I am so excited that you chose to become a cheerleader for your health and wellness! The Medicine of Mindset Summit, which you have just registered for, is challenging the status quo around what we have come to believe 'medicine' is.
Although I do respect that there is a time and a place for all kinds of medicine, I want to share that I lived in pain for years and years (maybe like you are right now or someone who you know is). I was trying to navigate a medical system that told me that my pain was in my head, that I was seeking attention and that I should have a nice life. After some dark days, I chose to become an advocate for myself and to find solutions to my pain so that I could live the life I knew I deserved. And do you know what, that is exactly what I did!
I created this 4 Part Mindset Boosters E-Guide to help you understand that when you create an environment for change by giving your body and mind what it needs from the most basic building blocks of health, magic can happen.
These are the 4 steps that I took day by day when I decided to change my mindset around my pain. I encourage you to start today, these 4 steps can be done one day at a time or all in one day - they will take only minutes, I promise! You will be on your way to improving the way your trillions of cells function, your energy, pain,
See you on the 24th of January for an amazing week of world class experts who will share their knowledge in bite-sized pieces so that you can implement what resonates with you and feel the impact a light, loving abundant mind can have on you!
- Jana
Take a glass of water to bed with you and leave your bedroom in the morning with an empty glass.
Kickstarting your hydration is key!
(side note - if you are someone who is often bloaty........there is a HUGE chance that you are dehydrated!!).
What? Gratitude in a health and wellness toolbox?? Heck YES!! Your brain does not know the difference between gratitude and success.
Soooooooo....if we are really going to transform our bodies from the inside out together we need to create the environment for change.
This is our mindset. This is a non-negotiable for me! At night before you doze off for the night, replay your day and identify 3 moments in your day that you are grateful for (and don’t forget, even the crummy things have a lesson attached to them!) say these out loud so you can hear them!
3 times a day (I suggest around breakfast, lunch and dinner) bring awareness to your posture. If you are standing you should have 60% of your weight back on your heel bone and 40% across the widest part of your foot (not the pads of your toes though)! If you are sitting, feel for those boney butt bones, your weight should be 'up' on those bony butt bones in order to optimize core activation while sitting.
Yep, you heard me right!!! You can be working your core all day long with simply sitting right (plus you can improve low back and hip pain and digestive/elimination issues!).
You have a muscle in your torso called the diaphragm. This is your MAIN muscle of respiration! Yet most of us do not use it! 3 times a day breathe diaphragmatically 10 times in through your nose like you are smelling the roses and then out of your mouth like you are fogging up a mirror.
Tip - on the inhale your belly should fill with air and on the exhale, it should empty.
Implementing these changes literally take minutes a day. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to live a life packed with vitality! Join me today!
Jana Danielson is an award-winning wellness entrepreneur who through her own experience with physical pain turned her mess into her message which has now become her mission. She is an Amazon International Best Selling Author, Founder of Lead Pilates and Lead Integrated Health Therapies and the Metta District, her online wellness community. Jana is the host of the Medicine of Mindset Summit. She is also the creator of the Cooch Ball, the world’s first patented pelvic floor fitness tool for women. Jana has coached and consulted with tens of thousands of women from all over the world to help improve their quality of life, their confidence,andtheirimpactinthisworld.
Learn more about Jana Danielson by following her on Instagram!