>> Handling your health care from home.
>> Handling your health care from home.
I’m taking off my practitioner hat here for a moment to talk to you from one mama heart to another. For years before I opened my current practice, I had been a bodyworker, birth and postpartum doula, health coach, and childbirth educator.
At the playground, on the volleyball court, and during mommy and me classes, I got questions around how I handle the following at home: sore throats, rashes, emotional support, and colic, not to mention how I handle my own personal care.
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, because health, as you know, is based upon the individual. However, we can make a significant impact right from your own home, hearth, and kitchen.
Putting onto paper what has landed in many an email or text for the past 20 years is a labor of love. A blessing to share, this information is not meant as medical advice, but a place to start looking when your intuition as a mama is leading you to deeper conversations with those in your neighborhood, moms group, or over the water cooler at your workplace. Take what feels right and leave the rest — this is simply what I’ve used and and seen work for my own family. I am not a licensed healthcare provider, just a mama doing right by her family.
With three kids, I know how stressful it can be when your family is in a season of ups and downs with sharp twists and turns in their health. As moms, it’s likely we’re making the health care decisions for our families. We vet the feedback, buy the products, supplements, and triple check the side effects of medication. When it’s time to make that decision around what help to seek, we’re often the decider. Again, we show up to vet the practitioner, hold the free consult, fill out the paperwork, and chauffeur to the appointments. We pack the first aid kit and the “just-in-case” bag. We tend to the ouchies and the tummy aches, and stay up all night with the sickos, tag teaming with our partners when we can. In short, we’re supposed to have the answers for everything right at the moment it’s needed.
The ideas in this guide are intended to open your eyes to consider other options in providing care for your family. My hope is that you become more empowered, excited, and ready to to uplevel your family’s health.
Warmly, Nichi
Certain supplement lines can only be purchased through a practitioner. One that we reach for often is Cellcore. If you’re interested in leveraging these products, schedule a free discovery call.
Throughout this guide, I reference many products you can obtain yourself by ordering online or purchasing locally. One line that we reach for often — Cellcore — must be obtained through a practitioner. Book a discovery call to learn more.
Disclaimer: This document is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice, treatment, or diagnosis of a healthcare professional. You should choose what is best for your family, and seek assistance from health practitioners and providers you trust.
Affiliate Disclosure: The links in this guide may be affiliate links, meaning that My Healthy Beginning receives a portion of sales. There is no additional cost passed on to you. We are not an Amazon affiliate.
“As a person who did not grow up using natural remedies, it was initially stressful learning how to use them, especially as a new mother. Nichi is a wealth of information and her “At-Home Manual” is an empowering and easy-to-read resource that will help you create your wellness team, stock your home with health tools, and feel confident in using natural remedies to support your family’s health. I also love the substitution ideas in this manual! They get your mind to shift from the traditional pharmaceutical products people typically use to safe and effective natural remedies. Thank you Nichi!“
“This manual is so lovely and very helpful! It’s so easy to get overwhelmed when kids are sick, so having this on hand is fantastic.“
“As a busy wife and momma of four kiddos, health and wellness is at the forefront of my mission in today’s world. Our family has navigated numerous health challenges and wholeheartedly believes in a holistic approach for both healing and wellness. However, this approach is often one of arduous selfdiscovery and hours of research on my part! So, I am THRILLED when I can ride the coattails of experts like Nichi at MHB and get much needed help with my mission! It is amazing to be in a village that offers quick references (that are tried-and-true holistic approaches) that save time in the journey of caring for my family and myself!”
Holistic Health Practitioner
Clinical Master in Nutrition Response Testing
PSYCH-K® Facilitator
Founder of My Healthy Beginning, a wellness center in Long Lake, MN
Nichole Hirsch Kuechle has served families with a multi-faceted holistic approach for more than two decades.
For 20 years she gave her heart as a birth and postpartum doula and childbirth educator with a side hustle in nutrition coaching and bodywork. She became a Nutrition Response Testing practitioner in 2011 after struggling with her own health for many years. Nutrition Response Testing has transformed her health in a way no other modality or process was able to. She is trained as a Clinical Master in Advanced Nutrition Response Testing — one of around 1,000 in the nation to hold this title.
She founded My Healthy Beginning, a natural wellness center in Long Lake, Minnesota; the Happy Healthy Kids and Empower Your Pregnancy telesummits; and the My Healthy Beginning lifestyle magazine. She is finalizing her first book, Adapt: Building Resilience and the Ability to Thrive. She regularly speaks on a wide variety of holistic health topics.
After up-leveling her own health, she is leading the charge in raising up women who are committed to their healing. She serves clients both locally and internationally, in-person and remotely.
She lives and practices in the Minneapolis area with her husband and three children. They love to spend time both in the kitchen and outdoors exploring and adventuring together.
Instead of an electric heating pad, try a reusable microwavable rice sock, hot water bottle, or Therasage infrared heating pad (use code mhbthera2021 for 10% off).
Great to have on hand for all the bumps and bruises, burns and bites. I find it can even help relieve itching.
Fill a long tube sock with rice, tie off at ¾ toward the end, then stick that tube sock into the other tube sock, making it more durable, then tie off the second end. Keep in the freezer for when cooling is needed, or pop into the microwave to heat up as needed.
Apply a few drops of essential oils onto the outside of the sock or to the rice itself on the inside for lovely aromatherapy. Try lavender or Peace & Calming to promote relaxation; or try tea tree or eucalyptus for a cooling and uplifting effect.
Add 1 – 2 cups under running water when drawing a bath. The many benefits include:
• Exercise recovery
• Reducing pain, soreness
• Reducing stress
• Exfoliating
• Helps to draw out slivers
• Promotes sleep
• Helps ease constipation
Peppermint or frankincense (mix them with a carrier/massage oil and apply to sore areas)
New to essential oils? This starter kit from Young Living is a great introduction at a great price.
Arnica comes in gel, cream, and pellet form. Use it for bumps, bruises, and pre/ post procedure support. Learn more about homeopathy on page 15.
This Cellcore professional grade supplement, available from My Healthy Beginning, can be applied directly to the area of pain. Don’t use on open skin, it’ll sting!
Read More: What’s in My Holistic First Aid Kit
Instead of This Try This
BioFreeze for sore muscles Young Living Cool Azul or PanAway essential oil, or OrthoEase massage oil
No time for a massage? Pure Wave massage gun
Neosporin lavender essential oil and coconut oil
Children’s ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol, Advil, Motrin) homeopathic remedies
Infrared light therapy can be extremely beneficial while detoxing. Research shows using infrared, which is the range with the longest wavelengths, provides not only comfort but support for improving one’s health.
Heating the muscles with infrared rays produces an increase in blood flow similar to that seen during exercise. Infrared penetrates deep into the tissues, joints, and muscles to relieve anything from minor aches and pains to chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia. Pain management professionals incorporate infrared heat therapy into treatment plans to decrease pain and muscle spasms and to speed recovery time.
We use the Therasage Instant Calmer Infrared Healing Pads (use code mhbthera2021 for 10% off), which feature full-spectrum, deep-penetrating infrared heat. I love the natural jade stones, which generate negative ions, grounding therapy, and a beautiful aesthetic. These are soft and flexible, and without exposure to harmful EMFs like the electric heating pads you used at your grandma’s house. You’ll find them comfortable to lie on or wrap around your body.
The infrared spectrum has therapeutic properties. Researchers have found the following benefits for an infrared heating pad:
• Helps improve blood circulation
• Aides in the reduction of pain
• Improves energy levels
• Improves sleep
• Releases joint stiffness
• Boosts immunity
• Relaxes muscle spasms
• Decreases cramps
• Strengthens the cardiovascular system and the heart
• Reduces inflammation
• Revitalizes skin
The infrared heating pad penetrates the skin and the fat layer, and into the muscle, producing warming effects from the inside out. This differs from conventional heating pads, which heat from the outside in and rarely penetrate far enough to be genuinely beneficial. This type of heat is especially beneficial for people with chronic pain and autoimmune conditions. Studies show a significant reduction in pain after just the first session with infrared heat. It is also safe for people dealing with nerve issues and neuropathy. Because the infrared heating pad helps increase circulation without significantly increasing the heat on the skin, there is no risk of burning.
Sources: Therasage
Top Benefits of Using an Infrared Heating Pad
A strong immune system is your first defense. A high-quality diet, custom supplementation, stress management, and quality sleep go a long way. But when the congestion hits, here are the tools we reach for.
An at-home portable nebulizer is a great tool to support the respiratory system. Use distilled water and Cellcore HydrOxygen 1 – 3 drops to start, and work up to 10 drops of HydrOxygen. See detailed instructions on page 8.
To support the clearing of your sinuses, use a Navage nasal irrigator, Sinus Rinse, or neti pot. Use distilled water and Cellcore HydrOxygen or Para 3 (1 – 3 drops each to start). See detailed instructions on page 9.
To clean up the air you breathe, you can use the Therasage ozone bubbler (use code mhbthera2021 for 10% off) or essential oils such as Purification in a diffuser.
Stir into warm water with lemon or a cup of tea to soothe a sore throat.
Mix freshly minced garlic with warm (not hot) olive oil. Drop into ears with a dropper.
Look into ear candling. This service is provided by some massage therapists, acupuncturists, or salons.
Cellcore supplements Mito ATP, CT Minerals, or HydrOxygen can also be applied in the ears. Start with one drop.
Robitusin and Sudafed
homeopathic remedies (look for Hyland’s Homeopathics, they have everything from sinus relief to mucus support to cough/cold)
Children’s ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol, Advil, Motrin)
homeopathic remedies throat lozenges apply lemon, melaleuca, geranium, thyme, lavender, or peppermint oil with carrier oil applied directly to the neck, or use Thieves lozenges from Young Living
Ultima hydration or homemade electrolyte drink
A nebulizer is designed to get medication directly into the lungs for those suffering from asthma. This device can also be used as an at-home wellness tool to keep the sinuses and lungs open.
We recommend HydrOxygen by Cellcore to get oxygen directly to the organs, tissues, and cells.
Fill the small water compartment of the nebulizer with distilled water. Note: the product description suggests not using distilled or pure water; however, our training has been the opposite. The nebulizer I use holds 8 cc’s. Begin by adding just ONE drop of HydrOxygen. Even if you don’t have a cough, inhaling the mist close enough to your face with the HydrOxygen in the water will elicit a clearing cough/sneeze. The face mask doesn’t have to be attached to or held directly against your face, so you may hold the device an inch or so away from your face and still inhale the oxygen. You can see the mist (and feel it as you breathe it), so you’ll know you’re getting the benefit.
To get the solution into your sinuses, breathe through your nose with your mouth closed and to get the solution into your lungs, breathe in with your mouth open.
Once you’re able to inhale the HydrOxygen at 1 drop without a cough, you can add another drop in the next session, working your way up to 10 drops of HydrOxygen in the container per session.
You can utilize the nebulizer throughout the dry, cold months as a preventive at-home wellness tool, and/or when you feel like something is coming on. I recommend using it two times per day for best results.
To clean my nebulizer, I use a bit of Thieves household cleaner, spray the inside once, and clean the corners with a Q-tip. Rinse.
This is the nebulizer I use.
HydrOxygen by Cellcore can be purchased through our office by calling 612-418-3801 or by email: info@myhealthybeginning.com.
We have a Pure Water at-home water distiller. Save 5% with code MHB-5.
A nasal rinse is designed to flush debris and mucus from your nasal cavity. This is an affordable and easy at-home health care tool.
We recommend adding a few drops of HydrOxygen by Cellcore to get oxygen directly to the organs, tissues, and cells.
Fill the nasal rinse bottle ¾ of the way with distilled water. Start by adding just ONE drop of HydrOxygen. This may tingle a bit and you may feel it all the way to the back of your head.
Use the tip that fits best for your nostril. Turn your head to the side over the sink, and squeeze with one hand. The water will go up through the nasal cavity, and out through the other side, clearing any mucus and debris.
As a preventive at home wellness tool, you can utilize the nasal rinse throughout the dry, cold months and/or when you feel like something is coming on. I recommend using it two times per day for best results. On days when you are particularly congested, you may do it a few times per day, 1 – 3 times per side. Get the Products
This is the nasal rinse I use. HydrOxygen by Cellcore can be purchased through our office by calling 612-418-3801 or by email:
info@myhealthybeginning.com. We have a Pure Water at-home water distiller. Save 5% with code MHB-5.
When we’re faced with a fever at home, I look at what’s gone on with the person indicated. Has there been additional stress, a toxic exposure, bad food, vaccination/ boosters, or a combination of all the above.
The Best Family Homeopathy Acute Care Manual: A Pictorial Guide to First Aid and Acute Therapeutics by Kate Birch
Vaccine Free: Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Disease with Homeopathy by Kate Birch
Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child by Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Robert Rountree, M.D., Rachel Walton, R.N., M.S
These books do a great job of giving you several options for how to handle fevers at home and guidance for when you may need more support. As always, if your gut tells you to look for more support, do so.
We all hit an online search when looking for research to support our kids. We want to know what other moms have done and are trying. I have no affiliation with this link, though I like how it’s laid out with homeopathy options for fever. Several times I will look to a list like this to identify my child’s way of “being inside” their illness and find a remedy for that moment. I don’t mind dosing my child for a remedy that fits until the morning when I can get with my homeopath on the phone for an appointment and their support. Learn more about homeopathy on page 15.
In a basin that will fit the feet of the person indicated, mix 2 teaspoons of mustard powder to 4 cups of warm water. The intention is to draw the heat down through the feet, cooling the body and decreasing congestion.
Instead of This Try This
Children’s ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol, Advil, Motrin)
Standard Process Calcium Lactate (see page 21 to order)
Children’s ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol, Advil, Motrin) homeopathic remedies Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Gelsemium, Rhus Tox, Arsenicum Album
First things first: have about a million BandAids on hand. If you’re a mom, you get it.
Instead of using rubbing alcohol, essential oils, or a tweezer (and to avoid the tick vomiting additional viruses, parasites, fungus, and bacteria into your bloodstream), use a tick removal key like this Homecheck Tick Remover Spoon.
Read More: How to Safely Remove a Tick
Make a skin spray using a 4-ounce glass bottle. Add 2 ounces distilled water, 1 ounce Cellcore MitoATP, 1 ounce Cellcore CT Minerals. Spray as preventive and as support during a flare.
Lavender or Purification essential oils are great for taking away an itch.
A simple application of apple cider vinegar on an itchy area may also provide relief.
Ice packs go a long way for relieving itching by providing cooling, and if necessary, relief from swelling.
If it’s an itchy bum we’re talking about, you may want to explore a Full Moon Challenge.
Start by gently rubbing the wart(s) with a pumice stone to remove dead or calloused skin before soaking. Soak foot/hand in warm sea salt water for 15 – 20 minutes. Remove and dry your feet or hands. Then apply ONE of these three options:
1. Use Cellcore binders (Viradchem, HM-ET, BioToxin) mixed with enough HydrOxygen to make a paste and apply to skin. Change daily.
2. Apply apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball. Squeeze out excess liquid. Cover the wart and wrap in a Band-Aid for 18 – 24 hours. The wart will turn black, dry up, and fall off. The skin may be tender.
3. Drip one drop of clear liquid iodine (we use Organo Iodine through NutriDyn for this — see page 21 to order) on each wart every 15 minutes for an hour. Do this daily until the wart is gone.
Use Cellcore ViRadChem Binder, HM-ET Binder, or BioToxin Binder mixed with enough HydrOxygen to make a paste and apply to skin. Change daily.
Open a capsule of Cellcore ViRadChem Binder, HM-ET Binder, or BioToxin Binder and add to a bath to calm skin issues.
Aquafor USF Ointment by Standard Process (see page 21 to order)
Your lymphatic system is a network of tissues, vessels, and organs that move fluid through your body. Lymph carries nutrients to your cells and takes toxins and waste from the cells into the bloodstream to the kidneys and liver for elimination through urination or bowel movement. If your lymphatic system is slow moving or blocked, you may experience puffiness, congestion, and inflammation. Symptoms such as back pain, constipation, fatigue, and weight gain are common. Here are some techniques to promote healthy movement of nutrients and waste through the body.
Gua sha uses a stone made of jade as a massage tool. Today it is most commonly used on the face, but can be used on the entire body. It has been proven to help relieve tension, improve circulation, reduce puffiness and inflammation, and even reduce sinus pressure.
Bounce on the rebounder to improve circulation. These small trampolines made for adults range in price from $50 to $500, and I have found there is no need to spend more than $100.
A tuning fork is a fantastic way to improve lymphatic flow. Many videos on YouTube explain how to use it. I have a Sonic Slider and love it!
Apply a castor oil pack on your abdomen or thyroid area. Learn more about this gentle detox tool on page 14.
At our office, we have the Sunlighten Amplify II available for client use, and at home I have a portable Therasage infrared sauna (use code mhbthera2021 for 10% off).
You can find YouTube videos for how to do this yourself, or find a local lymphatic massage therapist to support you.
Cypress, ledum, sandalwood, helichrysum, lavender (massage with carrier oil)
Here are some exercises that can help move lymph, but really anything is better than nothing. Get moving!
Here are some of my favorite tips for managing your hormones and cycle with ease.
Use a hot water bottle, microwavable rice sock, or a Therasage infrared heating pad (use code mhbthera2021 for 10% off).
Wild Yam Complex, Cramplex, and Min-Chex are all from Standard Process (see page 21 to order). Cellcore ME Support is a product for drainage (to relieve puffiness and congestion) and to support our mental/emotional state (contact me to order).
Clary sage, lavender, ylang ylang, patchouli, orange, copaiba, sacred frankincense, bergamot, spearmint, geranium, cedarwood
Ditch the toxic pads and tampons. Choose organic cotton pads and tampons, reusable homemade pads, period panties, or silicone menstrual cups.
Cellcore Viradchem (open capsule and take with oil or applesauce) or Inflamma Control
Read More: Period Support and Detox
A castor oil pack is essentially a piece of flannel onto which you pour castor oil and then apply to the skin (usually the abdomen). The oil penetrates the skin and deep into the layers of your body.
• Increase drainage of congestion in liver/ gallbladder area
• Support healthy bowel movements
• Support the breakdown of biofilms
• Decrease bloating of the abdomen
• Decrease and support pelvic menstrual cramps
• Increase your parasympathetic state of rest and digest
• Support hormone balance
• Promote restful sleep
• Promote relaxation
• Enhance toxin elimination
• Reduce inflammation
• Optimize your immune system
Watch This: How and Why to Use a Castor Oil Pack
Your castor pack can be used on any area of the body, but most commonly is used over the liver/gallbladder or full abdomen. You may use it lower on the pelvis for cycle support, and a smaller one over the thyroid at the front of the neck. If you have an injury, you can apply the compress to that area for restoration and support (for example, a pulled quad muscle). For adults, one hour to overnight. For children, 10 – 20 minutes.
Remember to wear clothing you don’t mind getting stained from the oil. If I sleep with the castor pack on, I use a towel underneath and an old flannel sheet on top. The comfort received from the castor pack far outweighs the inconvenience of a few items of clothes that hold the oil stain.
I also prefer to use either my Therasage infrared heating pad or a hot water bottle/ rice sock applied to the outside of the compress. This heat will help to drive in the anti-inflammatory benefits of using your castor pack.
When you’re done using your castor pack, fold the soft oiled inside together, wrap the straps around it, and store in the container it came in. If yours came in a cloth container, or bag, then tuck it into a widemouthed quart mason jar. I place mine under the bathroom sink until my next use.
You don’t have to wash it often. I give mine a wash when the oil starts to seep out to the seams of the pack. Here are two methods:
1. Use the dishwasher. Lay your castor pack on the rack and tie the ends so they won’t get caught on anything. Use a natural dishwasher detergent and run a regular cycle. Once the cycle is done, lay it flat on an old towel, roll it up, and wring it out hard to squeeze out excess water. Lay it flat to dry or hang on a drying rack.
2. Fill a bowl with warm water, place the castor oil pack in the bowl and liberally sprinkle 2 – 4 tablespoons of baking soda on the pack, massage it in with your hands. The baking soda helps to pull the oil out of the fabric. Let it soak for 12 hours. Once done, rinse with a natural dish soap, then lay it flat on an old towel, roll it up, and wring it out hard to squeeze out excess water. Lay it flat to dry or hang on a drying rack.
Get my favorite castor pack by Dr. Marisol here. It’s the easiest and least messy one I’ve ever used. They also have a little pack made just for the thyroid — such an easy at-home tool to use for reducing inflammation and detoxing that gland.
Homeopathy literally translates to “similar” or “like treats like.” This means that something that evokes symptoms in a healthy person can — in very diluted amounts — treat someone who is ill with those symptoms. For example, the homeopathic form of red onion (an item which often makes people’s eyes water), allium cepa, can be used to treat allergy symptoms of burning and teary eyes. The remedy triggers the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Remedies come from substances in the natural world, plants, animals, and minerals (highly diluted). They are safe and non-toxic.
Homeopathy is safe and effective, readily available, and inexpensive. It’s a great option for families who are trying to handle their health at home. Remedies exist for all kinds of symptoms. If you’re looking for closer guidance, a professional homeopath is just a phone call away.
Watch This: My Interview With Homeopath Sarah Damlo
This is a great starter kit or pick up some of these remedies at your local health food store or co-op. Some mainstream pharmacies also carry a limited selection.
I am not a trained homeopath. This is what I’ve learned under the supervision of my homeopath and have personally had success with.
Arnica Montana (oral) trauma/drama that goes with an injury or accident; reduces bruising, swelling, emotion
Arnica Montana (gel or cream) topical relief; reduces bruising, swelling, emotion; don’t use on open skin, it will sting
Apis allergic reactions, a bad sunburn, or bee stings
Belladona or Pulsatilla fevers
Chamomilla when your little one is in a “come here/go away, I want this/I don’t want this, I need you/I don’t need you” kind of mood
Cell Salts dehydration, constipation, digestive support
It can be challenging to get supplements into our kids, especially when they start having an opinion and an aversion to anything that is out of their ordinary or their preference.
When they have an oral fixation, when they are happy to put anything in their mouth, take advantage. Dip your pinky in water and then into the powder and let baby suck it off. Or do the same with a baby spoon or a pacifier.
A multivitamin, probiotic, fish oil, and vitamin D are a great baseline. A custom, clinically designed nutrition program is even better.
Truly, the easiest place to start with kids is liquid vitamins. You can hide the taste in juice or water, and there’s no texture issue. In our practice, we often reach for these liquid Cellcore products, which are a great baseline for supporting the body’s basic functions: MitoATP, CT Minerals, and HydrOxygen.
This can work well, especially for young kids whose palates aren’t as sophisticated. They likely won’t notice a slight off taste or texture.
It’s small and easy to handle. Your kiddo may not be willing to drink a big smoothie packed with supplements, but they can handle one ounce of juice. They are the perfect size for little hands, and it’s not so overwhelming.
Have to open capsules? Pour onto a spoon with honey, maple syrup, applesauce, or yogurt. Start with small pinches to acclimate to taste and dose.
Try this if they aren’t able to handle drinking it or eating it off a spoon. Stir it into a glass with water/juice and use a dropper or syringe to put it directly in the back of their mouth.
Try this chewable vitamins recipe and add some supplement powders or liquids to it. Just start with small doses until you’re confident things like this will work.
Don’t underestimate your child’s ability to swallow pills. You’ve seen whole raisins in their diaper, haven’t you? Simply hand them a capsule or tablet and ask them to swallow it. They might surprise you just like my son did me.
Watch This: My Son Swallowing Supplements at Age Four
Remember to be patient! And don’t go all in right from the start. Any little bit you can get into your kids is GREAT. Work your way up to a full dose slowly. Trust me, I know how painful it can be to throw out a smoothie full of expensive supplements because my kid refused it. Start with a small smoothie and small dose, and work your way up when you know your kid will tolerate it. And don’t beat yourself up if one day they flat out refuse it out of the blue. Kids will be kids! You are doing a great job, mama!
Getting enough water is crucial. But keep in mind, the source, quality, and even the container you choose can make a positive or negative impact on your health.
It will be free of chemicals, metals, and radiation and gives your body more space to adapt. There is no need to remineralize your water, but if you want to, add 2 – 4 droppers of Cellcore CT Minerals.
We have a Pure Water at-home water distiller. Save 5% with code MHB-5.
Try Ultima or a homemade electrolyte drink instead of Gatorade, Pedialyte, or Propel. Or use cell salts: a supplement that provides all the minerals that cells require.
Make drinking water fun by flavoring it with Ultima or fresh fruit and/or herbs.
Choose a water bottle or drinking vessel that appeals to you and your family. There are endless options out there. Some of our favorites are:
• Klean Kanteen (stainless steel)
• Life Factory (glass)
• Nalgene (BPA-free plastic)
• Mason Jar (use silicone koozies for easy holding and less apt to break if dropped)
Step back from it all and get the “you time” you desperately need and deserve. Here are some of our favorite modalities.
Guided meditation proven to help people who experience high stress, difficulty sleeping, low energy, and other lifestyle challenges. Get a 15-day free trial of the BrainTap content (via an app on your phone) or purchase your own BrainTap headset.
Eliminate your self-sabotaging and self-limiting behaviors. The PSYCH-K® process that goes beyond standard methods of visualization and positive thinking to create lasting behavior and habit change. Book an appointment (virtual appointments available).
Frankincense, geranium, blue tansy, spruce, ylang ylang
Recommended: Wild Tree Psychotherapy (telehealth)
Recommended: Dr. Emily Hall (text: 651-528-4419) or Tiffany Howard or Kristin Carlson
Recommended: Amie Wharff
Read This: Tips for Emotional and Mental Health
When something comes up in your own health or the health of your family, it’s important to have trusted resources at the ready. Design your own holistic health care team by connecting with some of these modalities or practitioners. If they are not in your area, they can point you in the direction of someone who is.
Chiropractor (find a pediatric provider)
Holistic Pediatric Alliance
Nutrition Response Testing / muscle tester (recommended: My Healthy Beginning)
Homeopath (recommended: Kate Birch or Sarah Damlo)
Massage therapist
Craniosacral therapist (find a practitioner: Upledger Institute or Dynamic Body Balancing)
Neuromuscular therapist
Myofascial therapist
Mental / emotional support (talk therapy, PSYCH-K, Emotion Code, MBSR)
Energy work (Reiki, tapping, reflexology, chakras, Emotion Code, MBSR)
Doula (birth and postpartum)
Lab work (recommended: My Healthy Beginning)
Nourished Beginnings Baby Food: Nutrient-Dense Recipes for Infants, Toddlers and Beyond Inspired by Ancient Wisdom and Traditional Foods by Renee Kohley
Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child by Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Robert Rountree, M.D., Rachel Walton, R.N., M.S
The Pharmaceutical Myth: Letting Food be Your Medicine is the Answer for Perfect Health by Gerald Roliz, CNC
Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies: Healing with Nature’s Twelve Mineral Compounds by Nigey Lennon and Lionel Rolfe
How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor: One of America’s Leading Pediatricians Puts Parents Back in Control of Their Children’s Health by Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD
Nourish Your Tribe: Empowering Parents to Grow Strong, Smart, Successful Kids by Nicole Magryta, RDN
Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care by Sally Fallon Morell and Thomas S. Cowan
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and Diet Dictocrats by Suzanne Gross and Sally Fallon Morell
The Best Family Homeopathy Acute Care Manual: A Pictorial Guide to First Aid and Acute Therapeutics by Kate Birch
The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother by Heng Ou, Amely Greeven, et al.
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Watch This: My Favorite At-Home Healthcare Books
Cellcore Supplements
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Standard Process Supplements
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NutriDyn Supplements
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Use account #111234 for access; get 20% off retail
Young Living Essential Oils
Microwavable Rice Sock
Hot Water Bottle
Homecheck Tick Remover Spoon
Dr. Marisol Queen of the Thrones Castor Oil Pack
(abdomen and thyroid options)
Sonic Slider Tuning Fork
BrainTap Headset or BrainTap Pro App
15-day free trial of the BrainTap content
Infrared Portable Sauna, Infrared Heating
Pad, Ozone Bubbler
Use code mhbthera2021 for 10% off
Homeopathy Starter Kit
PureWave Massage Gun
Silicone Koozies
Portable Nebulizer
Navage Nasal Irrigator
Sinus Rinse
Pure Water Distiller
Save 5% with code MHB-5
For more products MHB recommends, check out our shop.
Affiliate Disclosure: The links in this guide may be affiliate links, meaning that My Healthy Beginning receives a portion of sales. There is no additional cost passed on to you. We are not an Amazon affiliate.
Our mission at My Healthy Beginning is to crack the difficult and complex health issues tainting your life. We leverage Nutrition Response Testing (muscle testing), health coaching and mindset work, and a variety of supplementary therapies to empower you and help you feel good in your body. We serve clients both in-person (just west of Minneapolis, MN) and virtually worldwide.