There are over 85,000 chemicals in our environment today and the synergy of these chemicals have never been tested. They are in our air, our water, on our food and in our homes.
Toxic chemicals pervade every aspect of our lives and as a result, we have to adjust the way we operate in the world so that we can maintain our health. Learning where these chemicals may be lurking is an important step. We need to know where they may be, in order to minimize our exposures.
Prevention is always your first line of both offense and defense. Avoid chemical laden household cleaners, personal care products, plastics, processed foods, and cookware.
A great reference tool to identify these products is with the Environmental Working Group (EWG.org), Skin Deep database for which personal care products to avoid and which to utilize and provides a wealth of information including the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15, lists of which foods to buy organic and which conventionally grown options are non-toxic.
There are resources on avoiding “forever chemicals” like BPA and perfluorcarbons and which fish are high in mercury, and which are safer to eat
Hydration is critical for kidney health as well as for flushing out toxins.
Drink 8-12 oz of water first thing in morning with some fresh squeezed lemon. Continue supporting your body all day by drinking water consistently throughout the day. Goal amounts of water should be about 1 oz for every kg of body weight you are. Drinking lemon or lime water or carbonated mineral water from glass bottles helps alkalinize the body which improves your body’s ability to detoxify.
Minimize alcohol, sugary drinks and sodas. Avoid drinking beverages from plastic bottles or cans!
The plastics will contain phthalates and the cans are lined with BPA.
Most of them cause glucose dysregulation and can contribute to the development of diabetes. These also cause gut microbiome disruption, leading to abnormal gut health, with increase inflammation, disrupted bile acid production, reduced beneficial SCFA production which the colon cells require for energy.
Our microbiome is important for detoxification also. In fact, there is a complex bidirectional interaction between microbiome and toxicants, especially toxic metals, pesticides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) such as dioxin, furans and PCBs. These chemicals induce gut dysbiosis and affect microbiome metabolic processes leading to metabolic, inflammatory, immune and malignant diseases.
Incorporate organic green leafy vegetables and cruciferous veggies. Veggies such as Komatsuna, Shungiku, mistuba, spinach, perilla, kale, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, green lettuce, sweet pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and celery enhance the excretion of fat soluble toxins, meaning that these foods alone were able to help the body mobilize and remove some of the most difficult to eliminate toxins from the body such as PCBs, Chlorinate pesticides and the perfluorocarbon.
Eat the rainbow and incorporate new vegetables into your diet. If tolerated, add onions & garlic as these sulfur containing vegetables have numerous health benefits. Load up on organic berries: Raspberries and blueberries contain many antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids that help support our natural detoxification process.
Even though sweat is 99% water, small amounts of heavy metals and bisphenol A (BPA) have been detected in sweat. You can promote sweating either by exercising vigorously, hot yoga class or using sauna. Any form of sweating will support detoxification, but sauna has been shown to help mobilize a number of environmental chemicals, including: PBDEs/PBBs Flame retardants,Toxic Metals – lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum, Phthalates, Bisphenol A, Organochlorine pesticides, Some PCBs, Solvents - Hexachlorobenzene and toluene, even Mycotoxins!
Sauna therapy has also been shown to be helpful in reducing risk of heart disease, reduction in hypertension, lower risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s. In fact, a Finnish study showed that regularly using sauna 4 to 7 times weekly were 65% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s Dementia. There are also studies of sauna use leading to reduction in depression, pain, improvements in asthma and bronchitis, autoimmunity and chronic fatigue.
Adequate sleep for adults is between 7 and 9 hours, but many people struggle to fall asleep and/or stay sleep. Lack of sleep links to both short- and long-term health consequences, such as stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. And we now know that sleep is essential for detoxification! Our glymphatic system in the brain kicks in and eliminates waste products during sleep Discovered in just 2012, the glymphatic system or glial-dependent lymphatic transport, is our brain’s waste clearance system. It works by removing proteins and metabolites from the central nervous system and supplying the brain with nutrients such as glucose, lipids and neuromodulators. New research suggests that dementias are associated with sleep disruption and that our lifestyle choices such as sleep position, alcohol intake, exercise, omega-3 consumption, intermittent fasting and chronic stress all modulate glymphatic clearance. In case you were wondering which sleeping position is the most efficient for glymphatic drainage, the right lateral sleeping position as opposed to patients with dementia who were found t d h l percentage of time in the you are not getting enoug you might have sleep apn please see your health car
Regularexercise regardlessofbody weight isassociatedwithalongerlife andareducedriskofmanyconditionsand diseases,includingtype2diabetes,heart disease,highbloodpressure,andcertain cancers Itreducesinflammation,increases endorphinswhichimprovesmood, reducesanxietyandimprovesfatigue.
Thereisreallynothingthatbeatsexercise intermsofbenefits!
Exercisehelpmovethelymphatics–similartothebrains’glymphaticsystem,to mobilizeandeliminatetoxins,enablesour lungstoexhalemorecarbondioxideand supportsourliverandkidneystoremove toxinsalso.
There are a number of specific supplements which can help support detoxification I have so many favorites it is hard to pick just a few!
Glutathione is the master antioxidant It is critically important for all aspects of detoxification It is part of every detox program we have at the Spring Center Glutathione is involved with immune regulation and improves defense against intracellular infections Liposomal forms are best for bioavailability. Some patients have trouble with glutathione, can try Nacetyl cysteine which is the building block of the peptide glutathione
Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is probably my favorite supplement on the planet because it is the building block of every cell membrane, including our mitochondrial organelle membranes, in our bodies When we take PC, we are able to mobilize any toxicant or toxin that is sitting on our cell membrane, in our mitochondrial membrane, even on our DNA.
Probiotics are on my list due to the beneficial activity of shifting the microbiome. Many studies confirmed that probiotics are an effective, feasible, and inexpensive tool for preventing toxin-induced dysbiosis and alleviating their toxicity.
Magnesium has nearly 300 functions in the body and most people are magnesium deficient so it is essential that magnesium be part of a protocol If someone is struggling with constipation, likely they are magnesium deficient It also boosts anti-inflammatory effects, improves mood, sleep and digestion It also reduces risks for migraines and improves PMS symptoms It can promote heart health and stabilize blood sugars and reduce blood pressure
And detox your negative thoughts. I find that when patients engage with negative self-talk or hang on to negative experiences, they struggle to release the physical toxins in their lives.
Our bodies reflect the thought patterns of our minds. If our minds are cluttered and stuck in patterned behaviors that no longer serve us, our bodies may be similarly stuck.
I know it is hard to shift our way of thinking. Start small. Begin a simple gratitude practice with some deep breathing. Write down 3 things that you are grateful for in your life. As you continue this practice, it will get easier and you will discover more and more things in your life that are beautiful and for which you are grateful. Slowly you can expand your practice to incorporate other positive shifts, like setting intentions and envisioning even more positive and uplifting things. As you release old patterns, fears and worries in your mind, you will release the toxins in body and your health will flourish!
Consider colon hydrotherapy and/or coffee enemas! These are the fastest ways to jump start your detox protocol. They work similarly. With the coffee enemas, the coffee absorbs from the rectum into the portal venous system and heads straight to the liver where several ingredients in the coffee induce the liver to flush and the gallbladder to dump bile, where a number of toxic chemicals, including mold toxins are stored. They dump in the GI tract and get flushed out! The only difference with the colon hydrotherapy or colonics is that there is usually more water used, and it is the stretching of the colon wall that triggers the gallbladder to dump the toxin containing bile into the GI tract for removal.
thanks for reading! thanks for reading!
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