5 Ways To Hydrate You've Never Heard Of

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5 Ways to Hydrate You’ve Never Heard of

The Hydration Foundation + World Water Conference

Gina shares her findings from desert communities on ways to hydrate in our ever-more dehydrating world, Without Drinking Ever-more water

The SET UP: Hydration runs every system in our bodies

But we don’t typically turn to hydration as our UPSTREAM SOLUTION

For whole systems rescue Yet Hydration is the basis of all cell biology.

https://www.worldscientific.com › worldscibooks

By (author):; Mae-Wan Ho (Institute of Science in Society, UK) ... It offers a panoramic perspective of cell biology based on water

The Problem

At the same moment we live in ever more dehydrating environments, comparable to deserts (think nursing homes, hospitals, schools, cars and planes)

But guzzling 8 glasses a day

Can have unforeseen consequences

Flashflooding our systems in as little as 10 minutes

And flushing out the very nutrients and electrolytes

Needed for tissue and intracellular hydration to get to whole systems coordination and healing



this presentation you’ll learn

First, some background

How did I get here:

As an anthropologist I was studying hydration strategies around the globe

Why are desert people, the most challenged communities, hydrated without drinking 8 glasses a day?

I discovered a global answer, they use the water locked inside plants to hydrate, water in cactus, aloe, underground tubers, fruits, herbs and seeds

These communities absorb and transfer water into their tissues far more efficiently, due to fibers in food, which time-release the water AND the new science which confirms water in plants is in a 4th phase, carrying electoral charge from photosynthesis

Five Ways to Hydrate You Have Not Heard

1) Hydrate more with food, it’s better water, more organized by nature

2) Partner eating with drinking, but drink with a pinch of salt or add lemon, chia, cut up fruits or teas. Don’t drink a “Naked” glass of water

3) You must MOVE to distribute hydration once it’s in you, and moving adds electrical charge to the water within you

4) Get sunlight, it organizes the water molecules inside you just like it doers in plants. Use infrared light if you can’t get sun.

5) Kick off your shoes, walk in the grass. The Earth itself is an entire battery that releases charge through your skin and the soles of your feet. This charge organizes all the water molecules inside you making it easier for hydration to saturate your cells.

A word about SALT

A pinch of sea salt, celtic salt, desert salt, begins the electron sharing that changes waters molecules or alignment into 4th phase.

For a low sodium diet, recommendations are for no more that 1,500 mg.

1 pinch equals approximately 200 mg. That means you could add salt to 4 glasses of water and still be well under a low sodium recommendation, yet still bringing charge into your water

https://hydrationfoundation.org/the-role-of-hydration-and-salt-in-cell-energetics/ https://runningmagazine.ca/sections/runs-races/10k-runners-should-pre-hydratewith-salt-new-study-finds/

Groundbreaking news

A high plant diet, eating many fruits and veggies, even leafy greens (84 to 96% water) Is far more hydrating than guzzling liquid water.

Plant fibers and nutrients help water stay in our system

An apple is literally nature’s water bottle, perfectly proportioned with nutrients and electrolytes, water charged by the sun. It’s the charge that moves hydration into our cells

More Groundbreaking News

Not only are plants more water than we paid attention to,

So are we!

Let me take you on a 6 minute journey into yourselves to see what water looks like inside you.

Here’s a video we made to share the brilliant work of Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau, who put the first live video inside his patients to capture water in the fascia or the connective webbing that is everywhere inside us.


Now that you know…..

How much water you are made of

We can see how important hydration is Why it can be the upstream rescue we could be looking towards It would be hard not to recognize how optimal hydration would intercept many conditions And hard not to recognize how likely we are all dehydrated Indeed, Dr. Zach Bush says’ 100% of the patients in his clinic are suffering low-grade chronic dehydration.

Body Systems Run by Hydration

Circulation, Lymph and Interstitium

Brain, Glymph and all companion synovial fluids

Lung, Kidney and Liver, All Digestion and Elimination

Joints and marrow production, Muscle plasticity

Nerve conductivity and electrical function ( of course, water conducts electricity)

Fascia function, Cell protein-folding, Cell-to-cell signalling

Eyesight and hearing,

All reproductive function…. Did I leave anything out? YES:

Microbiome function (those microbes get dehydrated just as we do….)

Who is dehydrated

Who isn’t…... in the artificial, challenging dehydrating environment we live in?

Not only are our systems affected



Even our mood is effected:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6603652/ https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/142/2/382/4743487

What dehydrates us now-a-days?


Indoor living in artificial environments

Lack of fresh air and sunshine

Conditioned air and heating

Literally “dry wall” surrounds and synthetic materials like carpets, beds, couches, Offices, schools, hospitals, cars, planes, our commutes

Highly processed bad food, with dehydrating additives

High use of prescription medication (your doctor should recommend 2 cups of water and 1 aspirin!)

Contaminated water sources and air sources

Immobility and restricted motion (anthropologists tell us of the 300 moves a body is capap ble of by the time we are in highschool we only use about 30 motions

In effect, our modern lifestyles are comparable to desert living


But we can’t keep drinking ever more water



Water is 3 things at once: matter, energy and information, Isn’t just wet!

We missed water’s foremost job: to conduct electricity

All current breakthrough research on water is on its role conducting electricity, electrons and electromagnetic waves

There is a fourth phase of water, between liquid and ice, called liquid crystalline phase, it is what our blood is made of, our fascia, really all tissues, even our bone and bone marrow. This is phase that conducts electrical charge more efficiently than other phases or other forms such as vapor or liquid or ice.

Water, once in this state, is 1) a battery, and 2) a receiver and transmitter, superconducting information

This new identification still does not have an official name: you may have heard structured water, ordered water, coherent water, EZ water, liquid crystalline state and different names from different disciplines.

This water is found in all living cells

Water in this form is found in plants and it’s found in us,

Guzzling all that liquid means our body has to work to convert to the next form of gel state, and over drinking can even dilute the gel form. The two forms of water work together to move toxins out and balance frequencies.

This stage or phase of water is where water self-filters, sends signals, and dissolves nutrients for bioavailability and toxins for flushing out

This stage of water can be liquid-like, it starts at only 10% more viscous as liquid, through stages like synovial fluid, jelly-like like the brain, or even so structured it become cartilage and bone. It is the material we are made of, the fuel that runs us and the conductor of coherent information exchange

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnGCMQ8TJ_g&ab_channel=ThunderboltsPr oject

EMF and Hydration

We now know more about water what water molecules are doing.

They are multitasking in extraordinary ways we still have yet to discover, at speeds we cannot comprehend.

We’re leaving the old model behind where we kept looking for one pathway, one mechanism, like volume alone, for explaining waters function.

How many glasses a day is always the question you get about hydration. What we should be asking is what arrangement, what form, what alignment are the molecules in to send instructions to do what task, or what work, in the biology of the body.

This is why EMFs are so important, both the good and the bad. If we even want to speak of it in there that way, the relationship between water molecules and frequencies is the square dance between the instructions and the execution of all cell biology. We can’t keep separating water from frequencies, saying which one does what, because water conducts and shapes the incoming and outgoing (transmitting) frequencies. Water is constantly seeking to harmonize, orchestrate and modify every frequencies to support healing and growth.

It was never just volume or chemistry.

We can literally grow water inside us by charge, not by guzzling it

We are used to thinking of getting our water into us by volume, the fill ‘er up model.

But it is the electrical charge that transforms water from liquid into more dense and expanded gel form.

Shocking as this may seem, it is the same model identified by Robert Becker in the Body Electric, where electrical conduction is able to morph tissue from one form to another, Electrical charge is a way of saying life instructions to cell evolution

We watch body states change every day with a child growing from womb to birth to toddler to teenager, or a plant grow new leaves.

What does healing mean anyway, or life for that matter than a series of changes of states

Let’s put that together with the fact that all cell biology is water based

Frequencies and Hydration

So Electromagnetic charge produce waves made and carried by water, called frequencies, which transform cells and tissues Putting frequencies together with hydration is the future of medicine, healing and health. Use of light and sound therapies (information) can be our natural allies to make hydration harmonize and transform water from one phase (liquid) to 4th phase (gel/cell/tissue)

Hydration comes from more than drinking

Hydration really comes from the amount of electrical charge and coherent signalling in our water, based on the 4th phase of water

This bio-electric water comes from plant ingestion, exposure to light like sunlight and infrared, other forms of electromagnetic exposures like music, whole body vibration machines, positive thoughts, massage, dance, tai chi, percussion like EFT and skin contact with the earth, bathing in minerals and salts

Noticing Dehydration for yourself

You will get dehydrated through your day, so expecting it means you can fix it

Are you fatigued?

Are you noticing brain fog?

Are you feeling crabby?

Do you feel a vague sense of being deprived and dissatisfied by life?

Expect to care for yourself as a water-based being throughout your day and nightµ

Sleep and hydration

You need hydration to sleep well

Hydration can ease night time pain

But even more importantly, Nighttime is when your body does sanitation work And it uses water to clean up your daytime trash

Waste material and toxins get flushed out of your brain, your joints, your muscles, lungs, lymph, eye sockets, and spinal canal only at night. Lost sleep is lost waste removal.

Hydrate yourself for your nighttime journey. Use chia pudding if you dont’ want to get up and pee. It is more important to have hydration than uninterrupted sleep.


Quench: Your Five Day Plan to Optimal Hydration, by Dr. Dana Cohen, MD and Gina Bria, with 50 hydrating recipes

https://www.amazon.com/Quench-Fatigue-Through-Science-Hydration/dp/03165 15663

The Hydration Foundation https://hydrationfoundation.org/ lists more recipes, the new science of water and hydration for specific circumstances such as nursing moms and athletes

At the Hydration Foundation you will also gain access to

The Hydration Solution Summit with 30 interviews with top doctors, scientists and practitioners on better ways to hydrate.

https://hydrationfoundation.org/hydration-solution-summit-2/ TEDxtalks by Gina Bria, Dr. Gerald Pollack, Dr. Stephanie Seneff are also on Hydration Foundation.org

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