Change Your Gut In As Little As 3 Days!

Welcome to your 3 Day Gut Cleanse – a 3 day “reset” button for optimizing how you feel from the inside out—starting with your gut (the gateway to health)
Gut Health 101
In case you’ve been living under a rock, your gut is connected to everything-including your health, your head and your heart (“gut feelings”). When you go with your gut—and focus on feeling good inside—you become unstoppable.
Your Gut Affects Everything
Immune System
Did you
Immune System
Brain & Mindset
Research shows it only take 3 days to start changing your gut microbiome and feeling amazing?! Yup!
Enter: The 3 Day Gut Cleanse!
All you have to do? Just 2 primary “to-dos” for the next 3 days!
To do #1: Implement Your 5 Gut Love Habits (in this guide)
To do #2: Complete Your Daily Checklist and Daily Progress Tracker
That. Is. It. (No crazy juice cleanses or no-carb diets here!).
Use this guide for “all you need to know” and let’s go with our gut together!
It’s all about the little things.
Integrate these 5 habits each day during your cleanse for gut optimization.
Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of filtered water daily, starting with 16 ounces of warm lemon water & a pinch of sea salt.
Boost your digestive system by eating mindfully, in a calm state.
Eat a protein, fat and fiber in three balanced meals daily.
Move daily and sleep deeply.
Start and end your day with a healing practice that replaces passive scrolling with intentional well-being.
It’s all about the little things.
Integrate these 5 habits each day during your cleanse for gut optimization.
Hydrate your body.
Boost your digestion
Fuel your body.
Move daily and sleep deeply.
Start and end your day right.

Nix the coffee for 3 days! Instead: hydrate every cell in your body!

Drink water daily – Half your bodyweight in ounces of pure, ltered water daily, starting off with 16 ounces of warm lemon water + a pinch of Himalayan sea salt.

Fun Fact: Water flushes your lymphatic system, lemon stimulates liver detox and stomach acid production, and sea salt aids in absorption of nutrients!
Next Level

Drink 1 green juice or celery juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (after water). Talk about feeling up!
Fun Fact: Celery juice is a natural liver and gallbladder “flush" and helps your gallbladder release bile for golden poo and digestive enzyme production

Boost digestion! Before meals, take 3 to 5 deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth, and chew your food really well until fully liqui
Next Level

Take a Gut Luv Shot with 1-3 meals. Add 1 to 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar to 4-8 oz of water and drink.
Fun Fact: It takes 20 minutes for your brain & body to register if it feels satiated or full!
Chewing your food helps with hunger-fullness cues and appropriate hunger-fullness signals to keep you from feeling sluggish.

Nourish your gut bugs! Eat a protein, fat & Here’s a quick cheat sheet.
• Breakfast: Protein shake or leftover meat, avocados & veggies.
• Lunch: Drink some bone broth or add a fermented food like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, water kefir, pickles, coconut yogurt.
• Supper: Add something green and something colourful like sautéed greens and a roasted sweet potato, or green beans and roasted rainbow carrots.
• Take a Break: Eat your first meal 12 to 14 hours after your dinner time meal. For example, if you finished dinner at 8 p.m. try not to eat again until 8-10 a.m. the next day.
Next Level

Add in a Gut Booster: Cup of bone broth, 1-2 fermented foods/daily.
Fun Fact: Food is the #1 tool we have to change our gut microbiome. See your Cleanse Nutrition Cheat Sheet for inspiration!
Basically: “Work and play.” We need a balance of movement and rest to balance our gut, circadian rhythms (biological clock) and stress hormones.

Move your body in some way each day during your cleanse for 45-60 minutes (even walking or yoga are great, just do something you enjoy that gets you moving)!

Rest. Prioritize restoration. Turn off bright lights in the evenings (use lamps, candles) and sleep in darkness (or use an eye mask) with your phone on Airplane mode (cut EMFs). Don’t worry about perfection, just get it as dark as possible and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep.
Next Level:

Already workout and get great sleep? Take things up a notch and include a daily walk, yoga flow, sauna session, or hot detox bath.
Fun Fact: Chronic cardio (overtraining) AND sleep deprivation wreak havoc on the gut— increasing leaky gut, inflammation and toxins in the body, impairing blood sugar and decreasing healthy gut bacteria.

Enjoy a Screen-Free morning and bedtime routine each day (at least no email checking). Consider it something you’re giving yourself vs something you’re taking away.
Morning Routine Ideas:
• Start the day with your 3 Day Gut Cleanse Training
• Drink 8-16 oz warm lemon water + pinch sea salt

• Get some movement, breath and sun in—even 5 minutes.
Bedtime Routine Ideas:
• Sip a cup of hot herbal tea
• Take a hot shower or sauna
• Read a book, pray or journal
How To Prep for Success
1. Review & Print Out Your 5 Gut Luv Habits
2. Pick a Meal Plan from the Cleanse Nutrition Blueprint
3. Pick up + Prep any Foods Needed
4. Print Nourishing Yes Foods & Not Right Now Foods
5. Use your Daily Checklist and Daily Progress to "work" your Cleanse
Here’s some optional products that will help you thrive!

Gut Love Shots
• Apple Cider Vinegar: Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
• Optional Honey: Manuka Honey or Raw Honey

Bone Broth
• Kettle & Fire Bone Broth
• Fond Bone Broth

Protein Powder
• Gut Luv Shake

Cleanse Powder
• Pure Paleo Cleanse
• Pure Paleo VegeCleanse (vegan)

Gut Love Tea & Coffee
• Bloating Busters: Ginger Tea or Peppermint Tea
• Golden Poo: Smooth Move Tea
• Coffee Alternatives: Teecino, Mudwter, Rooibos Tea, Cinnamon Tea, Green Tea
My Daily Intention or Goal:
5 Gut Luv Habits

Drink 1/2 bodyweight in ounces

Chewed my food really well & took a deep breath before eating meals

Gut Luv Shot (apple cider vinegar) or Enzymes/Bitters with meals

B _L _D Ate protein, healthy fat, fiber (veggie or fruit)
Tried something new or different (What? )
3-6 Veggies
Bone Broth
1 Fermented Food

Move (How? )

Screen-Free Bedtime Routine
Morning & Evening Routine
No e-mail, texting or social media scrolling 10-60 minutes upon waking and also at bedtime

Small daily habits lead to BIG changes so give it all you got!
Drank 16oz of warm lemon salt water
Nourish: Breakfast
Had my morning protein
Nourish: Lunch
Added broth and probiotics to lunch
Nourish: Snack
Had a protein or healthy fat
Nourish: Supper
Added probiotics to supper
Cleanse: Poo
I poo’d today
Cleanse: Gut Love Shots
Had a Gut Love Shot after a meal
Cleanse: Sweat
I worked up a sweat
Cleanse: Recharge
I slept 7-9 hours last night


Here’s a simple food guide to make meal planning as good as done for your 3 Day Gut Cleanse!
Breakdown Ideal Gut Timing
Hydrate First thing in the morning
Breakfast 6-9 am, or after a 12-hour Intermittent Fast (before coffee)
Lunch Between 12 - 3 pm
Fuel Up
Start off w/ 16 oz warm water + pinch sea salt
Drink 8-12 cups (64-120 oz) daily
Optional: 8-12 oz celery juice
Gut Love Shake or High Protein Breakfast
Gut Love Bowl or Broth-Based Soup with Meat or Dinner Leftovers
Supper Between 6 - 9 pm
What About Snacks? 1 to 2 per day, if needed
Simple Meal: Protein + Healthy Fat + Something Green + Resistant Starch (Veggie)
Pick from the Gut Loving Snack or Gut Love Treat list
Optional Add a "Gut Booster" to any meal - Cup of Broth - Fermented Food - Gut Luv Shot (Apple Cider Vinegar)
This is just an example. You do NOT need to follow this to a tee. Simply focus on making 1 or 2 small changes if it feels overwhelming. You will know what is a “win” for you.
Starter 16 oz Warm Water + Sea Salt 16 oz Warm Water + Sea Salt 16 oz Warm Water + Sea Salt
Meal 1
Meal 2
Breakfast Hash (ground chicken or turkey, rainbow chard, yellow squash, mushrooms, sautéed in ghee), Half Avocado
Chicken Salad Lettuce Wrap, Cup of Bone Broth
Gut Love Shake*
Meal 3
Snack (Optional)
Gut Love Treat (Optional)
Grassfed Beef Burger Patty, Sweet Potato Chips*, Sauteed Spinach
Celery Juice
Cinnamon Tea + 70-100% Dark Chocolate Square
Gut Love Bowl* (with Leftover Burger Patty)
Protein Pancakes, Organic Chicken Sausage
* Recipe Included
Baked Chicken Thighs*, Sautéed Baby Bok Choy, Winter Squash
Cup of Bone Broth
Homemade Coconut Ice Cream*
Gut Love Bowl* (with Leftover Chicken Thighs, Butternut Squash, Mixed Greens, Avocado, Paleo Dressing, Sea Salt), Cup of Broth
Baked Cod or Salmon, Steamed Asparagus w/ Lemon & Olive Oil, Cooked & Cooled Red Potatoes
Handful Macadamia Nuts + Coconut Water Kefir (4 oz)
Handful Berries


Ground meat x 2 lbs (choice: bison, turkey, beef)
Chicken Thighs x 2 lbs
Pastured Eggs (for the yolks) x 1/2 dozen
Cod or Salmon x 1/2-1 lb
Organic Chicken Sausage (patties or links)
Bone Broth

6 Cartons/Jars (or make your own 1-2 cups/day)

Butternut Squash
Green beans
Rainbow chard
Sweet potato
Zucchini & yellow squash
Shittake mushrooms
Winter Squash x 2 of choice (butternut, kabocha, acorn, spaghetti squash)

Ghee or grass-fed butter
Fermented Foods

Water kefir or kombucha x 1-2 bottles
Fermented vegetable (pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut)
Celery Juice

3 pre-made organic celery juice (or 3 bunches celery to make your own)

Avocados x 2
Bananas x 2
Frozen berries
Healthy Fats

Almond butter or macadamia nut butter
Coconut butter
Coconut oil
100% Dark Chocolate or Keto Cups
Apple Cider Vinegar
Cacao & Almond Milk (for “hot chocolate)
Coconut Milk (canned, BPA free)
Coconut Yogurt
Coconut Aminos
Fresh herbs
Raw honey
Sea Salt
You don’t need to follow this to a tee. Simply focus on making 1 or 2 small changes if it feels overwhelming. You will know what is a “win” for you.
Starter 16 oz Warm Lemon Water + Sea Salt+ Celery Juice
Meal 1 Parfait (plain coconut yogurt, sliced bananas, unsweetened almond butter, collagen peptides/ protein powder)
Meal 2 Bean “Burrito” (Lettuce wrap with black beans or other beans, steamed cauliflower, nutritional yeast, greens, guacamole, butternut squash), Cup of Broth
Meal 3 Wild Salmon Burger*, Sweet Potato Chips*, Sauteed Spinach
Snack (Optional)
Gut Love Treat (Optional)
Handful Strawberries with Coconut Butter
Cinnamon Tea + 70-100% Dark
Chocolate Square
16 oz Warm Lemon Water + Sea Salt
16 oz Warm Lemon Water + Sea Salt
Gut Love Shake* Green Smoothie
* Recipe Included
Gut Love Bowl* (with Leftover Salmon Burger), Cup of Broth
Falafel* (or Chickpeas)
Sautéed Baby Bok Choy, Winter Squash, Olives, Coconut Water Kefir (4 oz)
Celery Juice + Handful Macadamia Nuts
Homemade Coconut Ice Cream*
Gut Love Bowl* (with Leftover Falafel, Squash, Sauerkraut, Greens, Avocado, Paleo dressing, sea salt), Cup of Broth
Baked Cod, Cooked and Cooled Red Potatoes w/ Olive Oil, Roasted Garlic & Asparagus
Pickled Cucumber/Veggies
Spoonful raw honey (1 tsp) with ghee (1 tsp) and sea salt
*Opt for organic, grass-fed and wild-caught

Canned wild caught salmon, 2 cans
Wild caught cod (or halibut), 1 lb
Chickpeas, 1 lb
Black Beans, 1 lbs
Bone Broth

6 Cartons/Jars (or make your own 1-2 cups/day)

Opt for organic as much as possible
Celery juice or Green juice (lemon or lime as the fruit) (for snacks or first thing in mornings)
Chard, 2-3 heads
Spinach, 1-2 heads
Mixed greens or greens of choice (for Gut Love Bowls)
Romaine lettuce, 1 head
Organic salad greens, 1 large container
Mushrooms, shiitake, 1 container
Yellow squash, 1-2
Asparagus, 1 bunch
Sweet potatoes, 1-2 large
Butternut squash (fresh or frozen) or other
winter squash (for 2 servings)
Red Potatoes, 1 lb
Garlic bulb

Berries, 1 container or frozen
Orange (for citrus glazed cod)
Lemons, 3-4
Extras & Snacks

Apple cider vinegar
Coconut Yogurt (plain)
Coconut milk, 2 cans (no additives)
Macadamia nuts, raw
Quality protein powder
Collagen peptides
Pickled cucumbers (find in fridge section by fermented foods)
Paleo salad dressings and mayo (Primal Kitchen)
Herbal teas (cinnamon, ginger, peppermint)
Dark chocolate (70-100%)
Raw honey
Kombucha or water kefir (1/2-1/day)
This is a Next Level Cleanse.
Already eat clean? Give your gut a break the next 3 days to “rest and digest” with a liquid-based, easy-to-digest, nutrient-packed cleanse.
Starter 16 oz Warm Lemon Water + Sea Salt 16 oz Warm Lemon Water + Sea Salt + Celery juice, 8 oz 16 oz Warm Lemon Water + Sea Salt
Meal 1 Gut Love Shake*
Gut Love Shake* Gut Love Shake*
Meal 2
Meal 3
2 Cups Bone Broth + Shredded Chicken + Cooked Chard, Mushrooms, Carrots
2 Cups Bone Broth + Grassfed Ground Beef + Cooked Green Peas & Carrots
2 Cups Bone Broth + Cod + Cooked Baby Boo Choy, Zucchini & Yellow Squash
Baked Salmon + Detox Green Goddess Soup*
Snack (Optional) 1 Scoop Gut Luv Powderin water or nut milk Bone Broth
* Recipe Included
Pulled Chicken + Detox Green Goddess Soup*
Cheeseburger Soup + Sautéed Greens*
1 Scoop Gut Luv Powderin water or nut milk Bone Broth Sautéed Greens*
Curb sweet cravings with these great options that keep you in control and won’t set you back!

Cinnamon tea
Dark chocolate square: 70-100%
Piece of fresh fruit or berries
Plain coconut yogurt + vanilla & monk fruit drops
Stewed apples with cinnamon
Spoonful of nutbutter or coconut butter w/ cacao nibs
Paleo Cookies*
Homemade Ice Cream*

Bone broth
Paleo-friendly protein powder (1 scoop, shake up in water or nutmilk)
Grass-fed jerky
Celery juice
Kimchi, sauerkraut or fermented veggies
Leftover protein or organic turkey/roast beef slices
Hummus/guacamole & cucumber
Lettuce wrap w/ tuna or chicken
Raw macadamia nuts (handful)
Raw nutbutter w/ celery sticks
* Recipe Included
organic, grass-fed and grass-finished, pasture raised:
• beef
• chicken
• lamb
• turkey
• bison
• organ meats
• arugula
• chard
• kale
• beet greens
• mustard greens
Other Veggies:
• artichokes
• asparagus
• bok choy
• broccoli
• cabbage
• cauliflower
• celery
• chives
• cucumbers
• wild-caught fish (salmon, halibut, sardines, cod, low mercury tuna)
• wild game
• sea vegetables
• spinach
• spring mix
• sweet potato
• greens
• garlic
• kale
• kohlrabi
• leeks
• lettuce
• onions
• parsley
• pumpkin
• radishes
Resistant Starch: (cooked & cooled)
• sweet potato
• potato
• winter squash
• carrots
• beets
• yams
• rhubarb
• shallots
• squash
• water chestnuts
• watercress
• zucchini
• rutabaga
• plantains
• turnips
• green peas
• parsnips
Fruits Top Picks (1 to 2 per day):
• apples
• apricots
• berries
• cherries
• grapefruit
• grapes
• lemons
• oranges
Fermented Foods:
• kimchi
• kombucha tea
• unsweetened
coconut yogurt
• coconut butter
• coconut cream
• coconut milk
• coconut oil
Healthy Fats:
• avocado
• extra virgin olive oil
• ghee
• grass-fed butter
• tallow
• lard
• peaches
• pears
• pineapple
• plums
• sauerkraut
• cultured/pickled vegetables
• water kefir
• unsweetened
coconut flakes
• unsweetened
coconut yogurt
• MCT oil
• coconut oil
• macadamia nuts
• meat [skin-on chicken, egg yolks, fatty salmon, fattier
Herbs and Spices: basil, black pepper, cilantro, coriander, cumin, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, sea salt, thyme
Natural Sweeteners: 100% stevia, 100% monk fruit, raw local honey, Manuka honey
Other: apple cider vinegar, herbal teas, sea moss
Sugars & Fake Sweeteners:
• candy
• dried fruit
• chocolate
• corn syrup
• fructose
• high fructose corn syrup
• erythritol
• maple syrup
• molasses
• sucrose
• agave
• generic (non-raw) honey
pastured yolks and cooked into recipes ok (ie. Paleo muffins, paleo salad dressings, etc.)
• cheeses
• cow’s milk
• creams
• frozen desserts
• goat’s milk
• amaranth
• barley
• buckwheat
• bulgur
• cereal
• corn
• couscous
• kamut
Beans and Legumes:
• black beans
• lentils
• peanuts
• margarine
• mayonnaise
• sheep’s milk
• whey
• yogurt (coconut ok)
• millet
• oats
• quinoa
• rice
• rye
• spelt
• wheat
• wheat germ
• peas
• pinto beans
• soybeans
Gluten & Gluten Containing Foods:
• baked goods
• barbecue sauce
• binders
• bouillon
• bread
• brewer’s yeast
• condiments
• emulsifiers
• fillers
• chewing gum
• hot dogs
• hydrolyzed plant and vegetable protein
• ketchup
• lunch meats
• malt vinegar
• edamame
• miso
• soy milk
• soy protein
Seed Oils:
• canola
• grapeseed
Coffee & Alcohol
• malt and malt flavoring
• matzo
• modified food starch
• monosodium glutamate
• nondairy creame
• processed salad dressings
• seitan
• some spice mixtures
• stabilizers
• teriyaki sauce
• textured vegetable protein
• soy sauce
• tempeh
• tofu
• vegetable oil
• takeout food
Other: canned foods, processed food

Here’s a pack of great-tasting recipes that will keep you (and your gut) on track!

What you’ll need

8 oz. ginger or rooibos tea (caffiene free)
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp ghee or MCT oil
1/4 cup kefir or coconut milk
1 scoop collagen peptides or 1/2
scoop Gut Luv Shake protein powder
1/8 tsp vanilla extract

1-2 droppers stevia, monk fruit, or Manuka honey
Mix or blend all ingredients together
What you’ll need

1 cup almond milk
(or milk of choice)
1 tbsp raw cacao powder
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
pinch sea salt
1 tbsp pure maple or dropper
100% stevia or monk fruit
1. Combine all of the ingredients in a saucepan over medium-high heat, and stir, using a whisk to break up any clumps. Keep stirring until smooth and piping hot.
2. Pour into a mug right away and serve warm. Top with coconut whipped cream and chocolate shavings, if desired, or any other toppings you love.

What you’ll need

1 tbsp nutbutter
1/2 large banana, broken into chunks
1 large egg
cinnamon and sea salt to taste
1. Heat a large skillet over medium heat; add butter.
2. Mash banana chunks in a bowl using a fork until it becomes a wet consistency. Add egg and nut butter and whisk mixture until batter is smooth.
3. Drop batter into the hot pan to make 2 pancakes. Cook until bubbles form and the edges are dry, about 3 minutes.
4. Flip and cook until browned on the other side, about 2 minutes. Done.
5. Serve with a side of organic turkey bacon or chicken sausage.

Choose from each category. Blend and sip.
Liquid - 1 Cup (choose one)

water kefir
unsweetened nut milk
coconut milk
Something Colourful (choose one)

1/2 cup frozen berries or pineapple
1/2 green tipped banana
1/2 green apple
other fruit of choice
1/2 cup steamed beets
1/2 cup roasted butternut squash
1/2 cup roasted carrots
Healthy Fat (choose 1-2)

1⁄2 avocado
dollop coconut yogurt
1 spoonful nutbutter
coconut butter
organic ground flaxseed
1 tbsp. MCT oil
Gut Boosters (you choose)

chaga mushroom powder
colostrum or IgG powder
collagen peptides
probiotic powder (from capsules)
splash water kefir or kombucha,
liposomal turmeric
apple cider vinegar
sea salt cinnamon ginger
pumpkin pie spice
vanilla, stevia, or monk fruit
cacao powder
manuka honey or organic raw honey
dark leafy greens
Protein - 1 Scoop

Quality protein powder (beef isolate, collagen, bone broth protein collagen peptides, grass-fed whey, non-GMO pea)
Suggested Protein Powders:
• Gut Luv Shake - Cleanse +
• Gut Luv Shake - Plant Based Cleanse +

Choose a protein, something green, something colorful and a healthy fat or two. Assemble all ingredients in a bowl and chow down. Enjoy!
Something Green
Serve steamed, cooked & cooled, or raw

kale/baby kale
spinach power greens/super greens
rainbow chard chard collards
baby bok choy
seaweed broccolini
Something Colourful (choose one)

roasted root veggie
roasted color carrots
winter squash (butternut, acorn, spaghetti, etc),
roasted summer squash
steamed beets
sweet potato

rotisserie chicken
canned wild salmon
tuna leftover dinner protein
Dressing (choose one)

paleo-friendly salad dressing
avocado mayo oil & vinegar
apple cider vinegar
lemon juice
Healthy Fat

avocado slices or guacamole
coconut butter
Add Ons

fermented food (cultured vegetables, pickled cucumber, kimchi, sauerkraut, etc.)

Protein grass fed beef

ground turkey
burger patty
homemade taco meat, chicken thighs

sea salt
fresh herbs
Burger Bowl
Arugula+ burger patty + paleo honey mustard + roasted carrots + crispy
Brussels sprouts + pickled cucumbers
Chicken Salad
Spring greens + shredded chicken + paleo mayo + roasted beets or chopped grapes + pickled cucumbers or sauerkraut + flax crackers
Salmon Bowl
Sautéed bok choy + baked salmon + rutabaga fries + avocado + ginger dressing

Gut Bowl Cheat Sheet
If you want to create your own bowls just follow this simple breakdown of what to include in any bowl:
1. Something green 1/3
2. Something colorful 1/3
3. Protein 1/3
4. Healthy fat
What you’ll need

1 lb ground beef/turkey/bisoin
1 tsp sea salt, divided
2 tbsp avocado oil/coconut oil/ghee
1 yellow onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup carrots, shredded
4 stalks celery, chopped
1 medium white sweet potato, chopped
(sub regular potato if tolerated)
5 cups chicken broth
1 cup coconut milk
1/2 tsp black pepper
3–4 slices of cooked bacon, chopped
1 tbsp parsley, chopped

1. Use a large soup pot and cook ground beef on medium heat and lightly salt. Cook until browned and set aside, draining excess fat.
2. Add oil to the same pot along with the diced onion and garlic and saute on medium heat until translucent. Add carrots, celery, sweet potato, parsley and sautee for 5 more minutes or until slightly softened.
3. Add chicken broth, coconut milk, salt, garlic, beef and stir to combine. Bring to a simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
4. Remove from heat and spoon into bowls for serving. Top with cooked bacon, parsley, coconut flakes and/or pickles if desired.
What you’ll need

3 medium or 2 large yellow onions, peeled and roughly chopped
1-2 zucchini, washed but not peeled, and roughly chopped
2 cups rainbow chard, washed and roughly chopped
8 stalks asparagus, washed, chopped & ends removed
½ cup packed cilantro (or fresh coriander, for Brits)
½ cup packed parsley
1. In a large pot, heat healthy fat over medium-high until warm. Add onions and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally,
2. Add zucchini, chard and asparagus and cook for 5 additional minutes.
3. Pour in bone broth stock and bring to boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 15-20 minutes.
4. Turn off heat and add garlic, then let cool, uncovered, for 15 minutes.
5. Working in batches if necessary, blend with cilantro, parsley, lemon and sea salt until very smooth.

juice of 1 lemon or 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
3 tbsp raw, unrefined coconut oil or ghee
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 head garlic, cloves removed and minced or 1 tbsp minced garlic
4 cups bone broth
Optional: For Serving

splash of full fat coconut milk or dollop of coconut yogurt to garnish
Serves 4
Optional: If you want a pureed soup
Blend all ingredients (except the sautéed onions) in a high-speed blender before adding to the pot. Then add to a pot and heat for 15-20 minutes on medium high.

What you’ll need

1-2 lbs. Grassfed ground beef, turkey or meaty fish (cod, halibut, salmon)
sea salt and pepper, to taste
1 tsp. oregano
1/2 tsp. turmeric
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tbsp. garlic powder lemon, fresh squeezed
1. Season meat/fish with spices and lemon juice.
2. Pan-fry meat/fish in coconut oil on medium-low heat until cooked through.

coconut-flour tortillas (homemade or store bought) Slaw

1/3 cup avocado-oil mayo
10 oz. bag shredded cabbage
2 tbsp. lime juice
handful fresh cilantro 1/2 red onion (optional)
3. While cooking, mix slaw ingredients together.
4. Add fish and slaw to tortillas or lettuce wraps.
What you’ll need

1/2 cup coconut flour
4 large pastured eggs
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk (lite)
1/2 tsp. sea salt (optional)
1. In a large bowl, whisk ingredients together until smooth. Let sit for a 1-2 minutes. The batter will be very runny.
2. Heat a skillet over medium to medium-high heat and grease lightly with fat (avocado oil, ghee, or coconut oil).

3. Pour 1/4 cup of batter onto skillet and tilt to distribute evenly.
4. Cook, covered until the edges are golden and you see bubbles forming in the middle (about 1-2 minutes). Flip over, cover, and cook until browned on the other side.

Serve with sweet potato chips & sauteed greens!
What you’ll need

1 lb. bone-in chicken thighs
1 tbsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. dried oregano
2 tsps. sea salt
1 tbsp. thyme
1/2 lemon, fresh squeezed
1. Preheat the oven to 425 F. Line a cooking sheet with foil or parchment.
2. Mix the garlic powder, thyme, oregano, and salt in a small bowl.
3. Wash chicken thighs, dry skin well, and place on the baking sheet.
4. Sprinkle seasonings on each side.
5. Bake approx 45-50 minutes until the thighs are cooked through completely.

What you’ll need

1 lb. bone-in chicken thighs
2-3 sweet potato (Garnet, Japanese, White)
1 tbsp. avocado oil, coconut oil, or ghee, melted cinnamon, or other preferred seasonings
(sea salt, pepper, paprika, etc.)
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Slice potatoes into ‘chips’ (or fry style).
3. Place on baking sheet with parchment paper or greased with coconut oil.
4. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sea salt and drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil.
5. Bake for 40-60 minutes until desired crispiness.

What you’ll need

1 medium head cauliflower
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup Almond flour
Sea salt and pepper to taste
2 Tbsp parsley, minced
2 tsp cumin
For Cooking

1.5 cups coconut oil or palm shortening
Step 1
1. Cut the cauliflower into florets.
2. Chop the cauliflower in the food processor until it is fine.
3. Steam the cauliflower until al dente.
4. Squeeze the cauliflower in a clean towel to get rid of the excess water.
5. Place the cauliflower in a bowl then add the eggs, almond flour, salt, pepper, parsley and cumin.
For Tahini Dipping Sauce

1/2 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)
1/2 cup water
Salt and pepper to taste
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice 2 tsp garlic powder
Step 2
1. Heat up the oil in the frying pan over medium high heat.
2. Form the dough into 2-inch balls and carefully drop them into the hot fat.
3. Cook the falafel balls for two minutes then flip them with a slotted spoon.
4. Remove the balls and let them rest on a paper towel for two minutes
Serve with a large serving of roasted vegetable and tahini dipping sauce. Enjoy!

What you’ll need

1-2 heads of greens of choice (arugula, bok choy, chard, collards, spinach)
1-2 tsp ghee, grassfed butter or coconut oil
sea salt, to taste garlic cloves, 2-3 minced (optional)
1. Wash and dry lettuce if need be.
2. Heat fat on stove on medium heat.
3. If using garlic, toss into pan and sautee for 1-2 minutes before tossing greens into pan.
4. Season with sea salt
5. Cover with lid. Allow to sautee for 4-6 minutes, stirring occasionally, until cooked and wilted to preferred consistency.

What you’ll need

½ cup unsweetened applesauce
½ cup unsweetened almond butter
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 Tbsp coconut flour
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. In a medium-size mixing bowl, combine applesauce, almond butter, egg and vanilla. Whisk until smooth.
3. Add in coconut flour, ground flax, cinnamon, baking soda and salt. Combine until well mixed.
4. Fold chocolate chips into the batter.

2 Tbsp ground flax*
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp cinnamon (optional)
¼ tsp salt
¼ cup dark chocolate chips, chopped
5. Let the batter sit 5 minutes to thicken.
6. Use a large cookie scoop to scoop the batter onto the lined baking sheet. Each cookie should be about 2 tablespoons in size, making 10-11 cookies.
7. Place the cookies in the oven and bake at 350 degrees F for 10-12 minutes. Remove from oven, cool slightly on the baking sheet, then transfer to a wire cooling rack.
Blend and freeze.

1/2-1 cup almond milk or coconut milk
1/2 cup frozen fruit
Pinch cinnamon
Pinch sea salt


1 scoop paleo protein powder (chocolate or vanilla)
1-2 tbsp organic cacao powder or 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, no alcohol

1 tbsp raw organic apple cider vinegar
4-8 oz filtered water.
If desired, sweeten with

1 tsp raw honey or pure maple syrup
Sip or chug after each meal.

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