Mold exposure, as with all environmental toxins, has a cumulative effect. It all adds up until it's too much for the body to handle. Some people are affected more than others and exhibit symptoms differently than others. One family member can be the "canary in the coalmine" with symptoms, and other family members exhibit no symptoms
Mold damage can be hidden in difficult places to detect normally, like inside ductwork and walls
Professional inspectors are your best bet to locate a potential issue.
"Black mold" is a misnomer, a slang term. It can be all kinds of colors. You don't know by looking if something is toxic or not-- you must test it.
Some molds produce chemicals called mycotoxins, which are easily inhaled or absorbed through the skin or GI tract. Mycotoxins are poisons in the same arena as, or worse than, toxins like arsenic, lead, mercury, asbestos, tobacco, pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, formaldehyde, dioxins and more. Some are even used for biological warfare.
Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOCs) are metabolites emitted by molds and are often responsible for "musty" odors in damp areas. MVOCs fall into the categories of alcohols, aldehydes, acids, ethers, esters, ketones, terpenes, and thiols, which easily enter the body through your lungs and skin.
Living in a dry area of the country may not matter-it depends on the structure. Buildings are now built very air-tight, which encourages mold growth
Reduced capacity to learn and retain information
Behavioral problems in children
Sensory sensitivities (can't tolerate certain textures and tags on clothing)
Withdrawn, dark mood--depression
Difficulty concentrating, "brain fog"
Abnormal balance
Slow blink reflex
Diminished grip strength
Diminished visual performance
Hair loss
Joint pain
Tremors or muscle twitches
Night sweats
Unexplained weight gain or loss
Asthma, especially adult onset
Stuck in "Limbic Loop," survival, fight-orflight response
If you have a leak and it's been longer than 24-48 hours, you have very high likelihood of having mold. Get fans and dehumidifiers on it and get it fixed immediately!
Always use professionals to do mold remediation. If a remediation company does not use protective clothing, RUN! They are not doing it right
Some mold strains are not able to be remediated, and some types of dwellings are particularly challenging, like pier and beam foundations, crawl spaces, basements, or homes built into the side of a hill. You may need to dispose of some or all of your belongings, because some items are impossible to clean adequately.
You may not want to stay in a different location, but it is best to get out of the house during remediation and live with friends or family or even lease a short term space.
Reduce your overall toxic load. We are being exposed to environmental toxins dayin and day-out, so minimize what you can. Be careful of what you're putting on your skin, what you're eating, avoid fragrances, etc. There are so many things we can't control, so control the things we can!
Naysayers would argue these exposures are in small amounts, but we can't ignore the accumulation factor.
Supplements assist the body in detoxing itself. Liposomal glutathione helps detox, along with binders like modified citrus pectin, charcoal, and clay.
Phosphatidylcholine helps to heal cell membranes, and CoQ10 helps mitochondria to function better.
Regular infrared sauna use is a great way to detoxify. Heavy metals and many toxins come out in your sweat. The data is compelling about how much it helps!
Meditation is very beneficial. A biofeedback device called the Muse measures brain waves and helps you train yourself out of "Limbic Loop" response.
SecondaryTestsforYourBody - Marcons (nasal swab)
Shoemaker Labs - hormone and inflammation markers (blood tests)
VCS - - Genetics - DNA
Methylation and Methylation test (looks at detox pathways- blood test)
Neuroquant MRI of the brain (radiology)
Genova - - DetoxiGenomic Profile
Tests for Synergistic Toxins (can make mold more potent or people more susceptible) - GPL-TOX (urine test)
Genova - - Comprehensive Toxin Test (urine) - Heavy Metal test
Tests for Fungal Infections - OATS test (urine) - Comprehensive Stool Test
LabCorp - Stool Test (fungal culture) - Nasal Swab - Nasal and Stool Swabs
GI MAPS -Stool test - detects fungi, parasites, bacteria, and more