What’sToBlamefor BeingInflamed?

If you were to look online for the definition of chronic inflammation, you would get something like this: Chronic inflammation is a persistent, systemic issue that underlies many of the most challenging health conditions of our time.
The problem with that definition is it makes it sound like the inflammation is the cause of the symptoms. Chronic pain, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, brain fog, headaches, migraines, and more are thought to be caused by inflammation. This is simply not the full story.
What lies behind the inflammation, is the true culprit of the chronic disease. The root cause will cause the inflammation. Take this analogy: fire people show up to a fire to help put it out. They arrive at an active fire in almost every case. Seeing this, one could say, “Hmm, every time there is a fire, there are fire people. Therefore, fire people must cause the fire.” This would obviously be faulty logic. Inflammation is analogous to the fire people. It is present in many cases of chronic illness, but it is not the underlying cause.
When the body's inflammatory response fails to resolve and becomes self-perpetuating, it can fuel everything from autoimmune diseases to neurological disorders, chronic pain syndromes, mental health issues, and more. While acute inflammation is a necessary part of the healing process, chronic inflammation slowly destroys tissues and dysregulates normal functions throughout the body. Uncovering and addressing the root causes of this pervasive inflammation is essential for restoring health.
While there are many hidden root causes of chronic inflammation, today we are going to focus on two that are extremely common and often ignored
Two often overlooked causes of chronic inflammation are Lyme disease and mold illness. Lyme Disease, caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi and transmitted by
tick bites, is a growing epidemic that can lead to a wide range of debilitating symptoms when left untreated. Many of the standard lab tests yield false negatives. Therefore, even those who have been tested for Lyme may have been told they do not have it, in many cases they actually do.
Mold illness results from exposure to toxins produced by molds growing in waterdamaged buildings. This can lead to a condition known as chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS), in genetically susceptible individuals (note that it is estimated that 24% of the population is genetically susceptible.
Both Lyme and mold can cause such diverse and systemic symptoms that they are frequently misdiagnosed or attributed to other conditions. However, when these underlying infections and toxicities are identified and properly treated, many patients experience profound improvements in their health and quality of life
Chronic Lyme disease and mold illness are complex, multisystem conditions that can cause widespread inflammation and debilitating symptoms in afflicted individuals. Proper diagnosis and treatment require a comprehensive approach that addresses both the physical and mental/emotional components of these illnesses.
In this mini book, we'll explore the signs, symptoms, diagnostic considerations, and treatment strategies for chronic Lyme and mold illness, and what I have seen after almost 15 years of care of patients with chronic inflammation leading to complicated chronic symptoms.
For information on how to get properly tested for these conditions, please visit my website at MyLymeDoc.com
A key overarching principle in recovering from chronic Lyme and mold illness is that "in order to rewind the Lyme, you need to rewire the mind." In other words, addressing the physical infection and toxicity is crucial, but so is healing the trauma and stress of the illness itself. Chronic inflammation from Lyme, mold, and other infections constitutes a trauma to the body and brain. This can lead to vicious cycles of fear, anxiety, and further stress that promote ongoing disease.
The fight-or-flight state with elevated adrenaline is known to delay healing and even directly fuel bacterial growth in the case of Lyme disease. Therefore, true recovery requires rewiring the brain and nervous system in addition to treating the infections/toxins themselves. Patients need support for the emotional toll of their illness experience and lingering hypervigilance
While Lyme and mold illness can cause a wide variety of symptoms, a hallmark is the involvement of many different systems and parts of the body. Some of the most common signs and symptoms include:
· Fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome
· Widespread pain, including joint pain, muscle aches, and headaches.
· Cognitive issues like brain fog, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating.
· Sleep disruption and insomnia.
· Digestive problems and food sensitivities.
· Skin rashes and sensitivities
· Mood changes like anxiety, depression, and irritability
· Hormonal imbalances and menstrual irregularities
· Neurological symptoms like burning, POTS, tingling, and numbness
· Light and sound sensitivity.
· Chemical and odor intolerances.
When symptoms are present in many different areas and organ systems, it's important to consider Lyme, mold, and other toxin illnesses as potential root causes. Patients with these conditions are often passed between many different specialists before the underlying issue is identified.
Almost every person who enters my practice is missing several key lab tests that get to the root cause of their symptoms. Most people have had so many labs run that they think that there is no way this could be true. If you still have symptoms, chances are there is a root cause that has not been found. Please reach out to my office to see if we can help you fill in the gaps: MyLymeDoc.com
We have ways of supporting people around the world.
Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness caused primarily by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi and other related Borrelia species. While Lyme can sometimes be diagnosed early when there is a known tick bite and characteristic bullseye rash, many people don't recall a bite or develop a rash. Lyme then goes on to cause a chronic, systemic inflammatory condition.
Some differentiating features of Lyme disease include:
· Migratory pain that moves around the body from day to day
· A cyclical pattern of good days and flare-ups of symptoms
· Neurological Lyme can cause neuropathy and facial palsy,
· Co-infections like Babesia and Bartonella are common with Lyme
· Responds to antibiotics but tends to persist/recur.
· Herbal treatments work well.
Mold illness results from exposure to toxic molds and their mycotoxins in waterdamaged buildings. Molds readily grow whenever there is moisture from leaks, humidity, condensation, poor ventilation, flooding, etc.
About 25% of the population is genetically predisposed to accumulating mold toxins due to differences in their immune response. I cannot tell you how many people in my practice have had inspections of their homes from top-of-the-line certified mold professionals and are still living in mold. Just because you have had an inspection does not mean your home is mold-free.
In addition to this, since mold illness is a genetic condition, some family members can be sick from living in mold and other family members are completely healthy. If you have other household members who are not sick, we cannot rule out your house as a possibility of having mold.
Some characteristic features of mold illness include:
· Symptoms worsen in moldy environments and improve in clean ones
· Symptoms can intensify after rain or humidity (when mold thrives)
· Static joint/muscle pain, stiffness, and soreness
· Frequent temperature dysregulation, night sweats, flushing
· Higher incidence of headaches/migraines compared to Lyme alone.
· Sensitive individuals react immediately to even small mold exposures.
Remember, it's very important to realize that mold illness can occur in some family members even when others living in the same home have no symptoms The absence of symptoms doesn't rule out an environmental mold issue for susceptible individuals. I am emphasizing this again because I see people make this mistake often.
Diagnosing Lyme and mold illness requires a thorough intake of a patient's full symptom picture and health history. Some of the most helpful intake clues include:
· Symptoms involving many areas of the body and systems.
· Basic imaging and labs have ruled out other major diseases.
· Prior specialists have treated individual symptoms without an underlying cause.
· Conditions like chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia without clear origin
· Gradual onset of diverse, systemic symptoms without another explanation
Lab testing is used more for tracking the progress of treatment than for initial diagnosis, although some findings on routine blood work can increase suspicion of Lyme/mold. Markers like elevated C4a, TGF-beta1, MMP-9, VEGF, and inflammatory markers like hs-CRP and ESR may be abnormal.
More specific diagnostic tests include:
· Urinary mycotoxin tests for mold illness and mycotoxin exposure
· Lyme Western blots and PCR tests for Lyme and co-infections (using really good quality companies for testing such as Vibrant Wellness).
· Micronutrient and detoxification testing
· Testing for toxic metals or other environmental toxins
The most comprehensive testing for both Lyme and mold illness is offered by labs that specialize in these conditions, rather than routine conventional lab work. A Lyme or mold-literate practitioner can help determine which tests are indicated. Again, we are happy to help you get proper testing you can even order tests yourself directly from our website! MyLymeDoc.com
The optimal treatment strategy will be personalized to each patient's unique presentation and lab findings. However, some of the most helpful interventions for Lyme and mold illness include:
· Removing exposure to mold and mycotoxins in the environment
· Binding toxins and supporting detoxification pathways
· Treating infections with antimicrobials - herbs, medications, oxidative therapies
· Reducing inflammation with diet, supplements, medications
· Supporting the immune system, mitochondria, hormones, brain, etc.
· Addressing nutrient deficiencies common in chronic illness
· Incorporating mind-body techniques for down-regulating fight-or-flight
One of the keys to successful treatment is avoiding overly aggressive therapies that provoke severe Herxheimer (die-off) reactions. While some increase in symptoms is common whenever treating chronic infections, intense flare-ups are counterproductive. The goal is to support the body's intrinsic healing capacities.
In the case of Lyme disease, a combination of antibiotics, herbs, and immune support is often required. Pulsing treatments can be helpful for targeting the bacteria as they shift in and out of dormancy. Combination protocols addressing Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonella, and other co-infections tend to be most effective
For mold illness, removing exposure is critical, followed by binding mycotoxins and supporting detoxification. Glutathione, binders like charcoal and clay, sauna therapy, and nutrients to support the liver, kidneys, and mitochondria are often used. Antifungal herbs or medications may be necessary if mold has colonized the sinuses or GI tract
Mind-body interventions like meditation, biofeedback, neurofeedback, and vagus nerve stimulation are also very beneficial for settling the nervous system and promoting the
parasympathetic "rest and digest" state needed for healing. Mold and Lyme patients often remain in fight-or-flight and benefit from retraining the limbic system.
Finally, discovering and treating mold illness, in particular, can be crucial for patients with Lyme disease who have reached a plateau in their recovery or are not responding as expected to Lyme treatments. The inflammation from mold can prevent full recovery from Lyme and must be addressed concurrently in many cases. If you want to learn more about these illnesses and if they could be part of your health situation, please check out my book: It’s Not in Your Mind, by Dr. Diane Mueller It can be found on Amazon or at this link: MyLymeDoc.com/heal
In summary, chronic Lyme disease and mold illness are complex conditions that require a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment approach. Patients with persistent, multisystem symptoms should be evaluated for tick-borne infections, mold/mycotoxin exposure, and related inflammatory processes
Rewiring the brain and nervous system is just as important as addressing the underlying infections and toxicities. Working with a knowledgeable practitioner to devise an individualized treatment plan that supports the body's natural healing mechanisms is the most effective path to recovery. With persistence and holistic support, remission is possible for those struggling with chronic Lyme and mold illness
Remember, your body does not just get inflamed for no reason. There is always a reason behind the disease process. Your body is giving you signals, and it is a clinician’s job to figure out what the messages of your body are. Continue to be an advocate for yourself in finding someone who can help you interpret the messages that it is giving.
Wishing you the best in your healing. Please reach out if my team and I can be of service at any time
With Hope, Dr. Diane Mueller ND, DAOM, Lac MyLymeDoc.com