Yoga at Carnoustie Resorts

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YOGA AT CARNOUSTIE The Yoga Sutras - Pathanjali’s sacred text on yogic philosophy, show us how to discover our true selves and appreciate every moment of life, particularly when it gets overwhelming. They teach us to train our mind, body and soul to achieve perfect health and mental peace. Yoga isn’t just about jumping out of bed to do some sun salutation. Yoga is much more than postures. It is connecting with your inner self, learning to breathe again and looking within. Yoga means union!. Yoga teachings the techniques to control the mind and emotions, to enhance physical wellbeing and advice on spiritual growth. Integrating various schools of Yoga and their teachings, the team at Carnoustie prepares a unique programme for each client basis his/her needs. The holistic approach amalgamating yogic practices of Asanas, relaxation, meditation, pranayama and healthy diet harmoniously interconnects and heals your mind, body and soul.

TOTAL WELLNESS AT CARNOUSTIE At Carnoustie physical, mental and spiritual well-being is the ‘soul’ focus to reach a state of optimal health. When the body and mind are in synergy with the inner self and the rhythm of nature, it balances and enriches life.

yogas-chitta-vrithi-nirodaha Yoga is the stilling of fluctuations of the mind. - Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

TYPES OF YOGA PRACTICED AT THE WELLNESS HAVEN! Classic Hatha Yoga Ashtanga Yoga Restorative Yoga Prenatal Yoga Postnatal Yoga Therapeutic Yoga Kriya Yoga

TAP INTO YOUR INNER STRENGTH WITH EIGHT YOGIC LIMBS! Putting the yogic philosophy into practice off the mat can be especially challenging, but it’s a worthwhile endeavour for total wellness. The eight yogic limbs will usher you ahead. • Yamas or Ethical Code of Conduct - Truthfulness • Niyamas or Personal Discipline - Self study • Asanas or Posture - Strong and fit body • Pranayama or Breath Control - ‘Prana’ means life force and ‘Yama’ means control of prana - control of life force • Pratyahara or Withdrawal of Senses - Looking inward • Dharana or Concentration - One pointedness awareness • Dyana or Meditation - Living in the present • Samadhi or Bliss - Union of the individual and supreme energy Practice without interruption as a way of life helps build a strong foundation for a harmonious and peaceful life.

HEAL YOURSELF AT CARNOUSTIE - THERAPEUTIC YOGA At Carnoustie physical, mental and spiritual well-being is the ‘soul’ focus to reach a state of optimal health. When the body and mind are in synergy with the inner self and the rhythm of nature, it balances and enriches life. The Carnoustie team amalgamates best practices of yoga, pranayama, meditation with advanced acupressure and Ayurveda treatments to resolve spinal disorders. The treatments are also very effective in treating:

• Arthritis

• Bowl syndrome • Anti ageing

• Neuro muscular disorder • Revitalisation of vital organs

• Prenatal care

• Postnatal care

• Immune care




Stress is the root cause of ill health and manifests in symptoms like headaches, insomnia, back pain, blood pressure, osteoporosis and heart ailments. Our team combines yoga, pranayama and meditation with Ayurveda treatments and customised diet and nutrition plans to combat and control stress levels.

Common excuses debunked! The team at Carnoustie has devised a special program that integrates yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation and customised diet and nutrition programs with Ayurveda

An increasing number of people around the world are facing spinal disorders on account of stress and life style changes. It’s important to note that a healthy spine means a healthy body and a healthy body means a calmer mind.

treatments to tackle obesity effectively. • • • •

Reduced pressure on joints. Eases pain and inflammation. Makes breathing easy. Lowers risk of heart disease.

When an individual has achieved the complete understanding of the true self, he will no longer be disturbed by the distracting influences within and around him. - Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

GET TO KNOW YOUR TRUE SELF AT CARNOUSTIE - HATHA YOGA The word hatha comes from, ‘ha’ which means ‘the sun’ and ‘tha’ meaning ‘the moon’ or “a union of the pairs of opposites.” This holistic path includes postures (asanas), kriya (purification techniques), pranayama and meditation. The repertoire of hatha yoga at Carnoustie prepares the body for stillness, creates the necessary physical strength and stamina that allows the mind to remain calm. It is a vehicle for meditation and a powerful method of self-transformation. SPRING INTO HEALTH! ASHTANGA YOGA Get ready to sweat it out at Carnoustie. The brisk moves under trained supervision generate internal heat, detox and purify the body, build core strength and tone the muscles. This dynamic and physically demanding practice with synchronized breathing also calms the mind and reduces stress and helps keep weight in check.

CONNECT YOUR BODY AND MIND AT CARNOUSTIE - MEDITATION If we know the divine art of concentration, if we know the divine art of meditation, if we know the divine art of contemplation, easily and consciously we can unite the inner world and the outer world. –Sri Chinmoy Meditation is the state of existing fully in the here and now. Naturally arriving at this stage through the practice of “one-pointedness”, clears the cluttered mind of conflicting or random thoughts. This calm state promotes relaxation, builds internal energy or life force (qi, ki, prana, etc.) and helps develop compassion, love, patience, generosity and forgiveness. Its ultimate objective is to enable its practitioner to enjoy an indestructible sense of well-being while engaging in any life activity. Meditation takes you into the present moment, the only place where life exists. The way we breathe in and out; right now, right here!

rupa-lavaya-bala-vajra-samhanantvani kaya sampat The perfection of the body consists of beauty, charm, strength and the power of thunderbolt. - Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

CLEANSE YOURSELF AT CARNOUSTIE - KRIYA The Six Cleansing Kriyas are a powerful way to detoxify and purify your body from the inside out. At Carnoustie techniques like; jala neti, kapalbhati and tratak are practised under supervision for total wellness. Kriya balances and moves prana through all the chakras, which cleanses, purifies and rejuvenates all the vital organs Jal Neti Kriya Benefits • Positive influence on all sense organs. • Strengthens vision and relieves tired eyes. • Relieves headaches. • Improves memory and concentration. • Cures nasal congestion and sinus cavities. • Cures fever and pollen allergies. Sutra Neti Kriya Benefits • Thorough cleansing of the nose. • Massages the catheter • Cures respiratory problems or narrow nostrils

Yoga is not about self-improvement, it is about self-acceptance. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

TRATAK KRIYA BENEFITS • Purifies the eyes. • Strengthens eye muscles. • Improves vision and memory. • Cures sleeping disorders. • Develops intuition.

KAPALBHATI KRIYA BENEFITS • Generates heat in the body. • Helps dissolve toxins and waste. • Adds lustre and beauty to your face. • Improves digestion. • Improves the function of kidneys and liver. • Cures intestinal problems. • Reduces eye stress. • Cures dark circles around the eyes. • Improves blood circulation.

DUDHA NETI KRIYA BENEFITS • Extracts all the impurity and bacteria filled mucus from the nasal and sinus cavities. • Restores body’s mechanisms. • Increases immunity • Cures nasal allergies like hay fever, sinusitis and other respiratory conditions like sore throats, chronic coughs and colds, post nasal drips, adenoids and tonsillitis.

KUNJAL KRIYA BENEFITS • Cleanses and stimulates the stomach, oesophagus, lungs, chest, heart, throat, nose, eyes, ears, and sinus. • Balances the vayu (wind) the upward moving prana-vayu in the body. • Removes stomach, throat, asthma, and lung affliction.

BREATHE EASY AND CONNECT WITH YOURSELF AT CARNOUSTIE - PRANAYAMA Pranayam means control of pran or vital force. According to the sage Patanjali it means controlled breathing which includes deep inhaling, exhaling and retention of breath. Pranayam occupies a central position in the Indian yogic system; it is said to liberate the soul. With the practise of pranayama techniques, one can control the rhythms of pranic energy and achieve a healthy body and mind.

The mastery of yoga is not just about the ability to mastering asana, pranayama and meditation, but by how it influences our day-to-day wellbeing, how it enriches our relationship and how it gives clarity and peace of mind. - Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

REFLECT - DISCOVER - EXPLORE - INSPIRE & ENRICH YOURSELF... YOGA BEYOND THE YOGA MAT! SADHANA! It is believed that Sādhanā can steer anyone to a new course of happiness and well-being. Our trained yoga instructors help you with various techniques of Sadhana to calm the mind. When we go within, we can become more powerful in terms of creating the life we want for ourselves. We can begin to define the quality of our lives and what we choose to focus on and manifest. By moulding the external world to match our internal world, we consciously bring responsibility and empowerment into our lives. At Carnoustie life is a celebration! And yoga enhances and revitalises our lives! It gives you the confidence and realization that you can actually achieve more than you think, without aggravation, stress and struggle. Carnousitie’s conscious holistic yogic practice unites body, mind and soul. A flawless union! A life worth living!


Mararikulam, Chennaveli, Chethy (P.O.)Alappuzha, Kerala, India 688530 Ph +91 478 2830400 Fax +91 478 2830499 Web: Email:

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