CREATE HEALTHY SLEEP HABITS FOR RESTFUL SLEEP You and your little (or big) ones can CREATE healthy sleep habits starting tonight! No matter what your sleep journey has been, these are simple, practical, yet evidence-based strategies to improve sleep for the entire family.
Have a c
onsisten t sleep a wake tim nd e. This s h o u ld not change t oo much even on the wee kends. A s creatur es of habit, we train our circadian rhythms (body clock) to anticipat e sleep.
time routine. This ed b nt te is ns co a Have e two complicated. Hav e b to ve ha ’t sn doe that relaxing activities or three calm and direction of your take you into the e ger kids, rituals lik un yo r Fo . om ro ed b eth, or reading a te g in sh ru b h, at taking a b oodnight hug are g a y b ed w llo fo book r may have a simila great. Older kids e to ld be allowed tim schedule but shou n, free of any ow r ei th on n ow d wind encourage some devices. You can naling. meditation or jour
Your sle
ep envir onment cool, dar should b k, and no e ise free. tempera Body ture drop s at nigh t and a cool roo m assist s with th process. e A dark r o o m helps th productio e n of mela tonin, th hormone e produce d by you to make r brain you slee p y summer . In the months black ou t shades may help .
Assign sleep and only Assign a bed for brains make sleep in bed. Our and when we quick associations es such as engage in activiti , worrying, or watching to, eating es, it makes it playing video gam n. Sleeping on harder to wind dow couch affects places like on the r brains make ou ns io at ci so as e th p. with bed and slee
Tackle T
ic device
video ga
gy this in
s like cell
phones, e le vision. L from dev ight ices calle d b lue light decrease can melaton in productio The dist n. ractions of notific keep us ations and our k id s’ brains wired th so at it’s ha rd to set tle down and fall a sleep.
before and heavy meals ne ei ff ca e at in Elim ulant that keeps im st a is e in fe af bedtime. C l r bodies for severa ou in s ay st It e. us awak s. life of 6 to 8 hour lf ha a h it w s ur ho r sleep es the quality of ou as re ec d e in fe af C nt of deep sleep ou am e th es as re as it dec it's ay stay longer so m it s, d ki In . et g we ren. eine in young child best to avoid caff da, iced tea, and so , ee ff co e lik es Beverag 1 be avoided after ld ou sh s nk ri d y g ener urs meals at least 2 ho pm. Avoid heavy w for digestion. before bed to allo
mes, or t