Detoxify Your Mouth: The REAL Secret To Living A Long, Healthy Life
Sanda Moldovan, DDS, MS, CNS, the founder of Beverly Hills Dental Health and Wellness, is an award-winning periodontist, and world-renowned oral health and wellness expert. As the developer of the Orasana natural oral product line, she continues to make significant advancements in achieving greater personal health with probiotics, supplements and home dental care products for adults and children's teeth and gums. In addition to being double board-certified in periodontics and nutrition, she is recognized as a leading authority on natural and safe anti-aging solutions. She tirelessly promotes non-narcotic alternatives for healing.
Warmly known as Dr. Sanda, her award-winning expertise in biological dentistry has enabled countless patients to learn how to bridge the gap between their mouths and their bodies. As one of the nation’s leading advocates for nutritional and homeopathic support for oral health and healing, she frequently appears on the Emmy - winning television show, “The Doctors," as well as guest spots on “Inside Edition,” and NBC and FOX News. Her patients are from all walks of life. Working fathers, mothers, police officers, educators, CEO’s, athletes, and Hollywood celebrities; they all share the common desire to live long and healthier life.
The YouTube channel Ask Dr. Sanda champions education and public awareness for making better nutritional choices and oral health disciplines. She has authored articles for numerous scientific journals and contributed to major mainstream publications such as Reader’s Digest, Livestrong, Prevention, Men's Health, The Dallas Morning News, The Huffington Post, Life Extension and Well Being Journal.
She is a philanthropist, committed to helping others transform their health and lives. Her all women team of dental professionals, also known as ‘Smile Fairies’, regularly donate dental services to those less fortunate.
Detoxify your Mouth
the REAL secret to living a long, healthy life.
Are you suffering from chronic fatigue, brain fog, or headaches? Have you or a loved one been recently diagnosed with arthritis of multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer s? Do you have irregular heartbeats or neurological symptoms? Then please read carefully, as this e-book may change your life.
Biological dentistry may sound like a new trend. In truth, it has roots in ancient Ayurvedic medicine, and it encompasses many traditional dental treatments, combined with natural therapies that have scientific evidence to show it’s effectiveness over the “drill and fill” techniques. In biological dentistry, we strive to improve whole body wellness and longevity through optimum oral health. The oral cavity is more intimately connected to wellness than possibly any other body part. Oral problems, such as bleeding gums, can be an indicator of a lack of vitamin C, but also a sign of systemic disease, such as leukemia. Conversely, dental issues can contribute to other serious problems such as; diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, and dementia to name a few. Therefore, oral problems should not be ignored and must be identified and treated as soon as they arise.
Today, we have the advantage of combining natural healing with high tech diagnostic equipment, such as cone beam CT scans and blood testing that allows us to identify which dental materials are compatible with your own body. As biological dentists, we realize that everything that goes on in the mouth affects the rest of the body. For example, fluoride in toothpaste can enter the body when swallowed and affect the pituitary gland, hence the IQ, in a growing child. Also, those silver filings in your mouth can leach mercury, which gets absorbed in your body. Studies in animals show that this mercury becomes present in organs such as liver and kidneys, within a month of being placed as a filling in the tooth, and it can cause neurotoxicity in the rest of the body, including the heart and brain. What’s worse, is that a mother can pass on mercury toxicity to the unborn baby. Moving on to root canal teeth, you may have heard that these are “bad” for your body. Root canal teeth can be a big source of chronic inflammation and toxicity due to the amount of bacteria that can grow inside them. Through the process of the root canal, the nerve and blood supply is removed and the tooth can no longer protect itself from invading bacteria and therefore the millions of bacteria present in the mouth are now finding a home inside these dead teeth. For all these reasons and others that I will be discussing further, I encourage all of you to take action and make sure your mouth and teeth are free of silent infections or toxicity that may affect your health.
I see so many patients spending thousands of dollars on anti-aging procedures and supplements, yet they are not getting better because they haven’t addressed the mouth. It’s important to be aware of the toxins in their mouth, which can put a burden on their body. Remember, you’re not healthy, until your mouth is healthy and free of toxic metals.
Let’s dive deeper into 4 major areas of concern when it comes to oral health and how it affects the body.
What are jaw cavitations?
While a dental cavity is a hole in a tooth caused by decay, a jaw cavitation is a hole in the bone that typically develops in the spot where a tooth has been previously removed or surrounding a dead tooth/root canals where bacteria, parasites and other pat hogens can coexist. Jaw cavitations are a source of chronic inflammation, that are not well understood by a large part of the dental community. Many patients who have cavitations do not have easy to diagnose symptoms, and may not even have pain in the area of cavitation, which can lead to many fruitless dental visits, frustration, and pain.
During tooth removal small pieces of periodontal ligament, or infected tissues can be left behind in the tooth socket, which prevents the bone from properly healing. It is also possible for oral microorganisms, to crawl inside an area where a tooth was just removed, through the gum opening that was left open at the top. Some oral microorganisms do not need oxygen to survive and they can live inside the jawbone, undetected by the immune system. We know now that pathogens have defense mechanisms to allow them to make themselves invisible from our defense system. This leads to the development of a “hole” in the bone, which contains dead tissue, that is cut off from the nutrient rich blood supply, making the bone look spongy or hollow in the affected area, when observed on a CT scan. Over time, cavitations can serve as a breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and toxins that can affect the way you feel, contributing to chronic fatigue, brain fog, and inflammation that is unexplained. Blood flow to the area can become cut off and lead to further necrosis of the bone. Left untreated, jaw cavitations may lead to jaw pain or tightness, sinus problems, systemic inflammation, chronic fatigue and exacerbation of other chronic conditions, such as Lyme disease and autoimmune issues.
A prominent chemist and oral toxicity researcher, Boyd Haley, reported finding toxins in all cavitation tissue samples that he tested. Personally, I have biopsied hundreds of cavitation sites and I’ve never found a site that is devoid of microorganisms. The organisms we find present are not just bacteria, but also mold species, viruses and parasites, which do not need oxygen and therefore thrive in an environment such as deep inside the jaw bone. Chronic oral infections such as cavitations, and the toxins that they release, can have a wide range of negative effects, both localized and throughout the body, such as lymph swelling, anxiety, tightness in the neck, brain fog, etc.
Pathogenic bacteria, parasites and viruses found in a biopsy of a cavitation site.
How cavitations form
Cavitations can develop for a few reasons. The most common include:
•Ischemic osteonecrosis (loss of blood flow to the bone) – Bone is a living tissue, which needs a healthy blood supply in order to survive and stay healthy. When blood flow is restricted, bone marrow is deprived of oxygen and other nutrients. As a result, a “dead zone” can form, devoid of healthy, living tissue.
•Trauma – Traumatic bone cyst - this type of lesion may look like a dead or empty space in the bone. In many cases, the cause is unknown, though bone trauma is suspected. People under the age of twenty are most often diagnosed with this type of cyst, but it can occur at any age. Males are more susceptible than females.
•Some types of dental treatment - tooth extraction or root canals. Many experts believe that the reason is an incomplete clean-up of the site, which leaves behind the periodontal ligament, a muscle surrounding the tooth, as well as infected tissue and bacteria, which inhibits proper healing.
•Poor circulation
•Clotting disorders
•Certain medications, such as steroids and bisphosphonates, which interfere with the normal bone healing process.
Diagnosis of cavitation
The best technology we have today to diagnose cavitations is a 3D cone beam CT scan. I recommend that anyone who had wisdom teeth removed, trauma to the jaw, and/or root canals, should have a dental cone beam CT scan to properly evaluate the health of the mouth and jaw. A standard x-ray image only provides very limited information. It is a onedimensional view of the bone, with little detail. Research shows that regular dental 2-dimensional x-rays are not likely to show a problem unless at least 40 to 50 percent of the bone tissue in an area is altered. On an average, dental 2D X-rays only show approximately 50% of the problems. Furthermore, because the effects of toxins tend to be systemic, and pain may be felt in another area, and there is nothing to draw a dentist’s attention to the site of the cavitation. Due to the insidious symptoms and the fact that most dentists don’t have a CT scan machine and are not trained to read CT scans, cavitations are largely overlooked. They are not included in a standard dental screening. Therefore, in order to achieve optimum health, a cone-beam CT scan is a must to rule out silent chronic inflammatory problems.
How jaw cavitations are treated
Dr. G.V. Black, one of the founders of modern dentistry and an early cavitation researcher, recommended removing the affected area of bone. He believed that the toxic nature of cavitations called for such an invasive procedure. Thankfully, today’s cavitation surgery is much more conservative. The cutting edge technology allows me to perform cavitation surgery with less downtime and more effectiveness.
If you are diagnosed with a cavitation, then the best way to treat it is by removing the cause, which can be a root canal or dead tooth or the necrotic bone. The purpose of the surgery is to remove the affected area of bone to eliminate the source of infection and toxins so that your body can regenerate healthy new tissue and facilitate healing. Ozone water and gas sanitize the area to remove disease-causing bacteria and other pathogens. I also use platelet rich fibrin (PRF) treatment to significantly reduce recovery time, and laser therapy to help stimulate bone cells and expedite healing. Obtaining and preparing PRF is essential to this procedure and unlike PRP, it has no bovine additives. It comes 100% from you. Blood is drawn in test tubes and spun in a centrifuge. This process separates the red cells, plasma, and concentrates platelets and immune cells, which contained many growth factors which are great for healing. The PRF product is immediately secured into the surgical site during the dental procedure. Studies show that PRF accelerates healing of hard and soft tissues.
I recommend to biopsy the cavitation site to identify the kind of microorganisms present. This allows me to determine further therapy and helps me to communicate with the other healthcare practitioners how to best detoxify the rest of the body.
Jaw cavitations do not always cause pain or discomfort but can wreak havoc on your overall health and wellbeing, which is why it is important to get them checked. Some of you may be familiar with the meridian tooth chart. Often I see a correlation between mouth infection or inflammation and other organs in the body. Please remember the mouth is a gateway to your health, so take care of it.
It is important to be nutritionally fit when undergoing this procedure to allow optimum healing. As a certified nutritionist, I recommend nutritional support prior to and during the healing process, using diet, vitamins, minerals and homeopathic supplements. Although the gum heals within days, the bone mineralization can take up to one year.
You can read more about this in my book Heal Up! Seven Ways to Faster Healing and Optimum Health.
To view some of our patients’ healing journeys after cavitation surgery, visit our website:
Meridian chart (limited)- how teeth are related to the rest of the body. The actual chart is more extensive.
Root Canal Treated teeth can be toxic
Root canal treated teeth are dead teeth and cannot protect themselves from the invasion of the bacteria that naturally lives in the oral environment. Studies have shown that root canal treated teeth have 20 times the level of bacteria compared to a healthy tooth. Unfortunately we don’t have the technology yet to fully clean the intricate micro-channels that exist within a tooth, especially once pathogens have grown in there. Although lasers and other techniques have been studied and are better than the old metal files used to clean the canals, these techniques are still not reaching all of the 2 miles of channels present in a molar. When the high levels of bacteria are present inside these dead teeth, it spills into the underlying bone, resulting in cavitations. They do not always cause pain or discomfort because the nerve was removed during the root canal process, but chronic infections frequently exist in the jaw bone or sinus area surrounding these teeth.
I can remember one of my recent patients who came in with recurrent sinus infections for 8 months. Her naturopathic doctor referred her to me to evaluate her mouth. She was on antibiotics and steroids for months and still unable to breathe properly. I was able to diagnose chronically infected root canal molars in the upper arch, right under the sinus. Once I removed these and the underlying infected tissue, she started healing. Her sinus symptoms went away and she was able to breathe without the need of steroids or antibiotics.
As I mentioned earlier, each tooth is related to an acupuncture meridian. Various organs, tissues and glands in the body are on particular meridians or "energy highway." This connection can give indicators of your overall health and wellness by reviewing your dental condition. If a person has a weak internal organ, the condition of the associated meridian tooth could make it considerably more problematic.
I had a root canal tooth on the lower left that was done when I was 14 years old. I never correlated my digestive issues to this tooth until I learned the meridian chart. Even though on the CT scan there was no evidence of bone loss, I always had a bad smell coming from that dead tooth when I was flossing. If I rubbed my finger over it, I could also detect the smell. So I made the decision in my late thirties to have it removed and replaced with an implant. The root of my tooth was black with bacteria that was crawled inside of it. The area was cleaned well using a piezo-electric device and sterilized with ozone. I don’t recommend any bone grafting to be done in these infested sites, as PRF is a much better choice to ensure proper healing, according to studies available today.
After I had this tooth removed, I noticed my digestion was less sluggish, improving day by day. I was shocked myself to see how much a root canal tooth like this could affect my body. Making the decision to remove the dead tooth was the best decision I made for my health.
If you are suffering with recurrent health issues related to digestion, heart, brain fog, urinary tract, and other organs, I encourage you to have your mouth evaluated with a CT scan to determine chronic areas of inflammation.
Chronic mercury poisoning
Mercury has been used for many years in medical instruments and dental amalgam (silver-colored filling material), despite its known toxicity. As a dental patient, you have a right to safe treatment that does not pose needless health risks.
Corroded silver filings can contain up to 50% mercury. The remaining metals are silver, tin and copper
Mercury is a potent neurotoxin. It can be absorbed through the skin or ingested in saliva. The friction applied to amalgam (chewing, grinding, and brushing) heats these fillings, releasing mercury vapor which is then inhaled. Once the mercury is inhaled, it gets stored in the body in the fatty tissue and the brain. The human body does not have an efficient mercury detoxification mechanism. It bioaccumulates over time, increasing in concentration. The effects of chronic mercury poisoning ripple throughout the body, from the digestive system to neurological problems, joint issues, emotional disorders, and more. There’s no coincidence that there is a high suicide rate in dentistry. Mercury vapors can affect the dentists and the assistants during removal, if these amalgams are not removed with the proper protection.
My cousin was a dentist and she was removing mercury fillings daily from the patients. She developed headaches and tremors to the point where she couldn’t practice dentistry anymore. Traditional medicine couldn’t find anything wrong with her, but when she finally met the naturopath, he suggested to get tested for mercury toxicity. Surely, the results were astonishing, her mercury levels in her body were off the charts! It took her years of uncomfortable IV and oral chelation to get rid of it. Slowly her symptoms went away, and she became a biological dentist and learned to protect herself and her patients when removing amalgams filled with mercury.
After mercury was removed, areas were replaced with BPA-free nano ceramic fillings.
Choosing a mercury-safe dentist
A mercury-safe dentist is one that is SMART certified with IAOMT, who protects you and the office team from being exposed to mercury during the removal of mercury fillings. During the removal of amalgam fillings, studies have shown that the level of mercury in the air can exceed the limit allowed by the EPA. Our providers are SMART certified and protect you from inhaling the mercury vapors. Our providers use biocompatible, ceramic based materials, either liquid or lab derived fillings, inlay, onlays, and crowns to treat cavities and replace metal fillings and crowns. They contain no mercury and are BPA-free, yet strong, durable, and natural-looking.
Our mercury removal program includes
•Personalized testing of mercury levels to determine if a detoxification program is needed.
•Nutritional support and supplementation to aid your body in the heavy metal detoxification process
•Patient and the dental team wear protective gear.
•Patient wears oxygen source during the removal.
•Rubber dam to isolate the tooth from the rest of the mouth is used.
• Mercury amalgam fillings are cut into chunks, to minimize toxic vapors (not ground out).
•3 powerful suction systems removes mercury vapor and particles.
•Proper filtration and disposal methods keep amalgam out of public wastewater systems.
Proper set-up for SMART (mercury-safe) removal
Periodontal Disease
There is an undeniable link between oral conditions and overall wellness. Periodontal disease affects the risk of heart attack, brain inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, stroke, and some cancers. How, you may ask? If you have bleeding gums, bacteria travels through the blood stream and lodges itself in other parts of your body. A scientific approach to analyzing your personal risk can help to prevent or detect problems early, for the best possible outcome.
Oral DNA dental testing is one of the advanced services offered at the Beverly Hills Dental Health and Wellness offices. Hundreds of strains of bacteria live in your mouth. Some are beneficial, while others cause gum disease. As a periodontist, I am interested particularly in the 11 different species of periodontal bacteria which are known today to cause bone loss around the teeth, but also have been found lodged in heart valves, lungs, joints and even travel to the brain. Genetic markers in the test also help indicate your personal vulnerability to these harmful strains.
I recommend this saliva test to anyone with bleeding gums, bad breath, loose teeth and a history of gum disease, although anyone can ask for this easy saliva test. Essentially, you swish with a sterile salt water solution for 1 minute, then spit in a test tube.The sample is sent to OralDNA labs and the results are usually available within 2 weeks. Testing can also reveal oral pathogens early, before they have caused irreversible destruction. The results of oral DNA testing helps me develop a personalized periodontal treatment strategy just for you.
Sample oral DNA test from oral DNA labs
Many people avoid professional care for periodontal disease because they have experienced or heard about painful treatments such as aggressive scraping or traumatic surgeries. Due to the advances in our field, I don’t perform traditional periodontal surgery anymore, as many of the gum diseases can be treated successfully without surgery. Our practice offers an effective, pain-free, nonsurgical therapy that together with my proprietary 3 easy steps to optimum oral health to follow at home twice a day, will guarantee significant improvements in your periodontal health. In my opinion, doing any surgical procedure when you have high levels of periodontal bacteria may cause you to have more problems, as we are sending that bacteria deep in your jaw bone and blood stream. Our full mouth disinfection therapy includes the following steps:
•Salivary testing – The mouth hosts hundreds of strains of bacteria. A simple swish-and-spit test reveals which destructive varieties are present, and what your inflammatory genetic make-up is to allow to personalize your therapy.
•Air-flow biofilm therapy using a gentle warm water spray with erythritol, that removes plaque from your entire mouth, not just your teeth
•Ozone treatment – All mouth surfaces are treated with ozone in a gaseous form or as an ozonated water rinse, destroying harmful pathogens.
•Laser periodontal therapy – Pockets around teeth are disinfected with a dental laser. All our hygienists are laser certified. Laser energy also stimulates bone growth, and encourages gingival attachment (the seal of gums to teeth) and healing.
•Nutritional support – Nutritional supplements, homeopathics and antioxidants are recommended to support your body to detoxify and accelerate healing.
•The Orasana's Renew and Restore Oral Care System at home package which consists of Dr.Sanda's 3 easy steps: 1. Brush 2. Waterfloss and 3. Mint
–Setting the stage for healthy biofilm in the mouth. My goal is to help you in achieving optimum health through natural oral health treatment and prevention by utilizing the best we have to offer in dental therapy, nutrition and technology. I keep up with the latest research in dentistry, medicine and nutrition, and translate it into practice and everyday life, so that you may benefit.
“The mouth is the gateway to your health” and longevity, and my team and I are here to help you take care of it in the most natural, thorough, and least harmful way.
For more information on biological dentistry and procedures, visit my YouTube channel
Tune in for more on Holistic Dentistry on Dr.Sanda's podcast The Holistic Dentistry Show!