F o l l o w t h e s e s i m p l e s t e p s t o a h e a l t h i e r , l e s s t o x i c
h o m e e n v i r o n m e n t .
I h a v e c r e a t e d t h i s h a n d y c h e c k l i s t t o b r i n g
a w a r e n e s s t o y o u r e x p o s u r e t o t o x i c c h e m i c a l s a n d
p o l l u t a n t s l u r k i n g i n y o u r l i v i n g s p a c e .
T h i s g u i d e w i l l t a k e y o u r o o m b y r o o m t o r e d u c e
t o x i c e x p o s u r e a t h o m e .
Even BPA free plastic is toxic to your body. Never microwave food in plastic! Avoid buying foods in plastic containers and swap out plastic bags.
DO NOT drink water straight from the tap.
Always filter water with a filter to eliminate chemicals, heavy metals, and other contaminants
I use a water Filter from PureEffects.
Consider swapping those hormone disrupting plastic bottles out for glass or stainless steel
Avoid all canned or tinned food that can leach hormone disrupting BPA. Choose BPA-free canned food instead or eat fresh and frozen food!
Organic food standards do not allow genetic modification (GMOs), synthetic chemicals, pesticides, irradiation, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics or hormones.
Replace with non-toxic non-stick versions that are NOT Teflon. Stainless steel, glass and ceramic are best I’m a fan of Xtrema ceramic cookware.
Eat wild fish. Avoid big fish like tuna, swordfish, shark, and shellfish. These fish accumulate more mercury and other toxins than their smaller counterparts. I love Vital Choice for safe seafood
Chemicals and heavy metals are found in most cosmetics and personal care products today Shop with a transparent company that is intentionally banninrg harmful ingredients like Beautycounter
Most contain a number of toxic chemicals that contaminate the air you breathe They contain carcinogens, hormone disruptors, respiratory irritants, neurotoxic chemicals and more Use an essential oil spray instead
Your skin absorbs toxins 10x more than if you ate them! Read the ingredient label on your body lotion, face cream, shampoo and conditioner Choose natural and organic instead I LOVE Annmarie Skin Care for a truly organic alternative to toxic skincare products.
Check to see if your personal care products, laundry detergent or cleaners contain fragrance. Avoid wearing perfume. You are slathering or spraying hormone disrupting chemicals on your skin and into your lungs. Use high-grade essential oils instead or use fragrance-free products.
Laundry Room
I use MyGreenFills - a non-toxic laundry detergent and fabric softener that works amazingly well. They also provide refillable plastic bottles so you avoid throwing them in the trash.
You don’t need most laundry cleaning products.
Skip fabric softener, dryer sheets, and harsh chlorine bleach, which add unnecessary chemicals to the clothes. Plus, it saves money.
Avoid cleaners with toxic ingredients like ammonia, bleach, fragrance. Choose green-certified cleaners. Or make your own using equal parts water and vinegar and essential oil!
A multitude of toxins can lurk in household dust, including fungal spores, phthalates, flame retardants, BPA and Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). I use a microfiber cloth to dust, rather than a cleaner, which can contain additional toxic chemicals.
I recommend finding a vacuum model equipped with a HEPA filter. A HEPA filter (“high-efficiency particulate air ” for short) is a mechanical air filter found that traps harmful particles like mold spores, pollen, pet dander, and dust mites.
Around the Home
Remove your shoes off outside before entering your home. That way you aren’t tracking heavy metals, allergens, and pollutants into your home
Indoor is 5x more toxic than outdoor air. Indoor chemicals are potential allergy triggers. Formaldehyde is the most common indoor pollutant Invest in a good air filter. I use the Fresh Air Surround System.
If your answer is yes, you may be inhaling dust that contains lead from paint deterioration Lead was used in paint until it was banned in 1978. Remove the lead paint using a wet sanding method and a HEPA filter vacuum Choose low VOC paints to repaint.
Plants can clean pollutants from your indoor air These include the the Garden Mum, Peace Lily, Aloe Vera, and the Spider Plant.
Foam mattresses are treated with fire retardants and off-gas chemicals you breathe in all night Choose mattresses made from natural latex and furniture made with leather, wood, cotton and wool If you can’t eliminate the foam furniture just yet, cover it with natural fabrics. I love Essentia natural mattresses.
Synthetic lawn fertilizers are full of toxic chemicals that affect you and your garden vegetables. This is especially dangerous if you have children or pets who go outside and play on the grass. Instead, use organic soil and composting mixes.
Don’t allow exterminators or gardners to use pesticides, insecticides, and weed killers like Roundup. These have been linked to health problems, including cancer. Instead, hire organic pest control experts that use essential oils to kill bugs.
T h i s g u i d e w i l l h e l p y o u r e d u c e i n t a k e o f t o x i n s
i n t o y o u r b o d y .
N o w i t ’ s t i m e t o R E M O V E t h e t o x i n s i n y o u r b o d y
a t t h e c e l l u l a r l e v e l t h r o u g h m y p o w e r f u l 3 - s t e p
d e t o x p r o t o c o l - t h e M i t o c h o n d r i a D e t o x .