including but not
Myelin is the sheath that surrounds your nervous system and that’s what breaks down in multiple sclerosis It’s an autoimmune process where the immune system attacks that sheath and breaks it down to the point where the nerves don’t conduct the way they’re supposed to.
We see many symptoms of MS, including balance problems, coordination issues, numbness, and so forth When you look at much of the research on rebuilding myelin, unfortunately, almost all that research has been done in mice or other animals It doesn’t necessarily translate to what happens in humans, but there’s no harm in many of these nutrients because they have other potential benefits
I want to share a little bit about my own personal supplement regimen This is what I recommend to my patients in my practice, and I take every day to help rebuild my myelin as someone with MS
The first thing I take is just a regular multivitamin This is my particular brand and a lot of good multivitamins nowadays are very high in B vitamins We have some evidence that B vitamins, particularly folic acid and B12 are very nutritive to the nervous system, both the brain and the peripheral ner o s s stem
This multivita particular, ha methylated v these B vitam which are the form of the n take a couple of this twice food Take w
CoQ10 is specifically to help rebuild the mitochondria We have some evidence that people with MS have poor functioning or damaged mitochondria Many people with MS have very poor energy, poor stamina, and a lot of that’s due to mitochondrial function CoQ10 is good for building your dria he eart

Vitamin D has been shown to be low in a lot of people with MS and other neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s As your vitamin D levels drop, your risk for autoimm neurological prob Ask your doctor t vitamin D3 with a

Phosphatidylcholine is a type of fat and phosphatidylcholine is a fat that’s particularly integrated into your brain, into your nerve tissue They fatty part of the brain is made up mostly of phosphatidylcholine. It’s also very important for t detoxification Plus very well tolerated
If you start ium osen e a l

eople with multiple sclerosis tend to get muscle spasms and magnesium does a nice job of helping reduce those muscle spasms Take magnesium up to a point where the tissue is saturated, but not so much that you ge

one is very nutritive to the nervous system. It’s a very important antioxidant and important for liver detoxification Glutathione is a sulfur-based compound It does have a little eggy flavor to it S people don’t like n mask the t in with a ularly like ny called R