10 Life-Changing Principles Your Oncologist Didn’t Tell You

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10 Life-Changing Principles Your Oncologist Didn’t

Tell You

(and other strategies to take control of your health)

Proudly provided by

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This eBook is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease


Hey there,

My name is Adrian, I am the CEO here at CancerDoctor.com.

Our mission is to be the world's #1 resource for integrative cancer care.

When I was 17 years old, my mom was diagnosed with T-Cell Lymphoma

Since we knew nothing about cancer at the time, we simply followed our General Practitioner and assigned Oncologist's orders.

Miraculously, when I was 18 years old, my mom was given a declaration of full remission.

Clear scans.

But... only a few months later, after I'd turned 19 and had proposed to my wife,

we found out that tumors had metastisized to my mother's brain.

We likely would've caught this earlier if our oncologist had orderd a full head-to-toe scan.

However, she decided to take on another round of chemotherapy just to ensure she would make it to our wedding

2 months before my high-school sweetheart and I made our covenant official, my mother passed away from complications caused by the tumors in her brain.

The current cancer care system failed us. Don't let it fail you too.

CancerDoctor.com exists to help you discover the options my family didn't know existed.

...with resources to get you started.

#1: Support your Immune System

We've all heard of our immune system.

However, most of us rarely ever think about it... until you or your loved one receives a cancer diagnosis

At that moment, your immune system becomes your life-line

S ee when cancer forms, excluding geneticly formed cancers, there is a failure in the immune system.

Most people don't realize this, but every single person on the earth is walking around with cancer cells in their body.

The differentiator between your average joe and a diagnosis is your immune system is usually able to handle them on it's own

S o the key to prevention and ultimate intervention, is get your immune system working to it's fullest potential.

Here are some proven ways to support your immune system:

Implementing one of these at a time can greatly improve your immune system without adding more stress to your plate.

We'll talk about some more of these later, but if you're looking to get a jump-start; we highly recommend this clinically-proven over-the-counter immune support

P.S. we make $0 commission on that immune support. We're not here to make money off of you We're here to educate you about options you didn't know existed.

#2: Reduce Toxins in

Our environment is extremely saturated with toxic chemicals, fumes, gases, and radiation.

Things like PFAS, Fluoride, Chlorine, Chloramines, Lead, Chromium 6, Arsenic, Nitrates, Pesticides, and Herbicides are in basically everything we eat, drink, breath, and touch. Have proper nutrition (more about this later)

your life
good sleep 3
. 4 Take care of
cold showers
) 6
Exercise regularly (more on this later)
Consider taking clinically-proven over-the-counter immune support
(brush & FLOSS)
Try taking

This makes living a non-toxic life feel impossible.

However, there are some key things you can look into that could help reduce these toxins in your life:



Filter your tap water & remineralize it

Filter your indoor air

Nothing is going to be perfect, like I said, everything is in everything.

But at least you can decrease the saturation of which these toxins exist in your life.

#3: Eat like your life depends on it

Nutrition is key for your immune system but also for literally every other area of your body

Important things like your brain, muscles, bones, nervesou system, skin, blood circulation, and even mood.

S o what is the proper cancer diet?

You will hear arguments for everything...

Raw Meat





Pescatarian ... and so many more.

But honestly, nobody disagrees with simply eating the green things God created on the earth.

Dr. Michael Greger has an invaluable resource for facts about nutrition.

Start there

#4: Exercise like your life depends on it

Exercise is difficult. But it's absolutely neccessary to succeed.

Not sure where to begin?

Try this simple routine as you continue researching:

Rebounding: 1 minute/day - Build up to 15 minutes or more daily.

Walking: 30 minutes a day in the morning when the sun is rising

Strength Training: Use your own body weight. Deep squats, pushups, and pullups

Do the above 3 times every week for 90 days, then begin increasing or adding to the routine.

There is a lot of data that exists that a simple routine like this could improve outcomes for "certain" cancers. But mind you, the studies were done for "certain" cancers.

#5: Find true community

As humans, we are relational beings.

We weren't meant to do life alone.

We need the support of others around us.

It's OK to have doubts during your cancer journey.

But remember you're not alone.

There are people in your corner, pulling for you to win this battle, praying for your health.

CancerDoctor.com actively supports HealingStrong, which connects, supports, and educates individuals facing cancer and other diseases with holistic, evidence-based, non-toxic therapies through empowering community groups.

At its core, HealingStrong seeks to create community, encourage education, and explore holistic methods for healing and staying strong.

It's a faith-based community and offers solutions that help individuals heal body, soul, and spirit.

HealingStrong groups are free to you.

The groups are led by individuals who volunteer their own personal time and talents to share information about nourishing foods, nutrients, supplementation, detoxification, emotional and spiritual health.

Learn more about HealingStrong

#6: Be disgustingly courageous

Courage isn't just about facing your fears; it's about charging towards them with unrelenting bravery.

Since consulting with hundreds of patients over the last 7 years, we know the most successful cancer patients share one significant trait: they are courageous to a fault.

They confront their diagnosis and treatment head-on, irrespective of the opposition, whether from within their circles or from within themselves.

This kind of courage is not passive—it is active, dynamic, and almost heroic

It's about choosing to run towards the battle, not away from it

This courage is crucial in driving successful treatment outcomes.

#7: Be 100% Committed

Commitment in your cancer journey involves an active participation in your treatment.

You have to accept and realize that this is not a passive process.

It's about making consistent choices that align with your health goals, day in and day out, and doing so with tenacity and perseverance.

This isn't just about following doctors' orders; it's about fully integrating your treatment into your lifestyle.

This commitment could mean changing how you eat, live, and interact with others to ensure you are doing everything possible to support your treatment.

We encourage you to embrace this commitment as if your life depends on it, because in many ways, it does

And speaking of changing...

#8: Be ready to Change everything

Change is a pivotal part of the cancer journey.

Those who thrive are often those who are willing to overhaul their lifestyles to foster healing.

This means altering not just your diet or exercise routine, but potentially your job, your relationships, and other fundamental aspects of your life

Be prepared to make tough decisions, to cut ties with negativity, and to step into new habits and environments that support your health.

#9: Build a support sta of qualied doctors

We know the #1 question among newly diagnosed cancer patients is "Who can help me?" .

This is excruciatingly difficult to answer.

Why? Because patients have to:

Stumble across an Alternative Doctor through a censored search engine 1

Carefully determine if that Doctor is legitimate when so many in our space are FOS 2 ... And spend hours figuring out how to even contact their staff. 3

This is absurd.

Well, at least it was until our team did all that work for over 600 Doctors & 800 Treatment Centers across the globe.

...And guess what?

We found the best of the best cancer treatment centers,

S ome great centers that support cancer & general wellness, And also some local options to simply support your journey, no matter where you are with health.

#10: Give your life to Jesus

Do you know the Gospel of Jesus?

The word Gospel means “good news”. It’s pretty important to understand that

The Bible is not a book that tells us what we have to do to earn salvation, it is a book that tells us what God did to earn our salvation.

What he did was send Jesus.

Jesus did for us what we could never do for ourselves and he paid for what we had done in his body on the cross.

God created human beings and intended for them to be ruling creatures.

We were supposed to be under God but over everything else.

We were supposed to rule over creation under the guidance and authority of God’s Word and to function as conduits for all the blessings of heaven

That’s how it was supposed to be, but unfortunately, the Bible tells the story of how our first parents, Adam and Eve, fell into sin by choosing to rebel against God’s Word in order to become autonomous ruling creatures.

Basically, they wanted to be gods unto themselves, deciding good and evil.

From that point on, humanity has been on a downward spiral moving further and further away from God and our original design and glory.

The heart of the Gospel is the Good News that Jesus has come as God in the flesh and has obeyed God perfectly and has therefore won the right to all the blessings God originally intended to give to men and women.

Furthermore, through his sacrificial death on the cross, he has paid the debt that we owed to God for disobeying his commands.

There is therefore no need anymore for us to hide from God.

In Jesus, we can come home and we can be restored.

The climax of the Gospel is the great news that he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where he now intercedes on our behalf

He gives the Holy Spirit to all his people and he slowly but surely, changes our hearts, reforms our desires and teaches us how to be the children of God we were always intended to be.

For now, Jesus remains in heaven, changing the world one person at a time, but one day he will return and judge the world in righteousness.

He will remove from this world all sin and all causes of sin and he will restore the cosmos to a state of peace, prosperity and flourishing and all those who have received him as their Lord and S avior will participate in his rule and enjoy his goodness forever.


Thank you so much for checking out this resource provided by CancerDoctor.com

We pray that it has blessed you in more ways than we could imagine.

If you're looking for prayer, you can submit a request here.

God bless you and your loved ones

~ Adrian, CEO CancerDoctor com


We negotiated an exclusive, limited-time group discount for the clinically-proven over-thecounter immune support we mentioned earlier...

This is our #1 recommendation for reducing your risk.

For a little while longer, you can grab the world's best Immune-Support at 40% OFF.

Again, we don't make ANY commissions on this.

We promote it because it works.

Who says it works?

O ver 200,000 published research studies prove it works

Have thoughts about this ebook?

Please send them to support@cancerdoctor.com

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This eBook is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

At Cancer Doctor, our resources (including our newsletter and ebooks) occasionally contain affiliate links to help support our mission. This does not impact your experience but merely supports our efforts to provide newly diagnosed cancer patients, caretakers, and those simply looking to reduce their risk with the best integrative cancer resources in the world.

God bless,

Your friends at Cancer Doctor

Proverbs 4:20-22

2500 Dallas Highway, Suite 202-1128, Marietta, GA 30064

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