Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner
Combining the best of western functional and genetic science with the best of natural medicine lifestyle and diet to solve your wellness mystery
Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner
Combining the best of western functional and genetic science with the best of natural medicine lifestyle and diet to solve your wellness mystery
Welcome to “Biohack Your Biohacking” ebook.
Today’s modern functional testing for your health hold cutting edge insights into the mysteries of your health.
In tandem with my proprietary “10 Pillar Method” of tailored lifestyle changes, when combined with functional testing results, this approach gives you a one-of-a-kind insight into your current health and how to optimize it and feel better as soon as possible.
This book, while packed with valuable information, will teach you how to prioritize your biohacking (and what I mean by biohacking) and learn about the tools to really dig into your own biochemistry.
My intention is that you get to learn the steps you can take towards longevity, vitality, and wellbeing as soon as possible through my proprietary 10 Pillar Method.
With that, let's get started!
Any time that you want to talk with me about:
- Getting started with functional testing labs - Guidance for your personal health journey - Ask any remaining questions you may have - Get more info on how to get lab testing
Be sure to book a
15-min Health Strategy Call to get your clear next steps.
This book is dedicated to Eliza Bergeson (, my first mentor, whose compassion and wisdom helped one troubled teenager turn his life around. This book is also dedicated to my clients who have trusted their health and lives with me. My patients were my real teachers, separating fact from fiction of what worked and what didn’t.
The information provided in this book is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. This book is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical problem, consult your own health professional. The publisher and author are not responsible for any specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, action, inaction application or preparation, to any person reading or following the information in this book. References are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement of any websites or other sources. Readers should be aware that the websites listed in this book may change. Reading this book or using the recommendations or links in this book does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Adapted from:
There are many definitions, here is mine: A systematic way of thinking to identify the highest priority Pillars of Health and implement the smallest and easiest lifestyle changes that will give the greatest results in a meaningful, sustainable way.
Biohacking is not a ‘trick’, it’s not a ‘magic bullet’, it’s not a ‘product’, and it’s not a ‘supplement’. These are just strategies within biohacking, not biohacking itself. Biohacking choosing the most meaningful input into your health, mindset, and performance.
For example, you can spend the same amount of time mining out the last 2% of a Pillar of Health (bringing it from 98% to 100%) as you would bringing a pillar from 20% up to 80%. Better to prioritize the Pillar at 20% than the Pillar at 98%.
Biohacking is about priorities, not just optimization for the sake of optimization. This ebook will teach you how to prioritize your biohacking and learn about the tools to really dig into the biochemistry.
“Lasting health comes from the interaction of our genes with our lifestyle and environment. Personalizing this connection is the future.”
-Jeffrey Bland, PhD, Father of Functional Medicine.
Functional medicine combines the best of western diagnostics with the best of natural medicine lifestyle interventions and nutrition.
Today we have access to amazing functional tests (re: genetics, gut/parasite, adrenal, mitochondria, liver, food intolerances, etc) that reveal all the hidden biochemical pathways that we can then create truly personalized nutrition.
How does functional medicine tie into biohacking? By combining biohacking’s rigorous lifestyle assessment using the 10 Pillars of HealthTM with functional medicine’s advanced testing, you can save yourself time, money, and effort by getting to the root of the issues.
How? A better brain = higher performance
Clearer thinking
Better decisions
More energy
More sustained focus
More creativity
Higher efficiency
The 10 Pillars of Health™ are the roadmap to a better brain. Functional testing reveals what biochemistry the brain needs.
The problem: Most people tend to burnout their brains and bodies to attain 4 Freedoms: They ironically sacrifice their “Health Freedom”
• “It’s all on me.”
• “I have to stay up late to finish this.”
• “I don’t have time to [eat better, exercise, sleep more, deal with my stress, etc]”
• “There is not enough time”
• “There is too much to do”
• “I can sacrifice my sleep/diet/ exercise/health just this once”
• So many people sacrifice their health freedom to attain the other 4 freedoms.
• Your ability to acquire, sustain, and enjoy those other 4 freedoms for the long-term depends on your health freedom.
The Trouble with doing it on your own:
Too much confusion, too much time, costs too much money
Have you experienced the following:
• Unclear where to start?
• Wasted hundreds of hours on “Dr. Google”?
• Wasted thousands on random supplements?
• Have no map to know what areas to prioritize?
• Confused about all the different diets?
• Overwhelmed by all the different ‘health tips’?
• Unclear on what testing is actually needed?
• Think all genetic testing is the same?
• Think that anti-aging is just about finding the right brain supplement? (It isn’t).
• Confused by all the podcasts, magazine articles, TV shows, online summits, docu-series, and latest books touting the latest and best products or protocols?
• Raised by stressed out, unhealthy, tired mom-preneur (Dad gave child support).
• Poor health and high stress growing up:
• Insomnia, gut issues, fatigue, sugar, gluten, dairy, fast food, margarine, chronic pain
• Bullied & not believed:
• Told
“It was in my head”
• Video Game Addiction
• Sugar Addiction
It started at age 6 with my parents bitter divorce, triggering my fatigue, including symptoms of insomnia, chronic fatigue, low moods, digestion problems, sugar cravings, and generally feeling awful.
Here’s just a few of the consequences of my severe fatigue:
• I had a coffee habit at age 6 just to get me up to go to school.
• My cholesterol was checked at age 7, deemed ‘too high’ by being slightly over 200 (it’s supposed to go up when stressed to make stress hormones). My parents, both medical doctors, put me on a low-fat diet. For many years after, my breakfasts consisted of sugary cereals with skim milk or bagels with margarine and orange juice.
• Ostracism and bullying at school: My state of health and stress made me an easy target for bullies. I coped with sugar and video games.
For 12 years, I felt like an emotional roller coaster and physically ill but with no outward diseases. I was told it was all in my head.
At age 18, I vowed to change my life completely, to reclaim my body and my health through natural and holistic medicine, and dedicate my life to help others do the same.
• Recovery from addiction & burnout: a multi-decade journey of discovery to get out of both.
• Help others recover much faster with new frameworks for wellness and addiction.
• New Vision:
• Help Biohackers via telecoaching & functional testing.
• Education through ebooks, podcasts, writing, and online eCourses.
Fast forward another 12 years, I’m helping clients with chronic issues and I notice common patterns:
The Ten Pillars of HealthTM I noticed a key pattern: There were 10 categories of health (or what I call, “The Ten Pillars of HealthTM”), and all my clients with chronic issues had a minimum of 7 out of 10 pillars crumbling.
I also noticed, that the same 10 Pillars also applied to Biohackers, not just those who were chronically ill.
The 10 Pillars applied to everyone no matter where they were on the spectrum of health & wellness goals
Feeling “normal” Relatively symptom-free Chronically unwell, wants to feel ‘normal’
Chronic Fatigue
“meh”, Coping, Up and down, “carrying-on”
high performance
Bad lifestyle choices or Bad life circumstances: The “underlying cause”
blood sugar dys-regulation
Symptoms + Coping = Bad choices
Low Mood
Weight gain
Chronic pain
Hot flushes
= Adaptive response
+ Genetic influences = expression of symptoms
Free radicals Tissue breakdown
Breakdown of 3 systems + genetic influences
Chronic adaptation + Genetics = Damaged body systems
“Brain” refers to your hormone system (which starts in the brain), how well balanced your brain is (left side vs. right side), how well your physical balance is, and all aspects of your nervous system that coordinate all functions of your body.
All inputs from your physical, bio-chemical, and mental/emotional life converge on the brain (specifically a part called the hypothalamus) to determine if you have a stress-reaction or not.
The Hypothalamus is the ‘board room’, deciding how to respond (or react) to a stressful situation, real or imagined. Additionally, if your brain is imbalanced, overstimulated, or understimulated, you run the risk of a chronic stress response, causing fatigue, brain fog, and low mood.
Questions to consider:
• How balanced is your brain?
• Do you regularly exercise your brain specific to your brain balance profile?
• Do you ingest any toxins that harm the brain, such as artificial sweeteners?
Common mistakes
• Unending chronic stress, Decision fatigue
• Harder and harder to adapt
• Too much stimulation from computer screens: Dopamine depletion
Functional Testing:
• Adrenal salivary testing
• Mitochondria testing
• Neurotransmitter metabolites testing including dopamine markers,
• Energy production for brain and nervous system.
test: Main 21 markers for using fat, protein, and carbs to generate energy.
Look for patterns:
• High pattern: Engine too hot —> Give global mitochondrial support nutrients.
• Low pattern: Engine melted (mitochondrial retraction) —> Rebuild mitochondria
• If overall good, look for individual outliers and give nutrients specific to the outlier.
“Prioritize your Poop” or “Do your Number 2s”
“Bowel” is the 2nd point of wellness (yes, that is a visual pun for “#2s”). “Bowel” represents all forms of eliminating waste from your body, including feces, urine, sweat, exhalation, and even the outer layers of your skin, including your hair and nails.
Would you stay in a house with a toilet that couldn’t flush? Not for very long. If you don’t have daily eliminations, your internal house (your body) will become toxic from the inside.
After your liver deactivates old hormones, your body passes them to the bowel for elimination. If you bowel is clogged, bad bacteria have time to recycle the hormones back into your blood stream, putting stress on your liver and hormone system.
Having proper elimination is critical for your shortterm and long-term health, especially hormone health. Interestingly, our ancient ancestors went as many times as they ate in a day.
• How well do you eliminate wastes from your body, especially from your bowels?
• How often do you have a proper bowel movement?
• Did you know that going once a day is still technically constipated, according to anthropology?
Common mistakes:
• Rush eating
• Poor pooping or skip pooping
• Ignoring gut problems like excessive gas, diarrhea, bloating, or gut pain.
Generic Recommendations:
• Sit to eat, no screens
• chew more
• pooping is a priority
• Get your gut tested
Functional Testing:
• Gut testing for hidden infections, digestion markers, inflammation, dysbiosis
Notice: digestion of fat normalized with proper lifestyle and nutrients.
“Body” includes all aspects of the physical body, including joints, muscles, skin, circulation, lymphatic system, digestive organs, skull and sense organs, the spine, and posture.
It includes all aspects of physical damage as well, such as scar tissue, misaligned joints, blockages, degeneration, tears, and pain.
Physical stress in the joints, muscles, spine, and organs triggers a noxious stress signal (called “nociception”) to the brain, which then triggers a stress response. Left for too long, the chronic stress response will contribute to a global stress hormone imbalance, e.g. fatigue.
• How well aligned is your body?
• Do you do postural exercises everyday?
• How many old injuries of yours are untreated?
• Do you live in physical pain?
• How many hours a day do you sit?
• Have you had any major falls or car accidents?
Common mistakes:
• Sitting all day
• Ignoring or pushing through injuries
• Not testing genetics
Generic Recommendations:
• Have breaks (e.g. app “TimeOut”)
• See hands-on clinician
• Get genetic testing
Functional Testing:
• Genetics for inflammation, free radicals, liver detox, Vitamin D Receptors, methylation, cardiovascular, fat/energy metabolism.
Inflammation is a natural body defense mechanism and an important part of the normal immune response; it protects you from infections and helps with tissue repair after an injury. Your health and wellbeing is critically dependent on this inflammatory response being well regulated and operating correctly.
Ideally, when you get sick or injured you want a strong inflammatory response that ensures you deal effectively with any infection or injury but then settles down.
You do not want an inflammatory response that is overly aggressive as this can lead to more inflammation, tissue destruction, muscle wastage, and bone loss. Inflammation will also affect your brain, gut, and mood.
Genetically, some people are more likely to have this overly aggressive inflammatory response.
You also do not want a state of chronic inflammation.
Elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines are associated with many chronic diseases: cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, periodontal disease and many autoimmune diseases.
From a biohacker perspective, chronic inflammation will weaken your entire resilience, lower performance, and affect your brain health.
Your body produces antiinflammatory cytokines to ensure your inflammatory response remains controlled. Genetically, some people do not produce good levels of these antiinflammatory cytokines and are unable to control their inflammatory response and are more likely to end up with chronic inflammation.
This is why it’s important to get your genes tested so you can learn the specific lifestyle changes and dietary changes needed specific to combat inflammatory genes.
People develop chronic inflammation either by chronic overproduction (an inferno erupts instead of a little candle flame) or an inability to clear (a squirt gun to put out the inflammation instead of a fire hose).
Extract from a Fitgenes interpretation of genetic testing showing inflammatory problems.
(Note: Fitgenes genetic testing can be done on it’s own or you can re-interpret your 23AndMe or Ancestry gene test though a certified practitioner)
Over-initiate inflammation
“Sprint your Stride & Walk your Walk”
“Burst” includes all aspects of exercise, especially High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), aka “speed training”, “interval training”, or “Burst training”.
Where “Burst” is the yang of exercise, walking is the yin, including flexibility, agility, and joint mobility.
Exercise goes wrong when people:
a) exercise in a way that physical injures the body, b) excessively jog which stresses the adrenal glands, c) overexercise in general, d) not walk enough to counterbalance burst training, or e) not move much at all, such as a sedentary lifestyle.
Injuries, jogging, overexercising, lack of walking, and sedentary lifestyle, all trigger a stress response in their own ways, contributing to fatigue.
A proper blend of burst training and walking is ideal.
• Do you do 2-4 series of Burst or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) a week?
• Do you walk at least 10,000 steps a day?
• Do you have a history of excessive ‘cardio’ like extended jogging or cycling?
Common mistakes:
• Over-exercising or under-exercising.
• Lack of movement (sitting too much)
Generic Recommendations:
• Walk more, don’t do long distance jogging. Learn how to “SHIIT” (Safe High Intensity Interval Training)
Functional Testing:
• Genetics for inflammation, free radicals, liver detox, Vitamin D Receptors, methylation, cardiovascular, fat/energy metabolism.
Ever notice how some people get fatter the more they exercise? Overexercising triggers inflammation (and water retention) in certain genetically susceptible individuals.
Body fat produces a range of inflammatory cytokines. The more body fat you have, the more inflamed you become.
The production of these inflammatory cytokines from body fat contributes to many of the risk factors associated with being overweight.
Get your genes tested to find out your inflammatory pathways. Your genes will help you figure out how to best exercise for you.
“Bio-Toxins” is anything you take in that has no metabolic benefit to your body, substances that your body has to work to get rid of, or are completely foreign to human digestion. You can absorb toxins primarily through the air (breathing), consumption (eating and drinking), and absorption (touching the skin). For example, you can breath in polluted air, eat foods laced with heavy metals and pesticides, and put on makeup or personal care products that are filled with toxic chemicals and heavy metals. You must learn to identify, avoid, and minimize your exposure.
• Have you been exposed to heavy metals?
• Do you eat fast food more than once a month?
• Do you eat inorganic (pesticide-laced) food?
• When was the last time you had your liver detox pathways tested?
• Do you drink alcohol, smoke, or use any other recreational drugs?
• Do you take over-the-counter or pharmaceutical drugs?
• Do you wear makeup that is clean enough that you’re willing to eat it?
• Do you eat artificial sweeteners?
Common mistakes:
• Eat quick food that’s unhealthy: energy drinks, soda, alcohol, sugar, fast food, microwaved food, deep fried.
• Living in a house with off-gassing paint, carpets, or mattresses.
Generic Recommendations:
• Eat real food. Farmer’s markets
• Drink water and low-sugar kombucha,
• Not soda, fruit juice, or alcohol.
• Eat more broccoli, cabbage, salads, etc.
Functional Testing:
• Genetics (includes liver genes)
• Mitochondria test (includes 6 liver pathways)
• Advanced Mitochondria test: Includes Amino acids, Fatty Acids, minerals, fat-soluble vitamins, and 5 heavy metals.
• Food intolerances (certain foods, even normal foods may cause an inflammatory or immune response)
• 2-Methylhippurate: General test for toxic exposure because xylene is everywhere (pumping gas, new clothing, etc)
• Orotate: Ammonia clearance - your ability to process protein.
• Glucarate: Great marker for issues with pharmaceutical clearance. E.g Person from an anti-Hepatitis drug:
• 33-35 = Glutathione markers
• Pyroglutamate varies in women based on menstrual cycle
• Sulfate: Most important marker on the whole test because it's the major marker for glutathione.
“Bio-Nutrients” includes all beneficial nutrients our bodies and brains require for optimal health.
Bio-nutrients goes way beyond the simplistic and woefully inadequate minimums outlined by the RDA (which were only the minimums required to stop the symptoms of acute deficiency diseases in an average population under non-stressful, non-sick, non-exercising, non-elderly, and nonpregnant circumstances). To live optimally, you must absorb optimal levels of nutrients, not just mere minimums.
Bio-nutrients includes everything you absorb to help your body function optimally, including proteins, fats, oxygen, sunlight, water, minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, fiber, enzymes, and others.
• Do you eat different color vegetables?
• Do have a great source of natural minerals?
• Do you ingest probiotics daily?
• Do you go to your local farmers market at least once a month?
• Do you get daily essential fatty acids from clean, high quality sources?
• Do you go outside everyday to get some sunshine and walk in fresh air?
Common mistakes
• Cooking ‘takes too much time’.
• Buying food that is cheap or quick (and unfresh)
• Cheap/impure and/or unnecessary supplements.
Generic Recommendations:
• Clean food matters.
• Don’t get cheap supplements, only do practitioner-level brands: They are cleaner, stronger, and more effective.
• Test for what you need, not what TV, magazines, podcasts, social media, radio, or well-meaning friends tell you.
• Eat more broccoli, cabbage, and kale.
Functional Testing:
• Mitochondria test (micronutrient test)
• Advanced Mitochondria test: Includes Amino acids, Fatty Acids, minerals, fat-soluble vitamins.
• Food intolerances (certain foods, even normal foods may cause an inflammatory or immune response)
• Genetics (CarbChoice: Carb Tolerance)
Note: These are just general guidelines from Dr. Shay’s observations, not necessarily the official stance of Fitgenes.
Each CarbChoice # = 1 ‘chute’ spitting out “carb-cutting” scissors.
•e.g. a “2” has 2 chutes, while a “6” has 6 chutes.
•The lower your CarbChoice #, the lower your carb tolerance.
•The higher your CarbChoice number, the higher your carb tolerance.
“Breakfast” includes not just your morning meal, but the timing, rhythm, consistency, and environment in which you eat.
“Breakfast” also includes your morning and evening routines to ensure a solid start and relaxing end to each day.
• Do you have a morning routine that supports your health and gets you focused for the day?
• Do you have an evening routine that calms you down and gets you ready for deep sleep?
• Do you eat any of the 4 faulty breakfasts?
• Do you eat 3 mouthfuls of protein w/in 30 min?
• Is your breakfast the biggest meal of your day?
• Do you have protein, fat, and vegetables as your breakfast?
• Do you eat on the road or in a rush or under stress?
• Do you plan your breakfasts the night before?
My March 2015
Adrenal Results: Flatline
My March 2017
Adrenal Results: Improved, but not high enough in mornings
My March 2017
Adrenal Results: Improved, but not high enough in mornings
My Feb 2018 Results: About the same despite better lifestyle, however massive stress with moving countries, death of mentor, and sickness of parent prevented further improvement
My Feb 2018 Results: About the same despite better lifestyle, however massive stress with moving countries, death of mentor, and sickness of parent prevented further improvement
My Jan 2019
Adrenal results:
“Bothers” includes all facets of stress that harm our health and quality of life, such as mental stress, emotional, financial, relationship, intellectual, occupational, cultural, religious, spiritual, electromagnetic, and family stress.
As you can tell, this is a huge topic, and some would argue the most important topic of all.
There are other forms of stress such as multitasking, distraction, clutter, and the constant barrage of bad news on most media channels.
The constant stress from all angles significantly contributes to fatigue. Unfortunately, not everyone has 2 hours to meditate each day, so most of us need some different strategies to help keep a clear, calm, and creative mind, that is also resilient to stress.
• Do you use breathing techniques to calm the mind? Do you practice them daily?
• Do you have a coach you regularly speak with?
• Have you decluttered this year?
• Do you watch bad news daily?
• Do you multitask constantly?
• When stressed, do you feel an urge to use food, TV, internet, alcohol, smoking, or something else to numb out or to ‘relax’?
Common mistakes
• Too many decisions, multi-tasking, stress of being all parts of the business, clutter, overwhelm, addiction
Generic Recommendations:
• Breathing techniques
• Identify stressful beliefs and question them
• Get coaching: How to reduce tasks, delegate
Functional Testing:
• Genetics (Methylation)
• Adrenal stress test
• Mitochondria test (micronutrient test)
• Advanced Mitochondria test: Includes Amino acids, Fatty Acids, minerals, fat-soluble vitamins.
“Bugs” is your relationship to all things microscopic, whether it’s the gut flora in your intestines, to the probiotic cultures in sauerkraut, to ‘bad bugs’ like mold in your house, or a chronic infection like parasites or candida.
You have ~100 trillion bacteria in your gut, approximately 10x the amount of human cells in your body. These bacteria are critical for: 1) digestion, 2) immunity, 3) making vitamins, 4) neurotransmitters for your brain, and 5) decreasing inflammation.
If your gut flora become imbalanced, any of these functions can be disrupted. Many things can disrupt the gut flora, including inflammatory foods, antibiotics, infections, and even stress because stress will alter the blood flow and digestive efficiency of the intestines, altering the environment for the bacteria.
• Do you consume daily probiotics?
• Do you have mold in your house?
• Do you have any signs of a parasite infection or candida?
• Do your bowels alternate between diarrhea and constipation?
• Did your energy levels and general health drastically changed within 3 months being sick from illness in a 3rd world country?
• Too busy to deal with mould, never check gut for hidden infections. Ignore intestinal problems.
Generic Recommendations:
• Check for and deal with mould
• Get gut tested for hidden infections.
• Improve digestion to keep beneficial bacteria healthy.
Functional Testing:
• Gut testing for hidden infections, digestion markers, inflammation, dysbiosis.
Stool testing for Stealth or “hidden” infections.
Functional testing can also check which specific antibiotics and herbs/ nutriceuticals can inhibit specific infections.
The report to the right shows 3 separate bacterial infections and shows which antibiotics and which herbs inhibit the infections. The functional approach is to combine multiple effective herbs together to remove the infection, followed by gut repair protocols.
“Bedtime” includes the all-important and sometimes least-appreciated aspect of health…your sleep. If you don’t sleep well, you’ll be riding on stress hormones the next day to keep you awake.
I was an insomniac for 12 years. I know the frustration and stress of not falling asleep, staying asleep, only to get up in the morning feeling exhausted, stressed, and anxious, and to have the cycle repeat again for years.
Optimal sleep requires consistency (going to bed and waking at the same times), duration (time asleep), and depth (how long you stay in deep sleep and REM sleep). If either one of those three are off, then your entire hormone balance gets thrown off which effects your health, mood, memory, weight, and creativity.
• Are you consistently asleep at or before 10pm each night?
• Do you wake between 2-3am?
• Do you keep cellphones or other electronics near your head at night?
• Do you have a loud alarm?
• Do you snore, even a little?
• Do you watch stimulating or violent shows/movies at night?
Entrepreneur mistakes
• Sleep is sacrificed first. Work too late at night.
• Screens on at night or bright light bulbs.
• Justification for less sleep: “I’ll sleep when I’m dead”.
Generic Recommendations:
• Be in bed to sleep before 10
• No electronics in the bedroom
• Filter out blue light (F.Lux, nightmode/nightshift)
• Make sleep a priority
Functional Testing:
• Mitochondria (markers for melatonin pathway)
• Advanced mitochondria panel (L-Tryptophan)
• Adrenal stress test for evening cortisol
• Adrenal Stress test (and Thyroid if necessary)
• Mitochondria (Energy, Neurotransmitter markers, brain inflammation, liver pathways, free radicals)
• Advanced Mitochondria test includes amino acids, fatty acids, 5 heavy metals, 6 essential minerals, fat soluble vitamins, Vit D, and other markers.
• Gut testing for digestion and hidden infections
• Food intolerances (certain foods, even normal foods may cause an inflammatory or immune response)
• Genetics (either a fresh test or re-interpret your 23AndMe or Ancestry test)
• Health & Wellbeing: 7 Drivers of disease
• Carbchoice: Determine your carbohydrate tolerance
• Functional testing available in: USA, Canada, UK, Australia, NZ, Europe, and certain parts of Asia.
Most people think ‘biohacking’ is some secret nutrient or technique to try to recover lost health or gain a little advantage…it’s not. Biohacking is a system of thinking to focus on the highest priority Pillars of Health, then apply stratgies.
Most Biohacking ends on one goal: Consistent high energy, focus, and creativity in order to achieve the 4 freedoms of choosing your time, money, purpose, and relationships. Many people sacrifice their health freedom in order to attain those four freedoms, yet ironically they won’t be able to enjoy those 4 freedoms because they sacrificed their health freedom.
The 10 Pillars of Health™ is the exact system to help you with your Biohacking goals, whether it’s about fatigue, focus, clear thinking, gut health, sleep or otherwise. The 10 Pillars of Health™ applies wherever you are on the spectrum of health: from getting out of a chronic issue, to maintenance, to aspirational optimization. Biohacking is the aspirational end of the same spectrum as people with chronic fatigue and ‘normal’ energy levels.
Lifestyle assessment is critical, yet in the modern era, we have functional medicine and its advanced functional testing to remove the guesswork and is the missing piece behind Biohacking. Truly customized health is finally here.
Any time that you want to talk with me about:
- Getting started with functional testing labs - Guidance for your personal health journey - Ask any remaining questions you may have - Get more info on how to get lab testing
Be sure to book a FREE 15-min Health Strategy Call to get your clear next steps.
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