises that improves the functioning of the eyes and helps to overcome various eye-related problems, such as · Myopia or short sightedness · Hypermetropia or long sightedness · Various other eye-related disorders

STRESS MANAGEMENT MARMA: The brain functions with the conscious and subconscious. Therapeutic massage can evaluate the tension from the specific artery that supplies the blood to conscious and subconscious, where physical and emotional stress is generated. PRANIC HEALING/PRANA MANTRA MARMA Pranic healer reveals the secrets of elements deficiency existing in a human body. The universal life force energy heals stress and balances the ailments of mind such as anxiety, nervousness, tiredness & lack of energy. AYURVEDA: Sirodhara: This involves gently pouring herbal oil / herbal decoctions over the forehead for a specific duration. It stimulates the 3rd eye and crown chakras, and awakens intuition and inner wisdom, improves sleep patterns, works on the cerebral system, helps to relax the nervous system. Thakra Dhara(medicated buttermilk) help reduce hormones that cause stress. YOGA & MEDITATION: It include Breathing Exercise,Pranayama, Meditation. Yoga Nidra all these will works on vital body & mind body of an individual to release physical & mental stress .

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT AYURVEDA: Udwarthanam: Medicated powder massage helps to remove stored fat from body Swedanam: Herbal steam bath helps to increase vaso dilatation and thus accelerate elimination DIET –kapha diet ( weight reduction ayurvedic diet) NATUROPATHY Plantain Leaf Bath: In this treatment, the whole body is covered with fresh plantain leaves to increase the peripheral blood circulation in order to accelerate elimination. Mud Bath: Mud is applied all over the body and the guest is taken for a sun bath. Massage therapy this medium manual pressure strokes are given in the body to relax and tone the muscles. MARMA: Hypothalamus generates the feeling of hunger and the motive to seek out and consume food. By stimulating this gland, hunger pangs can be controlled. YOGA: Sun Salutation(Surya Nasakaram), Podi Kizhi, and special ayurvedic diet helps in losing weight.

AT TENTIVE PERSONALISED CARE ROUND THE CLOCK AT CARNOUSTIE The resort has fairly large qualified team of experts to ensure that each guest is given personalized attention. The team includes Dr.. Ajitha Sunil Babu: BAMS(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) Dr.. Sreejith R: BNYS (Bachelor of Naturopathy & Yogic Science) Dr. Mithu Bhaskar: BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) Dr. V.P. Raja Shekaran: PhD(Yoga & Alternative Medicine), Diploma in Pranic Healing Dr. Rahul: BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) Dr. Rajesh Varma: BAMS(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) Dr. Sanjeev Grover: Visiting Doctor(Acupressure) Mr. Sebgathullah Sheikh: Bachelor in Marma Therapy, Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences) Yoga Teachers: Mr. Gopalakrishna Pillai, Ms Sindhuja, Mr. Ashok Yogacharya Amit: Visiting Yoga Guru.

ANTI – AGEING PROGRAMME INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING • Accommodation in Selected villa • Airport Transfers from Cochin International Airport ( to & fro) • Daily Ayurveda Treatment 60 – 90 minutes depending on the Doctor’s advice. • Daily 45 to 60 minutes therapeutic treatment (Marma) • Daily 45 minutes Body wraps / Herbal facials. • Free Medicines during the Treatment as per the Doctor’s advice. • Individual Ayurveda Diet plan as per the Doctor’s advice (all meals). • Daily Yoga & Meditation as per the Doctor’s advice ( Hatha yoga , Asthanga yoga & Anti Ageing Meditation) • Daily use of Anti Ageing Tea • One Boat Cruise in Alappuzha Backwaters.


Mararikulam, Chennaveli, Chethy (P.O.)Alappuzha, Kerala, India 688530 Ph +91 478 2830400 Fax +91 478 2830499 Web: Email:

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